=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper8 |storemode=property |title=Improving Personalized Feedback at the Workplace with a Learning Analytics enhanced E-portfolio |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-1738 |authors=Marieke van der Schaaf,Geraldine Clarebout |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ectel/SchaafC16 }} ==Improving Personalized Feedback at the Workplace with a Learning Analytics enhanced E-portfolio== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1738/IWTA_2016_paper8.pdf
 Improving Personalized Feedback at the Workplace
   with a Learning Analytics enhanced E-portfolio
               M. van der Schaaf                                                  G. Clarebout
      Utrecht University, The Netherlands                          Maastricht University, The Netherlands
      3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands
              +31 (0)30 2534944
                                                              independently executable within a time frame, observable
ABSTRACT                                                      and measurable in their process and outcome, and,
                                                              therefore, suitable for entrustment decisions. This is a
During workplace based learning, e.g. clinical practice or
                                                              promising route that is now being explored and
during an internship, there is an urgent need for solutions   implemented in several countries across the globe (e.g.
to restore and to guarantee the quality of feedback for
                                                              USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, The Netherlands).
(becoming) professionals. In continuing education at the
workplace the use of Electronic portfolios (EPs) is a         So far the implementation of E-portfolios in workplace-
crucial means for acquiring the requisite professional        based learning is often ineffective; its quality (in terms of
knowledge and skills. Although EPs provide a useful           validity and reliability) is generally low and moreover the
approach to view each trainee’s progress, often only          impact on learning is limited (Van Schaik, Plan, &
limited use is made of the rich contextual learning           O’Sullivan, 2013). This seems especially the case when
assessment data to support responsive adaptation for          the E-portfolios are not tailored to show what really
more efficient and rewarding training and hence to            happened in the workplace (Van der Schaaf, Stokking, &
provide personalized feedback. This contribution              Verloop, 2008). Part of this failure may be attributed to a
advocates that EPs enhanced with a Learning Analytics         wish to translate competencies, designed as rather
engine, may increase the quality and efficiency of            theoretical descriptions of professionals, into items in a
workplace-based feedback and assessment. This                 portfolio for assessment. Furthermore, potential data
contribution addresses this by outlining an approach that     about trainees’ behaviour in the workplace are often
is applied in a European 7th framework project, called        underused, because the management of the data is too
WATCHME (www.project-watchme.eu). The aim of the              complex for the trainees and their supervisors. This paper
contribution is to provide insight in underlying rationales   addresses this by outlining an iterative development
to improve workplace-based feedback and assessment            approach that is applied in a European 7th framework
and how this is applied in an EP environment that is          project, called WATCHME (www.project-watchme.eu).
enhanced with Learning Analytics.                             The project uses an E-portfolio system that is enhanced
                                                              with a Learning Analytics (LA) engine to provide
Keywords                                                      personalized (just-in-time) assessment and feedback. LA
Learning analytics; workplace-based learning;                 include the measurement, collection, analysis and
competencies; electronic portfolios.                          reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for
                                                              purposes of understanding and optimising learning and
1. INTRODUCTION                                               the environments in which it occurs (Clow, 2013;
Feedback at the workplace is crucial for trainees to          Ferguson, 2012; Siemens & Long, 2011).
become professionals. Paralleling the movement towards
                                                              The design approach for the LA engine that drives the E-
alternative assessments of students (Boud, 1990;
                                                              portfolio is of a cyclical nature based on ongoing
Birenbaum 1996), (becoming) professionals are
                                                              refinement and improvement of the engine during
increasingly     assessed     using    competence-based
                                                              successive phases of collection, analysis and visualising
assessment instruments, such as portfolios. A portfolio
                                                              information (Baker & Yacef, 2008; Elias, 2011). Though
contains selected evidence of trainees’ learning
                                                              LA are driven by a computerised processing of large
processes, their performances and products in various
                                                              amounts of data, the analytical process is a ”single
contexts, accompanied by supervisors’ comments and
                                                              amalgam of human and machine processing which is
reflections (Wolf & Dietz, 1998). Depending on its
                                                              instantiated through an interface that both drives and is
content and mode of presentation an electronic portfolio
                                                              driven by the whole system, human and machine” (Dron
(E-portfolio) can do justice to the fact that professional
                                                              & Anderson, 2009, p. 369). Student Models will be used
practice is complex and context dependent.
                                                              as a means of analysis, the results of which will lead to
In this paper we use Entrustable Professional Activities      two types of feedback: Just-in Time feedback messages
(EPAs) to describe units of professional practice that        and visualization of both individual and aggregated data.
underlie workplace-based feedback and assessment              In order to provide meaningful just-in-time information,
(Gilhooly, Schumacher, West & Jones, 2014; Jones,             the Student Model should represent the actual internal
Rosenberg, Gilhooly, & Carraccio, 2011; Ten Cate,             state of each trainee as well as their actual learning
2013). EPAs are tasks or responsibilities entrusted to be     context. For this, it must be able to interpret the contents
executed by an unsupervised learner once sufficient           of the E-portfolio. The Student Model should also contain
specific competence has been obtained. EPAs are               enough pedagogical knowledge in order to be able to
ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS FOR WORKPLACE-BASED FEEDBACK                                                                      2

