=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper1 |storemode=property |title=Towards Understanding the Potential of Teaching Analytics within Educational Communities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-1738 |authors=Konstantinos Michos,Davinia Hernandez-Leo |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ectel/MichosH16a }} ==Towards Understanding the Potential of Teaching Analytics within Educational Communities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper1.pdf
            Towards understanding the potential of teaching
               analytics within educational communities
                  Konstantinos Michos                                               Davinia Hernández-Leo
                     ICT Department                                                Serra Hunter, ICT Department
                 Universitat Pompeu Fabra                                           Universitat Pompeu Fabra
               kostas.michos@upf.edu                                            davinia.hernandez@upf.edu

                                                                     designers prepare ICT-rich learning arrangements and how they
ABSTRACT                                                             use students´ data for the accountability and the (re)design of
The use of learning analytics in ICT-rich learning environments      their learning scenarios. Teaching analytics have been proposed
assists teachers to (re)design their learning scenarios. Teacher     as the design, development and evaluation of visual analytics
inquiry is a process of intentional and systematic research of       methods and tools for teachers to understand learning and
teachers into their students´ learning. When teachers work in        teaching processes [28]. The current research has focused in
small groups or communities and present results of their practice    different directions. This includes real-time learning analytics
more interpretations are generated around the use and meaning        collected during the learning process and presented to teachers
of this data. In this workshop paper we present preliminary          in order to intervene “on the fly” and orchestrate better their
research about four dimensions of learning analytics                 teaching [29], data gathering based on the affordances of
(engagement, assessment, progression, satisfaction), and their       specific learning analytics tools and presentation to the teacher
visualization as teaching analytics, that are hypothesized to be     after the learning sessions [13].
relevant to help teachers in the (re)design of their learning
scenarios. Moreover, we evaluate teachers’ acceptance of             Although those approaches provide valuable information to the
exchanging these types of analytics within their teaching            teachers, in this paper, we argue that a communicative approach
community. A workshop for blended MOOCs design (N=20                 of teacher inquiry within groups or professional communities
participants) showed that although all the analytics dimensions      can generate additional insights on the way teachers can improve
were valuable, assessment data was the most useful dimension         learning scenarios and benefit from teaching analytics methods.
for (re)designing while data about the engagement of students        We present our preliminary work on four dimensions of learning
was the less useful. Educational practitioners also showed           analytics data with the aim to generate discussions between
interest in knowing a combination of specific data (e.g.             teachers on how they plan their inquiry and reflect about their
achievements related with the satisfaction of students). Last,       teaching plans with other practitioners. To extract requirements
most participants expressed their willingness to share visual        for the support of teachers within groups or professional learning
learning analytics related to their designs with their colleagues.   communities, we evaluate perceived usefulness of learning
The role of contextual information to interpret the learning         analytics data for the improvement of learning designs.
analytics was recognized as important.                               Moreover, we evaluate the acceptance of exchanging
                                                                     visualizations between educators. A case study took part within
                                                                     a workshop for blended learning scenarios that incorporate
General Terms                                                        resources from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) [1].
Teaching analytics, Learning analytics, Communities of               The remainder of the paper is organized as follow. In section 2
educators                                                            we describe teacher inquiry within professional learning
                                                                     communities, specifying the challenges addressed in the paper.
Keywords                                                             In section 3 we explain our methodology and the four
Teacher inquiry, professional learning communities, learning         dimensions of students´ data which can be aligned with a
design                                                               learning design. Section 4 describes the evaluation study we
                                                                     conducted for extracting requirements from educational
                                                                     practitioners and results of the study. Last section 5 is devoted to
1. INTRODUCTION                                                      a conclusion and implications for future work.
There is a growing interest on the way teachers and learning
                                                                     multiple meanings and interpretations of the same data based on
2. TEACHER INQUIRY WITHIN                                            different contexts. Moreover, often educators may face the
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING                                                problem of information overload from the data deluge and the
                                                                     solution may be not to gather more data rather to better highlight
COMMUNITIES                                                          the reasons to collect the data, understand the context from which
There is evidence that data use is helpful in improving              it comes and locate better frames of reference [31]. It is also
educator’s attitudes towards teaching practice and their students    useful to differentiate between individual and collective
[3, 21]. This is empowered when educational teams learn about        sensemaking of data. The reason is that this process is
the inquiry process and are engaged in collaborative informed        considerably influenced from the context of the situation in which
decisions. Changes in teacher culture which has been often           it takes place as well as the wider organization in which the
described as isolationist include the development of professional    individual is participating. Prior knowledge of the sense maker
learning communities which encourages sharing, reflection and        and routines of actions between individuals may also influence
deprivatization of practice [12]. Research in professional           the way they interpret information. Thus, having more labels
learning communities acknowledges that active teacher’s              explanations and related experiences provides the ability to see
participation and collaborative activities has an impact in          and connect different data together and develop different
teaching practice [7] and students´ learning [9].                    narratives on what the data mean. However, developing a richer
                                                                     schema requires learning from the others and externalization of
Teacher's groups or wider communities can be formulated              knowledge between educational practitioners.
