=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1737/T1-2 |storemode=property |title=Personality Recognition in Source Code Working Note: Team BESUMich |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T1-2.pdf |volume=Vol-1737 |authors=Shanta Phani,Shibamouli Lahiri,Arindam Biswas |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/fire/PhaniLB16 }} ==Personality Recognition in Source Code Working Note: Team BESUMich == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T1-2.pdf
     Personality Recognition in Source Code Working Note:
                       Team BESUMich

                    Shanta Phani                            Shibamouli Lahiri                       Arindam Biswas
            Information Technology                        Computer Science and                Information Technology
                 IIEST, Shibpur                               Engineering                          IIEST, Shibpur
          Howrah 711103, West Bengal,                     University of Michigan            Howrah 711103, West Bengal,
                     India                                 Ann Arbor, MI 48109                         India
           shantaphani@gmail.com                           lahiri@umich.edu                    abiswas@it.becs.ac.in

ABSTRACT                                                                 data, one of our runs achieved the minimum RMSE for extrover-
In this paper, we describe the results of source code personality        sion.
identification from Team BESUMich. We used a set of simple, ro-             The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We discuss rele-
bust, scalable, and language-independent features on the PR-SOCO         vant literature in Section 2. Section 3 gives details on the PR-SOCO
dataset. Using leave-one-coder-out strategy, we obtained minimum         task, especially the data and task description. We also describe our
RMSE on the test data for extroversion, and competitive results for      features, regressors, and experimental methodology in this section,
other personality traits.                                                especially delineating why we chose these features instead of code-
                                                                         style features. Section 4 provides experimental evaluation, and im-
                                                                         portant insights that we gained along the way. We conclude in Sec-
CCS Concepts                                                             tion 5, outlining our contributions, limitations, and directions for
•Computing methodologies → Natural language processing; Su-              future research. Relevant terminology is introduced as and when
pervised learning by regression;                                         they first appear in the paper.

                                                                         2.    RELATED WORK
personality; source code; regression; RMSE; Pearson correlation;
                                                                            Personality recognition usually falls under the purview of author
extroversion; neuroticism; openness; agreeableness; conscientious-
                                                                         profiling [2, 3, 8, 14, 16]. Argamon et al. [2] showed that authors
                                                                         of informal texts could be successfully classified according to high
                                                                         or low neuroticism, and high or low extroversion. Four different
1.    INTRODUCTION                                                       sets of lexical features were used: a standard function word list,
   Personality is an important element of human sociology and psy-       conjunctive phrases, modality indicators, and appraisal adjectives
chology. It determines and underscores our day-to-day decisions,         and modifiers. Appraisal use was found to be the best predictor
shopping and dating behaviors, educational aptitude, and emotional       for neuroticism, and function words worked best for extroversion.
intelligence – to name a few. It is therefore no coincidence that the    An SVM SMO classifier was used on essays written by college
source code a programmer writes tends to be influenced by his/her        students.
personality. While the traditional Author Profiling task consists           Argamon et al. [3] extended this study in 2009 to take into ac-
of predicting an author’s demographics (e.g., age, gender, person-       count gender, age, native language, and personality. Three differ-
ality) from his/her writing, in the PR-SOCO shared task [15] the         ent corpora were used, in conjunction with content-based and style-
goal was to predict a programmer’s personality from his/her source       based features. Bayesian Multinomial Regression (BMR) was used
code. Personality traits influence most human activities, including      as classifier [9]. Style features were found to be very informative
but not limited to the way people write [4, 14], interact with oth-      for personality traits. Most discriminative style features indicated
ers, and make decisions. For example in the case of programmers,         that neurotics tended to refer to themselves.
personality traits may influence the criteria they use to select which      Estival et al. [8] created an email dataset consisting of ten traits
open-source software projects to participate [11], and the way they      – five demographic (gender, age, geographic origin, level of educa-
write and organize their code.                                           tion, native language), and five psychometric (the same ones men-
   In PR-SOCO, given a source code collection of a programmer,           tioned in Section 1). They further designed a Text Attribution Tool
the goal was to identify his/her personality. Personality was de-        (TAT), and subjected their data to this tool for rigorous validation,
fined according to five traits using the Big Five Theory [6]: extro-     normalization, linguistic analysis, processing, and parsing. Three
version (E), neuroticism (S), agreeableness (A), conscientiousness       types of features – character-level, lexical, and structural – were
(C), and openness to experience (O). Each programmer was rated           extracted. It was shown that a combination of features performed
on a numeric scale on each of the five traits. Training and test data    best, and beat the baseline.
consisted of such ratings, along with code snippets from the devel-         Rangel et al. [16] presented the Author Profiling Task at PAN
opers. Since the response variable was a real number rather than         2013. The task consisted of age and gender classification in En-
a class label, we used a regression framework to model the super-        glish and Spanish, and a special exercise on identifying adult-adult
vised learning problem. We used a set of simple, robust, scalable,       sexual conversations, and fake profiles for sexual predators. The
and language-independent features (Section 3), and optimized the         task was extended by Rangel et al. in 2015 [14] to include four
root mean squared error (RMSE) averaged across all five traits in        languages (English, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch), Big Five Person-
a leave-one-out cross-validation strategy. While applied on the test     ality traits, and Twitter users. The participants used content-based
Table 1: Statistics of the distribution of the number of code snippets in the PR-SOCO dataset. α represents the power-law exponent of the
distribution. We also give the corresponding p-value (> 0.05 indicates significance).

