|title=Plagiarism Detection Based on a Novel Trie-based Approach
|authors=Alireza Talebpour,Mohammad Shirzadi Laskoukelayeh,Zahra Aminolroaya
==Plagiarism Detection Based on a Novel Trie-based Approach==
Plagiarism Detection Based on a Novel Trie-based Approach Alireza Talebpour Mohammad Shirzadi Zahra Aminolroaya Department of Computer Laskoukelayeh CyberSpace Research Engineer CyberSpace Research Institute Faculty of Computer Science Institute Shahid Beheshti University and Engineering Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran z.aminolroaya@Mail.sbu.ac.ir Tehran, Iran m.shirzadi@email.kntu.ac.ir Talebpour@sbu.ac.ir ABSTRACT knowledge-based approach is the wordnet database. In this Nowadays, plagiarism detection becomes as one of major database different words are grouped together based on their problems in the text mining field. New coming technologies cognitive synonyms[4]. This database could be used to find have made plagiarisation easy and more feasible. Therefore, restated phrases. Words in different locations in sentences it is vital to develop automatic system to detect plagiarisa- may have different applications, so knowing syntactic cate- tion in different contents. gory (POS) of the words i.e. noun, verb, etc. could simplify In this paper, we propose a trie to compare source and sus- the problem of plagiarism detection. picious text documents. We use PersianPlagDet text docu- Plagiarized documents can be in any languages which need ments as a case study. Both character-based and knowledge- different policies to be detected due to different semantics based techniques for detection purposes have improved our and grammars. In this paper, we have proposed a novel ap- method. Besides, our fast algorithm for insertion and re- proach for the PAN FIRE Shared Task of Persian plagiarism trieval has made possible to compare long documents with detection in the international contest PersianPlagDet 2016. high speed. We have used a hybrid method considering both character- based and knowledge-based approaches. A Persian wordnet database, Farsnet, is considered as our knowledge database CCS Concepts [13]. Besides, we have applied POS tagging by using HAZM •Computing methodologies → Natural language pro- package [1]. By finding nouns and their synsets from the cessing; •Information systems → Information systems Farsnet, we could more precisely save and retrieve suspicious applications; words from our proposed tree structure. In our plagiarism detection methodology, we have applied a novel extended Keywords prefix tree i.e. trie to store and retrieve documents. We not only consider the task of text plagiarism detection but also Plagiarism detection; Trie-based method, Text mining the algorithm computation time as an important factors. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Related works Plagiarism means trying to pass off somebody else’s words There are many studies to find solutions for the prob- as your own [14]. Plagiarism detection is the process of locat- lems of plagiarism detection and document matching. In ing text reuse within a suspicious document [5]. Nowadays, the Nineties, studies on copy detection mechanisms of dig- with the advent of technologies like the internet and the italized documents have led to computerized detecting pla- growth of digital content creation, plagiarism, especially in giarism [16]. By the growth of generated data, the speed of the format of text from existed contents, becomes a growing plagiarism detectors has become an important criterion. in problem and one of the major problems in the text mining [8], a parameterized backward trie matching is considered field. For example, plagiarism as a way to release the pres- as a fast method for the problem of source and suspicious sure to publish papers pushes down the quality of scientific documents alignment. papers. In [7], Lesk declares that, in some countries, 15% of The plagiarism detection problem is also studied in differ- submissions to arXiv contain duplicated materials and are ent languages. For Persian language plagiarism detection, plagiarized. Due to these problems, it is urgent to provide In [9], after preprocessing the source and suspicious docu- a system to automatically detect plagiarism and validate ments, different similarity measurements like “Jaccard sim- them. ilarity coefficient”, “Clough & Stevenson metric” and “LCS” There have been many approaches proposed based on lex- are used for similarity comparisons between source and sus- ical and semantic methods. On the one hand, the plagiari- picious documents. Also, by applying FarsNet, Rakian et.al sation problem could be reduced to the problem of finding propose an approach, “Persian Fuzzy Plagiarism Detection exact matched phrases, and, on the other hand, it could be (PFPD)”, to detect plagiarized cases [17]. as hard as finding restated phrases. Due to what a problem Our fast trie-based approach is proposed for the problem asked, different knowledge-based or character-based tech- of the persian language plagiarisation detection. We de- niques could be applied. One of the lexical database for scribe the problem data and data preprocessing applied to documents in section 2. Then, in section 3, the novel ap- Acquiring words synsets proach for plagiarism detection is described, and, in section After defining words part-of-speech, we search through the 4, algorithm evaluation measurement is described, and our Farsnet to find the nouns cognitive