within the same or different educational institutions with the aim
to improve educational practices [8]. Currently a vast amount of     3. LEARNING ANALYTICS DIMENSIONS
networked technologies and investigation tools [23] provide
many opportunities of knowledge sharing and reflection over          FOR A COMMUNITY OF INQUIRY
teaching practice. The term teacher inquiry has been defined as      Previously teaching analytics were proposed as the support of
“a systematic, intentional research by teachers” [10] which aims     diagnostic-decision making by teachers with the use of learning
at improving instructions in four levels [14]:                       analytics [28] and as the understanding of online teachers
                                                                     interactions when they search and create educational resources
     1.   By defining important instructional problems specific      [32]. In both cases, educational practitioners are considered in
          to the local context of the participating teachers         small working groups with divergent backgrounds or larger
     2.   By planning and implementing instructional solutions-      communities which aim to reach common ground or learn from
          Connecting theory to action                                each other. However, little research addresses how communities
     3.   By using evidence to drive reflection and analysis         of teachers could be supported for better collective performance
     4.   By working towards detectable improvements and             and which analytics from students' activity are most useful to
          specific cause-effect findings about teaching and          consider when reflecting about improvements to their practice.
          learning                                                   Schnellert et al [26] examined how teachers are engaged in
                                                                     collaborative cycles of inquiry within authentic communities of
As such, teacher inquiry consist of a cyclical approach which is     practice. Teachers were co-constructing and analyzing situated
connected with teacher´s planning and investigation and              assessment based on formative assessment data. Avramides et al
promotes changes in the way teacher´s design and rethink for         [4] describe and evaluate a collaborative approach of teacher
their students´ learning. Moreover, currently the practice for the   inquiry into student learning and they emphasize in the need of
collection of data about teaching and learning has emerged. As       defining what data to collect and what they tell us about the
Roshelle & Krumm [24] describe, evidence which can inform            learning process.
instructional improvement was previously infrequent and
separated in time because it required an extensive time period       3.1 Methodology: first LATUX steps
and additional teams of people which could carry out for             In this paper, our aim is to understand how to support teachers´
instance classroom observation and paperwork. However, with          reflection on their teaching plan with the use of teaching analytics
the integration of ICT in teaching and learning, data can be         displayed within communities. Our research context leads as to
collected both from teachers and students more frequently and        follow a Design-Based-Research [6] approach as it provides
integrated into the everyday activities. The research field of       flexibility and proposes analysis of requirements through the
learning analytics, defined as “ the measurement, collection,        collaboration with educators and researchers in real-life settings
analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts,   in order to improve educational practices. More specifically,
for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the        because we focus on visual analytics, after analyzing different
environments in which it occurs” [15], facilitates the practical     frameworks for the design of visualizations, we decided to follow
application of extracting useful information from a learning         the iterative workflow LATUX (Learning Awareness Tools User
environment.                                                         eXperience ) [20] for designing, validating and deploying learning
                                                                     analytics visualizations. LATUX propose a workflow for projects
However, despite the positive factors of investigating teaching      aiming to develop awareness tools for instructors regarding the
and learning to improve future students´ experiences we identify     learning activities of the students. The authors explain four steps
specific challenges addressed within a wider framework of            which include problem identification, low-fidelity prototyping,
professional communities for educators. There are currently few      higher-fidelity prototyping and pilot-studies. In the first steps of
works on how to support collaborative teacher inquiry [27]           problem identification and low-fidelity prototyping the designers
within communities, which students´ information is relevant to       extract requirements, investigate stakeholder’s needs, identify
extract in order to improve teaching and inform other colleagues     data sources aligned with intended pedagogies and develop
and which extra factors influence a community of educators. For      possible visualizations. Our aim is to cover the first steps of
instance, the concept of equivocality [17] deals with possible       problem identification and low-fidelity prototyping. For this
reason, we define our problem of supporting teacher inquiry
within communities with visual learning analytics. We propose
learning analytics data and visualizations which can drive
reflections and we investigate stakeholders´ needs.

