|title=Chronos - Scalable Model Versioning, Querying & Persistence
==Chronos - Scalable Model Versioning, Querying & Persistence
Chronos Scalable Model Versioning, Querying & Persistence Martin Haeusler University of Innsbruck, Department of Computer Science martin.haeusler@uibk.ac.at Abstract. The discipline of model engineering has matured consider- ably over the last years and is applied in a wide array of domains, ranging from embedded software development to IT landscape documentation. A variety of different model repositories attempt to meet the requirements that emerge when working on models, most notably efficient persistence, versioning and query capabilities. However, existing tools scale poorly when faced with large models used in practice, in particular in scenarios where (semi-)automated element generation pushes model sizes to hun- dred thousand individual elements and beyond. In this paper, we present our research agenda for Chronos1 , an effort which aims to provide a so- lution to this problem in the form of a novel model repository for EMF Ecore models. 1 Problem Description In recent years, the importance and popularity of model engineering has increased considerably, both in academic as well as in industrial set- tings [3]. Models are being created in a variety of languages and frame- works, with EMF Ecore [12] and UML [8] as the most prominent exam- ples. As models grow larger and get more sophisticated, the demand for tools that support collaboration on model editing also increases. Such tools are often referred to as model repositories. Their core features en- compass storing, versioning and querying model data. Pierantonio et al. have recently assembled and published a list of existing model repos- itories [2]. The list contains open-source pojects like Eclipse Common Data Objects (CDO)2 and EMFStore3 as well as commercial systems such as MagicDraw Teamwork Server4 . In our experience, none of these tools scales well with models of large sizes, most notably due to per- formance issues and/or lack of features (e.g. versioning capabilities and expressiveness of queries). An important factor for scalability is the em- ployed persistence technology, and all aforementioned model repositories use one of two technologies: 1 This work was partially funded by the research project “QE LaB - Living Models for Open Systems” (FFG 822740) and “txtureSA” (FWF-Project P 29022). 2 https://eclipse.org/cdo/ 3 http://www.eclipse.org/emfstore/ 4 http://www.nomagic.com/products/teamwork-server.html – File / XML-Based Model repositories in this category store serialized forms of models in files (typically XML, or XMI [9] in the case of Ecore). For version- ing, this implies the existence of one file per version. EMFStore and MagicDraw Teamwork server are representatives of this category. – Relational / SQL-Based Tools based on relational technology aim to perform a mapping from the object representation into an equivalent relational representa- tion. This process is referred to as object-relational mapping, or O/R-mapping. The relational information is then stored in a tra- ditional database system. Versioning introduces additional entries in the relational tables to store the state of an element at a given version. Eclipse CDO makes use of this approach. Both techniques suffer from severe drawbacks and are not optimal for storage of model data. XML-based systems struggle with per-element versioning and the absence of indexing structures for querying, as well as having difficulties in providing lazy loading capabilities, because any given XML file must usually be processed in its entirety before indi- vidual elements can be extracted. Such processing (i.e. serialization or deserialization) is also very costly with respect to CPU power, RAM and runtime. Relational backends (e.g. SQL databases) provide indexing structures and per-element loading while also working on a user-defined schema which allows for versioning, provided that the repository takes care of this aspect on its own. The major problem with relational back- ends is the expensive Object–Relational Mapping (O/R mapping) pro- cess that converts objects into table entries and vice versa. O/R mapping increases considerably in complexity when objects with many connec- tions to other objects have to be processed, which is a very common use case for modeling. Typical O/R mapping algorithms are often imple- mented in a recursive fashion5 which can lead to call stack overflows on sufficiently large models. Converting the relational representation back into model element objects requires at least one SQL JOIN operation per connection. These operations have inherent quadratic complexity and therefore scale poorly. We aim to improve the situation by adressing the hot spots of resource consumption: object (de-)serialization, storage of versioned data and queries on the persisted information. We do so by applying concepts from the NoSQL area and combining them with suitable mapping strategies and a novel approach to storage of versioned data. The remainder of this document is structured as follows. Section 2 pro- vides an overview of the related work. In Section 3 we present an outline of our solution. We present the expected contributions of the thesis in Section 4 and outline a plan for evaluation and validation of our approach in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 provides details on the current state of the project and Section 7 concludes the paper with a summary. 