=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1737/T4-3 |storemode=property |title=A Plagiarism Detection Approach Based on SVM for Persian Texts |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T4-3.pdf |volume=Vol-1737 |authors=Fezeh Esteki,Faramarz Safi Esfahani |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/fire/EstekiE16 }} ==A Plagiarism Detection Approach Based on SVM for Persian Texts== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T4-3.pdf
        A Plagiarism Detection Approach Based on SVM for
                          Persian Texts

                           Fezeh Esteki                                                 Faramarz Safi Esfahani
              Department of Computer Engineering,                                 Department of Computer Engineering,
                        Najafabad Branch,                                                   Najafabad Branch,
                    Islamic Azad University,                                            Islamic Azad University,
                         Najafabad, Iran,                                                    Najafabad, Iran
                      fe.esteki@Gmail.com                                                    fsafi@iaun.ac.ir

ABSTRACT                                                               as tree edit distance [6], semantic-based techniques such as
Plagiarism is defined as an unauthorized act of using or adapting      WordNet Bi-Gram [22], etc. are noteworthy. One of the best ways
others’ works and ideas without referring to them. Numerous            to integrate a fine collection out of the mentioned methods is to
methods have been proposed to detect plagiarism in different           use Machine Learning Algorithms.
languages; however, not a lot has been accomplished in Persian.        There are not many methods to detect plagiarism in Persian texts.
The present study has utilized statistical and semantic features to    Among them we can point to [1] which used a combinational
determine the functionality of Support Vector Machines (SVMs)          fuzzy approach and [18] which utilized Vector Space Model
in detecting acts of plagiarism in Persian. To increase accuracy, a    method. Determining the level of similarity in above-mentioned
stemmer was designed to stem Persian words. The statistical and        methods necessitates setting some threshold limits based on
semantic features were used to train and apply the SVM. The            training data. This may lead to wrong results on other sets of data.
statistical features used are Jaccard coefficient, Dice coefficient,       To avoid this, machine learning algorithms can be utilized [7].
Levenshtein distance, and Longest Common Subsequence. To               Among these algorithms, SVM has shown better performance
detect semantic similarities, a new method called “Index Words         over other algorithms [14]. It is notable that there is not any
Replacement” was proposed. The proposed framework was tested           research which has applied SVM for plagiarism detection in
on PAN data set. The results show the precision of 0.93337, recall     Persian texts.
of 0.70124 and Plagdet of 0.80083.                                     In the current study, the functionality of a Support Vector
                                                                       Machine (SVM) to detect plagiarism in Persian texts through
CCS Concepts                                                           extrinsic method has been studied. The SVM algorithm has shown
• Text mining➝      Paraphrase detection➝               Plagiarism
                                                                       superior applicability over other algorithms at solving 2-class
detection➝ Support Vector Machine
                                                                       classification problems with multiple features and data. Statistical
Keywords                                                               techniques have been used to train the machine and apply it to
                                                                       detect plagiarism since they operate faster and show better
Plagiarism detection; Text similarity; Paraphrase detection; SVM;
                                                                       performance in NLP applications. Jaccard coefficient, Dice
Support vector machine; Persian texts; Farsi texts;
                                                                       coefficient, Levenshtein distance, and Longest Common
1. INTRODUCTION                                                        Subsequence are the statistical techniques which will be briefly
Vast presence of e-texts on the web and their availability has         discussed in the following sections. The proposed framework
caused a remarkable increase in plagiarism [15]. Plagiarism is         works as follows: first, each of the mentioned techniques is
divided into different categories including code stealing,             applied to sentences in both suspicious and original documents.
paraphrasing, summarizing, translating and copying [3]. Changes        Outputs (mostly digits) are then compared and make an attribute
made to a text can be lexical changes at which words are replaced      vector to train the SVM. Using a set of attribute vectors, the SVM
with their synonyms, or structural changes at which sentence           is trained and then applied to detect plagiarism. In addition to the
structure undergo some changes to make the piece untraceable [8].      mentioned methods, a new procedure called “Index Words
To detect plagiarism in texts which have been changed thoroughly       Replacement” which uses a semantic Database named FarsNet
(have not been exactly copied), some more complicated methods          [24] is proposed to detect semantic similarities. The proposed
are needed [13].                                                       method chooses a word from a collection of synonyms to mark it
                                                                       as the index. It then detects words related to the index word in
Plagiarism detection methods are divided into two main categories      both original and suspicious text and replace them with the index.
including Intrinsic and Extrinsic. Through extrinsic methods, a        Using the mentioned techniques, level of similarity is detected at
suspicious document is compared with some reference documents          the final step.
and similar parts are labelled as plagiarized. In intrinsic methods,
no reference collection is used; parts whose writing style is          2. RELATED WORK
different from the rest of the text are defined as plagiarized. The    There are a few methods for detecting similarities and plagiarism
majority of researches conducted in plagiarism field have utilized     in monolingual Persian texts. Some of these methods can be found
extrinsic methods [23].                                                in [1] and [18].
