=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper4 |storemode=property |title=Developing a Teacher Dashboard for Use with Intelligent Tutoring Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-1738 |authors=Vincent Aleven,Franceska Xhakaj,Kenneth Holstein,Bruce M. McLaren |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ectel/AlevenXHM16 }} ==Developing a Teacher Dashboard for Use with Intelligent Tutoring Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper4.pdf
 Developing a Teacher Dashboard For Use with Intelligent
                   Tutoring Systems
    Vincent Aleven                    Franceska Xhakaj                 Kenneth Holstein                     Bruce M. McLaren
                                                Human-Computer Interaction Institute
                                                   Carnegie Mellon University
                                                        Pittsburgh, PA
                                {aleven, francesx, kjholste, bmclaren}@cs.cmu.edu

ABSTRACT                                                               redesign involved adding a new dashboard but the course was
Many dashboards display analytics generated by educational             changed in other ways as well, so the better results cannot be
technologies, but few of them work with intelligent tutoring           attributed solely to the dashboard.
systems (ITSs). We are creating a teacher dashboard for use with       We are creating a dashboard for teachers who use intelligent
ITSs built and used within our CTAT/Tutorshop infrastructure: an       tutoring software in their classrooms. Intelligent tutoring systems
environment for authoring and deploying ITSs. The dashboard            (ITSs) have led to improved learning outcomes in many domains
will take advantage of the fine-grained interaction data and           [28,33,40,45-47] but often are not designed to involve teachers.
derived analytics that CTAT-built ITSs produce. We are taking a        ITSs might be even more effective if they were designed to not
user-centered design approach in which we target two usage             only help students directly, but to provide data to teachers to help
scenarios for the dashboard. In one scenario, a teacher uses the       them help their students. In fact, they already produce a wealth of
dashboard while helping a class of students working with the           sophisticated analytics, based on student modeling methods, that
tutoring software in the school’s computer lab. In the other, the      might be useful for this purpose. In our current project, we take a
teacher uses the dashboard to prepare for an upcoming class            user-centered design approach to create a teacher’s dashboard for
session. So far, we have completed a Contextual Inquiry, ideation,     intelligent tutoring software, focusing on realistic classroom
Speed Dating sessions in which teachers evaluated story boards,        scenarios.
usability testing, and a classroom study with a mocked up version
of the dashboard with real data from the teacher’s current classes     The work differs from past work on teacher dashboards in that it
and students. We are currently analyzing the data produced in          focuses on intelligent tutoring technology rather than typical
these activities, iterating on the design of the dashboard, and        online course materials. This difference is significant because
implementing a full version of the dashboard. Unique                   ITSs record student interaction data at a very fine-grained level,
characteristics of this dashboard may be that it leverages fine-       enabling advanced student modeling. These models often capture
grained interaction data produced by an ITS and that it will be        aspects of student knowledge, affect, metacognition, and other
fully integrated with an ITS development and deployment                variables. However, there are many interesting open questions as
environment, and therefore available for use with many ITSs.           to how such a dashboard can be designed to fit with classroom
                                                                       practice and whether teachers can take advantage of it to help
CCS Concepts                                                           their students learn more effectively.
• Applied computing~Interactive learning environments                  Our project focuses on the following research questions:

Keywords                                                                    1.   What up-to-the-minute data about student learning that
Intelligent tutoring systems, learning analytics, user-centered                  ITSs can provide is helpful to teachers and how can it
design, dashboards, blended learning, student modeling.                          best be presented in an actionable manner?
                                                                            2.   How do teachers use actionable analytics presented in a
1. INTRODUCTION                                                                  dashboard to help their students?
In the field of learning analytics, dashboards are often viewed as
an important way in which data about students’ learning processes           3.   Do students learn better when their teacher monitors a
can be used to make instruction more effective [18,48].                          dashboard and uses it to adjust the instruction?
