=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1737/T5-10 |storemode=property |title=Improving Understandability in Consumer Health Information Search: UEVORA @ 2016 FIRE CHIS |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T5-10.pdf |volume=Vol-1737 |authors=Hua Yang,Teresa Gonçalves |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/fire/YangG16 }} ==Improving Understandability in Consumer Health Information Search: UEVORA @ 2016 FIRE CHIS== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T5-10.pdf
                            Improving Understandability
                       in Consumer Health Information Search:
                             UEVORA @ 2016 FIRE CHIS
                                            Hua Yang                        Teresa Gonçalves
                                 Computer science department           Computer science department
                                     University of Évora                  University of Évora
                                      Évora, Portugal                       Évora, Portugal
                                 huayangchn@gmail.com                        tcg@uevora.pt

ABSTRACT                                                               While factual health information search has matured considerably,
This paper presents our work at 2016 FIRE CHIS. Given a CHIS           complex health information searching with more than just one
query and a document associated with that query, the task is to        single correct answer still remains elusive. Consumer Health
classify the sentences in the document as relevant to the query or     Information Search (CHIS) for FIRE 2016 is proposed for
not; and further classify the relevant sentences to be supporting,     investigating complex health information search by laypeople. In
neutral or opposing to the claim made in the query. In this paper,     this scenario, laypeople search for health information with
we present two different approaches to do the classification. With     multiple perspectives from diverse sources both from medical
the first approach, we implement two models to satisfy the task.       research and from real world patient narratives.
We first implement an information retrieval model to retrieve the      There are two sets of tasks:
sentences that are relevant to the query; and then we use
supervised learning method to train a classification model to          A) Given a CHIS query, and a document/set of documents
classify the relevant sentences into support, oppose or neutral.          associated with that query, the task is to classify the
With the second approach, we only use machine learning                    sentences in the document as relevant to the query or not.
techniques to learn a model and classify the sentences into four          The relevant sentences are those from that document, which
classes (relevant & support, relevant & neutral, relevant & oppose,       are useful in providing the answer to the query.
irrelevant & neutral). Our submission for CHIS uses the first          B)   These relevant sentences need to be further classified as
approach.                                                                   supporting the claim made in the query, or opposing the
                                                                            claim made in the query.
CCS Concepts                                                           The five queries proposed in the task are showed in figure 1.
• Information systems➝Data management system engines                   Figure 2 gives an example of the output of the system. Annotated
                                                                       data set is provided to participants.
                                                                       This paper is divided into 4 sections. In the first section, we
Keywords                                                               briefly introduced the background and the 2016 FIRE CHIS task.
Health information search; machine learning; IR                        We then talk about the methods we use in the second section. Two
                                                                       different approaches are experimented to accomplish the task and
                                                                       each approach will be discussed. Experiments and the results are
1. INTRODUCTION                                                        presented in the third section. Finally, the conclusions are made.
Online search engines have become a common way for obtaining
health information; a life project report shows that about 69% of
U.S. adults have the experience of using Internet as a tool for               Q1: Does sun exposure cause skin cancer?
health information such as weight, diet, symptoms and so on [4].              Q2: Are e-cigarettes safer than normal
In the meanwhile, research interest in health information retrieval           cigarettes?
(HIR) has also grown in the past years. As a matter of fact, health           Q3: Can Harmone Replacement Therapy(HRT)
information is of interest to a variety of users, from physicians to          cause cancer?
specialists, from practitioners to nurses, from patients to patients          Q4: Can MMR Vaccine lead to children
family, and from biomedical researchers to consumers (general                 developing autism?
public). Also, health information may be available in diverse                 Q5:Should I take vitamin C for common cold?
sources, like electronic health record, personal health records,
general web, social media, journal articles, and wearable devices
and sensors [5].                                                                      Figure 1. 2016 FIRE CHIS queries
                                                                      as relevant to the query and non-retrieved as irrelevant. Figure 3
                                                                      depicts our model for task A. First, we input the original task
                                                                      queries and provided sentences into the IR model. The relevant
        Example Query:                                                sentences are retrieved and ranked according to the weighting
        Are e-cigarettes safer than normal cigarettes?                methods. Top ranked (in our experiments, we choose top 3)
                                                                      relevant sentences are used as the source to expand the original
        S1:                                                           queries. Expanded queries are used as the input. The IR model is
        Because some research has suggested that the levels           used again to retrieve sentences with expanded queries. The
        of most toxicants in vapor are lower than the levels          relevant sentences are used as the input of a classification model
        in smoke, e-cigarettes have been deemed to be safer           works. We regard all the retrieved sentences from our IR model as
        than regular cigarettes                                       relevant to the query and we use them the input of task B.
        .A) Relevant, B)Support