translate the internal state and context into meaningful      perform at several EPAs at the workplace and on a
messages and information for visualization. Key in            second level reveals their performance on the underlying
enhancing E-portfolios with LA is that data about             competencies. The personalized feedback aims to give
trainees’ workplace performances are linked to                trainees insight into their obtained score compared with
assessment and feedback scores. This requires the             the expected norm (they can infer at what entrustment
alignment of a statistical model with a substantive theory,   level they are), it provides them the chance to evaluate
operationalized in EPA descriptions, regarding expertise      and monitor the own process (trainees need to reflect
development in the profession. To this end, an iterative      upon their performance) and the exemplar performance
development approach, using various cycles will be            (example feedback) gives suggestion upon how to close
applied.                                                      the gap between the expected norm and the actual
                                                              performance. Hence, the feedback is based upon the three
The aim of this contribution is to develop a design for       principles of effective feedback and uses exemplar
personalized feedback in a LA-driven E-portfolio. The         performance (Sadler, 1989; 2010).
central question is: How can a LA-enhanced E-portfolio
improve feedback at the workplace to enhance                  3. Student Model
(becoming) professionals’ development?                        Decisions on entrustability (or proficiency) levels for
                                                              EPAs are made on the basis of a set of workplace-based
2. Personalized Feedback                                      assessments, not using strict addition of scores but using
High quality feedback is essential to stimulate               rich, partly narrative, information. This means that a crisp
(becoming) professionals’ EPA development. Feedback           rule-based approach is not feasible whereas a
can be conceptualised as information provided by an
                                                              probabilistic approach is able to deal with the
agent regarding aspects of one’s performance or               uncertainties in this type of decision making. The
understanding. For feedback to be effective certain           underlying Student Model needs to be able to advice on
conditions must hold; the feedback must be given timely       (at least):
and adequately, it needs to be of high quality, and
learners should be able to act upon the feedback (Gibbs &     1. Prediction of entrustability: What is, at this moment,
Simpson, 2004). Furthermore, there is a large body of            probably          the       current      level       of
research to show that good feedback leads to achieve             entrustability/proficiency for a trainee in a given
aimed performances (Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006).              EPA? This can be expressed as a probability
At least three conditions should be fulfilled for feedback       distribution over the levels x for that EPA given the
to be effective: 1) it gives insight into obtained               current                                       evidence:
performances compared to an expected norm, 2) it gives           𝑃(𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑥 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐸𝑃𝐴 | 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑜)
the ability to evaluate and monitor the own process and 3)       If feasible, a Value-of-Information analysis can be
it gives suggestions to fill the gap between the expected        performed to identify the unknown variables that
norm and the actual performance (Sadler, 1989; 2010).            would provide the most information to answer.
Hence, helpful feedback states what aimed performances        2. Selection of feedback: What is the best feedback to
are and how current performance is related to the                select for a given trainee at a given moment?
performances aimed at. Further, it provides action points     3. Selection of topic of interest: What EPA, task or
on how to close the gap between current and aimed                competency is at the moment the most of interest for
performance. Furthermore, effective feedback enhances            trainee/supervisor?
learning when it provides answers to the following
question: Where am I going? How am I going? and
Where to next? (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). It is thus
important that trainees get acquainted with the goals and
‘criteria’ of an EPA, infer how they performed and know
how to enhance their performance.
Trainees can only achieve development goals when they
understand those goals and can assess their progress
(Sadler, 1989). One approach that is particularly powerful
in clarifying goals and standards has been to provide
trainees with rubrics (Dekker-Groen, Van der Schaaf &
Stokking, 2012). Rubrics can be effective because they
make explicit what is required of trainees’ performance,
they define a valid standard against which trainees can
compare their work and hence, may enhance trainees’
further learning.
This contribution focuses on providing trainees
personalized feedback on the process of becoming a
professional. The feedback module is based on EPAs that
go with rubrics that describe entrustability or proficiency
levels. It consists of a personalized feedback module
(JIT) and a visualization module (VIZ). This JIT and
visualization uses Student Models to depict how trainees’
ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS FOR WORKPLACE-BASED FEEDBACK                                                                          3