3.2 Description of the problem and low-
fidelity prototyping
Examples of learning tools which can be integrated in face-to-
face and online teaching sessions include Learning Management
Systems (e.g., Moodle, Blackboard, Sakai), discussion forums
for social learning or use of wikis and google docs for deploying
activities of students´ writing. Those kind of tools store
information about student to student interaction and student-
content interaction. However, information provided by those                      Figure 1. Examples of checkpoints and process
tools with learning analytics visualizations often do not align                              analytics visualizations
with the pedagogical intentions expressed by teachers in a
                                                                      For instance, regarding checkpoints the left graph shows the
learning design and are not consistent with their aims of
                                                                      percentage of students who submitted a learning assignment in
investigating their students [13, 22, 25]. Moreover, possible
                                                                      different levels of completeness. Regarding the process, the right
reasons of teacher's inquiry into students learning [22] and the
                                                                      graph shows the level of participation in the assignment from
sense-making of information about students may vary according
                                                                      different groups of students. A teacher may estimate if students
to the specific educational context. In this paper, we focus on
                                                                      fulfilled requirements to proceed in an upcoming activity.
four learning analytics types which are relevant with the
monitoring of students´ engagement, the assessment of student's
work, their progression through the timeline of a learning design     3.2.2 Achievements and assessment
and the understanding of their overall satisfaction from the          Achievement of students may be assessed through the evaluation
learning activities. Our aim is to connect common objectives of       of student’s products and artifacts. Thus, access to e-portfolios
learning designs which promote active learning such as                can generate valuable insights on how to (re)design future
cognitive, behavioral, social and affective goals with the aims of    learning activities [19]. However, since this requires time,
learning analytics tools which has been stressed as assistance for    qualitative information for the students´ works through the use of
educators that identify cognitive, social and behavioral aspects      rubrics may be able to inform educators about how to improve
of students´ activities [2]. Moreover, we aim to address teacher      their design. Moreover, automatic analysis from tests can also
information needs which can be extracted from three sources:          show where the students struggle and cognitive impacts of the
the learning process, the learning outcomes and the teaching          learning design [16].
practice [13]. These learning analytics dimensions may be
classified in different levels of granularity from higher order
values to concrete metrics according to specific tools´
affordances and indicators of students learning. We propose four
higher level categories which may be able to help teachers to
plan the inquiry process and evaluate a learning design within
communities. In each category we present examples of low-
fidelity prototypes visualizations and explain the connection
with the learning design as teaching representations.

3.2.1 Engagement
Engagement of students with the learning content and their peers
constitutes prerequisite for their learning. Lockyer et al [18]
explain two types of engagement data which can inform the (re)
design of learning scenarios. First, checkpoint analytics which                     Figure 2. Sample visualization of assessment
are relevant with the engagement of students with the course                        rubrics per group based on different criteria.
resources and can show how students prepare to learn. Examples
can be metrics for submission of learning assignments, online
access to resources and downloads of course content. Second,         Figure 2 shows a visualization of assessment rubrics based on
process analytics like participation in activities per group and     different criteria of evaluation which can be contrasted with the
interaction analysis can show how students are engaged in            goals of a writing assignment. Values correspond to the grades
specific tasks (see figure 1).                                       given by the teacher and show comparisons between different
                                                                     groups of students.
                                                                        inquiry process. This presumes to plan in advance how to collect
3.2.3 Progression through the time                                      this data, which learning objectives to evaluate and in which
                                                                        instance of the design to focus. Although different types of data
Learning progression can help guide teachers in designing their
                                                                        may be needed to be collected during the learning activities,
objectives and choices in the classroom [11]. Bakharia et al [5]
                                                                        teachers often are overloaded with multiple tasks and thus need to
describe a framework for the alignment of learning analytics
                                                                        focus in a specific dimension in each case. These multiple types
with learning design and one dimension deals with temporal
                                                                        of learning analytics collected during the learning process may be
analytics relevant with course, content and tool access during the
                                                                        able to evaluate a learning design and serve as support to
timeline of the course. Tracking the progression of students
                                                                        intentionally collect data when designing for students’ learning.
through the time may help teachers to better orient their
decisions based on temporal planning (see figure 3).
