AMRITA_CEN@FIRE 2016: Code-Mix Entity Extraction for Hindi-English and Tamil-English Tweets Remmiya Devi G, Veena P V, Anand Kumar M and Soman K P Centre for Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN) Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India ABSTRACT In the above example, Hindi words are in italics and En- Social media text holds information regarding various im- glish words are in bold. Communication through social net- portant aspects. Extraction of such information serves as working sites likes Facebook and Twitter are in code-mix the basis for the most preliminary task in Natural Language language. Dataset given for this task includes two subsets, Processing called Entity extraction. The work is submitted where Indian languages like Hindi and Tamil were mixed as a part of Shared task on Code Mix Entity Extraction with Roman script. The major task is to develop a method for Indian Languages(CMEE-IL) at Forum for Information that is applicable to process and extract the entities of the Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE) 2016. Three different method- data in code-mix language. ology is proposed in this paper for the task of entity ex- In recent years, a significant number of researches were traction for code-mix data. Proposed systems include ap- carried out in the field of data processing using code-mix proaches based on the Embedding models and feature based data. A language identification task was carried out for model. Creation of trigram embedding and BIO tag format- code-mix social media data [5]. A paper was published on ting were done during feature extraction. Evaluation of the thematic knowledge discovery using topic modeling for chat system is carried out using machine learning based classifier, messages in code mixed language [4]. SVM based classifica- SVM-Light. Overall accuracy through cross validation has tion for entity extraction was carried out previously for In- proven that the proposed system is efficient in classifying dian languages [3]. Conditional Random Field (CRF) based unknown tokens too. entity extraction was implemented and Rich features of In- dian Languages were also utilized to perform Named Entity Recognition [10] [2]. Entity extraction using Structured skip CCS Concepts gram based embedding features was implemented for Malay- alam language [9]. •Information systems → Information extraction; •Theory Our submission includes three systems. First system is us- of computation → Support vector machines; ing word embedding features obtained from wang2vec tool [13]. Word embedding features are generally vector repre- Keywords sentation of words. The second system utilizes word embed- ding features from word2vec tool [7]. The major difference Word embedding, Machine Learning, Support Vector Ma- between wang2vec and word2vec features lies in the Skip chine (SVM), Code-Mix, Entity extraction gram model used to develop these embedding features. In third system, stylometric features were extracted from the training data. Extracted features from system 1, 2 and 3 1. INTRODUCTION are used to develop three separate models using machine Entity extraction has always been the most primary task learning based classifier SVM-Light [6]. in Natural language processing. It is defined as a task of An overview of the task description is given in Section extracting the named entities from any text. Generally, en- 2. Details regarding the dataset used is given in Section tities fall under the categories of name, person, and organi- 3. Section 4 discusses on the proposed system we used for zation. It extends to date, time, period, month etc. Entity the task. Experiments carried out and their corresponding extraction in social media text is viewed as an information results are discussed in Section 5. The conclusion of the extraction task. Social media text is generally unstructured, paper is stated in Section 6. yet it is informative. Extracting such informative content from an unorganized text format is the most challenging task. In our task we deal with social media text, specifically code-mix twitter dataset. In a society using multilingual 2. TASK DESCRIPTION languages, conversation in code mixed language is prevalent. The task organizers provided us with dataset obtained Code-mix language is the combination of English language from Twitter and other few microblogs. Given training data with any other language. An example for code mixed lan- contains two set of dataset with code mixed tweets - Hindi- guage from the Hindi-English training data is given below. English and Tamil-English. The task is to extract the enti- ties from these two dataset. Named entities in the dataset shaq hai ki humari notice ke bagair tere ghar ke secret include Person, Location, Organization, Entertainment and route ki help se you met so on. With the increasing number of social media platforms Figure 1: Methodology of the Proposed System for Feature based model Table 1: Number of Tweets and Average Tokens per tweet for train and test data of Hindi-English and Tamil-English Hindi-English Tamil-English Tweet count 2700 3200 Train Avg Tokens per Tweet 16.76 11.94 Tweet count 7429 1376 Test Avg Tokens per Tweet 16.49 12.11 and the use of code-mix language in them, this task holds a significant relevance in today’s world. 