5 As for example in Hibernate: http://hibernate.org/ 2 Related Work Having realized the shortcomings of the existing storage solutions for large models as described in Section 1, Gómez et al. proposed and imple- mented alternatives for EMF based on NoSQL technology, using graphs [1] and later also using key-value stores [5]. Their results clearly demonstrate that storing model data in a graph or key-value format is not only fea- sible, but also performs a lot better than traditional relational storage mechanisms. In 2014, Felber et al. proposed a set of algorithms that enable versioning on a key-value store [4]. However, the work of Felber focuses exclusively on versioning of non-connected data, while Gómez considered graph- based storage without versioning aspects. The idea of graph-based model persistence in a versioned key-value store backend forms the foundation of our own work. As the resulting artifact of this PhD thesis is going to be a model reposi- tory, all the tools listed by Pierantonio et al. [2] are considered as related work. There are two major conceptual differences between our solution and existing repositories. The first difference is the level of abstraction in the technology. All relevant existing tools are either built on top of a pre-existing database or file format. We are going to develop and provide the entire data management stack, from the file format to the database and transaction management to model querying. The second difference is that our approach takes the latest advances in NoSQL research into account, which opens many possibilities, in particular with respect to model queries and performance. 3 Proposed Solution We propose a model repository that is capable of handling tightly cou- pled, large-scale models with 100000 individual elements and beyond. The features will include a rich query API and full per-element versioning support, as well as important collaboration features such as lightweight branching and conflict detection. Application EMF ChronoSphere Chronos Ecore ChronoGraph ChronoDB Fig. 1. The Chronos Data Management Stack This project is named Chronos, and consists of three main parts (collec- tively called Chronos Components). These components build on top of each other: – ChronoDB is the storage backend, and the lowest layer in the Chronos project. It is a key-value store with built-in versioning capa- bilities, to which we refer to as a Temporal Key-Value Store. Chron- oDB is intended primarily as a lightweight storage backend for em- bedding into an application that writes to the local hard drive. In the repository, it is responsible for storage, versioning and branching. We implement these features on the lowest level because the key-value format is conceptually simple compared to an object graph, which reduces the complexity of the versioning problem. – ChronoGraph is an implementation of the Apache Tinkerpop6 graph computing API, mapping graph structures onto the key-value schema provided by ChronoDB. Several other libraries, including Titan DB7 , have demonstrated that it is possible and feasible to im- plement a graph database based on a key-value store. ChronoGraph provides the low-level query API and a standardized storage format to the repository. – ChronoSphere is an EMF Ecore model repository. Built on top of ChronoGraph, it maps incoming model data onto a standard- ized graph structure. By leveraging the capabilities of the TinkerPop graph query language Gremlin, it will provide expressive model-level queries to programmers, as well as the versioning and branching fea- tures provided by ChronoDB. In combination, these three components form a new type of model repos- itory that implements the full data management stack. Aside from this top-level goal, due to the modular design, these three components can also be used individually in other projects: ChronoDB is a general- purpose key-value store with versioning support, and ChronoGraph im- plements the Apache TinkerPop API, the de-facto standard API for graph databases, enabling it to act as drop-in replacement for other im- plementations. 4 Expected Contributions The thesis will provide the following contributions to the theory of tem- poral data stores and model repositories: 4.1 Contributions to Theory A formal model for a Temporal Key-Value Store: This formaliza- tion is based on an infinite two-dimensional matrix structure that defines and exclusively relies on history–preserving append–only operations. It provides the formal semantics which guide the implementation of the 6 http://tinkerpop.incubator.apache.org/ 7 http://thinkaurelius.github.io/titan/ prototype. A novel query framework: By utilizing the features offered by the NoSQL graph database, ChronoSphere will provide an entirely new ap- proach to model queries. It will allow developers to write queries at model level in an internal, Java-embedded domain-specific language that can be checked by the compiler, providing additional compile-time recog- nition of e.g. type system errors or spelling mistakes in comparison to string-based alternatives, such as OCL [10] which can only be checked at run-time. This language makes use of index structures that are updated automatically when the model is changed. These indices are aware of the versioning aspects, allowing equally fast queries on any version of the model. Lazy evaluation will be the default mode of operation, enabling the execution of queries without prior need for full resolution of a model version. 