=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1737/T6-2 |storemode=property |title=BITS_PILANI@DPIL-FIRE2016:Paraphrase Detection in Hindi Language using Syntactic Features of Phrase |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T6-2.pdf |volume=Vol-1737 |authors=Rupal Bhargava,Anushka Baoni,Harshit Jain,Yashvardhan Sharma |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/fire/BhargavaBJS16 }} ==BITS_PILANI@DPIL-FIRE2016:Paraphrase Detection in Hindi Language using Syntactic Features of Phrase== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1737/T6-2.pdf
     BITS_PILANI@DPIL-FIRE2016:Paraphrase Detection in
      Hindi Language using Syntactic Features of Phrase

                 Rupal Bhargava1                        Anushka Baoni2                       Harshit Jain3

                                                    Yashvardhan Sharma4

                                       WiSoc Lab, Department of Computer Science
                                 Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Campus
                 {rupal.bhargava1 , f20136832 , f20132893 ,yash4 } @pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in

ABSTRACT                                                          Hindi and other Indian languages, not much work has been
Paraphrasing means expressing or conveying the same mean-         done and there is a lot of scope for research. The most com-
ing or essence of a sentence or text using different words or     mon way of detecting paraphrases is modeling the problem
rearrangement of words. Paraphrase detection is a chal-           as a classification problem. This paper implements a super-
lenge, especially in Indian languages like Hindi, because it is   vised classification model for detecting Paraphrases. POS
very essential to understand the semantics of the language.       Tags, Stems of Words and Sound-ex codes corresponding to
Detecting paraphrases is very relevant in real life because       the words in sentences are used as features.
it has a lot of importance in applications like Information         The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
Retrieval, Extraction and Text Summarization. This paper          discusses related work in the area of Paraphrase Detection.
focuses on using Machine Learning classification techniques       Section 3 presents the analysis of the Data set provided by
for detecting paraphrases in Hindi language for the DPIL          DPIL task organizers. Section 4 discusses the methodology
Task in Fire 2016. A feature vector based approach has been       used and Section 5 explains the proposed algorithm. Section
used for detecting paraphrases. The task involves checking        6 gives a detailed analysis of the results obtained and error
whether a given pair of sentences conveys the same informa-       analysis. Section 7 presents the conclusion and possible fu-
tion and meaning even if they are written in different forms.     ture work.
Given a pair of sentences in Hindi, the proposed technique
labels whether the pair of sentences are Paraphrases (P),         2.   RELATED WORK
Semi-Paraphrases (SP) or Not Paraphrases (NP).
                                                                     Paraphrase detection has been a major area of research
                                                                  in the recent times because of its significance in many ar-
CCS Concepts                                                      eas of Natural Language Processing. Few of the approaches
•Information systems → Summarization; Information                 adopted for English language are mentioned in this section.
integration; Data analytics; Data mining;                         Huang et al. [4] has proposed an unsupervised recursive
                                                                  auto-encoder architecture for paraphrase detection. The re-
Keywords                                                          cursive auto-encoder uses tanh as the sigmoid-like activation
                                                                  function and gives the representation of sentences along with
Paraphrase Detection, Text Summarization, Classification,
                                                                  their sub-phrases. These representations are then used for
Machine Learning
                                                                  paraphrase detection. To extract the same number of fea-
                                                                  tures for different sentence pairs, two approaches are used,
1.   INTRODUCTION                                                 aggregating representations to form a single feature and us-
  The word ’paraphrase’ means rephrasing or restating the         ing a similarity matrix approach. With first approach they
meaning of a paragraph or text using some other words or          achieved 66.49% accuracy while with the second method ac-
vocabulary. Paraphrase detection is an important task for         curacy of 68.06% was achieved . Kotti et al.[10] also pro-
many natural language processing applications. Some of the        posed an unsupervised feature learning technique with Re-
applications involve question-answering systems, machine          cursive Auto-encoders (RAE) for detecting paraphrases on
translation systems, systems used for plagiarism checks, find-    twitter. In their proposed technique they first converted
ing similarities between sentences, text summarizers, etc.        data to parse trees using phrase-structure parser and then
Plagiarized texts usually copy phrases as it is or replace        passed it to the RAE for training. The vector generated from
some words with similar words. Paraphrase detection will          the RAE is converted to form a similarity matrix and thus
help in detecting plagiarized work and ensure that the doc-       paraphrase detection is done using this matrix. Fernando et
uments written are unique and not copied. Question An-            al.[3] presented an algorithm using word similarities whereas
swering system makes use of paraphrases to find the correct       Ngoc et al. [11] proposed simple features like n-grams, edit
answers to asked questions. A lot of work has been done           distance scores, METEOR word alignment, BLEU for de-
in paraphrase detection for English language. However for         tecting paraphrases and semantic similarity tasks on twitter
data. Similarly, analysis of various similarity measures like
sentence-level edit distance measure, simple n-gram overlap
measure, exclusive longest common prefix (LCP) n-gram
measure, BLEU measure and sumo measure along with a
paraphrase detection based on abductive machine learning
has been proposed in [2]. Sethi et al. [9] proposed a tech-
nique for paraphrasing or re-framing Hindi sentences using
NLP. The main steps involved dividing the paragraph into
sentences, tokenizing the sentences into words, applying re-
framing rules and then combining the results to form new
paragraphs. Malakasiotis et al. [5] proposed three methods
for paraphrase detection using string similarity measures.