3. DATASET DESCRIPTION The task contains two code-mix dataset, Hindi-English and Tamil-English. The training data contains three fields- Tweet ID, User ID and the tweets. Each training file holds a corresponding annotation file. Annotation file contains Tweet ID, User ID, Length, Index and Entity tag of the en- tities present in the train data. Hindi-English training data includes tweets entirely in code-mix language but Tamil- English dataset includes some tweets in pure Tamil lan- guage. Since we proposed embedding based methodology, we were in need of additional dataset to train our word em- bedding model. The additional dataset for Hindi-English were collected from Mixed Script Information Retrieval 2016 (MSIR) [1], International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON) 2015 POS Tagging task [12] and some twitter data. Dataset provided by Sentiment Analysis in Indian Languages (SAIL-2015) [8] [11] were used for Tamil- English. The total number of tweets in the training data, testing data and average tokens per tweet is tabulated in Table 1. The additional dataset collected for Hindi-English is 20671 and for Tamil-English is 1625. Figure 2: Methodology of the Proposed System for 4. METHODOLOGY word embedding models Our submission for the task of entity extraction in code- mix language includes three systems. Social media text is generally subjected to various prepro- cessing tasks. Given dataset includes Twitter data which is • System 1: Wang2vec based embedding features subjected to tokenization. Each token from this tokenized dataset is converted to conventional BIO format. This re- • System 2: Word2vec based embedding features sults in BIO tag information for each word in the train- ing data. BIO tag is defined as Beginning, Inside, Outside tag of entities. For example, consider the sentence, “Pranab • System 3: Stylometric features Mukherjee is the President of India”. In general, the en- Table 2: Features extracted from train and test data for System 3 Features Representation Lower case Represent word in lowercase P3/P4: first 3/4 characters Prefix-Suffix S3/S4: last 3/4 characters Starts with Hash,apostrophe 1 if word starts with #, ’ symbol Numbers, apostrophe,punctuation Marks 1/0 if present/absent Length & Index No of chars & Position of word Contain HTTP 1 if HTTP present First character Uppercase 1 if first char is in uppercase Full character Uppercase 1 if entire word is in uppercase Contain 4-digit numbers 1 if Token is a 4-digit number Gazetted Features Location, Person, Organization, Entertainment Table 3: Cross Validation Accuracy for Hindi-English and Tamil-English Hindi-English Tamil-English System1 System2 System3 System1 System2 System3 Known 92.9893 91.1001 94.2576 97.2717 97.378 97.4953 Ambiguous Known 83.0998 78.3239 86.5626 83.8063 83.839 85.9711 Unknown 91.0318 90.9519 86.9385 93.6683 93.4368 92.4647 Overall Accuracy 92.4688 91.0278 92.3718 96.1491 96.2534 95.9847 tity ‘Pranab Mukherjee’ indicates PERSON and ‘India’ in- 4.2 System 2: Word2vec based embedding fea- dicates LOCATION. Since Pranab Mukherjee has two parts, tures it is tagged as beginning and inside. Words other than en- Word2vec model provides the vector representation for tities are tagged as O i.e. Outside. So using BIO tag, the each word. Input for word2vec is sentences, as the major proposed system labels Pranab as B-PERSON, Mukherjee advantage of this model is that it provides vectors for each as I-PERSON and India as LOCATION. This BIO tag in- word based on the context. Vector representation for each formation is utilized in the three systems proposed in the word in the training data is obtained through Skip gram paper. model in word2vec. These vectors are used to develop a en- Illustration of proposed feature based method is shown in tity extraction system. Similar to system 1, this system also Figure 1 and word embedding based models are shown in includes trigram embedding feature set of word2vec embed- Figure 2. ding vectors. Each word from the training data is combined with its cor- 4.1 System 1: Wang2vec based embedding fea- responding BIO tag information and the trigram embedding tures feature set. This combined feature set is given for training Wang2vec model is the modified version of word2vec with machine learning based classifier, SVM-Light. After train- an improvement in the structure of skip gram model. This ing using SVM model, the test data is appended with the modification made wang2vec better than word2vec. The trigram embedding features and is given for testing. SVM major difference in these two embedding models is that the classifier uses the knowledge acquired from training data and skip gram model in word2vec becomes Structured skip gram performs recognition of entities in testing data. model in wang2vec. The