                                                                   that describes the educational context is specific for each
                                                                   trainee and needs to be re-constructed frequently, since
4. Designing LA-enhanced Electronic                                the actual educational context changes continuously.
                                                                   Given the high levels of uncertainty in the educational
Portfolios                                                         domain, probabilistic approaches are appropriate and
The design of a LA-enhanced E-portfolio in our project             graphic models such as Bayesian networks support the
demanded interdepended phases in which the involved                modular structure most appropriately. Before SMs can be
educational and technical partners have to answer                  developed, different questions have to be answered
specific questions.                                                amongst the users, e.g.: When do users require feedback?
Phase 1. Development of EPAs and assessment                        How do users perceive feedback? What timing of
instruments. Phase 1 started the development cycle by              feedback is useful?
defining the competencies needed and types of evidence             Phase 3. Development of initial Personalized
(e.g. products and performances) that should go in the E-          Feedback Module. This phase addressed the
portfolios for valid workplace-based assessment. Users             development of initial Personalized feedback module that
(experts and trainees) are consulted to generate markers           produces, on the basis of information retrieved from
for progress within the professional domain and                    Student Models, feedback to trainee and supervisors.
consensus will be sought to arrive at generalizable                Also visualization modules (VIZ) are developed that will,
weighted markers that will be suitable to translate to             on the basis of information retrieved from Student
Learner Analytics input, i.e. the “Student Models” in              Models and portfolio data, produce informative graphical
phase 3. Main questions to be answered are: what                   representations of aggregated and individual data, see
competencies need to be assessed and what types of                 Figure 2. The detailed designs of JIT and VIZ demand
evidence (e.g. product, performance, processes) should             input from the users on questions like: What kind of
go in the E-portfolios? In previous studies, in which we           feedback do they prefer, with what graphically display?
used a Delphi technique (Linstone & Turoff 1975),                  What are the time constraints for giving and receiving
stakeholders successfully developed EPAs for the                   feedback? What kinds of devices are available when
professional fields of medical education, veterinary               assessment is performed and received? The personalized
education and teacher education. See Figure 1 for an               feedback module will be accessible from the E-portfolio,
example of teacher education.                                      representing the output of the underlying SMs. The SM is
Phase 2. Development of Student Models. Phase 2 took               a back-end service in itself and is not available for user
the output of phase 1 and technical considerations, such           interaction in the display, but the JIT and VIZ that are
as scalability, into account. Educational mining tools and         driven by SM are. See Figures 2a-2c. These figures show
techniques are selected that will be deployed to learn,            a possible example of personalized feedback and EPAs
update and store the Student Models. Student Models                attained. The personalized feedback is dynamic and
(SMs) are statistical models that predict trainees’                continually receives input from new incoming portfolio
progress based on existing data. They translate the                data. The final display knows several layers providing
portfolio and assessment data into the progress state of           extra detailed information when one clicks on a certain
the trainee. As a consequence SMs will predict the actual          graph, message etc. in the display.
state of performance of each trainee within their actual
workplace based learning context. The part of the SM

