=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1735/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Decomposition of Design Space Exploration Problems in the Context of model-based Development |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1735/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-1735 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/Zverlov16 }} ==Decomposition of Design Space Exploration Problems in the Context of model-based Development== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1735/paper3.pdf
    Decomposition of Design Space Exploration
     Problems in the Context of model-based

                                  Sergey Zverlov

                                   fortiss GmbH
                     Guerickestr. 25, 80805 Munich, Germany

      Abstract. During the development process of complex embedded sys-
      tems there typically is a large number of architectural decisions that en-
      gineers are facing. Each of them can influence the properties of the end
      result (i.e.: cost, performance, etc.). A systematic process that supports
      this decision making is often referred to as Design Space Exploration
      (DSE). The need for computer-aided DSE methods was recognized by
      the research community which resulted in a large number of publications
      in this area.
      The contribution of this PhD project is two-fold: First contribution is a
      classification of typical DSE problems that arise during the development
      process of embedded systems. Due their high popularity in this area
      the focus of this work lies on the model-based approaches. The second
      contribution is two provide a decomposition approach for complex DSE
      problems. The decomposition strategy is thereby based on the previously
      identified DSE problem classes.

      Keywords: Design Space Exploration, Model-Based Engineering, De-
      composition, Architecture Optimization

1   Introduction and Problem Statement
During the design phase of complex embedded systems engineers are faced with
a number of design decisions (i.e. different selection or configuration of system
components) that may influence the quality of the system under development.
Depending on the size of the system the number of decisions can become very
large. The traditional (manual-driven) approaches such as relying on the ex-
perience of leading engineers or following the, so-called, best practices do not
always produce good results. A systematic and computer-aided approach would
be much more preferable. A decision process of searching for design solutions
that satisfy certain constraints (i.e.: cost, weight, etc.) within a design space is
called Design Space Exploration (DSE).
    The need for automated Design Space Exploration techniques was recog-
nized by industry and academia, which led to a rising number of DSE related
2       Sergey Zverlov

publication in the last decade. The large amount of new publications and their
fragmentation over different research communities led to many ad-hoc solutions
(cf. [2]) that often tackle very similar problems. But given the specific nature
of solutions they are very difficult to compare with each other or to reuse in a
different context. Following that line of argumentation the first Research Ques-
tion (RQ1) of my PhD project is dealing with the classification of different
DSE problems. Thereby this work will focus on DSE problems that arise in the
context of model-based design of embedded Systems.
    Another trend, driven by the increasing computational power of modern em-
bedded hardware, is the rising complexity of those systems. That also effects
the complexity of Design Space Exploration problems, that are used during the
design of these systems. Furthermore, during a preliminary study of the related
literature we found that many DSE problems consist of a number of atomic
sub-problems . An example for such a complex DSE problem is the search for
a mapping of software to hardware together with a corresponding schedule (cf.
[19]). This problem can be even extended by adding the search for an optimal
selection of the hardware architecture (cf. [14]). Despite of the rapid progress
in computation power and solver technologies the problems can become unsolv-
able at a reasonable time given an input complex enough. Therefore, the second
Research Question (RQ2), considered in this PhD work, deals with the complex-
ity reduction of DSE problems. Thereby the findings from RQ1 will be applied
to find a decomposition strategy for complex DSE Problems that arise in the
context of model-based system design of embedded systems.

2   Related Work
This work is related to two research areas: The first one deals with the general-
ization of DSE approaches and their classification. The generalization of DSE is
often tackled by Frameworks, such as: ArcheOpterix [1], DESSERT [12], FOR-
MULA [10], Viatra-DSE [8], CoBaSA [11] and many more. In comparison the
intention of this PhD work is not to create a framework for Design Space Ex-
ploration but to define, what a DSE is and which DSE problems exist in the
context of model-based development of embedded systems. The idea is that this
classification can – for instance – assist tool vendors in integrating DSE methods
in their products. But of course there are also recent works that target the clas-
sification of publications in this field. One of them is [2], where a taxonomy of
the current works in the area of system optimization is provided. In comparison
our work focuses on an abstract classification of DSE problems itself instead
on the classification of publications in this area. [17] provides a classification of
DSE problems. Compared to this work we provide a more abstract and concise
collection of typical DSE problems.
     The second related are to this work is the decomposition of complex problems
into simpler sub-problems. This approach is very popular in computer science
and is widely used in the field of Constraint Programming, such as Parallel Con-
straint Solving (cf. [6]), Distributed Constraint Solving (cf. [20]) or Geometric
Constraint Solving (cf. [9]). But also in the area of Design Space Exploration
                                           Decomposition of DSE Problems          3