Dashboards are often used in college-level online courses or           In the current paper, we report on the steps taken so far in our
blended courses (e.g., [32]). They have also been used to support      user-centered design process and on an experimental study for
computer-supported collaborative learning scenarios [24,38],           which we have completed data collection. At the time of this
learning with mobile devices [16,25], and tabletop instructional       writing, we have preliminary answers for the first two questions,
technology [34,44].                                                    and are still working on the third.
Many papers describe dashboard designs and present evidence
that users found these designs useful [1,17,22,39]. However, there     2. BACKGROUND: THE
has been almost no empirical work that shows how teacher               CTAT/TUTORSHOP ENVIRONMENT FOR
dashboards influence student learning. Some studies came close.        ITS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
For example, Lovett, Myers, and Thille [32] showed that a              The dashboard we create will be integrated in our general
redesigned college-level online statistics course led to greater and   infrastructure for ITS authoring and deployment, the
more efficient learning, compared to the original course. The          CTAT/Tutorshop infrastructure [7,8]. The CTAT tool suite makes
it possible to develop intelligent tutors without programming and        steps in each problem. Also, upon request, it gives strategic hints
to deploy and use them on the web. It is proven and mature,              suggesting what transformation to try next, even if the student
having been used by over 600 authors for projects of various             follows an unusual strategy. Lynnette is flexible enough to follow
levels of ambition and in a variety of domains. Tutors built with        along with students regardless of what sequence of reasonable
CTAT have been used in at least 50 research studies, most of             transformations they try as they solve equations. Lynnette has
which took place in real educational settings. The Tutorshop is a        been shown in five classroom studies to help students learn
learning management system specifically designed to support              effectively [29-31,49].
classroom use of CTAT-built ITSs. It provides teachers with tools
for creating class lists, assigning work (i.e., tutor problem sets) to   The idea to build a dashboard was inspired by an informal
students, and viewing reports on student progress and learning. It       observation by Yanjin Long, a former PhD student at our
hosts a variety of tutors, including Mathtutor [6,9], Lynnette           institution, during one of her classroom studies with Lynnette.
[30,31,49] (see Figure 1), and tutors for genetics problem solving       During a session in which middle-school students used Lynnette
[20], stoichiometry [36,37], decimals [23,35], and fractions [41-        in their school’s computer lab, the teacher of this class, who was
                                                                         walking around in the lab to keep a close eye on how her students
43]. Tutorshop is implemented in Ruby on Rails with a database
in MySQL. Tutors built in this infrastructure are compatible with        were progressing with the tutoring system, repeatedly saw her
DataShop, a large online service that provides data sets and tools       students make the same error. Although the tutoring software
for researchers in educational data mining (EDM) [26].                   flagged this error and helped students recover, the teacher wisely
                                                                         decided that more was needed. Perhaps key conceptual knowledge
                                                                         was missing. Right then and there, she inserted a brief mini-lesson
                                                                         in front of the lab’s white board, explaining not just the correct
                                                                         procedure (as Lynnette would do) but highlighting conceptual
                                                                         background knowledge regarding why this procedure is the way it
                                                                         is and why the error is wrong. This illustrates one of the scenarios
                                                                         for which we are designing the dashboard. The dashboard may
                                                                         make this kind of scenario more frequent and more effective.

                                                                         3. USER-CENTERED DESIGN
                                                                         We are implementing a user-centered design process in which we
                                                                         identify needs of teachers in different usage scenarios and design
                                                                         to address these needs. We also explore the utility of analytics
                                                                         currently used for research but not, typically, in practice, such as
                                                                         learning curves [26], graphs that track the gradual increase in
                                                                         correct execution of targeted knowledge components over
                                                                         successive practice opportunities We focus on dashboard use
                                                                         within blended courses in which students use intelligent tutoring
    Figure 1. Lynnette is an intelligent tutoring system for             software several times a week, and in which the remaining
       basic equation solving, implemented within the                    classroom time is spent on lectures, group work, and seat work.
