=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper5 |storemode=property |title=An Open Learner Model Used by Teachers to Monitor Speed Reading Learners |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-1738 |authors=Blandine Ginon,Matthew Johnson,Ali Turker,Michael Kickmeier-Rust |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ectel/GinonJTK16a }} ==An Open Learner Model Used by Teachers to Monitor Speed Reading Learners== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper5.pdf

                    Blandine Ginon                                           Matthew Johnson
                School of Engineering,                                     School of Engineering,
             University of Birmingham, UK                               University of Birmingham, UK
              b.ginon.1@bham.ac.uk                                         d.johnson.1@bham.ac.uk

                        Ali Turker                                       Michael Kickmeier-Rust
  SEBIT Education and Information Technologies,                      Knowledge Technologies Institute,
                Ankara, Turkey                                           Graz University, Austria
              Ali.Turker@sebit.com.tr                             michael.kickmeier-rust@tugraz.at

ABSTRACT                                                      1 INTRODUCTION
The benefits of Open Learner Model for learners
have been widely demonstrated: supporting learning            An Open Learner Model (OLM) is a learner model
and metacognition, facilitating self-monitoring and           that is accessible to a user, in an understandable way
planning, improving self-assessment skills… In this           [2]. The aims to make the model accessible to
paper, we investigate the benefits of using an OLM            learners are to support learning and cognition, and to
for teachers. We present Hızlıgo, a speed reading             facilitate self-monitoring and planning [4]. OLMs
application and the LEA’s Box OLM, a                          can also be useful as well for other stakeholders of
competency-based OLM intended for both teachers               learning, like teachers and parents, in order to help
and learners. They have been linked in order build in         them help learners and facilitate learners monitoring
learner models composed of 50 competencies
                                                              [8; 10]. Access the learner model can help teachers
relative to speed reading that the level is calculated
                                                              to identify learners’ strengths and difficulties and to
based on the outcomes of activities performed in
                                                              plan and adapt their teaching [11]. Thus, several
Hızlıgo. 10 teachers have been using the OLM in
order to monitor their class in the context of a 12 day       OLM are intended for both teachers and learners
intensive course using the speed reading application          (e.g. [12;7]), some OLMs offer different
Hizligo and involving 87 students. The OLM have               visualisations for learners and teachers (e.g. [5]),
been regularly used by teachers, using different              especially in the cases where the learners are
visualisations, mainly in the aim to identify the             children (e.g. [6]). However, in these OLMs the
strengths and weakness of both their class and their          model cannot be built from data coming from an
individual students. Teachers found the OLM easy              external data source, with a competency-based
to use and to understand and helpful for their                approach.
teaching.                                                         In this paper, we investigate the benefits for
                                                              teachers to use a competency-based OLM, in the
CCS Concepts                                                  context of a speed reading course. First, we
• Human-centered computing➝Human computer                     introduce Hızlıgo, a speed reading application and
interaction (HCI); user model, user studies                   the LEA’s Box OLM, a competency-based OLM
➝Visualization; Visual analytics; Visualization systems       intended for both teachers and learners. Then, we
and tools • Applied Computing ➝ Education;                    present how the OLM have been used in the context
Interactive learning environments.                            of a 12 day intensive course with Hızlıgo, involving
                                                              10 teachers and 87 students.
Open learner model, learning analytics, teaching analytics.
    Hızlıgo (www.hizligo.com) is an online
application intended to help learners to improve their
speed reading competencies during a 12 day
intensive course. Hızlıgo provides learners with 20
types of activities (see Fig. 2), like ‘letter counting’
where the learner has to count the number of
occurrence of a character in a character cloud and
‘picture text’ where the learner has to recognise a
picture briefly shown. Several measures can be used
to calculate the scores of an activity, like the
proportion of good answers, the number of answers
and the speed to answers. Hızlıgo recommends a
sequence of activities for every day of the course,                             Fig. 2. Hızlıgo: statistics.
but the learners can also access the activities
independently. Using Hızlıgo, learners and teachers
can visualise statistics regarding the completion rate          3 LEA’S BOX PERSUADABLE
of the course and the activity scores (see Fig. 2),               OPEN LEARNER MODEL
however, it do not provided information with a
competency-based approach.                                      The LEA’s BOX OLM is a competency-based open
                                                                learner model that provides teachers and learners
                                                                with 12 visualisations [3], from the most simple like
                                                                skill meters (Fig. 4) to more complex
                                                                multidimensional visualisations like across time
                                                                (Fig. 5) and heatmap (Fig. 6). They can be used to
                                                                visualise different information: groups’ overall level,
                                                                students’ overall level, the level of one or several
                                                                students or groups for each competency in the
                                                                model, and the data coming from activities or
                                                                information sources.
                                                                     In the simple example of Fig. 3, the teacher
                                                                monitors 4 students coming from 2 groups. In the
                                                                ‘Groups/Students’ part of the interface, we notice
                                                                that the average level of group 9/A is a little stronger
                                                                than group 9/A. The empty skill meters means that
                                                                the OLM has no evidence of the level of this student,
                                                                i.e. the student has not yet performed any activities
                                                                linked to the OLM. In the ‘Competencies’ part of the
                                                                interface’, we see the average level of the students
                                                                for the competency ‘Focusing’ and its 4 sub-
                                                                competencies. In the ‘activities’ part of the interface,
                                                                we notice that in average, the students had better
                                                                scores from the activity ‘Letter counting’ than from
                                                                ‘Picture Text’ and ‘Word hunt’. Using the filters
                                                                (see left part of Fig. 3), it is possible to visualise a
                                                                sub-set of the information available in the OLM. For
                                                                instance, the teacher can use the filters to see only
                                                                the information relative to one student in order to
                                                                identify his/her weakest and strongest competencies
Fig. 1. Hızlıgo: letter counting and picture text activities.
                  Fig. 3. LEA’s Box OLM: teacher interface

             Fig. 4. Visualisation of the competencies using Table.