Numerous methods have been suggested to detect plagiarism              In [1], a combinational fuzzy approach was used to detect
among which statistical-based Techniques such as N-gram and            plagiarism. This approach utilized a dataset for e-learning domain.
Longest Common Subsequence [9], syntax-based techniques such           Using the dataset jargon, the approach broke each sentence into
general and knowledge domain. Then it calculated Skip-gram, N-           implemented in java language. The schema of the proposed
gram and Number of words for each part. At the end, it identified        approach is presented in figure 1. Different phases of the proposed
the level of similarity based on fuzzy rules.                            plagiarism detection process will be discussed below.
Mahdavi et al. [18] used vector space model. This model
transferred all texts in the database and the source text to attribute
vectors. It then evaluated cosine similarity among semi-similar
texts and finally detected similarity level by measuring the
overlapping area of Tri-gram.
The SVM has not been used for detecting text similarities in
Persian texts yet. In this research, we used SVM to detect
plagiarism in monolingual Persian texts.
What follows reviews some researches which have adopted SVM
to detect similarities between English texts.
In [2], a method which used SVM and Naïve Bayes techniques to
detect plagiarism was employed. The study used fingerprint
similarity, latent semantic analysis, word pair and word similarity
attributes to train the SVM. The word similarity attribute was
applied to detect similar words and the word pair was employed to
detect non-similar words with similar meanings. The Results
showed that plagiarism detection by SVM has more accuracy
compared to that by Naïve Bayes.
Plagiarism detection by counting similar tokens and taking
advantage of SVM method was the approach proposed in [25]. At              Figure 1. The schema of proposed approach in this study.
the first step of this approach, words were labelled and named as
Token. At the next level, sentence tokens were compared with
each other; meanwhile, the tokens were being replaced with their         3.1 Preprocessing Phase
similar words and comparison process was repeated over and over          At this phase, original and suspicious texts were preprocessed.
again to increase the accuracy of semantic similarity detection          This phase includes normalization, stemming and eliminating stop
process. This approach used The Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA),          words. The normalization process standardized the space between
Translation Edit Rate–Plus (TER-P), Dictionary-based Similarity,         words, their forms and punctuation marks. Then, words were
Maximum Similarity and BLEU attributes to train and test the             stemmed and their prefixes and suffixes were eliminated.
SVM.                                                                     Since there was not a perfect stemmer implemented in Java
Similarity detection through the use of SVM by utilizing                 programming language for Persian and the available stemmers did
statistical and semantic attributes was the main goal of the             not eliminate some affixes and also the verbs were not stemmed
proposed systems in [7] and [14]. In these systems, statistical          by existing stemmers, in this study, a stemmer which stems the
similarity was detected using Skip-gram and LCS attributes and           words based on part of speech categories was designed and used.
semantic similarity was determined using Noun/Verb Similarity
Measure, Lin Similarity Measure, Cardinal Number Attribute and           After stemming, stop words were eliminated by using the
Proper Name Attribute. The semantic features were extracted              available stop word list. Stop words are frequently used words in a
using a Tree Tagging tool. This tool labels words based on the           text. The majority of these words do not have an independent
semantic relationships existed in WordNet database. The Cardinal         meaning and are used to establish relationships between main
Number Attribute was used to detect similarities between numbers         words.
and the Name Attribute Proper was applied to do so between
[5] proposed a system to detect similarities between sentences
                                                                         3.2 Suggested Approach: Index Word
using SVM and statistical attributes. The system divided the             Replacement
sentences of both suspicious and similar documents into segments         A great deal of methods proposed to detect plagiarism in English
and then calculated the statistical attributes for each segment. This    texts use WordNet lexicon database. A similar database has been
research proposed a new feature called EDU ((Elementary                  created for Persian which is called FarsNet [24]. This database is
Discourse Unit) Similarity, and utilized BLEU, NIST, TER,                very limited in terms of semantic relationships (hypernyms and
TERP, METEOR and BADGER attributes parallel to EDU                       hyponyms), so instead of extracting semantic features from the
Similarity. This features usually used in automatic translation          sentences by using this database, we suggested a new approach
systems.                                                                 that uses synonyms to detect semantic similarity between
                                                                         sentences. The proposed approach operates as follows: an index
                                                                         word is chosen out of each collection of synonyms. Then, if there
                                                                         is a match for each of the index words in original and suspicious
3. METHODOLOGY                                                           texts, it will be replaced by its related index word. For example,
The present study has proposed a new method based on SVM to              from the lexical set of “beautiful”, “good looking” and “pretty”,
detect plagiarism in Persian texts. Statistical attributes were used     the word “beautiful” is selected as the index and it will be
to train and apply the SVM. A brand-new approach called “Index           substituted with its similar words- “good looking” or “pretty”– if a
Word Replacement” which will be discussed below was proposed             text includes them.
to determine semantic similarities. The suggested algorithm was
3.3 Extracting Features from a Text                                        3.5 Plagiarism Detection Using SVM
Jaccard similarity, Dice similarity, Levenshtein distance and              The statistical attributes of sentences were extracted from both
Longest Common Subsequence are the statistical attributes which            original and suspicious texts and classified by SVM. If a pair is
have been used in the present study. They are calculated as                labelled as “PLAGIARISM”, it means that the suspicious one has
follows:                                                                   been stolen; otherwise, the sentence is considered as original.