               CTAT/Tutorshop architecture.                              This approach is typical of Cognitive Tutor courses, a type of ITS
                                                                         that is widely used in American middle schools and high schools
Building on the CTAT/Tutorshop infrastructure facilitates the            [27]. Within this broader context, we focus on two specific
development of the dashboard, for two reasons. First, any tutor          scenarios in which a teacher uses the dashboard, namely,
built within this infrastructure generates a wealth of data from         exploratory/reflective use of analytics to inform decisions about
which informative analytics can be calculated. Second, the               what to do during subsequent class periods (we refer to this as the
infrastructure is geared towards feeding back information to             “next-day” scenario) as well as real-time decision support, in
teachers, though in elaborate reports rather than the use-specific,      which the dashboard displays up-to-the-second analytics as a class
actionable form we foresee for the dashboard. Importantly, the           of students is working (in the school’s computer lab) with the
dashboard and the newly developed learning analytics will                tutoring software (we refer to this as the “on-the-spot” scenario).
become part of the CTAT/Tutorshop infrastructure. Thus, they             So far, we have carried out the following activities:
will be available in many CTAT-built tutors.
                                                                              •    Contextual Inquiry with teachers
In our research, we will use a tutoring system called Lynnette,               •    Interpretation Sessions and building work models,
designed to help 7th and 8th grade students learn basic skill in                   followed by creating an Affinity Diagram
equation solving [30,31,49] (see Figure 1). As ITSs typically do,             •    Speed Dating to explore design ideas captured in
Lynnette supports learning by doing. It presents problems that are                 storyboards
matched to each individual student’s evolving skill level. It also            •    Developing prototype designs.
provides detailed, step-by-step guidance as students solve these
problems. That is, it gives feedback as students attempt to take
                Figure 2. A storyboard depicting the focus question (at the top), the storyboard images (the first row) and the
                                           description of each image and the story (second row)

                                                                          o   “Wheel spinning,” that is, not learning a skill despite
     •    Prototyping sessions with teachers                                  repeated practice [13]
     •    Classroom experiment in which a mocked up dashboard             o Generality of knowledge learned – statistical fit with
          was fueled with real data from the teacher’s current                different knowledge component models may indicate
          classes and students.                                               whether students make or miss key generalizations such
                                                                              as treating constant and variables term the same where
A key design challenge is figuring out which of the many                      appropriate [3,15]
analytics that ITSs produce will be most useful for teachers, as      •   Learning behaviors
well as how they can be presented to teachers in an actionable            o Effective help use [4,5]
way. We explore this question throughout the user-centered                o Frequent use of bottom-out hints (gaming the system)
design process. Below we list possible analytics, to illustrate the           [2,12]
range of possibilities. This list was drawn up based on our               o Being on/off task [11]
knowledge of teacher reports in Mathtutor and Cognitive Tutor,            o Being frustrated or bored frequently (affect) [21]
our knowledge of the literature on learning analytics and                 o Effort (e.g., evidence of steady work without
educational data mining, and suggestions from two teachers.                   maladaptive strategies) [10]
Some of these analytics can be distilled or aggregated in a               o Being stuck on a problem for a long time (brought up by
straightforward manner from the interaction stream with an ITS.               one of the interviewed teachers)
Others require more sophisticated detectors or metacognitive tutor    •   Where are the challenges for students?
agents. However, all items listed below are realistic in that they        o Which problem types, problems, or steps are hardest?
have been demonstrated in prior ITS or EDM work.