                                                                        3.3 Research focus
                                                                        In this paper we provide low-fidelity prototypical examples of
                                                                        analytics for teachers but our aim is not to evaluate the design of
                                                                        the visualizations rather to understand which of those learning
                                                                        analytics dimensions are relevant for educational practitioners.
                                                                        More specifically, we explore which information is useful in a
                                                                        community of educators´ to drive the improvement and
                                                                        customization of their learning designs. To address these issues,
             Figure 3. Example of progression                           educators´ usage beliefs (usefulness) of learning analytics
           through the time of a learning design                        dimensions for the (re)design of learning scenarios may provide
                                                                        insights on the adoption of this approach in teacher´s practice.
                                                                        Moreover, to evaluate those dimensions together, rather than
                                                                        separately, we discover relations between the usage beliefs of
            Figure 3. Example of progression                            different learning analytics data and between their contexts. Last,
          through the time of a learning design                         since our framework is within teachers´ groups or communities
                                                                        we evaluate the acceptance to exchange with other colleagues
Figure 3 shows the progression of a whole class regarding access        teaching analytics and additional useful information for them.
to resources and participation in a forum during the timetable of
a learning design. Low participation in specific weeks may              The research question explored in this paper is:
orient the design of future activities.
                                                                        RQ: Which learning analytics are useful to (re)design or to re-use
                                                                        a learning design?
3.2.4 Satisfactions rates
Student interest and satisfaction is referred to as another factor to   This research question is investigated though the following more
evaluate the effectiveness of learning environments [33]. The           specific questions:
term student satisfaction can refer to whether students liked to                 RQ1: Are the above learning analytics dimensions
participate in the learning environment, if it was enjoyable to                  (engagement, assessment, progress, satisfaction) or other
work in groups and their overall experience in each learning                     information perceived as valuable by educational
activity (see figure 4).                                                         practitioners?
                                                                                 RQ2: Is there any relation between the four dimensions
                                                                                 and between the dimensions and the contexts of the
                                                                                 RQ3: In a collective level, do educators will to share
                                                                                 learning analytics visualizations or to look at the results
                                                                                 of their colleagues?

                                                                        4.   EVALUATION
                                                                        A case study was used to evaluate how educational practitioners
                                                                        perceive the use of learning analytics for the improvement and
                                                                        reuse of learning designs. The setting was a teacher-training
                                                                        workshop about designing blended MOOCs held in conjunction
                                                                        with a MOOC platform conference. 24 participants, including 8
                                                                        professors, 12 university assistants devoted to the design of
               Figure 4. Satisfaction of students in                    courses and 4 educational researchers took part in the workshop.
            different elements of the learning design                   The use of technology in blended learning approaches allows the
                                                                        collection of data about students representing a feasible case
                                                                        where teachers can have access to learning analytics data. The
Figure 4 shows percentage of students´ satisfaction regarding
                                                                        aim of the workshop was to introduce to a group of educational
different elements of a blended learning scenario. Each element
                                                                        practitioners a framework for the design of blended MOOCs and
can be estimated in the design of an upcoming learning scenario.
                                                                        to evaluate which different levels of analytics or additional
                                                                        information from colleagues can drive decisions for learning
The alignment of those learning analytics dimensions with a
                                                                        design improvement.
learning design may require from a teacher to be involved in the
Regarding the profile and interest of the participants, 60% of        questions, one for each of the learning analytics dimensions and
them were conceptualizing an idea of a blended MOOC course            one question regarding the usefulness of knowing about the
to be implemented in the future while 35% were preparing or           context and student´s profile. Additional open questions aimed to
running a blended MOOC course at the time of the workshop             extract which additional information could be useful from the
and only 5% were not intended to implement a MOOC course.             perspective of the participants to support reflection for the
Their interest to participate in the workshop was primarily to        improvement of a learning design. Finally, to evaluate acceptance
learn how to blend MOOC resources in face-to-face classrooms          of collective practices when teachers present results of their
and apply it into their practice.                                     inquiry in the form of visualizations, two additional questions
                                                                      were referring to the acceptance of sharing learning analytics
For the facilitation of the workshop, participants were provided      visualizations with other colleagues and the acceptance of having
with different example cases of blended MOOCs design (e.g.            access into results of other educator’s results.