synonyms, synsets. We approach is evaluated. Finally, the results are concluded in find synsets because words may have be used instead of their section 5. synonyms in different positions. For example, “computers” may be used as “estimators” or “data processors”. Like the 2. DATA words offsets, the synsets offsets are stored. Notice that the The data is a set of suspicious and source text documents synset offsets are equal to the original words offsets. released by PersianPlagDet competition [2]. In Persian- To solve plagiarism problem, offsets specification of word PlagDet data, the document plagiarisms could happen in tokens and also collecting noun words synsets and words different ways: parts of a source text document could exactly stems are basic satellite data to be used in our proposed being copied into a suspicious text, parts of a source text tree model, trie, which is explained in the next section. document with some random changes could being copied into a suspicious text, and parts of a restated source text 3. METHODOLOGY document could be seen in a suspicious text. After source and suspicious documents have been pre- processed, we use a method to find similar fragments and 2.1 Data preparation their exact offsets in both suspicious and source files. Be- Before applying plagiarism detection method, the source fore source and suspicious documents being compared, doc- and suspicious text documents should be prepared. We ex- uments are saved to and retrieved from a trie data structure. plain the processes needed before plagiarism detection step In the next subsections, there would be a brief survey of trie by step: trees and an explanation of our new proposed trie. Text tokenization and POS tagging 3.1 Brief survey of trie trees We tokenize text documents into words. Tokenization is the A tokenized document is a set of words which can be procedure of splitting a text into words, phrases, or other stored in a dictionary. A trie data structure can be used to meaningful parts, namely tokens [3]. In addition to tokeniza- insert and find words in a dictionary in O(n), n represents a tion, the exact position of tokens, word offsets, are stored. single word length. The word “trie” is actually comes from A token offset represents the token character-based distance the “retrieval” which is its usage. In the trie tree, the prefix from the beginning of the document. By applying the Hazm tree, each node is a word or a prefix. All prefix characters of POS tagger, we also specify part-of-speech of each word. a word are inserted as a node, and the last letter is flagged The nouns are important for us, and help us to compare as the word end in trie. Trie trees could have < key, value > phrases for plagiarism detection purpose. Thus, nouns are data structure. Words with similar prefixes may have simi- flagged for the next stages of processing. lar subpaths. As an example brought in Figure 1, the word “xy” value is “2”. Besides, “xy” and “xyzb” words have similar Text cleansing and normalization subpath. The node values are defined based on the problem. First, we normalize text documents. Normalization is the In the following, we describe the proposed trie and different task of transforming text characters into a unique and nor- key values. mal form of a language. For example, we convert all Arabic “yaa” and “Kaaf” to Persian “ye” and “Kaaf” for preprocess- Figure 1: An example of trie data structure[15]. ing Persian text documents, and we unify all numbers with different Persian and English unicodes. Punctuations are also removed from text documents. Removing stop words and frequent words Stop words are also removed from text data. Stop words are words which are moved out from text data in processing steps because they do not contain significant information. First, a group of stop words has been selected which an expert has proposed. Then, frequent words are also chosen and removed with considering a frequency threshold value. Stemming words The next step is to specify words stems. There are many kinds of words inflections and derivations. The suffices “haa”, “aan”, “yaan”, “aat”, “ien” and somtimes “gaan” could make a single word plural. We remove these suffices from nouns. Also, Arabic broken plurals are the most challenging kinds of noun pluralization which cannot be distinguished by remov- ing some suffices. An expert has provided the words stems 3.2 Proposed trie trees by the help of Dehkhoda and Moein dictionaries which could In this paper, we use trie data structure to insert and re- help us to convert Arabic broken plural nouns to singular trieve documents words due to trie properties i.e. fast inser- ones. tion and searching and its high adjustment to our problem solving i.e. defining the offsets of plagiarized strings. Our method for plagiarism detection is divided into two different Table 1: The evaluation of our approach on the test processes: data released by PersianPlagDet 2016 contest [6]. Measure Plagdet Granularity Precision Recall Inserting documents to data structures Value 0.775 1.228 0.964 0.837 After preprocessing both source and suspicious documents, all the words with their exact positions in the source doc- ument are inserted into trie, and the suspicious words are example, for a potential copied phrase P = {w1 , w2 , ..., w5 } added into an ordered list based on their position in the in source and suspicious documents, if the synonym of w2 document. According to the trie definition, each trie node were used