EPA 1. Sets learning goals for the whole curriculum and specific lessons

Assessment             and The teacher does/does not formulate (self formulated) learning goals in connection with specific
evaluation criteria        subject content
                           The teacher does/does not make use of SMART (specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and
                           time related) formulated learning goals.
                           The teacher does/does not take into consideration the starting situation of students when
                           formulating learning goals.
Proficiency levels         The teacher takes over the learning goals or course material from others. He/she incidentally
                           considers the starting situation of the students and the connection with specific subject content.
                           The teacher does not check if the learning goals are SMART formulated. (starting)
                           The teacher regularly checks if the learning goals of others or the course material connect to
                           specific subject content and the starting situation of the students. The teacher checks if the set
                           learning goals are SMART formulated. (sufficient)
                           The teacher formulates his/her own learning goals, which usually connect to the specific subject
                           content and the starting situation of the students. These learning goals are partially SMART
                           formulated. (good)
                           The teacher formulates his/her own coherent learning goals, which connect to the specific
                           subject content and the investigated starting situation of the students. The learning goals are
                           SMART formulated. (Excellent)
Assessment forms           Lesson plans/series of lessons and student placement evaluation form.
Assessor                   Institute and internship supervisor.
                                        Figure 1. Rubrics in Teacher Education
                                Figures 2a-2c. Personalized feedback at Entrustment level

5. Rationale of Personalized Feedback                           standards. This is visualized in the overviews with scores
The personalized feedback module that we developed in           on EPAs and competencies (see Figures 3 and 4).
the project is inspired by Nicol and MacFarlane-Dick’s          2. Facilitates the development of self-assessment
seven principles of good feedback practice (2006) that          (reflection) in learning. Our design allows for close
facilitate self-regulation. These principles were translated    monitoring of trainees’ progress by visualizing trainees’
in the design as follows. Good feedback:                        performance on the EPAs by means of graphs and figures
1. Helps clarify what good performance is . For                 as well as narrative feedback. In this way it provides an
professional development at the workplace the learning          overview of students’ strengths and points for further
goals should be crystal clear in order to stimulate learning    development, which can be used for self-assessment and
and above that should stimulate (learn) trainees to clarify     peer assessment and discussion about trainees’ portfolio.
own goals (Sadler, 1989). It is well known that often           Further, compiling the portfolio (selecting materials as
mismatches occur between supervisors’ and trainees’             input for the portfolio) already demands trainees’
interpretation of assessment criteria and standards,            reflection.
especially when it comes down to complex tasks at the
workplace that can be tacit and culture related. An
approach that we provided is the development of EPAs
connected in rubrics (see Figure 1). Rubrics have proven
to be very helpful in clarifying goals and standards and
stimulating trainees in goal clarification and goal setting,
for instance by involving trainees in the assessment and
stimulating discussion and reflection about criteria and
ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS FOR WORKPLACE-BASED FEEDBACK                                                            5

Figure 3. Spider chart view of scores on the EPAs          Figure 4. Spider chart view of scores on competencies

           Figure 5. Timeline view of trainees’ performance on EPAs (called tasks in this example).
ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS FOR WORKPLACE-BASED FEEDBACK                                                                        6