flipped classroom case) which were analogous to their own ideas
about course design. Each case was enriched with low-fidelity         Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis between the
prototypes of learning analytics data in each of the above            constructs were used to explore the results of the questionnaire. A
categories (engagement, assessment, progress, satisfaction). The      total N=20 participants responded in the questionnaire with an
examples included the figures shown in the previous section and       acceptable reliability a = .76. The results regarding the perceived
among others, histograms, bar charts and line-graphs of temporal      usefulness of learning analytics dimensions (RQ1) showed that
analysis for student´s access to resources of the course,             these categories receive high value from the participants with
satisfaction rates of face-to-face and online activities, students´   means ranging between 3.6 and 3.95 within a Likert scale 1-5
pass rates and group participation in wiki assignments. Both the      (See table 1). An interesting result was the fact that the
example cases and the visual analytics were provided as paper         assessment category had the higher mean (M = 3.95) whereas the
material.                                                             engagement of students had the lowest mean (M = 3.6), while
                                                                      progression and satisfaction were in similar levels. One
To generate discussions within the workshop´s groups, after an        interpretation could be that participants perceived high value in
initial introduction to the topic, the participants were asked to     past students´ achievements when designing a blended MOOC
look at the example cases and the learning analytics dimensions       whereas engagement with course material and online interactions
and to think which information help them to re-design or reuse        is a secondary priority.
these cases. Moreover, they were asked to discuss which
information after the implementation of their course they were        The question concerning perceived usefulness of knowing the
willing to share within their educational community.                  context (RQ2) of the course (e.g. the profile of the students, level
                                                                      of education, and the domain of knowledge) for the understanding
                                                                      and analysis of learning analytics visualizations received high
                                                                      value with a mean M = 4.4 (SD = .68) within a Likert Scale 1-5.
                                                                      This may shows high relevance of providing information about
                                                                      the students and the overall context of a learning design in order
                                                                      to interpret visualizations given by others.

                                                                      Correlation analysis between those dimensions (see Table 1)
                                                                      showed that perceived usefulness of engagement analytics was
                                                                      correlated with progression and assessment with satisfaction.
                                                                      Moreover, interest in knowing the educational context was
                                                                      correlated with interest about engagement and assessment. The
                                                                      relation between the value of engagement and progression
                                                                      awareness may show how participants anticipate and combine the
                                                                      efforts of the students with their progress. The relation between
                                                                      assessment and satisfaction can be interpreted from the
                                                                      perspective that achievements of students are perceived consistent
                                                                      with their overall satisfaction. Finally since we found a
                                                                      correlation only between usefulness of context information and
                                                                      assessment and engagement analytics, we can interpret that those
                                                                      types of data are especially relevant within the context in which
        Figure 5. Working groups discussing about the
                                                                      they are collected.
          use of learning analytics in different cases.
Figure 5 shows low fidelity prototypes of four learning analytics     Table 1. Descriptive statistics and correlation matrix.
dimensions as paper material. Groups of participants were             Usefulness of each learning analytics dimension and the
provided with example cases of blended MOOCs designs and              context
the four learning analytics dimensions.                                                 Mean(SD)    1         2        3       4
                                                                       1.Engagement 3.6(1.04)
For the evaluation of this approach, we used two data sources, a       2.Assessment     3.95(.82)   .402
questionnaire and observations carried out by one individual           3. Progression 3.8(.89)      .585**    .271
researcher. We constructed a questionnaire based on the                4. Satisfaction 3.85(.81)    .297      .616**   .391
Learning Analytics Acceptance Model described in [2] for the           5. Context       4.44(.68)   .532*     .506*    -.035   .304
perceived usefulness of learning analytics dimensions to               n = 20, *p<0.05, **p <0.01
improve learning designs. The questionnaire included four
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics regarding the usefulness      The willingness to see the results of the implementation of other
of each learning analytics dimension (1-4) and the usefulness of      learning designs also received high acceptance (75%). However,
knowing the context and student´s profile in the example cases        this time 4 participants indicated that they would not like to have
(5). Moreover, columns 1-4 show the correlations between the          access to these kinds of visualizations. This opens up questions in
five items of the questionnaire.                                      the way data can be presented to educators and which additional
                                                                      information would help them to re-design their course. The
The qualitative responses of the participants regarding               limited responses concerning useful information from other
additional information which could help them to redesign their        colleagues do not allow us to make conclusions. However, many
course or re-use an implemented design showed the importance          participants inquired information about concrete related learning
of having descriptive qualitative information about face to face      design examples and students´ satisfaction levels for each specific
sessions such as teacher reports and observations about the           part of the course.
levels of students´ interactions. Some other interesting responses
were the idea that online connection time does not necessarily        Last, the observations carried out by the individual researcher
indicates useful work, but that actual time used in each activity     showed that participants were particularly interested to have
is useful to redesign a course (see figure 6). In general, learning   analytics results for each specific case. The discussions of the
designers may often need a combination of data regarding face         groups were varying according to the participant´s beliefs about
to face and online interactions and qualitative feedback from         the different analytics dimensions and often participants were
their colleagues.                                                     having different understanding of the same results and possible
                                                                      learning design improvements.

