=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1739/MediaEval_2016_paper_38 |storemode=property |title=Mining Emotional Features of Movies |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1739/MediaEval_2016_paper_38.pdf |volume=Vol-1739 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/mediaeval/LiuGZL16 }} ==Mining Emotional Features of Movies== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1739/MediaEval_2016_paper_38.pdf
                          Mining Emotional Features of Movies

                                     Yang Liu1,2 , Zhonglei Gu3 , Yu Zhang4 , Yan Liu5
                Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China
           Institute of Research and Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, Shenzhen, China
                                      AAOO Tech Limited, Hong Kong SAR, China
             Department of CSE, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China
                Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
              csygliu@comp.hkbu.edu.hk, allen.koo@aaoo-tech.com, zhangyu@cse.ust.hk

ABSTRACT                                                                which the data with similar A-V values are close to each
In this paper, we present the algorithm designed for mining             other, while the data with different A-V values are faraway
emotional features of movies.        The algorithm dubbed               from each other.
Arousal-Valence Discriminant Preserving Embedding (AV-                     Let x ∈ RD be the high-dimensional feature vector
DPE) is proposed to extract the intrinsic features embedded             of the movie, and y = [y (1) , y (2) ] be the corresponding
in movies that are essentially differentiating in both arousal          emotion label vector, where y (1) and y (2) denote the arousal
and valence directions. After dimensionality reduction, we              value and valence value, respectively. Given the training
use the neural network and support vector regressor to make             set {(x1 , y1 ), ..., (xn , yn )}, AV-DPE aims at learning a
the final prediction. Experimental results show that the                transformation matrix U = [u1 , ..., ud ] ∈ RD×d which is able
extracted features can capture most of the discriminant                 to project the original D-dimensional data to an intrinsically
information in movie emotions.                                          low-dimensional subspace Z = Rd .
                                                                           In order to describe the similarity between data samples,
                                                                        we define the following adjacency scatter matrix:
1.    INTRODUCTION                                                                         n X
   Affective multimedia content analysis aims to auto-
                                                                                   Sa =              Aij (xi − xj )(xi − xj )T ,       (1)
matically recognize and analyze the emotions evoked by                                     i=1 j=1
multimedia data such as images, music, and videos. It has
a lot of real-world applications such as image search, movie            where Aij denotes the similarity between the i-th and j-th
recommendation, and music classification [3, 7–9, 11–14].               data points. In our formulation, we use the form of inner
   In this 2016 Emotional Impact of Movies Task, the                    product between the corresponding label vectors associated
participants are required to design algorithms to predict the           with xi and xj . To further normalize the similarity values
arousal and valence values of the given movies automatically.           into interval [0, 1], we define the normalized adjacency
The dataset used in this task is the LIRIS-ACCEDE dataset               matrix  where
(liris-accede.ec-lyon.fr). It contains videos from a set of
                                                                                   Âij = hŷi , ŷj i = hyi /||yi ||, yj /||yj ||i.   (2)
160 professionally made and amateur movies, shared under
the Creative Commons licenses that allow redistribution [2].            The normalized adjacency scatter matrix is then defined as:
More details of the task requirements as well as the dataset                               n X
                                                                                           X n
description can be found in [5, 10].                                               Ŝa =             Âij (xi − xj )(xi − xj )T .      (3)
   In this paper, we perform both global and continuous                                    i=1 j=1
emotion predictions via a proposed supervised dimensionali-
ty reduction algorithm called Arousal-Valence Discriminant               Similarly, we define the normalized discriminant scatter
Preserving Embedding (AV-DPE), which learns the compact                 matrix to characterize the dissimilarity between data points:
representations of the original data. After obtaining the low-                             n X
                                                                                           X n

dimensional features, we use the neural network and support                        Ŝd =             D̂ij (xi − xj )(xi − xj )T ,      (4)
vector regressor to predict the emotion values.                                            i=1 j=1

                                                                        where we simply define D̂ij = 1 − Âij .
2.    PROPOSED METHOD                                                     In order to maximize the distance between data points
  In order to derive the intrinsic factors in movies that               with different labels while minimizing the distance between
convey or evoke emotions along the arousal and valence                  data points with similar labels, the objective function of AV-
dimensions, we propose a supervised feature extraction                  DPE is formulated as follows:
algorithm dubbed Arousal-Valence Discriminant Preserving
                                                                                  U = arg max{tr((UT Ŝa U)† UT Ŝd U)},               (5)
Embedding (AV-DPE) to map the original high-dimensional                                     U
representations into a low-dimensional feature subspace, in
                                                                        where tr(·) denotes the matrix trace operation and (Ŝa )†
                                                                        denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of Ŝa [6]. The
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).                               optimization problem in Eq. (5) can be solved by some
MediaEval 2016 Workshop, October 20-21, 2016, Hilversum, Netherlands.   standard matrix decomposition techniques [6].
                                       Table 1: Results on global emotion prediction
                          XXCriteria                 Arousal                           Valence
                       Runs XXX
                                   X           MSE        Pearson’s CC          MSE          Pearson’s CC
                              #1          1.18511707891 0.158772315634     0.235909661034 0.102487446458
                              #2          1.18260763366 0.174547894742     0.378511708782 0.378511708782
                              #3          1.46475414861 0.212414301359     0.267627565271 0.089311269390
                              #4          1.61515123698 0.201427253365     0.239352667040 0.133965496755

