The MediaEval 2016 Context of Experience Task: Recommending Videos Suiting a Watching Situation Michael Riegler1 , Concetto Spampinato2 , Martha Larson3 , Pål Halvorsen1 , Carsten Griwodz1 1 Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo, Norway 2 University of Catania, Italy 3 Delft University of Technology and Radboud Univeristy, Netherlands {michael, paalh, griff},, ABSTRACT The next sections of the paper cover related work, and pro- The Context of Experience Task at MediaEval 2016 is de- vide more details on in-flight-distractors influencing viewer voted to recommending multimedia content suiting a watch- experience. We close with a brief description of the data ing situation. Specifically, the task addresses the situation set and the task. The description is brief since this infor- of viewers watching movies on an airplane. The goal of the mation has been provided in detail elsewhere. Specifically, task is to use trailer-content and textual metadata in order the first description was published in a short paper in the to estimate whether movies are fitting to watch in flight, as proceedings of MediaEval 2015 [7], which served to launch judged by the crowd. The context of an airplane often falls the task. Additional information was published in [6]. Fi- short of an ideal movie-watching situation (noise, lack of nally, in order to stimulate cross-benchmark collaboration, space, interruptions, stale air, stress from turbulence) and the task was also offered as part of the Joint Contest on Mul- the device can also impact user experience (small screens, timedia Challenges Beyond Visual Analysis at ICPR 2016, glare, poor audio quality). The task explores the notion and a paper published that contains a short description and that some movies are generally better suited to these condi- some insights on results [4]. tions than others, and that a component of this suitability is independent of viewers’ personal preferences. 2. RELATED WORK Although our ultimate aim is to provide viewers with 1. INTRODUCTION multimedia content for a particular context, we differ from context-aware movie recommendations as addressed by [8, The Context of Experience Task at the Multimedia Eval- 9]. Context of Experience assumes that the experience of uation (MediaEval) 2016 Benchmark tackles the challenge viewing a movie interacts with the context in which a movie of predicting the multimedia content that users find most is viewed. Instead, we admit that a movie is actually able fitting to watch in specific viewing situations. When re- to change the viewer’s perception of the context. We em- searchers in the area of recommender systems or multimedia phasize that addressing the challenge of recommending for information retrieval consider the situations in which viewers users’ Contexts of Experience means not ‘just’ matching consume multimedia content, such as movies, they generally movies with users’ personal taste, but rather also helping assume comfortable watching conditions. This assumption users accomplish goals that they want to achieve by con- is understandable, since people do frequently enjoy movies suming movies. These goals may include distracting them- in the quiet, privacy and comfort of their own living rooms, selves from discomfort and making time pass more quickly. together with friends and loved ones, relaxing in arm chairs We also note that the focus of recommender system research and on the couch. However, movie watching is certainly not on personalization often leads to neglect of cases in which limited to such situations. In fact, people might choose to context might have a strong impact on preference relatively watch movies exactly because they are in an uncomfortable, independently of the personal tastes of specific viewers, an stressful situation and would benefit from distraction. idea echoed in [5]. Particularly strong influence of context Our ultimate goal is to build recommender systems that can be expected in the stressful situations that are the focus support people in finding content that helps them through of our interest. tough times, i.e., moments at which they are under psycho- Context of Experience is obviously closely linked to the logical stress or in physical discomfort. We envisage such area of Quality of Experience of multimedia content. In [10], contexts to include dentist offices and hospitals. However, Physical context, Social Cultural Context and Task are all here, we focus our effort on on a context that does not in- identified as context-related factors that contribute to the volve either physical pain or extreme psychological distress: user’s perception of quality of experience. we chose the context of air travel. Specifically, the Con- Within the MediaEval benchmark1 , the Context of Expe- text of Experience Task requires participants to use features rience Task follows upon other tasks that have been devoted derived from video content and from movie metadata in or- to predicting the impact of content on viewers or listeners. der to predict movies that are appropriate to watch on an These include an Affect Task on predicting viewer experi- airplane. enced boredom [12], the Emotion in Music task [1], a current task on the affective impact of movies [11, 2], and a current Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). task on Predicting Media Interestingness [3]. MediaEval 2016 Workshop, Oct. 20-21, 2016, Hilversum, Nether- 1 lands. 3. MOVIES ON A PLANE On a plane, we assume that movie viewers share the com- mon goal, which we consider to be a viewing intent, of re- laxing, passing time and keeping themselves occupied while being confined in the small and often crowded space of an airplane cabin. Figure 1 provides an impression of a screen commonly used on an airplane and some situations that can occur dur- ing a flight that can influence the watching experience of the viewers. Subfigure 1(a) shows the optimal situation without a distraction and a acceptable video quality. The other sub- figures illustrate distracters that impact the movie viewing (a) The ideal situation while watching a movie on a plane. experience. These examples illustrate how a person’s expe- rience of a movie during the flight can be heavily influenced by the context. 4. TASK AND DATA The objective of the task is to classify each movie as either +goodonairplane or -goodonairplane. Task participants are asked to form their own hypothesis about what they think is important for people viewing movies on an airplane, and then to design an approach using appropriate features and a classifier or decision function. The task data set consists of a list of movies, including links to descriptions and video trailers, pre-extracted fea- tures and metadata. Movies were collected between Febru- (b) A flight attendant serving the neighboring passenger. ary and April 2015 from movie lists of a major international airline, i.e., KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. The set contains an equal number of non-airline movies, sampled with sim- ilar distributional properties (e.g., year). We do not pro- vide video files for the trailers because of copyright restric- tions. The pre-extracted visual features are Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) gray, Color Moments, local bi- nary patterns (LBP) and Gray Level Run Length Matrix. The audio descriptors are Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coeffi- cients (MFCCs). Task participants are also allowed to col- lect their own data such as full length movies, and more metadata, e.g., user comments. The development set con- tains 95 and the test set contains 223 movies. The data set is balanced 50/50 between +goodonairplane/-goodonairplane. (c) The movie is stopped for an announcement. The ground truth consists of user judgments gathered on CrowdFlower. In total, 548 different workers participated and at least five judgments per movie were collected. For the evaluation, we use the metrics precision, recall and weighted F1 score. We chose these metrics instead of error rate because the task is related to recommendation. For the purposes of recommendation, a ranked list is often needed. Also, recall is an interesting and important part of the evaluation. A baseline was created using a simple tree based classifier (precision 0.629; recall of 0.573; F1 score 0.6). As mentioned above, more information is available in the other papers that have been published discussing the data set and the task [7, 6, 4]. We hope that the Context of Experience Task can help to raise awareness of the topic and also provide an interesting and meaningful use case to (d) Glare on the screen makes it almost impossible to see what is going on. inspire more work in this area. Figure 1: The four images show the ideal situation 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT compared to three distracting situations that can This work is partly funded by the FRINATEK project occur during a flight. ”EONS” (#231687) and the BIA project PCIe (#235530) funded by the Norwegian Research Council and by the EC FP7 project CrowdRec (#610594). 6. REFERENCES [1] A. Aljanaki, Y.-H. Yang, and M. Soleymani. 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