  The data-set provided by the task organizers [1] is from
newspaper domain and contains pairs of sentences. There
are two Subtasks and each Subtask has its own training and
testing data.
                                                                 Figure 2: Data Analysis of Paraphrase and Semi
3.1   SubTask 1                                                  Paraphrase for SubTask 2
  The pairs of sentences in the Training Data set contains
1000 ’Paraphrases’ (P) and 1500 ’Not Paraphrases’ (NP).
                                                                 is done which involves converting the xml format Data Set
Test Data set for SubTask 1 consisted of 900 pairs for Hindi
                                                                 into csv format so that the data can be read from the csv
Language.The number of paraphrases with common words
                                                                 file and processed for extracting features.
versus the number of common words is shown in Figure 1.
                                                                    Second phase processes the training data to extract im-
For e.g A point (5,72) represents that there are 72 such para-
                                                                 portant features from the data so that the proposed classifi-
phrases which have five common words.
                                                                 cation model could be trained. The following three features
                                                                 were extracted for the proposed training model:

                                                                     1. POS Tags: POS (Part-Of-Speech) Tags are labels
                                                                        that are given to words to identify the part of speech or
                                                                        lexical categories of words. The eight parts of speech
                                                                        are: the verb, the noun, the pronoun, the adjective,
                                                                        the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, and the
                                                                        interjection. Words that have the same POS Tags
                                                                        play similar roles in the grammatical structure of sen-
                                                                        tences. For obtaining the respective POS tags for the
                                                                        Hindi words, RDRPOSTagger1 [6] was used. The in-
                                                                        put passed to the RDRPOSTagger contains the pairs of
                                                                        sentences and the output generated by RDRPOSTag-
                                                                        ger had the respective POS Tags next to each word.
                                                                        Only the POS Tags corresponding to each word in the
                                                                        sentence are extracted from the output and appended
                                                                        to form a string thus obtaining POS Tags for each sen-
                                                                        tence in the data set.

