=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1734/fmt-proceedings-2016-paper6 |storemode=property |title=Performance Comparison between Unity and D3.js for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1734/fmt-proceedings-2016-paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-1734 |authors=Lorenz Kromer,Markus Wagner,Kerstin Blumenstein,Alexander Rind,Wolfgang Aigner |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/fmt/KromerWBRA16 }} ==Performance Comparison between Unity and D3.js for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1734/fmt-proceedings-2016-paper6.pdf
      Performance Comparison between Unity and D3.js
      for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices

                            Lorenz Kromer, Markus Wagner, Kerstin Blumenstein,
                                     Alexander Rind, Wolfgang Aigner
                                    St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences, Austria

                                                                         task-driven activities and more on curiosity and enjoy-
                                                                         ment while exploring personally relevant data. Show-
                         Abstract                                        ing trends of popular baby names, the Name Voyager
                                                                         [Wat05] is a typical example of a casual visualization.
    Modern data visualizations are developed as                             A main challenge faced by the developers of ca-
    interactive and intuitive graphic applications.                      sual visualization systems is the heterogeneity of de-
    In the development process, programmers ba-                          vices and platforms they should support. In particu-
    sically pursue the same goal: creating an                            lar for the casual context, mobile phones and tablets
    application with a great performance. Such                           are more suitable than classical desktop computers
    applications have to display information at                          [BWA15a, BNW+ 16, HTA+ 15, LAMR14]. Native
    its best way in every possible situation. In                         systems, e.g., apps for Android or Apple, are only
    this paper, we present a performance com-                            runnable on the platform for which the code is com-
    parison on mobile devices between D3.js and                          piled for. Cross-platform support requires the develop-
    Unity based on a Baby Name Explorer exam-                            ment on top of different software stacks and to main-
    ple. The results of the performance analysis                         tain separate code bases. One approach to address this
    demonstrated that Unity and D3.js are great                          challenge are web-based visualizations, i.e. using web
    tools for information visualization. While                           technology such as D3.js [BOH11] within the browser.
    Unity convinced by its performance results ac-                       However, a wide-spread concern is that web-based sys-
    cording to our test criteria, currently Unity                        tems lack performance. For example, Baur stated in a
    does not provide a visualization library.                            2013 interview [BSB13] that for big visualization sys-
                                                                         tems such as TouchWave [BLC12], going native can-
                                                                         not be avoided because “in the web it looks like a slide
1    Introduction & Related Work                                         show”. Besides the negative effects of interactive la-
                                                                         tency [LH14], performance overheads negatively affect
Visualization systems provide interactive, visual rep-                   battery load of mobile devices. Alternative approaches
resentations of data [CMS99] designed to help people                     are cross-compilers such as Unity [uni16], which can
understand complex phenomena and augment their                           deploy a single code base to native systems for mul-
decision-making capabilities [Mun14]. Given the in-                      tiple platforms. Yet, a limitation of Unity is that it
terconnectedness of the current age and the increasing                   does not include a software library for visualizing data
volumes of collected data, there is a dire need for such                 [WBR+ 16]. These two approaches for cross-platform
support. While many usage scenarios can be identified                    visualization work very differently during both imple-
in scientific research and business management, sys-                     mentation and runtime. The choice will largely depend
tems for personal visualization [HTA+ 15] and casual                     on the respective application scenario but empirical
information visualization [PSM07] serve exceptionally                    data on their performance is needed to inform such a
broad audiences. These visualizations focus less on                      decision.
                                                                            While some research has been carried out to com-
Copyright •c by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted for
private and academic purposes.
                                                                         pare the performance of different web-based visualiza-
In: W. Aigner, G. Schmiedl, K. Blumenstein, M. Zeppelzauer
                                                                         tion technologies [LAB+ 08, JJK08, KSC12], no stud-
(eds.): Proceedings of the 9th Forum Media Technology 2016,              ies have been found which compare the performance of
St. Pölten, Austria, 24-11-2016, published at http://ceur-ws.org        web-based and cross-compiled visualization approach.

Performance Comparison between Unity and D3.js for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices

                           (a) Unity                                                      (b) D3.js

Figure 1: Shows a screenshot of the Baby Name Explorer interface implemented with (a) Unity and (b) D3.js.
Shows the circle packing chart (left) with the corresponding grouped bar chart (right) representing the frequency
per year for male (blue) and female (pink) names.