        David Peyton, a chemistry professor at Portland
        State University who helped conduct the research,
        says that the type of formaldehyde generated by e-
        cigarettes could increase the likelihood it would get
        deposited in the lung, leading to lung cancer.
        A) Relevant, B) oppose

        Harvey Simon, MD, Harvard Health Editor,
        expressed concern that the nicotine amounts in e-
        cigarettes can vary significantly.
        A)Irrelevant, B) Neutral

           Figure 2. 2016 FIRE CHIS task description

2. METHODS                                                                     Figure 3. information retrieval model for task A

We propose two different approaches to accomplish the task. In
order to make it easier to explain, we name them program A and
program B. In program A, two different models are trained by          Terrier1 is used to implement a baseline IR model. All queries and
using both state of the art in information retrieval and machine      sentences are pre-processed. Stop-words are removed, stemming
learning techniques. In program B, we take the task as a whole        and normalization are applied. TF*IDF weighting model is used
and only use machine learning techniques. One single                  for the computation of sentence scores with respect to the query.
classification model is trained in program B. We will discuss each    The queries can be retrieved one by one or in batch. We use
approach in detail in the following part.                             pseudo relevance feedback as a way to expand the original queries.
                                                                      We set all parameters to Terrier the default ones.
2.1 Program A                                                         Pseudo relevance feedback (a.k.a. blind relevance feedback) is a
Considering the task is divided into sub-tasks, we implement two      way to improve retrieval performance without the user interaction
different models to satisfy the task, with each model processing      [1]. Previous works showed its effectiveness in improving the
one task. For task A, we implement an information retrieval (IR)      performance [2] [3]. Figure 4 depicts how this technique can be
model to retrieve relevant sentences. The retrieved sentences are     used in an IR model to satisfy the user.
regarded as relevant to the query, and non-retrieved ones as
                                                                      This technique is used in our experiments to expand the original
irrelevant. For task B, we use a supervised learning algorithm to
                                                                      query. The most informative terms are extracted from top-
get a classification model. The retrieved sentences from the first
                                                                      returned documents as the expanded query terms, as shown in
part are then classified as support, oppose or neutral to the claim
                                                                      Figure 4. We use Bo1 [6] as the expanded term weighting model.
made in the query.
                                                                      A Bo1 model uses the Bose-Einstein statistics and terms are
                                                                      weighted in the top retrieved documents. In our experiments, 10
2.1.1     An IR model for Task A                                      expansion terms are extracted from the top 3 retrieved documents.
                                                                      No other query expansion techniques are used in our experiments.
In task A, sentences provided by the organizer should be
classified as relevant to the queries or not. We implement an IR
model to do this classification. Retrieved sentences are regarded     1
                                                                      2.1.3     Integration
                                                                      The retrieved sentences by an IR model are regarded as relevant
                                                                      to the query and they are further labeled as ‘neutral’, ‘support’, or
                                                                      ‘oppose’ to the query by the classification model. The non-
                                                                      retrieved sentences from the IR model are regarded as irrelevant
                                                                      to the query, and we assign ‘neutral’ label to all the irrelevant

                                                                      2.2 Program B
                                                                      As another approach to figure out the problem and provide multi-
                                                                      perspective for the users, we look on the task as a whole and re-
                                                                      organize the annotated data with four different labels:

                                                                        -irrelevant & neutral
               Figure 4. Pseudo relevance feedback2
                                                                        -relevant & support
                                                                        -relevant & oppose

