=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1742/MRT16_paper_1 |storemode=property |title=View-based and Model-driven Outage Management for the Smart Grid |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1742/MRT16_paper_1.pdf |volume=Vol-1742 |authors=Erik Burger,Victoria Mittelbach,Anne Koziolek |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/BurgerMK16 }} ==View-based and Model-driven Outage Management for the Smart Grid== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1742/MRT16_paper_1.pdf
 View-based and Model-driven Outage Management
                for the Smart Grid
                                       Erik Burger, Victoria Mittelbach, Anne Koziolek
                Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization, Chair for Software Design and Quality
                                     Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
                                           E-Mail: burger@kit.edu, koziolek@kit.edu

   Abstract—The integration of renewable energy resources is           Thus, the contribution of this paper is twofold: We have created
challenging the traditional electricity network. To manage this,       a unified model of the smart grid that makes cross-domain
the smart grid has been defined as a cyber-physical system             analyses possible, and in addition, we have created view types
consisting of a physical component, which is the electricity grid,
and a computational component consisting of a communication            that implement these analyses. They offer insights into the
network, metering network, and software components. Therefore,         smart grid that can only be gained by combining information
the smart grid can not just be seen as an electrical grid, but also    from heterogeneous systems of the grid.
as a system of software systems. Currently, control centers of the        For the evaluation of the prototype, we have evaluated the
smart grid use an outage management software system to react           system using historical data of the the German electricity grid.
to reported outages.
   In this paper, we present an extended outage management             We have used the SAIDI index to demonstrate how the outage
system that solves one main problem of the smart grid: software        management systems shortens the outage time per person per
systems of the different domains are using different standards.        year. The results show that the average annual outage duration
Consequently, cross-domain data exchange and analysis are diffi-       can be reduced by at least 2 min 28 s if our approach is applied.
cult. Therefore, we use the model-driven view-based V ITRUVIUS
approach to build a unified model of the smart grid. We then                                 II. F OUNDATIONS
combine it with system stability analysis methods presented
as views on the model. The result is a model-driven run-time           A. Smart Grid
monitoring, analysis and control framework to increase the
reliability of power supply. The evaluation with statistical data of   The smart grid [3] integrates modern IT infrastructure into
the German power grid shows that outage time can be reduced        the traditional physical infrastructure of the electricity network.
with our approach.                                                 It is thus a cyber-physical system. The motivation behind its
                                                                   introduction are the integration of renewable energy resources
                        I. I NTRODUCTION                           into the network, improvement of efficiency, and the reduction
   The smart grid is a cyber-physical system that spans the of transmission losses. Furthermore, new load profiles, such
physical structures of the electricity network and the system of as electrical vehicles and smart homes, shall participate in
software systems that monitor, control, and repair the system balancing the grid and its self-healing abilities [4–6].
in case of outages. Currently, many heterogeneous systems and          Control centers manage the grid via the supervisory control
standards have to interoperate to achieve the desired reliability, and    data acquisition system (SCADA), which monitors and
stability, and efficiency of the electricity network. Many of      controls    the technical processes of the electricity system.
these standards are based on UML and other metamodeling            Smart    meters   are electronic devices that are installed at the
standards, or can at least be expressed as such. Thus, model       consumers’     places.   They measure electricity production and
management systems that were originally designed mainly            consumption,       and  are  connected in the advanced metering
for the development of software can be used to integrate           infrastructure     (AMI),   which  can also receive commands to
information from these heterogeneous systems.                      shape    electricity   consumption.     The wide area monitoring
   In this paper, we present a concept for an extended outage      system    (WAMS)      connects    metering   data in real-time. The
management system (OMS) for the smart electricity grid. The        WAMS       consists  of Phasor    management     units (PMU), which
extended OMS is used during run-time to monitor and control        are   high-precision   sensors  that measure    electrical waves with
the smart grid, as well as for simulation. The goal of the         a frequency     of  10 to 30  times  per second.   A  power  outage is
introduction of the OMS is to increase the reliability of the grid a  longer   interruption   in the electricity  supply  that can either
by detecting outages and by preventing outages by detecting of     be   planned   or  unplanned.   The   causes  for unplanned   outages
instabilities and imbalances. The extended OMS is realized with can be categorized into the following types [7]:
the view-based and model-driven V ITRUVIUS approach [1, 2]             • Atmospheric Interferences are caused by events of nature,
and uses its capabilities for runtime analysis and control of the         such as thunderstorms, sub-zero temperatures, avalances,
electricity grid. The system is prototypically implemented in the         etc.