                                    Table 2: Results on continuous emotion prediction
                        XXCriteria                  Arousal                             Valence
                     Runs XXX
                                 X           MSE         Pearson’s CC           MSE           Pearson’s CC
                            #1          0.152869437388 0.0500544335696     0.125062204735 0.00901181966468
                            #2          0.128197164652 0.0557718765692     0.105905051008   0.0117374077757
                            #3          0.125552338276 0.0266523947466     0.139507683129 0.00139093558922
                            #4          0.293856466692 0.0266523946850     0.124565684871   0.0192993915142

3.    EXPERIMENTS                                                       • Run #3: We first use the proposed AV-DPE to reduce
  In this section, we report the experimental settings and                the original high-dimensional feature space to the 100-
the evaluation results.                                                   D subspace. Then we use the neural network for
  Global emotion prediction: we construct a 34-D                          prediction. The setting of neural network is the same
feature set, including alpha, asymmetry env, colorfulness,                as that in Run #1 of global emotion prediction.
colorRawEnergy, colorStrength, compositionalBalance, cut-
Length, depthOfField, entropyComplexity, flatness, glob-                • Run #4: We first use the proposed AV-DPE to reduce
alActivity, hueCount, lightning, maxSaliencyCount, medi-                  the original high-dimensional feature space to the 100-
anLightness, minEnergy, nbFades, nbSceneCuts, nbWhite-                    D subspace. Then we use the ν-SVR for prediction.
Frames, saliencyDisparity, spatialEdgeDistributionArea,                   The setting of ν-SVR is the same as that in Run #2
wtf max2stdratio {1-12} and zcr. Note that all above                      of global emotion prediction.
features are provided by the task organizers.
                                                                      Table 1 and Table 2 report the results of our system. From
     • Run #1: We use the original 34-D features as the            the tables we can see that after dimensionality reduction,
       input, and then use a function fitting neural network       the performance of the reduced features (Run #3 and Run
       [1] with 100 nodes in the hidden layer for prediction.      #4) is generally worse than that of the original features
       The Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation function            (Run #1 and Run #2), which indicates that the emotion
       is used in training.                                        information in movies is relatively complex, and thus we may
                                                                   not be able to fully describe it using just a few dimensions.
     • Run #2: We use the original 34-D features as input,         However, considering that the dimension of the reduced
       and then use the ν-support vector regression (ν-SVR)        features is much less than that of the original features, we
       for prediction. In ν-SVR, the RBF kernel is utilized        still can conclude that the learned subspace preserves rich
       with the default setting from LIBSVM [4], i.e., cost =      discriminant information of the original feature space.
       1, ν = 0.5, and γ is then set to be the reciprocal of the      Moreover, from both tables we can observe that the
       number of feature dimension.                                neural network performs more robust than SVR after
     • Run #3: We first use the proposed AV-DPE to reduce          dimensionality reduction. The possible reason is that
       the original feature space to the 10-D subspace. Then       besides the discriminant ability, the neural network with
       utilize the neural network for prediction. The setting      the hidden layer has better representation ability of the
       of neural network is the same as that in Run #1.            original data than SVR, which is also of great importance
                                                                   in supervised learning tasks.
     • Run #4: We first use the proposed AV-DPE to reduce
       the original feature space to the 10-D subspace. Then
       we use the ν-SVR for prediction. The setting of ν-SVR       4.    CONCLUSIONS
       is the same as that in Run #2.                                 In this working notes paper, we have proposed a
                                                                   dimensionality reduction method to extract the emotional
   Continuous emotion prediction: we downsample the                features from movies. By minimizing the distance between
size of each video to 64 × 36. As a result, we have a 6912-D       data points with similar emotion levels and maximizing
feature vector of RGB values for each frame.                       the distance between data points with different emotion
     • Run #1: We use the original 6912-D features as the          levels simultaneously, the learned subspace keeps most of the
       input, and then use the neural network for prediction.      discriminant information and gives relatively robust results
       The setting of neural network is the same as that in        in both global and continuous emotion prediction tasks.
       Run #1 of global emotion prediction.
     • Run #2: We use the original 6912-D features as the          Acknowledgments
       input, and then use the ν-SVR for prediction. The           The authors would like to thank the reviewer for the helpful
       setting of ν-SVR is the same as that in Run #2 of           comments. This work was supported in part by the National
       global emotion prediction.                                  Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61503317.
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