                                                                  Training data
                                     Min     Median     Mean      Max     SD    TOTAL      α      p-value
                                      5       29        35.53     121 24.35      1741     2.86     0.91
                                                                    Test data
                                     Min     Median     Mean      Max     SD    TOTAL      α      p-value
                                     13       28        35.76     108 22.98       751     3.06      1.0

features (bag of words, word n-grams, term vectors, tfidf n-grams,        3) with and without space characters and punctuation symbols. For
named entities, dictionary words, slang words, ironic words, senti-       each category, we experimented with lowercase and original case
ment words, emotional words), and style-based features (frequen-          formatting, and three representations: binary (presence/absence),
cies, punctuation, POS, verbosity measures, several different tweet-      term frequency (tf), and tfidf. Word n-grams (n = 2, 3), and combi-
specific statistics such as mentions, hashtags, and URLs). The            nation of different types of features (feature fusion; cf. [10]) could
highest accuracies in gender identification were achieved in Dutch        not be explored due to sparsity and runtime issues, which we would
and Spanish with values over 95%.                                         like to investigate in future.
   While all the above studies are important, and ground-breaking            We used three different regression models (general linear mod-
in some cases, we found none that looked into personality recogni-        els) from the scikit-learn package [12]: Linear Regression, Ridge
tion from source code. From that perspective, the PR-SOCO shared          Regression, and Lasso. For Linear and Ridge Regression, we used
task breaks a unique ground [15].                                         default parameter settings. For Lasso, we tuned the α parameter as
                                                                          described in the next section. In the next section, we will see how
3.    TASK DESCRIPTION                                                    the combinations of different features and regressors perform.
   The PR-SOCO task [15] released a set of text files for 70 pro-
grammers – 49 as training data, and 21 as test. Each text file con-       4.     RESULTS
sisted of several source code snippets. The number of code snippets          As mentioned in Section 1, we performed leave-one-coder-out
vary significantly from programmer to programmer. We show the             cross-validation on the training data to find out the optimal feature-
distribution of snippets in Table 1. It is to be noted that the distri-   regressor combination, as well as the optimal parameter settings.
bution forms a power law with exponent α = 2.86 for the train-            We used the average across five RMSEs (for five personality traits)
ing data, and 3.06 for the test data (statistically significant in both   as our objective function. The reason we did not use Pearson Cor-
cases; cf. [5]). Furthermore, there is considerable similarity among      relation Coefficient (ρ) or its square (R2 ) is because there exists
the programmers in the way they wrote code. This stems from two           some debate as to whether we should use pure R2 or adjusted R2 .
factors: (a) the programmers were given standardized coding ques-         RMSE avoids this debate. We would like to minimize the mean
tions (prompts) to implement, and (b) they were not precluded from        RMSE.
using the Internet and copy-pasting code thereof. This resulted in           The main results are shown in Table 2 through Table 4. Note
substantial similarity between programmers. Moreover, oftentimes          that overall, Linear Regression performs the worst, with high RM-
programmers wrote comments and named variables in non-English             SEs across most feature combinations. This is expected, because
languages (we detected Spanish in manual investigation), and also         the output space should be highly non-linear in terms of features.
submitted run information (which should ideally remain separate           Ridge Regression and Lasso perform much better, with the best
from the code).                                                           values coming out of Lasso using character unigrams (lowercased)
   All the above observations indicate that the data contains much        – for binary, tf, and tfidf. This is a rather surprising finding, as it
noise. While we could have opted for a serious filtering and pre-         shows two things: (a) a handful of very simple character unigrams
processing step, such procedure was considered potentially harm-          can capture very complex and highly non-linear output spaces, and
ful, because we could end up removing useful information such as          (b) character unigrams beat more complex features in expressive
coding style and unique developer signature. Note also that much          power.
of the source code is not natural language, so standard NLP tools            As next step, we proceeded to tune the Lasso parameter α that
such as parsers, named entity recognizers, and POS taggers would          governs the shrinkage of coefficients. Note from Table 2 to Table
have been useless in such a scenario. Explicit code style indica-         4 that the lowest RMSE came from lowercased character unigrams
tors such as commenting and indentation patterns could have been          and tfidf. Hence, we used this combination, and tweaked the α
useful, but the possibility of copy-pasting code from the Internet        parameter of Lasso. We obtained the following five top-performing
renders such features useless. Since comments and run informa-            combinations:
tion were intermixed with code, we needed a set of simple, robust,
powerful, scalable, and language-independent features.                         1. all characters, Lasso α = 0.05, mean RMSE = 8.38.
   We are of the opinion that the only type of features that can of-
fer all five of the above desiderata comes from word and character             2. all non-space characters, Lasso α = 0.05, mean RMSE =
n-grams. They kill two birds with one stone: they are robust and re-              8.38.
sistant against copy-pasting from the Internet (because of the shin-
gling property much used in plagiarism research [1]), and they are             3. all characters, Lasso α = 0.1, mean RMSE = 8.4.
very effective at discriminating between author styles (as evidenced
in authorship attribution studies [7, 13, 17]).                                4. all non-space characters, Lasso α = 0.1, mean RMSE = 8.4.
   We therefore experimented with the two following categories of
features: (1) Bag of words, and (2) Character n-grams (n = 1, 2,               5. all characters, Lasso α = 0.01, mean RMSE = 8.41.
Table 2: RMSE of leave-one-out cross-validation on the training data (default parameter settings for Lasso) with binary feature representa-
tion. Minimum values have been boldfaced. AW = all words, AC = all characters, SS = all characters except space, PP = all characters except
punctuation, SP = all characters except space and punctuation.

