=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1739/MediaEval_2016_paper_9 |storemode=property |title=Introducing the Sky and the Social Eye |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1739/MediaEval_2016_paper_9.pdf |volume=Vol-1739 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/mediaeval/WoodleyGNC16 }} ==Introducing the Sky and the Social Eye== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1739/MediaEval_2016_paper_9.pdf
                          Introducing the Sky and the Social Eye
                           Alan Woodley                                                        Shlomo Geva
              Queensland University of Technology                                Queensland University of Technology
                      Brisbane, Australia                                                Brisbane, Australia
                    a.woodley@ qut.edu.au                                                 s.geva@qut.edu.au

                             Richi Nayak                                                    Timothy Chappell
              Queensland University of Technology                                Queensland University of Technology
                      Brisbane, Australia                                                Brisbane, Australia
                      r.nayak@qut.edu.au                                            timothy.chappell@qut.edu.a

 ABSTRACT                                                                 •    Is relatively inexpensive compared with field visits; and
 We introduce the Sky and the Social Eye task which was run for           •    Allows for a large spatiotemporal area to be investigated.
 the first time as a Grand Challenge at the 2016 ACM Multimedia
 Conference and as a Task Force at the 2016 MediaEval                     Despite this, satellite data also has limitations, for example:
 Workshop. Participants combined satellite images with social
 media to create a richer user experience. For the first year, the task   •    Satellites tend to have a low temporal frequency (for
 was exploratory allowing participants to produce their own                    example fortnightly) and so may miss an important event
 system without traditional constraints such as shared datasets or             such as a flood or forest fire; and
 metrics. Here, we describe the task, summarize the participants’         •    Clouds are present in some events, such as floods and
 approaches and propose some future directions.                                snowstorms, obscuring the ability of satellites to capture
 Remote sensing data, such as satellite images, have been used to         Examples of a satellite image is presented in Figure 1 [13]. Here,
 explore environmental and social challenges for decades. For             two images are provided. Both images were taken in Sri Lanka
 example, NASA’s Landsat program has been used to identify the            and show the impact of floods. The first image was taken on
 extent of forest fires, map land use change, assess carbon stock         March 21st 2016 was taken prior to the flooding, while the second
 and analyze reef water quality [5]. Increasingly, social media is        image was taken on May 31st 2016 after flooding. The second
 also being used for similar purposes, for example, mapping the           image shows enlarged waterways from the flooding as well as the
 extent of damage from natural disasters such as floods or                presence of cloud cover, which obscures the land below.
 earthquakes [4; 10; 11]. Despite this, there is a lack of research
                                                                          In contrast, social media is continuously being generated and is
 that explores how remote sensing data and social media can be
                                                                          unencumbered by issues such as cloud cover. Based on this, social
                                                                          media is increasingly being used to address problems that were
 The Sky and the Social Eye task was proposed to fill this gap by         traditionally addressed by satellite images analysis [4; 10; 11].
 using social media to enrich satellite images. It ran as a Grand         The Sky and the Social Eye task extends this research by linking
 Challenge at the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)                satellite images and social media, such as text, images and videos
 Multimedia Conference and as a Task Force at the MediaEval
 Workshop for the first time in 2016. The aim of the task was for         3. PARTICPANTS
 participants to develop algorithms and systems that combined             Three groups participated in the inaugural Sky and the Social Eye.
 satellite data with social media data. For the first year, the task      Ahmad et al. [1] developed a system called JORD, which
 was exploratory and creativity was encouraged. This allowed              retrieved the names of events from the EM-DAT database [8]
 participants to develop their own systems, using their own               and searched Twitter, Flicker, YouTube and Google to retrieve
 datasets, case studies and metrics.                                      and fuse information about the event. They tested JORD with 80
 Here, we describe the inaugural Sky and the Social Eye task. We          events including floods, landslides, cyclones and wildfires.
 begin by detailing the motivations for the task and then outline         Bischke et al. [2] produced a system that fused satellite images
 the approaches undertaken by the participants. We conclude by            with Twitter data. They used a case study of a wildfire in Fort
 discussing potential future directions for the task.                     McMurray, Canada. They collected Landsat 8 satellite images
                                                                          from Amazon Web Services. Tweets, including text and other
 2. MOTIVATION                                                            images, were collected from Twitter’s Historical Powertrack
 There are strong advantages for using satellite images to explore
                                                                          API. Then the tweets’ text was analyzed to identify geolocation
 social and environmental events. For example, satellite data:
                                                                          and sentiment and the tweets’ images were analyzed with a
 •    Provides strong and compelling evidence about events on the         convolutional neural network to remove near-duplicates. Finally,
      ground;                                                             the data were fused and presented as a visualization.

Copyright is held by the authors
MediaEval 2016, October 20–21, 2016, Hilversum, Netherlands.
                              Figure 1. Satellite images which highlight the impact of a flood in Sri Lanka.

Crandall et al. [6] used satellite data as (noisy) ground truth to       Participants in the task combined social media with satellite
train two photo image classifiers: first, one that estimated if a        images, based upon on particular events. Sky and the Social Eye
photo contained evidence of an event and second, one that                was run for the first time in 2016 and the organizers plan on
aggregated the estimates to produce an observation for given             transitioning it to a traditional MediaEval Task for future years.
times and places. Satellite images were sourced from NASA’s
Terra satellite while photos were sourced from Flickr’s public           6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
API. Satellite images where classified into bins according to            The organizers of the Sky and the Social Eye task would like to
their observed percentage of snow. These bins were then used to          thank the task participants and reviewers as well as the organizers
train the photo classifiers using both support vector machine on         of both the 2016 ACM Multimedia Conference and the 2016
tagged text and a convolutional neural network on the photos             MediaEval Workshop.
themselves. Individual photos were then aggregated and a SVM
                                                                         7.   REFERENCES
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                                                                             Lux, M., and De Natale, F., 2016. JORD - Linking sky and
experiment were collected and presented as a visualization.
                                                                             social multimedia data to events In Proceedings of the 23rd
4. FUTURE DIRECTIONS                                                         International Conference on Multimedia Modeling
                                                                             (Reykjavik, Iceland, 4-6 January 2016).
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transition it towards a traditional MediaEval Task. This will            [2] Bischke, B., Borth, D., Schulze, C., and Dengel, A., 2016.
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