Neither could we identify performance results obtained             cle packing chart is linked with a grouped bar chart.
from different target platforms.                                   The bar chart initially shows the number of babies
   Thus, the paper at hand, contributes a performance              for all names grouped per year, split into female and
comparison between Unity (cross-compiled to native)                male names (using the same colors as for the bubbles).
and D3.js (web-based) on four mobile devices. For                  When selecting a first letter bubble, the grouped bar
this, we created two implementations of a casual vi-               chart shows the number of babies for names starting
sualization system to explore popular baby names as                with the selected letter. When selecting a name bub-
described in Section 2. Section 3 covers the implemen-             ble (e.g., “Leonie”), the grouped bar chart changes to
tation details and test setup. After the test results in           a single bar chart presenting the number for the name
Section 4, we conclude our work in Section 5 and out-              per year.
line future work.
                                                                   3     Implementation and Test Setup
2    Visualization Design
                                                                   To introduce the implementation and test setup, we
As proof of concept we started with implementing a                 describe the used tools for implementation D3.js and
simple interactive visualization setup using an open               Unity, the four test devices and environments, the per-
data set of the regional government of Upper Austria               formance criteria and desired results as well as the
on the 50 most often used male and female baby names               measured values and methods.
from 2004 to 2013. The dataset includes the variables
name (nominal), gender (categorical), year (quanti-                3.1   Test Devices and Environments
tative) and count (quantitative). All these data are
merged together into a table provided as *.csv file. As            Since we focus on cross-platform visualization, the
visualization concepts we combined a circle packing                test devices cover a range from tablets (Nexus 9 and
chart [HBO10] with grouped bar charts [CM84].                      iPad Air) to Smartphones (iPhone 6S+ and Galaxy S6
   Initially, the circle packing chart shows the first let-        Edge). Both visualization systems are investigated on
ters of the baby names as bubbles and its diameter                 the devices shown in Table 1.
matches with the number of babies per year. A slider                  When selecting the mobile test devices, we deliber-
is positioned at the bottom of the screen for selecting            ately choose devices with larger screen sizes, since the
the year to display.                                               presentation of the tested visualization (see Section 2)
   By tapping a bubble, the bubble expands and the                 on a screen size of 5” or small is not optimal.
names which are related to the first letter are shown                 The visualization is tested under Android 5.1
inside the big bubble (see Figure 1). The color of a               (Nexus 9 and Galaxy S6 Edge) and iOS 9 (iPad Air
name bubble is related to the gender (pink := female,              and iPhone 6S+). In addition to the requirements of
blue := male) and the diameter matches the number                  the devices, the test concept of this paper also exam-
of babies with the name for the selected year. Dur-                ines the dependencies of both visualization versions
ing the layout phase, the bubbles are placed using                 of external components such as libraries and plug-ins,
physics-based movement like gravity and the biggest                which were used during the development process.
bubble is set to the center of the screen. The cir-                   Unity: With the development environment of

Performance Comparison between Unity and D3.js for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices

                            Table 1: Overview of the dimensions of the test devices.

                           Screen    Screen
 Device          Type                                 Processor                 RAM     Graphics processor
                           size      resolution
 Nexus 9         Tablet    8.9”      2048 ◊ 1536px    NVIDIA Tegra K1           2 GB    NVIDIA GeForce ULP
 iPad Air LTE    Tablet    9.7”      2048 ◊ 1536px    Apple A7                  1 GB    PowerVR G6430
 iPhone 6S+                5.5”      1920 ◊ 1080px    Apple A9                  2 GB    PowerVR GT7600
 Galaxy          Smart-                               Samsung Exynos 7
                           5.1”      2560 ◊ 1440px                              3 GB    Mali-T760 MP8
 S6 Edge         phone                                Octa 7420

Unity it is possible to make a project accessible for              With the aforementioned measured values, both vi-
multiple platforms. The Unity version of the Baby               sualization systems were tested in a specific user sce-
Name Explorer (Figure 1a) is exported in two versions           nario. In this case, the Baby Name Explorers usage
(Android and iOS). The rich development environ-                was simulated over 60 seconds by a regular interac-
ment of the game engine Unity includes a sufficient             tion with the respective system. To reduce the effects
repertoire of physics components and 3D elements.               of operating system and other processes beyond user
Therefore, we did not have to use external libraries.           control, this user scenario was repeated five times on
   D3.js: Since the implementation of the visualiza-            each visualization system per tested device.
tion in D3.js (Figure 1b) is web browser based, we
used the Google Chrome web browser as test envi-                4     Results
ronment which is available on all tested devices (see
Table 1). Thus, the visualization is represented under          The results of the performance comparison of both ver-
the same technological conditions. For the implemen-            sions are separated into the three measured parame-
tation of the web based version, we did not need addi-          ters, which were presented before. All the measured
tional JavaScript libraries, because D3.js contains all         values of the different test devices were compared into
functionalities.                                                an Excel sheet for preprocessing. By using MS Ex-
                                                                cel, we processed the calculation of the median values
                                                                to eliminate outliers and exported the result for each
3.2   Measured Values and Methods                               parameter as grouped bar chart.
To compare a number of software applications, com-
mon metrics and measurement points have to be de-               4.1   CPU Usage Analysis
fined [MFB+ 07]. Subsequently the used methods are:             Based on the performed measurements, Unity gener-
   • FPS: For measuring the frames per second (FPS)             ates less CPU usage than D3.js. Calculating the me-
     rates, time logging functions are added around             dian across all measured devices, Unity takes 22% and
     rendering methods in the code, logging the results         D3.js takes 38%. Figure 2 illustrates a diagram to
     via logfiles or the console.                               compare the CPU usage between the tested devices in
   • CPU utilization: To show the difference be-                idle mode and while performing both versions.
     tween the hardware components, the CPU uti-
     lization was observed while performing both visu-
     alizations in a specific scenario and five minutes
     in idle mode. Therefore, it was ensured that no
     other processes were running on the device.
   • Loading time of raw data: Both version (Unity
     and D3.js) contain an explicit function to load the
     raw data. In order to compare the raw data load-
     ing from a CSV file, the elapsed time was mea-
     sured between the explicit function call and end.
   In relation to the technical implementation, Unity
and D3.js are strongly different. To overcome this is-
sue, we recorded the system parameters and console
logs with OS specific development systems, because              Figure 2: CPU usage in % in Unity (green), D3.js (or-
there are no uniform functions available to detect the          ange) compared to idle mode (blue) [lower is better].
previously listed system parameters.