  Feature Representation        Feature Category                    Feature Type     Linear Regression      Ridge Regression     Lasso
  Binary (Presence/Absence)     Word unigrams                       AW                    2.82e12                 8.77            8.89
                                Word unigrams (lowercased)          AW                    5.53e12                 8.78            8.95
                                Character unigrams                  AC                    5.83e12                 8.8             8.66
                                                                    SS                    1.34e13                 8.8             8.66
                                                                    PP                    4.14e12                 8.82            8.65
                                                                    SP                    1.21e12                 8.82            8.65
                                Character bigrams                   AC                    5.48e11                 8.97            8.64
                                                                    SS                    5.16e11                 9.4             8.89
                                                                    PP                    3.51e11                 9.75            8.64
                                                                    SP                    4.19e11                 9.39            8.86
                                Character trigrams                  AC                    3.91e12                 8.65            8.72
                                                                    SS                    4.72e12                 8.61            8.68
                                                                    PP                    5.32e12                 8.6             8.83
                                                                    SP                    7.53e12                 8.73            8.81
                                Character unigrams (lowercased)     AC                    7.99e12                 8.73            8.54
                                                                    SS                    1.54e13                 8.73            8.54
                                                                    PP                    2.43e13                 8.66            8.51
                                                                    SP                    1.02e13                 8.66            8.51
                                Character bigrams (lowercased)      AC                    2.50e11                 9.11            8.51
                                                                    SS                    2.80e11                10.11            8.82
                                                                    PP                    2.12e11                 9.82             8.6
                                                                    SP                    4.85e11                 9.89            8.87
                                Character trigrams (lowercased)     AC                    7.00e12                 8.72            8.73
                                                                    SS                    6.35e12                 8.69            8.77
                                                                    PP                    5.17e12                 8.7             8.81
                                                                    SP                    5.55e12                 8.86            8.92

Table 3: RMSE of leave-one-out cross-validation on the training data (default parameter settings for Lasso) with tf feature representation.
Minimum value has been boldfaced. AW = all words, AC = all characters, SS = all characters except space, PP = all characters except
punctuation, SP = all characters except space and punctuation.