3.3.1 Levenshtein distance                                                 3.5.1 Support Vector Machine (SVM)
 Levenshtein distance between two strings is the minimum                   Support vector machines which use statistical learning techniques
number of editing operators required to change one string into             were proposed by Vapnik in 1998. These algorithms utilize the
another. By editing operators, one means the operations of                 strategy of maximizing the distance between a hyperplane and
insertion, deletion and substitution of words. [16] It is calculated
                                                                           training samples to choose a proper hyperplane in order to classify
by equation 1.
                                                                           data correctly. When there is noise in training data, using a liner
                                                                           classifier (hyperplane) for classifying training data is impossible,
                                                                           so primary samples are mapped into a higher space in non-linear
                                                            Equation 1     form. In the new and larger space, data will be linearly classified
                                                                           by a kernel function using the proper hyperplane without raising
                                                                           the complexity of computations. In fact, kernel function uses the
                                                                           similarity between data in the original space to find similarities
3.3.2 Jaccard coefficient                                                    between vectors in a larger space. Kernel function can be selected
 For text document, the Jaccard coefficient is the number of                 form polynomial functions, RBF function, hyperbolic tangent or
common words to the number of words which are not common                   other proper functions. [12]
between two texts. [11]. The formula presented in equation 2.
                                                                           The present study has used a Support Vector Machine with RBF
                                                                           (Radial Base Function) kernel.
                                                           Equation 2.
                                                                           3.6 Evaluation
                                                                           3.6.1 The utilized data set for training the SVM
3.3.3 Dice coefficient                                                       The dataset used for training the SVM is the one used in [21]. The
 The Dice measure is very similar to the Jaccard measure [17]. It          dataset consists of 3 different categories of text as follows: 1)
is computed by equation 3.                                                 TMC which contains news texts, 2) IRANDOC which includes
                                                                           texts related to sciences and technology and 3) Selected texts from
                                                                           Prozheh.com which consists of students’ researches. Paraphrased
                                                           Equation 3.     texts which are based on this collection have been generated
                                                                           manually and mechanically and are divided into four categories:
                                                                           “Non-plagiarism” category that includes non-similar texts.
                                                                           “Synonyms replacement” category that contains texts whose
3.3.4 Longest Common Subsequence                                           words have been replaced with their synonyms. “Change
 It measures the longest sequence of words with the same order in
                                                                           Structured” category that includes texts whose sentence structures
two string [22]. This attribute is calculated using Equation 4.
                                                                           have been changed, and “Combined category” consists of texts
                                                                           with changed structures and word-replaced-with-synonym
Sim (A, B)                                                 Equation 4.
                                                                           3.6.2 The utilized data set for testing and evaluating
3.4 SVM Training Process                                                   the proposed system
At this phase, the non-similar sentence pairs were extracted from          Evaluation of the proposed system was conducted on a dataset
the xml files in “non-plagiarism” part of dataset and the similar          introduced for Persian by [4] in PAN 2016 competition. This
sentence pairs were derived from the xml files in other parts of           dataset contains a collection of Source and Suspicious document
dataset. It is notable that in the utilized training dataset, instead of   pairs which have been divided into four categories with regard to
paragraphs, the sentences are tagged in xml files. After extracting        different levels of obfuscation. “No-obfuscation” category
the sentence pairs, the similar index words, explained in                  includes copied and clear stolen texts. “Random-obfuscation”
section3.2, were substituted in sentences. Then, the statistical           group contains documents which have been changed artificially
techniques, mentioned in section3.3, were applied to sentences             and by a machine. “Obfuscation-simulated” group keeps
and the attributes for each pair were extracted. Using the numeric         documents which have been changed manually and by man and
outputs, some training vectors were created to train the machine.          bear high levels of obfuscation.
Attribute vectors of similar sentences were labelled as
“PLAGIARISM” class and those of non-similar sentences were
                                                                           3.6.3 Evaluation results
                                                                           Parameters used in PAN2016 include Recall, Precision and
labelled as “NONPLAIGIARISM” class.
                                                                           Plagdet which have been proposed by Potthast and colleagues
                                                                           [19], [20]. Also, the evaluation platform is designed by [10].
                                                                           Evaluation results can be found in figure 2.
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