Eclipse Modeling Framework using the description languages             • Internal Failures are caused by maloperation of systems,
for model correspondences and view generation of V ITRUVIUS.              malfunction of network internal systems and all other
                                                                                                 Control Center
                                 VT1     Legend:                                                   Operator
               MM1                        VT       View Type
                        MM3                                                          uses
                                          MM       Metamodel
               MM2                                                                     view view view . . .
                                                   MIR                     «instance-of»
                           VT4                     ModelJoin                           Operator Viewtypes                Extended OMS
                                                                                operate on               show information from
    Figure 1. The Modular SUM Metamodel concept of V ITRUVIUS
                                                                                Algorithms            Smart Grid SUM Metamodel
                                                                                                         show information from
      causes that are directly related to the operations of the
                                                                                        System Viewtypes
   • Outside Influences are not caused by network operators,                «instance-of»
      but, e.g., by construction work, traffic accidents, etc.                          view view view . . .
   • Supply Failures/Cascading Outages are caused by a                                uses
      network other than the one controlled by a specific energy                 Smart Grid Software systems
      supplier, but have an effect on the supplier’s network.
In case that despite the monitoring and control systems, a                             Figure 2. Concept for the extended OMS
disturbance causes a power outage, an outage management
system (OMS) becomes active to restore the power supply.
   From an architectural viewpoint, the smart grid can be             represents all the information that is available about a system.
seen as a system of software systems that is connected by             The metamodel for this model is specific to the domain in
a communication network. A large number of standards exists,          which the V ITRUVIUS approach is used. It combines several
which cover the various aspects of the smart grid systems. The        metamodels to form a modular SUM metamodel (see Figure 1).
key standards will be presented in the following.                     The metamodels are included non-intrusively and do not have
   IEC 61970/61968: The IEC 61970 standard defines the                to be adapted. To express the semantic relations between the
Common Information Model (CIM), which is used to describe             elements of the metamodels, V ITRUVIUS defines the consist-
the physical components, measurement data, control and                ency description language MIR (mapping/invariant/response).
protection elements, and the SCADA system. It is defined              Since V ITRUVIUS is a view-based approach, all information in
in UML notation. The IEC 61968 standard is an extension               the SUM can only be retrieved or manipulated via specialized
of the CIM for the distribution network [8]. It is also called        views. A view is a special kind of model and conforms to
distributed CIM (DCIM)                                                a view type, i.e., its metamodel. For the definition of view
   IEC 61850: This is a series of standards for substations           types and views, V ITRUVIUS uses the ModelJoin language
with the purpose of supporting interoperability of intelligent        [12]. V ITRUVIUS has been implemented as a prototype1
electronic devices (IED) in substation automation systems. It         in the Eclipse Modeling Framework and can thus be used
defines the Abstract Communication Service Interface with a           with any Ecore-conforming metamodel. So far, it has been
mapping to concrete communication protocols, the XML-based            applied to software architecture models [13] and model-based
Substation Configuration Description Language (SCL), and              representations of programming languages [14].
the Logical Node (LN) model, which describes power system                III. A N EXTENDED O UTAGE M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM
functions [9].                                                          In this section, we present the elements of the extended out-
   IEC 62056: COSEM (Companion Specification for Energy               age management system that are developed with V ITRUVIUS.
Metering) is the international standard for data exchange for
meter reading, tariff and load control in the domain of electricity   A. Concept of the extended OMS
metering. It works together with the Device Language Message             The Extended Outage Management System is a model-driven
Specification (DLMS). Together, they provide a communication          analysis and control framework, which is used during run-time
profile to transport data from metering equipment to the              of the electrical system to monitor and control the smart grid,
metering system and to define a data model and communication          as well as for simulations. The framework enables network
protocols for data exchange [10].                                     stability analysis, grid balance analysis, failure detection and
B. Vitruvius                                                          location analysis, and direct controlling interactions with the
                                                                      electricity system to correct faulty sections of the network.
   V ITRUVIUS [1, 2] is a view-based, model-driven framework             The structure of the system, displayed in Figure 2, can
for the mangement of heterogeneous models, i.e., models               be seen from two perspectives: From an inside perspective,
that are instances of different metamodels. It is based on
the concept of a single underlying model (SUM) [11], which              1 https://sdqweb.ipd.kit.edu/wiki/Vitruvius, retrieved 2016-09-13
                                                Network                       for the electricity system provide possibilities for the grid to
                      Grid Control              Topology
                       Viewtype                 Viewtype                      provide new measurement data, and make system changes to
                            VT                      VT           and          keep the smart grid model of the extended OMS system always
      Generator                                               Consumer        up to date. Consequently, system and operator viewtypes are
      Monitoring      VT          IEC 61850                    Control
                                                                              defined based on the smart grid SUM metamodel, and, in case
                                  MIR                      VT                 of the operator viewtypes, on the analysis algorithms. Instances
      System                     CIM/DCIM                           Control
                                                                              of the operator viewtypes are the result of the evaluation of
     Balance                                                                  the viewtypes on the instance of the smart grid model. These
              VT                (IEC 61970/61968)             VT     Area
                                                                   Viewtype   views are presented to the operator and the smart grid system
     Viewtype                     MIR
                                                                              for them to interact with the smart grid model.