   Feature Representation      Feature Category                    Feature Type     Linear Regression     Ridge Regression      Lasso
   Tf                          Word unigrams                       AW                    2.63e11                9.07             8.96
                               Word unigrams (lowercased)          AW                    4.50e11                9.14             9.01
                               Character unigrams                  AC                      8.75                 8.73              8.6
                                                                   SS                      8.77                 8.75             8.63
                                                                   PP                      8.72                  8.7             8.63
                                                                   SP                      8.78                 8.77             8.71
                               Character bigrams                   AC                    5.17e7                 13.9             9.23
                                                                   SS                    1.29e9                14.23             8.61
                                                                   PP                    1.82e7                13.22             9.31
                                                                   SP                    4.02e8                14.97             8.77
                               Character trigrams                  AC                    3.03e8                 9.53             8.89
                                                                   SS                    2.55e11                9.58             9.02
                                                                   PP                    2.91e8                10.09             9.22
                                                                   SP                    7.80e11               10.21             9.06
                               Character unigrams (lowercased)     AC                      8.61                 8.59             8.49
                                                                   SS                      8.67                 8.65             8.56
                                                                   PP                      8.48                 8.47             8.43
                                                                   SP                      8.52                 8.51             8.48
                               Character bigrams (lowercased)      AC                    1.18e7                16.43              8.8
                                                                   SS                    1.14e9                17.02             8.67
                                                                   PP                    157.72                14.69             9.22
                                                                   SP                     95.91                16.16             8.97
                               Character trigrams (lowercased)     AC                    6.55e8                 9.85             9.17
                                                                   SS                    1.27e11                9.93              9.4
                                                                   PP                    1.96e8                10.89             9.81
                                                                   SP                    2.69e10               11.24             9.45
Table 4: RMSE of leave-one-out cross-validation on the training data (default parameter settings for Lasso) with tfidf feature representation.
Minimum values have been boldfaced. AW = all words, AC = all characters, SS = all characters except space, PP = all characters except
punctuation, SP = all characters except space and punctuation.

     Feature Representation      Feature Category                       Feature Type   Linear Regression      Ridge Regression     Lasso
     Tfidf                       Word unigrams                          AW                  1.56e12                  8.7            8.63
                                 Word unigrams (lowercased)             AW                  1.61e12                 8.72            8.66
                                 Character unigrams                     AC                    8.73                  8.61            8.47
                                                                        SS                    8.73                  8.61            8.47
                                                                        PP                    8.79                  8.74             8.6
                                                                        SP                    8.79                  8.74             8.6
                                 Character bigrams                      AC                  3.12e10                 13.2            9.51
                                                                        SS                  3.69e10                 15.1            9.66
                                                                        PP                  2.71e10                18.91            8.87
                                                                        SP                  9.82e9                 19.09             8.9
                                 Character trigrams                     AC                  8.12e11                 9.45            9.62
                                                                        SS                  1.96e12                 9.48            9.01
                                                                        PP                  1.86e12                 9.46            9.22
                                                                        SP                  2.74e12                 9.82             9.4
                                 Character unigrams (lowercased)        AC                    8.56                  8.49            8.4
                                                                        SS                    8.56                  8.49            8.4
                                                                        PP                    8.55                  8.53            8.48
                                                                        SP                    8.55                  8.53            8.48
                                 Character bigrams (lowercased)         AC                  3.79e9                 16.36            9.67
                                                                        SS                  9.19e9                 16.58            9.81
                                                                        PP                  161.94                 20.48            8.88
                                                                        SP                  4.38e10                22.97             9.2
                                 Character trigrams (lowercased)        AC                  2.02e12                 9.56           10.15
                                                                        SS                  1.86e12                 9.44            8.81
                                                                        PP                  7.17e11                10.28            9.93
                                                                        SP                  3.98e11                10.59            9.05

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