instead of w2 , both w2 and its synonym are added is a part of preprocessed words. In the proposed trie, each to the trie. word has a “word positions” list which includes the word oc- Furthermore, if w2 were deliberately added or deleted curance positions in the documents. Notice that the words from the suspicious document, our plagiarism detector sys- may have occurred in different positions in the document, tem could detect the plagiarized section P correctly. This but they are only inserted once in the trie, and their occu- feature is achieved because of the nature of the linked lists rance positions are added in the words positions lists. Also, which we could trace the front and rear of words with. the words positions lists are only considered for the nodes According to different POS in sentence, the words can be which represent the last character of words. The more re- weighted differently for being added to removed intelligently. peated words include in the suspicious document, the faster the trie can be constructed. Due to enhancing searching speed, It is better to save the 4. EVALUATION longer document in the trie, however we always save the We use macro-averaged precision and recall, granularity source doument in the trie for simplicity. measurements, and the plagdet score described in [11]. The precision and recall measurements evaluate the performance Finding the longest plagiarized fragments of detection in character level, while granularity considers To report plagiarized sections, it is important to find simi- the contiguity of text plagriasied phrases detected in source lar words based on their sequential occurrences in the source and suspicious documents. The granularity of detections R and suspicious documents. The contiguity of words in suspi- under true plagiarisms S is described as below [11]; cious documents could simply be kept based on the applied 1 ∑ data structure i.e. ordered list. For the source documents, gran(S, R) = |RS | (1) |SR | s∈S the words positions lists added in the trie will help us to find R the order of words in the source plagiarized sections. Where SR ⊆ S are the cases which are detected by detec- After constructing documents data structure, the longest tions and RS ⊆ R are the detections by considering s: plagiarized fragments should be found in both source and suspicious documents. Thus, we iterate over the suspicious SR = {s|s ∈ S ∧ ∃r ∈ R : r detects s}, document words one by one and find the corresponding words RS = {r|r ∈ R ∧ r detects s}. in source trie. It is obvious that finding words in trie con- tribute to obtaining the word positions in the source docu- ment. Also, the detected plagiarized positions of the suspi- Plagdet score is an overall score which considers the other cious document are added to the corresponding word “sus- mentioned measurements. The Plagdet score overall score picious positions” list in the trie. is as follows [11]; When a similar word is found in both documents the infor- mation of the word front and rear words in source document Fα plagdet(S, R) = (2) in also kept in the trie: log2 (1 + gran(S, R)) consider Wp = {wp1 , wp2 , ..., wpn } is the list of suspicious In which S and R are detections and true cases of a plagia- words in ordered list and Ws = {ws1 , ws2 , ..., wsm } is the rism and Fα is Fα − M easure, the weighted harmonic mean ordered list of source words inserted in the trie. Where n is of precision and recall which can be defined as bellow; the number of words in the suspicious document and m is the number of distinct words in the source one. If wp1 = ws1 precision.recall Fα = (1 + α2 ). (3) and wp2 = ws2 , then “ws2 ”, “ws2 position in the source” and (α2 .precision) + recall “wp2 position in the suspicious” are added as the ws1 front If α is not predefined, we consider α = 1. node “value”, “words position list” and “suspicious position Table 1 shows the evaluation of our approach on the test list”. Moreover, ws1 is added as the first of a sentence into data released by PersianPlagDet 2016 competition which is the “sentence list”. The process is also correct for rear nodes. based on TIRA and the PAN evaluation setup [10, 18, 12]. Traversing the suspicious document thoroughly leads to Our approach high precision, recall and acceptable granu- generating a set of linked lists helping to find the plagiarized larity values contribute to admissible plagdet score. fragments. The “sentence list” includes the first of plagia- rized sections. By looking at the first of sentences in the sentence list and finding them in the trie, all the plagiarized 5. CONCLUSIONS fragments could be found. The advents of digitalization and technology have simpli- Adding both the exact word and its synonyms (with the fied the act of plagiarizing. Thus, it is crucial to develop help of Farsnet) to the trie would cause to find the potential an automatic systems to detect plagiarisation in different similar sections which are plagiarized by restatement. For contents. We first prepared the text data released by international [11] Potthast M., Stein B., Barrón-Cedeño A., and Rosso PersianPlagDet 2016 contest. We made the data ready by P. 2010. An evaluation framework for plagiarism detec- preprocessing, tokenization and Morphological analysis (e.g. tion. In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference POS tagging) before documents comparison. In this pa- on computational linguistics: Posters. 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