                                   COSEM                       Consumer
                                  (IEC 62056)            VT    Monitoring        This leads directly to the structure as seen from the outside by
      Reachability                                             Viewtype       the operators and the electrical system. They see the complete
       Viewtype            VT                                                 analysis framework as a ‘black box’, and never interact directly
                     Three Phase Measure-                                     with the models and algorithms inside, but only with the views
                     ment Matrix Viewtype                                     presented to them. The operators can request certain views that
Figure 3. The smart grid SUM metamodel and view types for the extended
                                                                              they need for monitoring, analysis, and controlling purposes,
outage management system                                                      which are delivered to them by the extended OMS system. The
                                                                              extended OMS system presents them the data and results from
                                                                              the smart grid system in a compact and consistently modeled
developers can see the inner structure of the system, whereas                 view, which contains only the information that they need at that
operators and existing software systems only have and outside                 special moment, to reduce the complexity for the operators.
perspective on the system.
   The inner structure of the system consists of three elements: B. The Smart Grid SUM Metamodel
The first one is the Smart Grid SUM Metamodel, which is              The modular SUM metamodel of the extended OMS consists
displayed in detail in Figure 3. Following the V ITRUVIUS of the IEC smart grid standards to model the four required
approach, it is a modular metamodel that combines four elements. The necessary elements are the advanced smart meter
separate elements of the electricity system: the physical network infrastructure modeled by the IEC 62056 COSEM standard, the
topology, the SCADA control system, the WAMS for grid wide area monitoring system for phasor measurements from
monitoring, and the AMI for customer monitoring. In the the grid modeled by a part of the IEC 61850 standard, the
metamodel, these elements are modeled using the IEC smart substation control functions modeled by another part of the
grid standards introduced in section II: The network topology IEC 61850 standard, and the network topology and overview,
model is based on the CIM and DCIM standards; the SCADA modeled by the two standards IEC 61970 and IEC 61968, also
control system uses the logical node model of the IEC 61850 known as the CIM and DCIM standards.
standard; the data collected from the WAMS are modeled               COSEM for the Smart Meter System: The smart meter
applying the logical nodes for system measurements from the metamodel is not freely available as a digital UML model, so
IEC61850 standard; finally, the AMI smart metering data are we built it manually as an Ecore model in Eclipse, based on
modeled using the COSEM standard. Since these metamodels the IEC 62056 standard. An excerpt of the smart meter Ecore
overlap at certain points, they are complemented by MIR model can be seen in Figure 4: The smart meter is represented
correspondence rules to specify the relationships between them. by the PhysicalDevice class, which is identified by its ID. It is
Together, the four metamodels of the elements of the electricity associated with the ManagementLogicalDevice class and the
system and the correspondence rules form the modular SUM LogicalDevice class. The logical device class has a relation to
metamodel. The framework uses an instance of this metamodel each electricity-related COSEM object class. Each COSEM
as a basis for all further analysis and control actions.          object class implements its interface class. For example, the
   The second important element are the different outage and class ElectricityValues contains the attributes for current and
instability detection and location algorithms, which are used voltage measurement data of the power import and export. For
for the different types of failure and stability analysis.        later modeling and containment purposes, the physical device
   The third important element are the viewtypes, which define also references each COSEM object class.
the different possible perspectives on the smart grid model.         CIM/DCIM (IEC 61970/61968): To use the CIM and DCIM
The viewtypes need to be differentiated between viewtypes standard as a part of the SUM metamodel, they both need to
for the system operator and such for the electricity system. be in the format of an Ecore model. The CIM User Group2
The viewtypes for the operator implement the algorithms for provides the two metamodels as an integrated Sparx Enterprise
balancing input and output of the network to stabilize the Architecture Model ready to download as an xmi file. These
voltage, and for failure detection analysis. They define views metamodels are based on the most current release of the two
on the network topology and control regions. Furthermore, standards in 2014. The CIM User Group offers the metamodel
they define views for the interaction with and control of the
physical equipment of the electrical system. The viewtypes          2 http://cimug.ucaiug.org, retrieved 2016-09-13
                                                                ...            only been defined for the combinations IEC 61850/CIM and
                   COSEM interface classes
                                                                               CIM/COSEM (see Figure 3). An example for such a rule can
                                                                               be seen in Listing 1, where the correspondence is defined for
                                                                               metamodel elements that describe circuit breakers in both the
                    COSEM object classes                        ...
