|title=Tokyo Tech at MediaEval 2016 Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task
==Tokyo Tech at MediaEval 2016 Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task==
TokyoTech at MediaEval 2016 Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV Task Fumito Nishi1 , Nakamasa Inoue1 , Koji Iwano2 , Koichi Shinoda1 1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan 2 Tokyo City University, Kanagawa, Japan {nishi, inoue, shinoda}@ks.cs.titech.ac.jp, iwano@tcu.ac.jp ABSTRACT GMM for a target video segment. An i-vector w is extracted This paper describes our diarization system for the Multi- from it, by assuming that M is modeled as modal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task of the Media- M = m + T w, Eval 2016 Benchmark evaluation campaign [1]. The goal of this task is naming speakers, who are appearing and speak- where m is a face and channel independent super-vector, ing simultaneously in the video, without prior knowledge. and T is a low rank matrix representing total variability. Our diarization system relies on face diarization approach. The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is used to We extract deep features from a face every 0.5 seconds, make estimate the total variability as proposed in [2]. Note that visual i-vectors, cluster them, and associate results of clus- w is associated with a given video segment. i-vector ws for tering with optical character recognition. segment s is calculated by the following equation ws = (I + T t ΣN (s)T )−1 T t Σ−1 F (s), 1. INTRODUCTION The Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task where N (s) and F (s) are the zero, and first order Baum- can be split into subtasks: speaker diarization, face diariza- Welch statistics on the Universal Background Model (UBM) tion, optical character recognition (OCR), speech transcrip- for the current segment s, and Σ is the covariance matrix of tion. We focus on diarization using face identification among the UBM. Each i-vector represents each face track respec- these subtasks. This year, we introduce i-vectors [2] using tively. deep features extracted from FaceNet, which is one of the state-of-the-art neural networks for face recognition. 2.1.3 Attaching person’s name tags Figure 1 shows the overview of our method. First, we To attach a person’s name tag for each face, the provided detect and track faces in a video. Second, deep features tags with time ranges obtained from optical character recog- are extracted from the detected faces at every 0.5 seconds. nition (OCR) are used. First, each tag from OCR is attached Third, i-vectors are made from deep features for each frame. to the face which has the maximum appearance time over- lap. Here, we have tagged and untagged faces. Second, for each untagged face, we find the nearest tagged face to attach 2. APPROACH the same tag. If the distance between the untagged face and nearest tagged face is less than the predefined threshold, the 2.1 Face diarization same tag is attached to the untagged face. Distance between two faces are calculated by 2.1.1 Deep feature w w We employ FaceNet [3] to extract deep features. A deep Dij = 1 − ||wi ||2i ||w j j ||2 feature is extracted from output layer of the network. It can measure similarity between faces. To extract deep features, where wi and wj are i-vectors for tagged and untagged faces, face detection and tracking method in [4] is employed to respectively. obtain face regions in a video. Deep features are extracted from face regions at every 0.5 second. 2.2 Speaker diarization For speaker diarization, Bayesian Information Criterion 2.1.2 Visual i-vectors (BIC) based segmentation with 12 MFCC + E is applied After deep features are extracted, we make visual i-vectors. to obtain audio segments. Music and jingle segments are I-vector is one of the state-of-the-art method for speaker ver- removed by Viterbi decoding. Finally, i-vectors are com- ification. We apply this to the tracking segments. puted for each segment and clustered with Integer Linear Let M be a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) super-vector, Programming [5, 6]. which concatenates normalized mean vectors of an estimated 2.3 Multimodal fusion We employed the name propagation technique proposed Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). in [7]. Our multimodal fusion takes intersection of tags ob- MediaEval 2016 Workshop, Oct. 20-21, 2016, Hilversum, Netherlands. tained from speaker diarization and face diarization. sual streams. Modeling temporal relation between speakers is also needed to improve the performance. 4. CONCLUSION We presented a face diarization based system, which uses visual i-vectors with FaceNet. Development of multimodal fusion methods and using sequential information is our fu- ture work. 5. REFERENCES [1] Hervé Bredin, Camille Gauinaudeau, Claude Barras. Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV at MediaEval 2016. 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Science, 2016. 3.2 Experimental Results [10] Bonastre, Jean-François and Wils, Frédéric and Meignier, Sylvain. ALIZE, a free toolkit for speaker Table 1 shows MAP on the test set. Face Diarization recognition. 2005 IEEE International Conference on is used for our submissions. The threshold used for the Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 1, primary submission is adjusted in development set. The pp.737–740, 2005. threshold of the contrastive submission is 0. Speaker Di- [11] Mickael Rouvier, Grégor Dupuy, Paul Gay, Elie arization and Multimodal evaluated by using the evaluation Khoury, Teva Merlin, and Sylvain Meignier. An tool were not in our submission. Face Diarization is bet- open-source state-of-the-art toolbox for broadcast ter than Speaker Diarization. It was effective for identi- news diarization. Technical report, Idiap, 2013. fying speakers with short utterances. However, as we can see, Multimodal is worse than Face Diarization. To improve multimodal fusion system, we need to introduce multimodal features that can capture correlation between audio and vi-