                                                                              (suggested by one of the interviewed teachers)
•    Progress through problem units in the tutoring software              o Which problems are harder than the most similar
     o Overall progress (e.g., list of units completed)                       problems?
     o Progress rate (e.g., problem-solving steps completed per           o Which error types are most frequent across problems?
          unit of time)
     o Progress during the current session or past sessions           3.1 Contextual Inquiry
     o Progress since a particular benchmark date, (suggested         We started with Contextual Inquiry sessions to investigate how
          by a teacher whom we interviewed)                           teachers currently use data in order to inform their pedagogical
•    Skill mastery and rate of learning                               decisions. Contextual Inquiry is a form of semi-structured
     o Learning curves [26]                                           interview within the context of a specific task [14]. The
     o Skills mastered [19]                                           participants were 6 middle school teachers in 3 schools. We
     o Skills students are about to start working on                  collected a total of 11.5 hours of video data. Some of our main
     o Most/least difficult skills, determined through learning       findings were that teachers use data extensively, often
          curve analysis [26]
  Figure 3. A medium-fidelity prototype created using Contextual Inquiry and Speed Dating data. It displays information (from
  top to bottom, left to right) on the number of students who have mastered each skill or have misconceptions, skill mastery and
  misconceptions per student, average skill mastery plotted against average amount of practice and student time in tutor plotted
                                                      against student progress.

analytics they generate themselves. These analytics influence their      Dating we found that teachers think it would be useful to see data
decisions both at the class level and the individual level. We also      and analytics provided by ITSs that teachers do not currently
found that teachers paid a great amount of attention to student          have, such as wheel-spinning information. In addition, we found
errors, perhaps because (in a domain such as algebra) errors tend        that teachers like to have power over the dashboard and its
to be very actionable (e.g., the teacher might discuss the given         decisions, and would not prefer having the dashboard have full
error in class). The methods, data, and findings are described in        control or power over the students.
more detail in [50].
                                                                         3.3 Prototyping
3.2 Ideation And Speed Dating Through                                    Based on our findings from Contextual Inquiry and Speed Dating,
Storyboarding                                                            we created an initial medium-fidelity prototype of the dashboard
Following Contextual Inquiry we generated broad design concepts          for use in the next-day scenario (shown in Figure 3). Recall that in
and created storyboards that captured them in the form of                this scenario, the teacher uses the dashboard “offline” (i.e.,
illustrated stories addressing a central question (see Figure 2).        outside of class) to prepare for an upcoming class session.
These storyboards were then reviewed with teachers during Speed          We conducted prototyping sessions with this medium-fidelity
Dating sessions, high-paced sessions in which each teacher gave          prototype with three middle-school faculty (two teachers, one
their quick impressions of each of the storyboards.                      educational technology specialist), in which we showed them a
We conducted Speed Dating with 2 middle-school teachers from a           paper print out of this prototype and asked them to pretend they
suburban, medium-achieving school (2 male) and 1 female                  were preparing for a next-day lecture, while also ‘thinking aloud’
middle-school teacher from a suburban, medium-achieving                  as they walked through the interface. We also encouraged the
school. We created 22 storyboards with focus questions that              participating teachers to ask the interviewer questions about any
aimed to explore different types of data that the teacher might          components of the dashboard interface that they did not
need in the dashboard but they currently do not have, such as            understand, as well as to provide criticism and generate design
wheel-spinning information (e.g., “Does information on students’         alternatives (e.g., by drawing on the mockup). The interviewer
wheel spinning in the tutor help guide your instruction?”). The          also asked for elaborations throughout each prototyping session,
questions also focused on whether the data should be shown at the        based on the participants’ questions and feedback. For example,
class or the individual level (as shown in Figure 2), and how this       two teachers requested that the dashboard generate high-level
data could help the teacher drive and differentiate instruction (e.g.,   summaries (e.g., lists displaying the students, skills, and
“What notes and reminders from the dashboard help you make               misconceptions that most require the teacher’s attention) to help
decisions as you prepare for the next class?”). Lastly, we wanted        teachers reach actionable insights more quickly. In each case,
to test some futuristic ideas, in particular regarding the power         however, further discussion suggested that these teachers would
separation between the teacher and the dashboard. From Speed             find it difficult to trust such summaries without being able to view
      Figure 4. One of the two screens of high-fidelity prototype of the dashboard that was used in a classroom study with real
  student data from the teacher’s current classes. This screen displays information about the performance of the class as a whole,
  in the form of number of students who have mastered each skill (top-left), average skill mastery plotted against average amount
                            of practice (right), and prevalence of particular misconceptions (bottom-left).