Figure 1: Data Analysis of Paraphrase for SubTask                    2. Stem of the words: Stemming is a process of ex-
1                                                                       tracting the ’word stem’ or ’root’ of the word. For
                                                                        extracting the stem of the Hindi words, a Hindi stem-
                                                                        mer2 was used which implements the suffix-stripping
3.2   SubTask 2                                                         algorithm described in [8]. A string for each sentence
  For Subtask 2,Training Data set consisted of 1000 pairs               in the data set with the corresponding stems of the
of sentences that are Paraphrases (P), 1000 pairs that are              Hindi words is then obtained.
Semi-Paraphrases (SP) and 1500 that are Not Paraphrases
(NP). For Test Data set, 1400 pairs of Hindi sentences were          3. Soundex codes: Soundex is a phonetic algorithm
provided.The number of Paraphrases and Semi-Paraphrases                 for indexing names by sound as pronounced in En-
with common words versus the number of common words is                  glish. Soundex3 provides an implementation of the
shown in Figure 2.                                                      modified version of soundex algorithm for Indian lan-
                                                                        guages including Hindi. This package is used for the
4.    PROPOSED TECHNIQUE                                         1
  The proposed work has been divided in multiple phases            http://research.variancia.com/hindi stemmer/
as shown in Figure 3. Initially pre-processing of the data         https://pypi.python.org/pypi/soundex/
        corresponding soundex codes for the words in the sen-
        tences. Using soundex codes for words in the sentence,
        a string comprising of soundex codes corresponding to
        each sentence is generated.

   After extracting these three features, the similarity scores
corresponding to each feature has been calculated. The
python package, fuzzywuzzy 4 is used to calculate the simi-
larity scores. Each similarity score lies in the range [0,1] and
uses Levenshtein Distance to calculate the differences be-
tween string sequences. The Levenshtein distance between
two words is the minimum number of single-character ed-
its (i.e. insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to
change one word into the other. The similarity score is cal-
culated for each pair of POS Tags sentences (feature 1),
sentences with stem of the words (feature 2) and sentences
with soundex codes corresponding to the Hindi words (fea-
ture 3) hence creating a feature vector with the similarity
scores corresponding to the sentence pair.
   After feature vector generation, different machine learn-
ing techniques are used for training so that the best model
for predicting the labels could be chosen after analysis. For
SubTask 1 and SubTask 2, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes,
Random Forest Classifier and Support Vector Machine were
used for classification. These models were implemented us-
ing the python library sklearn [7].

  Algorithm 1 takes Paraphrases as input where each Para-
phrase(P[i]) contains two Hindi sentences (P[i].Sentence)and
outputs a Label for its corresponding Paraphrases. The
functions PosTags, WordStem and Soundex, each take Sen-
tences of Paraphrase as its parameter and return the array of
corresponding POS Tagged Sentences, WordStem Sentences
and Sentences with Soundex Codes respectively. Similari-
tyScore generates the similarity score for each of its input       Figure 3: Block diagram for Paraphrase Detection
array. SimScore1, SimScore2 and SimScore3 are the indi-
vidual vectors for the three features, which are then passed
to the CreateVector function to form the final FeatureVec-         by changing and adjusting parameters in the functions pro-
tor. Classifier function takes the FeatureVector as input,         vided by sklearn [7] for Logistic Regression. As SubTask 1
assigns labels to the Paraphrases and then returns a La-           was a binary classification problem hence results obtained
belVector. Classifier function implements different models         via Logistic Regression were better than the others. On
(Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, SVM and Random For-             the other hand, SubTask 2 was a multi-class classification
est) for predicting labels.                                        problem (Labels-P, NP or SP). Hence in this case, Random
                                                                   Forest gave the best results with 69.2% accuracy and 68.8%
6.     EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS                                     F-measure followed by Naive Bayes (64.6% accuracy and
                                                                   62.4% F-measure) as shown in Figure 5. Random Forest
6.1      Evaluation and Discussion                                 calculates labels by using sub samples of the data set and
                                                                   uses averaging to improve the accuracy whereas Naive Bayes
   To test the accuracy and F-measure, data set provided by
                                                                   uses a conditional probability approach for assigning labels.
the task organizer was divided into a ratio of 75% and 25%
                                                                     Hence runs submitted for SubTask 1 used Logistic Re-
for training and testing respectively. The results (Accuracy
                                                                   gression classifier and SubTask 2 used Random Forest. As
and F-Measure) were evaluated using sklearn [7] for the dif-
                                                                   per the final results declared by the Task organizers, the
ferent models (Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, SVM and
                                                                   proposed technique was ranked third when compared with
Random Forest). Results obtained for SubTask 1 is shown
                                                                   other teams with Accuracy of 0.897 and F-measure of 0.89
in Figure4. Proposed system gave an accuracy of 90.4% and
                                                                   as shown in Figure 6 and 7 respectively for SubTask 1. In
F-measure 87.6% for Logistic Regression followed by Naive
                                                                   SubTask 2, the proposed technique is ranked fifth with Ac-
Bayes and Random Forest, both with 89.5% accuracy. For
                                                                   curacy and F-measure of 0.717 and 0.712 as shown in Figure
binary classification problems, logistic regression gives the
                                                                   8 and Figure 9 respectively.
best results in most cases because it assigns labels by cal-
culating odds ratio and then applies a non-linear log trans-       6.2   Error Analysis
formation. Moreover, the performance can be fine-tuned
                                                                     Few errors that could have attributed to the decrease in
    https://pypi.python.org/pypi/fuzzywuzzy                        evaluation measures can be-
Algorithm 1 Algorithm for Detecting paraphrases
 1: Input: Paraphrase P, where all paraphrases have a
    unique id and contains two sentences (Hindi)
 2: Output: LabelVector gives the corresponding labels for
    the paraphrases. Depending upon the task it can have
    value of P, NP and SP
 3: Initialization: SimScore1[]=0,SimScore2[]=0,SimScore3[]=0
 4: for i=0 to P.Count do
 5:     Pos[]=PosTags (P[i].Sentence)
 6:     Stem[]=WordStem (P[i].Sentence)
 7:     Sound[]=Soundex (P[i].Sentence)
 8:     SimScore1.append (SimilarityScore(Pos[]))
 9:     SimScore2.append (SimilarityScore(Stem[]))
10:     SimScore3.append (SimilarityScore(Sound[]))
11: end for
12: FeatureVector=CreateVector(SimScore1,       SimScore2,
13: LabelVector=Classifier(FeatureVector)
                                                                    Figure 5: Results for Subtask 2 using different clas-
                                                                    sifier for proposed system