                                                                      4. CONCLUSION
                                                                      Data-driven reflections on the teaching practice can impact the
                                                                      way in which educators design for learning and deliver their
                                                                      teaching. Educational teams or communities can be formed
                                                                      around situated activities such as teacher planning, analysis of
                                                                      student’s data and improvement of learning designs. In this paper
                                                                      we analyzed which learning analytics data or additional
                                                                      information is useful to help educational practitioners to redesign
                                                                      their learning scenarios. We considered our analysis within
                                                                      teacher’s inquiry teams or wider communities and thus we
                                                                      proposed four learning analytics data which can be aligned with
                                                                      teacher’s pedagogical intentions expressed in a learning design
                                                                      and can drive discussions.

                                                                      Our case study within a workshop for the design of blended
                                                                      MOOC courses showed that the dimensions of engagement,
       Figure 6. Word cloud of participants´ responses                achievement, progression and satisfaction were perceived as of
                                                                      high value by the participants. This proposes that in this context
Figure 6 shows key words of participant’s responses regarding         these learning analytics dimensions are considered as relevant to
information that help them to re-use or re-design their course or     drive reflections. The assessment of students was the most useful
anothers’ implemented design. Interaction of students, time           information to develop decisions on how to improve future
duration of activities and face-to-face observations were among       courses. However, the limitation of our case in blended MOOCs
the key information.                                                  and the fact that the participants were provided with the learning
                                                                      design of high granularity (representing the whole course rather
Regarding the willingness to share learning analytics (RQ3)           the design of partial phases of the course) may influence the value
results in the form of visualizations with other colleagues, the      of having this data. For instance, teaching representations for a
results showed high acceptance as 75% of the participants gave        collaborative learning activity may require more data about the
positive responses. 2 of the participants indicated that they         learning process and the engagement of students to show
would be willing to share specific data and on demand                 interesting information to the teacher.
information if they were asked from other colleagues and 2 were
not willing to exchange aggregated analytics from their               Second, the experience of the participants with the
scenarios. The participants were also asked which type of             implementation of blended courses with MOOCs, positive or
information would be useful to help other colleagues to design a      negative, may influence the interpretations of our results. The
similar experience. Although this question received low               largest amount of them were preparing the content of a blended
responses, useful information was related to the details of the       course but had limited experience in implementing it. Further
teaching strategy (similar to the representation of a learning        studies should consider interviewing educational practitioners
design or a teaching notation), explanations of faced difficulties    during or after the implementation of their own learning scenarios
and positive experiences from other educators and aspects of          as accessibility and effort to interpret data will provide better
their four dimensions we proposed. This highlights the need to        insights for the usefulness of this approach.
inform other educators about the way they design their courses
and their experiences after their implementation as statistics and    In a collective level, educational practitioners were interested to
visualization may be not enough for the interpretation of             view learning analytics visualizations from other colleagues or to
learning analytics results.                                           share their own results to inform educational teams. However, the
                                                                      context of the learning design was valuable information to
interpret this data. This proposes that educators are interested to       Gašević, D., Mulder, R., Williams, D., Dawson, S. &
collaborate with others on issues such as the use of student´s            Lockyer, L., 2016. A conceptual framework linking learning
data to improve their practice, data collection, data visualization       design with learning analytics. In Proceedings of the Sixth
and learning design. However, we need to consider that there is           International Conference on Learning Analytics &
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according to their actual meaning. For instance, in our case the          power of teacher leadership. Educational Leadership, 62(5),
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reports regarding the student´s discussion in the classroom, and          Joolingen, W. R. 2015. Understanding teacher design
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colleagues. This proposes that additional work is needed on how           descriptive framework. Teaching and teacher education, 51,
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Last, design implications of our evaluation propose that                  Education and Skills
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5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                        Improvement, Teachers College, Columbia University, New
This research is partly funded by RecerCaixa and the Spanish               York.
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under RESET
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