Performance Comparison between Unity and D3.js for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices

   During the performance analysis it was very inter-
esting to see, that the Nexus 9 tablet got noticeable
warmer than the other devices. This effect mirrors
in the device’s CPU usage. However, no temperature
measurements were carried out to investigate this ef-
fect. In general, less CPU usage is a big benefit from
the perspective of smart devices because less energy
consumption results in more battery time.

4.2   FPS analysis
The evaluation of the FPS data shows that Unity
reaches a median of 57 FPS and D3.js version achieves
a median of 51 FPS. Unity can be seen as the winner of         Figure 4: CSV loading times in ms while performing
this criteria of the performance comparison. The de-           in Unity (green) and D3.js (orange) [lower is better].
tailed median values of the evaluation part are shown
in Figure 3.
                                                               compilation to native code and web technology, i.e.
                                                               usage within a web browser.
                                                                  For this, the Baby Name Explorer, as example of a
                                                               realistic casual visualization design, was implemented
                                                               in both Unity and D3.js. Our experimental compari-
                                                               son on four devices showed that FPS were comparable,
                                                               D3.js was faster in initial data transformations, and
                                                               Unity resulted in a lower CPU utilization.
                                                                  In terms of developer experience, Unity’s IDE sup-
                                                               ports C# as well as JavaScript for development. The
                                                               cross-compilation and deployment of the Baby Name
                                                               Explorer for all tested platforms worked seamlessly.
                                                                  D3.js code is typically developed for a web environ-
Figure 3: FPS rate while performing with Unity                 ment. Due to the variety of web browsers, web based
(green) and D3.js (orange) [higher is better].                 visualizations need to be tested on a wide selection
                                                               before being released. During our experiment both
                                                               implementations worked well.
   It is very prominent, that the FPS rate of the D3.js           Depending on our proof-of-concept, we demon-
version was pretty low on the Galaxy S6 Edge, despite          strated the benefits of the use of Unity for informa-
the fact that the CPU usage on this device also stayed         tion visualization and cross-platform compilation in
slightly. In contrast, the Nexus 9 tablet was the only         our field of research. In the next steps we will focus
device which reaches higher FPS with D3.js.                    on the synchronization for collaboration and semantic
                                                               zoom [WBR+ 16] and to show the ability to use this
4.3   Loading Time Analysis                                    framework for visualization for the masses as called
                                                               by Blumenstein et al. [BWA+ 15b] as an easy to use
The result of the CSV data loading time measurement            system.
shows, that D3.js takes a median of 5.17ms. In con-
trast, Unity requires significantly more time for the          Acknowledgements
raw data loading which results in a median of 15.17ms.
Figure 4 shows the gap between both versions.                  This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund
   The measured time depends on the internal imple-            (FWF) via the KAVA-Time and VisOnFire projects
mentation of the loading methods of the visualizations         (no. P25489 and P27975), the Austrian Ministry for
which is the reason of the serious differences at the          Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) un-
cycle times of these functions.                                der the ICT of the future program via the VALiD
                                                               project (no. 845598) and under the Austrian Security
                                                               Research Programme KIRAS via the project Coura-
5     Conclusion
                                                               geous Community (no. 850196) as well as the project
This study compared two different approaches for               seekoi (no. 1154) funded by the Internet Foundation
implementing cross-platform visualizations: cross-             Austria (IPA).

Performance Comparison between Unity and D3.js for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices

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