|title=Team DA_IICT at Consumer Health Information Search @FIRE2016
|authors=Jainisha Sankhavara
==Team DA_IICT at Consumer Health Information Search @FIRE2016==
Team DA_IICT at Consumer Health Information Search @FIRE2016 Jainisha Sankhavara IRLP Lab Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India jainishasankhavara@gmail.com ABSTRACT supporting the claim made in the query, or opposing the Consumer Health Information Search task focuses on re- claim made in the query. trieval of relevant multiple perspectives for complex health search queries. This task addresses the queries which do not Example query: Are e-cigarettes safer than normal cigarettes? have a single definitive answer but having diverse point of views available. This paper reports the result of standard re- S1: Because some research has suggested that the levels of trieval methods for identifying the aspects of retrieval result most toxicants in vapor are lower than the levels in smoke, e- towards the query. cigarettes have been deemed to be safer than regular cigarettes. A)Relevant, B) Support Keywords S2: David Peyton, a chemistry professor at Portland State Consumer Health Information Search, Health Information University who helped conduct the research, says that the Retrieval type of formaldehyde generated by e-cigarettes could in- crease the likelihood it would get deposited in the lung, lead- ing to lung cancer. A)Relevant, B) oppose 1. INTRODUCTION People are highly using web search engines for health in- S3: Harvey Simon, MD, Harvard Health Editor, expressed formation retrieval now a days. These search engines are concern that the nicotine amounts in e-cigarettes can vary quite suitable to answer the straightforward health related significantly. A)Irrelevant, B) Neutral medical queries but some queries are complex in a way that they do not have a single definitive answer, instead they have There were 5 queries provided and 357 sentences across multiple perspectives to the queries, both for and against those queries. The performance is measured in terms of hypothesis. The presence of multiple perspectives with dif- percentage accuracy of each task against each query and a ferent grades of supporting evidence (which is dynamically task wise average over all five queries are considered as eval- changing over time due to the arrival of new research and uation measure. practice evidence) makes it all the more challenging for a lay searcher. Consumer Health Information Search (CHIS) aims to target such information retrieval search tasks, for 3. EXPERIMENTS which there is no single best correct answer but having mul- The experiments include standard retrieval methods to tiple and diverse perspectives/points of view available on the identify relevant and irrelevant sentences (task A). To iden- web regarding the queried information. tify weather the sentence is supporting the claim or opposing the claim (task B), the standard query expansion technique The description of data is provided in section 2. The ex- was used. periments and results are described in section 3 and section 4 respectively and we conclude in section 5. The experiments are done using terrier[2] tool-kit which are openly available. The experiments focuses on how useful the standard retrieval methods are to identify the relevance 2. CHIS TASK at sentence level instead of documents and how it can be use- There will be two sets of tasks: ful to identify the supporting or opposing nature of sentences to the hypothesis of query. BM25[1],[3] model is used to A) Given a CHIS query, and a document/set of documents identify relevant/not-relevant sentences and TF-IDF[1] with associated with that query, the task is to classify the sen- query expansion is used to identify supporting/opposing na- tences in the document as relevant to the query or not. The ture of the sentences. relevant sentences are those from that document, which are useful in providing the answer to the query. Task A: Identify relevant/non-relevant sentences. The sentences are indexed using terrier and the retrieval is B) These relevant sentences need to be further classified as performed against each queries using BM25 retrieval model. The retrieved sentences are marked as relevant for task A algorithms are helpful to get average results but for task and others (non-retrieved sentences ) are considered as non- B, standard information retrieval algorithms fails to achieve relevant to the query. atleast average results. So, the standard algorithms are less recommendable to use to extract supporting/opposing sen- Task B: Identify support/oppose/neutral nature of sen- tences but definitely can be used to extract relevant/non- tences. relevant sentences. The sentences are indexed using terrier and the queries are executed against indexed sentences using TF-IDF re- trieval model with Bo1 query expansion model taking top 5. CONCLUSION 5 sentences as feedback and 30 terms as expansion terms. The paper describes results of standard information re- The sentences retrieved using query expansion are which trieval algorithms on complex medical queries which have are identified relevant according to task A are marked as multiple perspectives available. Standard information re- supporting and the sentences which are not retrieved using trieval algorithm gives average results when identifying rel- query expansion but retrieved using task A are marked as evant/ non-relevant sentences but it gives less than the av- opposing to the query since they are relevant to the query. erage results in identifying supporting/opposing sentences. All irrelevant sentences are considered to be neutral to the In task A, our results are third in the rank-list of all partic- query. ipants. 4. RESULTS 6. REFERENCES The percentage accuracy of the query wise results ob- [1] I. Mogotsi. Christopher d. manning, prabhakar tained by above described method is given in the below ta- raghavan, and hinrich schütze: Introduction to ble. information retrieval. Information Retrieval, 13(2):192–195, 2010. Query Task A Task B [2] I. Ounis, G. Amati, V. Plachouras, B. He, Skincare 52.27272727 37.5 C. Macdonald, and D. Johnson. Terrier information MMr 87.93103448 46.55172414 retrieval platform. In European Conference on HRT 91.66666667 27.77777778 Information Retrieval, pages 517–519. Springer, 2005. Ecig 54.6875 46.875 [3] S. Robertson and H. Zaragoza. The probabilistic Vitc 64.86486486 31.08108108 relevance framework: BM25 and beyond. Now Overall 70.28455866 37.9571166 Publishers Inc, 2009. Table 1: Percentage accuracy for both the tasks There were 9 teams participated in task A and 8 teams in task B. The comparison of the overall percentage accuracy of the results with maximum of all teams and average of all teams is given in the following graph. Figure 1: Comparison of with maximum and average results The results of task A are comparable to the average of all other systems that means standard information retrieval