4.2 Contributions to Practice Alongside and based on the contributions to theory, the thesis is expected to make a number of contributions to practice. We categorize them by software artefact. Graph Database and Key–Value store: To the best of our knowl- edge, ChronoGraph will be the first implementation of the Apache Tin- kerpop API that offers full versioning support which is provided by the temporal key–value store in ChronoDB. Lightweight branching, as seen in popular version control systems such as Git or SVN, is also part of the versioning engine. ChronoGraph will be the first graph database with full ACID transaction support with the highest possible isolation level (“serializable” [7]). By taking advantage of versioning, ChronoDB and ChronoGraph support long–running transactions without sacrificing throughput of concurrent short-lived transactions, which is of particu- lar importance in modeling scenarios that involve model analysis. Both ChronoDB and ChronoGraph offer timestamp–agnostic queries that can be executed on any model version in time without modifications by in- jecting the desired timestamp from the transaction metadata. This can be used in a variety of ways, e.g. for after–the–fact collection of time series data in the history, or for comparing the result of a model query at two different points in time. Temporal indices allow for equal query performance on any model version, while temporal conflict detection pro- tects users from history corruption, data loss and other anomalies. Model Repository: The ACID nature of ChronoGraph transactions allows ChronoSphere clients to work on consistent views on the EMF Ecore model data, which is important e.g. for analysis and refactoring tasks. The repository is designed to handle hundred thousands of indi- vidual elements and beyond. This is achieved by lazy loading of EOb- jects and their automatic unloading in case they are no longer needed by the application. In order to support the insertion of large models into the repository, ChronoSphere provides batch–based incremental commits that are internally merged into a single model version when the last batch is written. ChronoSphere aims for the best possible EMF ecosystem in- tegration and to provide EObjects that are compatible with popular Ecore–based frameworks, such as EMF Compare. 5 Plan for Evaluation and Validation The research methodology applied for this thesis follows the principles of Design Science as defined by Peffers [11] and Hevner [6]. The system will be evaluated using a variety of techniques: – Prototype Implementation: The implementation of the proto- type serves as the proof–of–concept for the theoretical foundations and is the main design artefact. An extensive automated test suite developed alongside the prototype will assert that its functionality behaves as intended and in particular properly implements the the- oretical foundations defined in the thesis. – Performance Measurements: Measuring the performance (e.g. CPU and RAM usage) of the prototype implementation and com- paring it to other model repositories will provide the necessary data for a discussion on the factual scalability of the model repository. – Industrial Case Study: Several Chronos components are already being used in an industrial setting as the primary storage backend for the IT Landscape Documentation tool Txture 8 [13]. The deployment of Txture with Chronos components at industrial research partners allows to conduct case studies in real world scenarios beyond labo- ratory conditions. 6 Current Status As of July 2016, large parts of Chronos have already been implemented. The core of ChronoDB is complete9 , and a paper titled Scalable Ver- sioning for Key-Value Stores has been accepted by and will be published at the 5th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2016). This paper covers the theoretical foun- dations and implementation aspects of ChronoDB. The evaluation of the core components of ChronoGraph as a backend for Txture is currently ongoing and shows very promising early results with respect to perfor- mance. A publication on this topic is the next step. The implementation of ChronoSphere is currently work-in-progress. We plan a publication on this topic at the MODELS Conference 2017. For the final publication, we aim for a journal paper in 2018 that summarizes our findings and combines them with the results of an industrial case study. We aim for the conclusion and publication of the PhD thesis by the end of 2018. 8 www.txture.tools 9 https://github.com/MartinHaeusler/chronos/tree/master/chronodb 7 Summary and Conclusion In this paper, we have provided an overview over the Chronos project that aims to provide a scalable solution for storing, versioning and query- ing model data, based on NoSQL graph and key-value techniques. In contrast to existing solutions, it will not rely upon XML serialization or object-relational mappings. Instead, the entire data management stack will be implemented from scratch, with the use case of storing large mod- els in mind. The resulting artefact will serve as a proof–of–concept and will be tested against an automated test suite and in an industrial case study. Comparative benchmarks with existing repositories are also part of the evaluation. The planned end of the PhD thesis is in 2018, with a total of three conference publications and one journal paper. References 1. Benelallam, A., Gómez, A., et al.: Neo4EMF, a scalable persistence layer for EMF models. In: Modelling Foundations and Applications, pp. 230–241. Springer (2014) 2. Di Rocco, J., Di Ruscio, D., Iovino, L., Pierantonio, A.: Collaborative Repositories in Model-Driven Engineering. IEEE Software 32(3), 28– 34 (May 2015) 3. Di Ruscio, D., De Lara, J., Pierantonio, A.: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Extreme Modeling at MoDELS 2014. CEUR, Valencia, Spain (2014), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1239/ 4. Felber, P., Pasin, M., et al.: On the Support of Versioning in Dis- tributed Key-Value Stores. In: 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, SRDS 2014, Nara, Japan, October 6-9, 2014. pp. 95–104 (2014) 5. 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