works exist which use different decomposition techniques to tackle the scala-
bility issues. There are contributions that solve this problem by combination
of different solving techniques [15], usage of tight bounds [5], iterative problem
decomposition [16]. All those works use decomposition for the sake of perfor-
mance increase. But their decomposition strategy is very tightly coupled with
the problem under consideration. This work proposes a decomposition based
on the typical DSE problems that arise during the design phase of embedded
systems. We think that this way it can be applied on a larger set of problems.

3     Proposed Solution
Todays embedded systems, such as modern vehicles, are characterized by high
complexity and heterogeneity. Therefore, the development process has to provide
support to the engineers in dealing with these challenges. A popular approach,
that is recommended by many standards and methodologies (cf. AUTOSAR [3],
EAST-ADL [4], SPES Methodology [13], etc.), is the separation of concerns.
Thereby the design process is decomposed into sub-processes according physical
phenomena [18], stakeholders (cf. IEEE 1471), viewpoints, levels of abstractions
[13] or other criteria. But since the ultimate goal it is to build a whole system
those sub-processes have to be linked together (i.e.: mapping of the elements of
the software viewpoint to the elements of the hardware viewpoint). Tools that are
designed to support the development of embedded systems (i.e.: PREEvision)
are implementing this concept.
    In the following sub-sections, we discuss how it is possible to use this sep-
aration of the design process, that is dictated by many standards, to (i) define
Design Space Exploration in this context; (ii) provide a classification of typi-
cal Design Space Exploration Problems; and (iii) use this classification for the
decomposition of complex Design Space Exploration tasks.

3.1   Design Space Exploration in MBD

Model-based development (MBD) became more and more popular in the area
of embedded systems. It is considered to be a central approach to deal with the
rising complexity in this field [7]. For our classification and decomposition frame-
work it is necessary to define Design Space Exploration for embedded Systems
in the context of MBD. Even then DSE is very broad term. So we first introduce
a set of assumptions that limit the focus of this work:

Assumptions: In the context of model-based development a system consists of
model elements. And each model element can have certain properties (i.e.: cost,
weight, etc). So let A be the set containing all model elements of the System
under Development.
   As already discussed in this section, separation of concerns is a popular ap-
proach in the field of embedded systems. Therefore, we assume that A can be
partitioned into disjunct sub-sets as follows:
4       Sergey Zverlov

Assumption 1 A collection of nonempty sets A1 , ..., An are partitions of A iff

1. A = A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ...An
2. ∀i, j(Ai 6= Aj ) ⇒ Ai ∩ Aj = ∅

   To be able to construct a valid system instance it is though necessary to
provide a possibility of assemble those partitions back together.

Assumption 2 If Ai ∈ A and Aj ∈ A are two partitions according to ass. 1,
then it is possible to find a relation R(Ai , Aj ) between those two partitions.

   And finally it should be possible to express constraints (i.e.: derived from
requirements) towards this system that consists of partitions and their relations.

Assumption 3 If Ai and R is a relation between two partitions, then is possible
to express constraints of (sub-)partitions C(Ai ) and their relations C(R).

DSE Definition Using those assumptions, it is now possible to provide a defi-
nition of Design Space Exploration in this particular context.

Definition 1. DSE is a process of systematically finding solutions from a design
spaces that satisfy certain constraints. A solution thereby is either a partition, a
relation between partitions or a combination of those two.

3.2   Classification of DSE Problems

Based on the assumptions and definitions from sec. 3.1 a set of abstract DSE
problems is derived. We differentiate the DSE problems over their constraints.
The main difference thereby is whether the constraint includes elements from
one single partition or includes elements from two different partitions.

                 Fig. 1. Design Space Exploration Problem Classes
                                          Decomposition of DSE Problems         5

   To illustrate this concept a small example (cf. fig. 1) is used. It shows a
simplified embedded system that consists of a software and a hardware part,
where the software is supposed to run on the hardware.
Definition 2. We propose that one class of DSE problems is to select a sub-set
from a partition Ai where this sub-set A0 ⊆ Ai conforms to a set of constraints
C. This problem we call selection.
    An example for this class is to select features from a feature tree or compo-
nents from a 150% model (cf. eq. 1). Another example is to select a configuration
(or an instance) of a component (i.e. select a camera sensor model from a set).