the “raw data” upon which these summaries were based, or to             up the dashboard to the Tutorshop backend. We populated the
better understand how these summaries were generated. We are            dashboard with real data from the teacher’s current classes and
currently in the process of analyzing data from these prototyping       students, but did so through a combination of Python scripts,
sessions, to inform future design iterations. We are also               Excel use, and Tableau code.
conducting additional Speed Dating sessions to inform the design
of a dashboard used in the on-the-spot scenario. In our current         Our goal for the study was to (1) understand how teachers use
Speed Dating sessions, we are exploring the potential usefulness        actionable analytics presented in a dashboard to drive their
of a broader range of analytics, while also exploring some of the       instruction and (2) explore whether students learn better when the
interesting tensions and trade-offs that teachers highlighted during    teacher uses a dashboard to monitor their performance and adjust
our previous speed dating and prototyping sessions.                     instruction. At the time of this writing, we have completed the
                                                                        data collection and are starting to analyze the data.
3.4 Classroom Evaluation Study With
Dashboard Mockup And Real Data                                          We conducted the classroom evaluation study with 5 teachers
Finally, we conducted a classroom evaluation study to test out our      from two different suburban, medium-achieving schools in our
initial design for a dashboard for the next day scenario. As            area. The 2 teachers from the first school participated with 3 of
mentioned, in this scenario, a teacher uses the dashboard to plan       their classes each, while the 3 teachers from the other school
what to do the next day in class, or the next day that the class will   participated with 2, 4 and 5 of their classes respectively. Students
be in the computer lab working with the tutoring software.              were required to take a 20-minute pre-test followed by 1.5 periods
                                                                        work with Lynnette (1 period is 40 min) and a 20-minute mid-test.
We iterated on the medium-fidelity design of the dashboard based        Each teacher was given 20 minutes to prepare for a full class
on feedback from a design professor at our institution, and created     period and their classes were assigned in counterbalanced fashion
a high-fidelity design of the dashboard (as shown in Figure 4).         to the experimental or control condition. After the teacher
This high-fidelity design has separate screens for class and            conducted the lecture, students took a 20-minute post-test
individual level information; both screens display information          followed by a delayed post-test one week after the lecture.
about students’ skills and categories of errors. These design
decisions were grounded in the data gathered during the                 The sole difference between the two conditions was whether or
Contextual Inquiry and Speed Dating sessions. In this study, we         not the teacher had the dashboard available during their 20-minute
used the high-fidelity design of the dashboard mocked up with           class preparation session. In the experimental condition, teachers
Tableau, a data visualization tool (http://www.tableau.com/).           were shown two next-day dashboards, one with overall class-level
Using Tableau, we created a realistic-looking dashboard with very       information (as shown in Figure 4) and another one with
limited interactive capabilities (e.g., tooltips) but without hooking   individual-level information. We asked them to prepare for class
                                                                        using the two dashboards as they saw appropriate. In the control
condition, teachers were not given any information on their                informed by the dashboard. Thus far, very little research has
students’ performance and were asked to prepare as they normally           attempted to evaluate learning gains attributable to teacher
would for the topic of Linear Equations in middle-school                   dashboards.
                                                                           5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION                                               We thank Gail Kusbit, Octav Popescu, Jonathan Sewall, Cindy
Teacher dashboards are emerging as a key way in which learning             Tipper, and all participating teachers for their help with this
analytics might have a positive influence on educational practice.         project. The research reported here was supported by NSF Award
Although by now many dashboards have been created, we know                 #1530726 and by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.
of few projects that have focused on creating a dashboard for              Department of Education, through Grant R305B150008 to
ITSs. These systems produce rich interaction data. Many analytics          Carnegie Mellon University. The opinions expressed are those of
derived from these data have been used in research (e.g., in the           the authors and do not represent the views of the Institute or the
EDM community), but use in a teacher dashboard is less common.             U.S. Department of Education.
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