2.1.2       A classification model for task B                           -relevant & neutral

For task B, we propose a classification model, presented in Figure
5. With a classification model, we further classify the retrieved        Using the annotated data with the labels above, we get a
sentences into different classes.                                     classification model and this model is used to classify the test
                                                                      sentences into those four classes. The approach is the same as the
The annotated dataset provided by the organizer is first pre-         one described in sub-section 2.1.3, but here we are using all the
processed. Then TF*IDF scheme is used to extract data features        sentences and instead of having three classes, we have four, as
from the text. These features will be used as the input of the        figure 6 shows. The output is a sentence with one label from the
learning system to train a classification model. This model is able   fours that we list above. For example:
to further classify the relevant sentences retrieved from the IR
model into support, oppose or neutral to the claim stated in the
query.                                                                Sentence: Harvey Simon, MD, Harvard Health Editor, expressed
           3                                                          concern that the nicotine amounts in e-cigarettes can vary
TextBlob tool is used for text processing. Naïve Bayes and            significantly.
decision tree classifiers are used as learning methods. Only          Output: Irrelevant & Neutral
TF*IDF features are extracted, no other data features are used in
our experiments.
                                                                         All the sentences provided are pre-processed data and used to
                                                                      train a classification model with supervised machine learning
                                                                      techniques. We extract features with TF*IDF scheme. Test data
                                                                      needs to be pre-processed before classification.

               Figure5. classification model for task B

 Image from http://www.slideshare.net/LironZighelnic/querydrift-                Figure 6. classification model for program B
                                                                           Table 1 results comparison of taskA runs (F1 score)
In this part, we give the results in our experiments. We will
present our experiments separately according to each program we
proposed in the previous part.

3.1 Experiments of Program A

3.1.1       Runs for task A
The results for different runs are shown in table1. TrecEval 4
program is used to evaluate the performance. We produce
different runs to compare the performance using F1 score as the
evaluation method.

     -taskA.run1: process all the queries without bath pseudo
relevance feedback                                                                  Table 2 results of taskB (F1 score)
     -taskA.run2: process all the queries in batch with pseudo
relevance feedback
     -taskA.run3: process the queries individually without pseudo
relevance feedback
     -taskA.run4: process the queries individually with pseudo
relevance feedback

We got our best results with run4 and the average F1 score is 0.73.
The results present that our IR model works well on query3,
query4 and query5.
Considering the way of processing, we can see that processing the
queries one by one is much better than all the queries in batch.
As a way to do the query expansion, PRF technique does improve
                                                                      3.2 Experiments of Program B
the recall obviously, which means it can get more relevant            Table 3 gives the final results for this program. In this program,
documents returned. Also, this technique reacts differently           we regard the task as a whole and only one classification model is
depending on the processing way. If all the queries are processed     trained. We evaluate the final output of the program and the score
in batch, using PFR decreases the performance in F1 score             is used for measuring both task A and task B as an integral.
compared with the results without using PFR,. If the query is
processed one by one, PRF increases the performance totally; but      The average score for this model is 0.64. We get highest score for
                                                                      query 3 and the lowest one for query 5.
some queries show a lit bit down score compared with non-PRF
using. We can also see that for query1 and query2, the score is
improved sharply when using PRF. Combining the task and our
system, we adopt PRF as a way to improve the system
performance.                                                                      Table 3 results of program B (F1 score)

3.1.2       Run for task B
For task B, we use the traditional TF*IDF scheme to extract data
features and Naïve Bayes is used as the learning method. Table 2
present our experiment results for this part.
From the results, we can see that the average score for this
classification is 0.28, which is very low.
The classification is based on the results from the IR model. Some
sentences may be irrelevant to the query indeed, but is classified
as relevant to query, this kind of sentences are regarded as
relevant and be classified by the classification model. This will
affect the performance of the system.

In this paper, we present our two different approaches to
accomplish 2016 FIRE CHIS task.
With the first approach, we implement both an IR model and a
classification model. The results show that our IR model works
well generally except on query2. The classification model shows a
low performance for all.
With the second approach, we take the task as a whole and using
machine learning techniques only to do the classification.
Although we figure out different approaches to the task, we have
different output form for two approaches; we do not compare the
performance of both approaches. The second approach presented
in our paper is just another possible way to solve the problem
proposed by the organizer. Program A is used as the final
submission to the challenge.

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