Definition 3. As the second class of DSE problems we propose is the search
for a set of valid relations R between two partitions Ai and Aj so that ∀r ∈
R(Ai , Aj ) → C(r).

    Examples for this operation would be the allocation (cf. eq. 2) of software to
hardware (deployment) or the allocation of software onto time slots (scheduling).
    We performed a preliminary study of the related literature. Based on the re-
sults we can say that most of the DSE operations within these works could be led
back to the two operations from def. 2 and 3. The literature search strategy was
directed towards finding published papers in journals and conference proceed-
ings that are accessible the widely accepted search engines and databases such
as Google Scholar, IEEE XPlore, ACM Digital Library etc. The search words
were focused on the scope of the PhD topic, which is Design Space Exploration,
model-based Development and embedded Systems.

3.3 Decomposition of DSE Problems
The idea of the decomposition approach is to divide a DSE problem into sub-
problems, solve them one after another. Pruning parts of the design-space in
each step and thereby reducing the overall complexity of the problem. Often the
solution of one problem has an effect of the solution (or even solvability) of the
other problem. If one does not take care of those dependencies it is very proba-
ble to prune to much design space during the solution of the first sub-problems.
Consider the DSE problem (P2) from sec. 1: If during the selection of the hard-
ware architecture to much emphasis is put on the cost-efficiency the result may
not provide enough resources for a possible deployment of software to this plat-
form in the next step. Even though the generalization of these dependencies is
still subject of ongoing work, there are some first results that can be sketched
here using examples. Let consider the DSE problem P2 again, which consists of
selection (P2.1 ) and allocation (P2.2 ) according to definitions from sec. 3.2.
     Let us assume that the goal of P2.1 is to find a hardware configuration so
that its cost doesn’t exceed a certain value (cf. eq. 1). For P2.2 we assume
that each software component consumes a certain amount of memory and each
hardware component provides a certain amount of memory. The goal of P2.2 is
then to create a mapping between SWCs and HWCs. Thereby it is not allowed
to exceed the memory provided by the HWCs(cf. eq. 2).
6       Sergey Zverlov

                         ∀hwc ∈ HW C : hwc.cost ≤ value                          (1)
             ∀hwc ∈ HW C                swc.memory ≤ hwc.memory                  (2)

If during the solution of P2.1 we only consider the satisfaction of eq. 1, there is a
chance that in the next step (P2.2 ) we will not find a valid solution, because the
cost-efficient hardware architecture does not provide enough memory. A possible
way to prevent this is to add a simplified version of eq. 2 to the DSE problem
P2.1 as follows.
                      XC                   HW
                           swc.memory ≤          hwc.memory                      (3)

This extra constraint ensures that the sum of provided memory is at least as
high as the sum of the consumed memory. Vice versa one may conclude that if
eq. 3 is not satisfied the problem P2.2 will not have any solutions.

4   Expected Contribution
This research will provide the following scientific contributions:
 1. DSE Classification Framework
    (a) Set of DSE problem classes that are typical for the design phase of em-
        bedded systems
    (b) Set of requirements(assumptions) a tool or methodology has to fulfill in
        order to be able to integrate those DSE classes
 2. General Decomposition Approach for DSE Problems within Design Phase of
    embedded Systems
    (a) Guide of how to decompose complex DSE Problems
    (b) Tool Support for (semi-)automatic Decomposition of DSE Problems

5   Current State and Plan for Evaluation
At present time, we already achieved a number of tasks. We performed a liter-
ature study over the Design Space Exploration literature of the last 10 years.
From that study we derived a preliminary classification of DSE problems. This
allows us a decomposition of complex problems along the steps of a common
development process of embedded systems. Furthermore, we conducted first ex-
periments that showed us an increase in performance compared to traditional
approaches. Using the obtained classification, we derived a first version of a Do-
main Specific Language that can describe the identified types DSE problems and
supports our decomposition approach.
    We intend to evaluate the applicability of our approach using an industrial
case study. Furthermore, we plan to compare our work with other decomposition
approaches and conduct more experiments to show the scalability of our method.
Finally, we plan to integrate our work into a state-of-the-art model-based tool
as a prototype.
                                              Decomposition of DSE Problems             7

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