3. Delivers high quality information to trainees about                               Example of Aggregated Feedback
their learning. Trainees need detailed information of          Feedback Type         message (Level 1)
high level to monitor and correct their own performance        Improvement           There is room for improvement for
and to take action to improve. In the preliminary                                    this EPA. Please click on the
personalized feedback module this is enhanced by: (a)                                message to see how you can improve
linking the feedback to predefined EPAs that includes                                your performance.
criteria and standards; (b) ensuring timely feedback by        Positive              You have recently received good
means of underlying SMs that feed into the system; (c)                               scores for this EPA. Please click
giving trainees advise on their learning and showing                                 here to see how you can improve
(prioritizing) needs for improvement; (d) regulating the                             more.
amount of feedback by giving trainees the option to click      Trend                 You currently have a trend of
further if they want more detailed information; (e)                                  decreasing scores for this EPA.
allowing to upload information in the portfolio system
                                                               Supervisor            Your supervisor added few
anytime anywhere, which makes the feedback system up
                                                                                     improvement comments on this EPA.
to date. See Figure 5 for examples of types of feedback.
                                                               Cohort                Compared to your cohort, you
4. Encourages teacher and peer dialogue around                                       received better scores than your
learning. The system allows for supervisor and peer
                                                                                     peers on this EPA.
dialogues about progress and possible improvement.
                                                               Gaps                  You have less assessments than your
Such dialogues are important to make sure that trainees
                                                                                     peers on this EPA.
understand the feedback, can value and verify it and
know how to act on it (Van der Schaaf et al., 2008). The       Feedback Type         Some      examples    of    Detailed
E-portfolio environment allows for interaction between                               Feedback message (Level 2)
supervisors, trainees and peers and has the possibility that   Improvement           You are level 2 on your Physical
several stakeholders upload documents, so that for                                   Examination Competency. To
instance peer feedback can be used as ‘evidence’ for a                               achieve the next level your
trainee’s performance.                                                               examination and research should be
                                                                                     reasonably complete and technically
5. Encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-
esteem. Positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem are                            adequate.     Overview     of   the
prerequisite for learning and improved performance. It is                            examination and consistency are
known that both benefit most when trainees receive many                              reasonably developed.
low-stakes assessment tasks, with immediate feedback           Trend                 You were level 3 on your Physical
for improvement (if needed), rather than receiving few                               Examination Competency and you
high-stakes summative assessment tasks. The E-portfolio                              dropped on level 2 during your last
allows the trainee to select and rewrite own pieces of                               assessment. To achieve the next
work/documents (drafts and resubmissions) and                                        level your examination and research
formative feedback in de long run. The SM instantly                                  should be reasonably complete and
updates when new information comes in.                                               technically adequate. Overview of
6. Provides opportunities to close the gap between                                   the examination and consistency are
current and desired performance . Feedback in the EP                                 reasonably developed.
should support trainees to take the next steps to improve      Supervisor            "You are performing well, but you
their performance. This demands engagement for further                               can take more notes during the
improvement and can be stimulated by providing                                       examination process." (13/05/2015)
feedback on work in progress, provide feedback in
several stages in which feedback (Gibbs, 2004). The E-         Figure 6. Examples of detailed feedback messages for
portfolio allows this.                                                         each feedback type
7. Provides information to teachers that can be used
to help shape the teaching. Not only trainees need to be       6. Discussion
informed about their progress and options for                  The aim of this contribution was to elucidate how
improvements, this also counts for the supervisors. They       personalized feedback based upon Learning Analytics
need to be informed with detailed and quality information      could be used in an E-portfolio environment. The E-
about their trainees in order to guide them at the             portfolio offers learners (students, trainees, professionals)
workplace. This especially counts for professional             and their supervisors an environment to monitor and
education in which trainees have many supervisors for          provide evidence of their learning and competency
several internships. These supervisors often do not know       development. The progress of the user can be closely
what feedback a trainee received from previous                 monitored by choosing from amongst several display
supervisors and how trainees’ longitudinal progress looks      modes, such as radar, line and bar charts, which are
like. The preliminary personalized feedback design feeds       automatically generated by the system. The scores (on the
into this by a specific portfolio entry for supervisors with   different competencies) used for these visualizations are
long term information about the trainee and the digital        abstracted form the assessment tools inserted in the
option for trainees to ask for supervisor feedback.            portfolio. Other overviews are also displayed, for
                                                               example numerical overviews of the total inserted forms
                                                               and an overview of the progress, based on all activities,
                                                               forms and procedures linked to it. The developed LA-
                                                               tools will be open source.
ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS FOR WORKPLACE-BASED FEEDBACK                                                                7

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