Fig. 5. Visualisation of the evolution of the students’ models across time.
  Fig. 6. LEA’s Box OLM heatmap visualisation: link between activities (horizontally) and competencies (vertical). The
 darker is a case, the stronger are the evidence coming from the corresponding activity for the corresponding competency.

4 EVALUATION                                                    the course, a questionnaire has been send to teachers
                                                                about the OLM.
In the context of a 12 day intensive speed reading
course in Turkey, 87 secondary-school students from             4.2    Results
grade 7 to 11 have been using Hızlıgo. They have
been encouraged to use Hızlıgo daily, on the base of                The 87 students have performed an average of
                                                                61,76 activities in Hızlıgo (median=33, minimum=1,
30 minutes per day.
                                                                maximum=275). The usages of the OLM by the
    Teachers have defined in the LEA’s Box OLM
                                                                teachers are presented in Table 1.The 10 teachers
50 competencies and sub-competencies related to                 have been using the OLM in an average 7,9 times
the speed reading and divided into 5 area (improving
                                                                during the course; a session of use of the OLM
eye muscles, seeing rapidly, focusing, reading and
                                                                lasted in average 17 minutes. All teachers have been
reading and understanding), that have then been                 using several visualisations, 3 in average, but only
linked to the activities provided by Hızlıgo. Every
                                                                two visualisations have been very regularly used: the
time a learner performs an activity in Hızlıgo, the
                                                                across time (used in 86% of the OLM sessions) and
outcome, using several measures, is sent to the OLM             skill meters visualisations (used in 56% of the OLM
as a piece of evidence for each competencies linked
                                                                sessions). Teachers frequently used the filters,
to this activity.
                                                                mainly to monitor a given students, in 33% of the
    In order to monitor their students’ engagement in           OLM sessions.
the course and the evolution of their competencies,
their 10 teachers had the possibility to use the LEA’s
Box OLM. Students also had the possibility to use                         Table 1. Use of the OLM by teachers.
the OLM for self-monitoring. In this section, we
focus on how the OLM has been used by teachers.                                           Average     Median      Range

4.1 Participants, Materials and Methods                          Session of use of the
                                                                                             7.9          5        2 - 29
The 10 teachers came from a same school in Turkey,                 Time per session
1 teacher had a class of grade 7, 4 teachers had a                                            17         12       3 – 104
                                                                      (in min)
class of grade 9, 4 teachers had a class of grade 10
and 1 teacher had a class of grade 11. At the                         Number of
                                                                                              3           2        1 - 10
                                                                  visualisations used
beginning of the course, students and teachers have
been introduced to Hızlıgo and the LEA’s Box
OLM. All usages have been logged. At the end of
                Fig. 7. Reasons to use the OLM, perceived ease of use and usefulness of LEA’s OLM.

    The teachers claimed several reasons to use the         online learning applications, teacher assessment and
OLM (see left art of Fig. 7): 9 teachers used it to         student self-assessment.
identify the weaknesses and strengths of individual             10 teachers have been using the LEA’s Box
students and of the group, 8 teachers used it to            OLM in order to monitor their class in the context of
identify the weaknesses of the group and 7 teachers         a 12 day intensive involving 87 secondary school
used it to identify the strengths of the group. 5           students. The teachers have been using the OLM
teachers also used the OLM to compare individual            regularly during the course. They were particularly
students’ levels or the group’s in different                interested in using the across time visualisation in
competencies. Most teachers found LEA’s OLM                 order to see the overall evolution of a student or a
easy to use and useful (see right part of Fig. 7): 6        group, the evolution of the level of a competency
teachers found it easy to use and found the                 and the evolution of the scores to an activity.
interaction with the system clear and understandable,       Teachers were also interested in using the filters
5 teachers found it useful for their teaching and 6         facility, in order to focus on one student or
teachers claimed that using LEA’s OLM make their            competency. Most of teachers found the LEA’s Box
teaching easier and enhance their effectiveness. In         OLM easy to use and to understand, and helpful for
their comments, teachers also claim an interest of in       their teaching, notably to identify the strengths and
monitoring the students’ engagement in the course           weaknesses of their class as a group or of individual
and their regularity.                                       students.
                                                                These promising results show an Open Learner
5 DISCUSSION AND                                            Model intended for teachers can be a powerful tool
  CONCLUSION                                                for teachers in order to help them in their teaching
                                                            by providing relevant learning analytics in a suitable
Using the LEA’s Box OLM, it has been possible to            way. Teachers seem to be particularly interested in
define a set of 50 competencies related to speed            seeing an overview of their students’ levels and their
reading, and to link them to the activities provided        evolution across time, but there are also interested in
                                                            focusing on one student or one competency.
by Hızlıgo. Thus the learner models are built based
on evidence coming from the scores to Hızlıgo
activities, using different measures. The OLM
provided teachers with learning analytics that were
not available in Hızlıgo, in order to help them in
their teaching. Although it was not the case in this
first study, the LEA’s Box OLM can gather
information from different data sources, like several
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Commission (EC) under the Information Society
                                                                Sydney, Australia, p. 199-208.
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opinion of the EC and the EC is not responsible for             of individuals and peers. In Intelligent tutoring
any use that might be made of its contents.                     systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 646-655.
                                                             7. Ginon, B., Jean-Daubias, S. (2011). Models and tools
                                                                to personalize activities on learners profiles. Ed-
                                                                Media, Portugal.
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