Figure 4: Results for Subtask 1 using different clas-
sifier for proposed system

                                                                    Figure 6: Accuracy comparison for all teams in Sub-
     1. RDRPOS Tagger- Nguyen et al.[6] states that the RDR-        Task 1
        POSTagger achieves a very competitive accuracy in
        comparison to the state-of-the-art results. But a dif-
        ferent Hindi POS Tagger can also be used to improve
        this phase. Also RDRPOSTagger can be combined               of 89% for SubTask 1 using Logistic Regression. For Sub-
        with an external initial tagger to increase its accuracy.   Task 2, proposed system gave an accuracy of 71.7% and
                                                                    F-measure of 71.2% using Random Forest Classifier as eval-
     2. Similarly, the Hindi Stemmer used might have incor-
                                                                    uated by task organizers. The model accuracy can be fur-
        rectly returned the stem words, which can be a reason
                                                                    ther improved by incorporating more features like calculat-
        for wrongly classified Paraphrases. The algorithm for
                                                                    ing similarity between two strings having only nouns of the
        extracting the root words can be improved further to
                                                                    original sentences as identified by the POS Tagger, replac-
        better the results.
                                                                    ing the nouns by their soundex codes or their stems. Only
     3. Other factors that could have led to errors are accuracy    verbs of the original sentences can also be used to obtain fea-
        of soundex library and similarity measure used.             tures where the verbs are replaced by their soundex codes
                                                                    or stems. The current model has been trained on the data
                                                                    set provided by task organizers. We can incorporate more
7.     CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK                                  data to extend the model. Using an ensemble classifier and
  In this paper, a feature vector based approach with three         combining different models like Decision Trees, Naive Bayes,
features (POS Tags, Word Stems and Soundex codes) is dis-           SVM, etc. can be used for predicting labels that may further
cussed for paraphrase detection of Hindi Language. Leven-           improve results. Moreover the proposed technique only uses
shtein Distance was used to calculate the similarity measure.       syntactic features, semantic features can be incorporated for
Proposed system achieved accuracy of 89.7% and F-measure            improvising the algorithm.
Figure 7: F-Measure comparison for all teams in               Figure 9: F-Measure comparison for all teams in
SubTask 1                                                     SubTask 2

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