=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper3 |storemode=property |title=Luna: A Dashboard for Teachers Using Intelligent Tutoring Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-1738 |authors=Kenneth Holstein,Franceska Xhakaj,Vincent Aleven,Bruce McLaren |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ectel/HolsteinXAM16 }} ==Luna: A Dashboard for Teachers Using Intelligent Tutoring Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper3.pdf
Luna: A Dashboard for Teachers Using Intelligent Tutoring
  Kenneth Holstein1                   Franceska Xhakaj1                  Vincent Aleven1                     Bruce McLaren1
                                                Human-Computer Interaction Institute
                                                    Carnegie Mellon University
kjholste@cs.cmu.edu francesx@cs.cmu.edu                                aleven@cs.cmu.edu                bmclaren@cs.cmu.edu

ABSTRACT                                                               In creating the Luna dashboard, we follow a user-centered design
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) generate a wealth of fine-          approach, grounded in data collected about teacher and student
grained student interaction data. Although it seems likely that        needs. So far, we have used Contextual Inquiry together with
teachers could benefit from access to advanced analytics               other design methods such as Interpretation Sessions and Affinity
generated from these data, ITSs do not typically come with             Diagramming to collect user data from middle-school teachers
dashboards designed for teachers’ needs. In this project, we           [10]. We created a medium-fidelity prototype, which we then used
follow a user-centered design approach to create a dashboard for       in a classroom study with real student data.
teachers using ITSs.                                                   We are currently redesigning this early dashboard prototype (see
                                                                       Figure 1) based on extensive feedback and usage data from
CCS Concepts                                                           teachers. We then plan to move to an implementation, within the
• Human-centered computing~Human            computer    interaction    CTAT/Tutorshop environment, of a fully functioning initial
(HCI) • Applied computing~Education                                    version. During the workshop we will show some of the design
                                                                       iterations the dashboard underwent, and we will demo a
Keywords                                                               functioning early prototype. In addition, we will introduce
Intelligent tutoring systems, learning analytics, user-centered        extensions we are making to the CTAT/TutorShop environment,
design, dashboards, blended learning, student modeling                 which facilitate the iterative prototyping and deployment of
1. THE LUNA DASHBOARD                                                  learning analytics tools for ITSs.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) [4, 8, 9] typically generate a      Although the notion of a teacher dashboard for advanced learning
wealth of fine-grained data about student progress and learning.       technologies is not in itself new, our project may have a somewhat
The analytics that can be derived from these data include, for         unique combination of characteristics. As mentioned, few ITSs
example, estimates of student knowledge, decomposed by skills          have teacher dashboards. Further, we are carefully considering the
and misconceptions within a domain, as well as time and progress       unique needs of different usage-scenarios and designing to
on various activities within the ITS. Although it seems highly         address them. Specifically, in our design process we are
likely that human teachers could benefit from access to these          considering teachers’ needs in two usage scenarios within a single
analytics, ITSs do not typically come with teacher dashboards that     project: exploratory/reflective use (a dashboard that offers
are designed with a thorough understanding of teachers’ needs for      formative reports, accessible anytime by the teacher), as well as
actionable information in various contexts. More often, analytics      real-time decision support (a dashboard that helps teachers
from ITSs are used for research purposes or in Open Learner            monitor and help their students during live, in-class use of ITSs).
Models shown to the student. While some ITSs show reports that         Each of these scenarios leads to different teacher needs and
may be useful for teachers (e.g. [1, 2]), these are not typically      designs. Finally, we ultimately aim to study how teachers use
designed specifically to address teachers’ needs.                      these dashboards, and how student learning is affected by
                                                                       teachers’ use of the dashboards.
In our project [3], our goal is to support teacher decision-making
and self-reflection in blended learning environments that use ITSs     2. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in conjunction with classroom instruction, particularly in contexts
                                                                       We thank Gail Kusbit, Octav Popescu, Jonathan Sewall, Cindy
where ITS-use and classroom instruction occur at separate times.       Tipper, and all participating teachers for their help with this
We are in the process of creating a dashboard for an ITS that          project. The research reported here was supported by NSF Award
supports step-based problem solving (as many ITSs do [4]). As          #1530726 and by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.
our initial test bed, we use Lynnette – a simple but highly            Department of Education, through Grant R305B150008 to
effective ITS for basic equation solving, built in our lab [5, 6].     Carnegie Mellon University. The opinions expressed are those of
Lynnette has been used in a number of middle schools in our            the authors and do not represent the views of the Institute or the
region, in research studies with students in grades 6 through 8 (11-   U.S. Department of Education.
14 year olds). However, our goal is to create a dashboard that can
be used with any ITS that, like Lynnette, is built within the          3. REFERENCES
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Figure 1. One of two screens of an interactive, medium-fidelity prototype of the dashboard that was used in a classroom study with
data from a teacher’s own students. This screen displays information about the performance of the class as a whole, in the form of
 counts of students who are estimated to have ‘mastered’ particular skills (top-left), skill levels plotted against amount of practice
(right), and prevalence of particular misconceptions (bottom-left). Early design feedback from teachers suggests that they perceive
                              information about student misconceptions to be particularly actionable.