significant modification in this model is the fact that the word order information is taken 4.3 System 3: Stylometric features into consideration. Wang2vec features are the word vectors Our third system is implemented using stylometric fea- obtained using wang2vec model. The size of the vector n is ture extraction. Features such as length, position, numbers, fixed during the training of wang2vec. Thus each word in hash tag, punctuation are considered to be the stylometric the training data holds a vector of size n, which is set as 50. features. The list of features used in our system is tabulated The resultant vectors are the word embedding features of the in Table 2. Stylometric features of each word in the train- given dataset. From these vectors, the left context and the ing data is extracted. This feature set is integrated with right context features were extracted and appended to the BIO tag information and used for developing a SVM model. original embedding features. This resulted in a feature set These features are also extracted for test data and given for of size 150. Integrating the context features to the original testing the system. features forms Trigram embedding features. Thus embed- The proposed methodology results with three SVM mod- ding features along with BIO tag information is integrated els for the three systems using wang2vec features, word2vec and given to train the SVM classifier. Hence a SVM model features and stylometric features. corresponding to system 1 is obtained. Similar procedure is followed for extraction of wang2vec embedding features for test data. These features are used to form the trigram 5. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS embedding feature set, which is given to the SVM classifier Experiments for system 1 and 2 are similar in case of for testing. extracting word embedding features. Major difference be- Table 4: Result by CMEE-IL Task Organizers for Hindi-English RUN 1 RUN 2 RUN 3 TEAM Precision Recall F-measure Precision Recall F-measure Precision Recall F-measure Irshad-IIT-Hyd 80.92 59 68.24 - - - - - - Deepak-IIT-Patna 81.15 50.39 62.17 - - - - - - Amrita CEN 75.19 29.46 42.33 75 29.17 42.00 79.88 41.37 54.51 NLP CEN Amrita 76.34 31.15 44.25 77.72 31.84 45.17 - - - Rupal-BITS Pilani 58.66 32.93 42.18 58.84 35.32 44.14 59.15 34.62 43.68 Table 5: Result by CMEE-IL Task Organizers for Tamil-English RUN 1 RUN 2 RUN 3 TEAM Precision Recall F-measure Precision Recall F-measure Precision Recall F-measure Deepak-IIT-Patna 79.92 30.47 44.12 - - - - - - Amrita CEN 77.38 8.72 15.67 74.74 9.93 17.53 79.51 21.88 34.32 NLP CEN Amrita 77.7 15.43 25.75 79.56 19.59 31.44 - - - Rupal-BITS Pilani-R2 55.86 10.87 18.2 58.71 12.21 20.22 58.94 11.94 19.86 CEN@Amrita 47.62 13.42 20.94 - - - - - - tween these two features lies in the fact that system 1 will media platforms is commonly seen today and extracting en- use wang2vec embedding features which is retrieved using tities like person, location or organization from them is a structured skip gram model that takes the word order into challenging task. The task organizers provided us with data consideration. System 2 will use word2vec features retrieved from Twitter and other few microblogs. Three systems were using skip gram model without the word order consideration. submitted for the task. The first two systems uses the word In order to train word embedding model, additional dataset embedding features of word2vec and wang2vec for entity is required. Input data for word embedding models i.e., extraction task. The training data along with some addi- word2vec and wang2vec will be the combination of training tionally collected dataset were used for training the word data and additional dataset. The size of vector to be gener- embedding models. The third system uses only stylometric ated is set to 50. From these 50 vectors, trigram embedding features for classification. The three systems were trained feature set of size 150 has been extracted. The training and tested using machine learning based classifier, Support dataset is tokenized based on whitespace and is converted Vector Machine. As future work, instead of SVM based clas- to BIO-formatted data. For each word in the training data, sifier we are planning to use regression based methods. its BIO-tag along with the 150 embedding features are given as input to the SVM classifier. Trigram embedding feature set of test data is also extracted in the same manner. Af- 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ter tokenization of test data, the trigram embedding feature We would like to thank organizers of Forum for Informa- vectors of size 150 are given to classifier for testing. tion Retrieval Evaluation 2016 for organizing the task. We System 3 implements stylometric feature extraction for would also like to thank the organizers of the CMEE-IL task. code-mix data. Training data of Hindi-English and Tamil- English are subjected to the preprocessing task, tokeniza- 8. REFERENCES tion. 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