                                                                               CIM and the IEC 61850 metamodel, which has the package
                                                                               name “substation”. For a complete listing of all rules, we refer
                                                                               the reader to [15].
                                                  PhysicalDevice               D. Viewtypes
     ID: EString
                                               ID: EString
     name: SAPAssignmentCurrent        0..*
                                                                                  The second part of the extended OMS are the viewtypes
     ...                                                                       designed for the interaction with operators and the smart grid
                                                                               software systems (cf. Figure 2). Each of the three metamodels in
        ManagementLogicalDevice                                                the modular SUM metamodel is exposed as a legacy viewtype
                                       0..1                                    to support existing software and visualization methods, and for
                                                                               data exchange with the systems of the smart grid. In addition,
            Figure 4. The Smart Meter Ecore Model (Excerpt)                    nine specific view types have been defined using the declarative
                                                                               ModelJoin language. Each viewtype combines information of
together with the open source Eclipse plugin “CIMtool”3 . With                 either a single or multiple sub-metamodels of the modular
this tool, it is possible to browse through the models and to                  SUM metamodel, as displayed in Figure 3.
export them as an Ecore model, which can then be directly                         For network monitoring, the Network Topology Viewtype
imported into the V ITRUVIUS environment.                                      defines a view on the electricity system elements and their
   IEC 61850 for Substation Control and PMU: Analogous to                      topology. The Control Area Viewtype focuses on the segment-
the CIM/DCIM metamodel, the IEC 61850 logical node model                       ation of the electricity system into control areas, where each
needs to be in the format of Ecore in order to be integrated into              area is regulated by one control center.
the SUM. Our Ecore-based metamodel of the standard realizes                       Four viewtypes have been defined to support balancing of
parts 5 and 7 of the IEC 61850 standard. The metamodel                         the electricity grid: The System Balance Analysis Viewtype
has been created by adapting an Enterprise Architect UML                       compares production and consumption with predicted values to
model by ABB. ABB has donated this metamodel to the IEC                        detect fluctuations. The Generator Monitoring and Consumer
technical committee (TC) 57. It is accessible as a web-based                   Monitoring view types observe the current situation of generat-
UML model on their website.4 The web-based model can                           ors and consumers. They serve as a basis of decision-making
be browsed, but unfortunately, it cannot be downloaded. To                     on how to react to imbalances in the system. After this decision,
integrate the metamodel into the SUM Metamodel as an Ecore                     operators use the Generator and Consumer Control Viewtype
model, we have rebuilt it manually in Eclipse. Since the ABB                   to control the production and demand of electricity.
model is not completely compatible with Ecore, a few changes                      The Consumer Reachability Viewtype is used to detect
had to be made, which are described in detail in [15].                         outages. The detection algorithm exploits the fact that when
                                                                               a smart meter is cut off from power supply, it cannot send
C. Correspondence Rules                                                        any data. Together with the network topology viewtype, it is
map CIM.CIM.IEC61970.Wires.Breaker as Breaker                                  possible to see the system in a tree structure, and to mark the
and substation.substationStandard.LNNodes.LNGroupX.                            nodes that failed by searching for the failed consumers in the
    XCBR as XCBR {                                                             topology view. Thus, it is possible to detect the outage, and to
    when-where {
        Breaker.mRID == XCBR.NamePlt.IdNs                                      locate the area of its origin. If a failure is detected, the Grid
        Breaker.mRID = XCBR.NamePlt.IdNs                                       Control Viewtype can be used to stabilize the situation again.
    }                                                                             Finally, the Three Phase Measurement Matrix Viewtype
                                                                               combines measurement data from phasor measurement units
              Listing 1. Example Mapping Rule for Breaker                      and smart meters. Thus, instabilities and disturbances in the
                                                                               transmission and distribution network can be detected, so that
The correspondence rules for the extended Outage Management
                                                                               outages can be prevented before they occur. For a complete
System (OMS) have been defined in the MIR language of
                                                                               definition of all view types, we again refer the reader to [15].
V ITRUVIUS. They describe the semantic overlaps between the
metamodels of the modular SUM metamodel. Since it is not                                             IV. E VALUATION
mandatory in the V ITRUVIUS approach to define rules for
all binary combinations, and since there were no semantic                      A. The SAIDI Index as Benchmark
correspondences between IEC 61850 and COSEM, rules have                          The overall goal of the extended Outage Management System
  3 http://wiki.cimtool.org/HowToValidateCPSM.html, retrieved 2016-09-13       (OMS) is to reduce the outage duration and to lower the amount
  4 http://www.nettedautomation.com/download/std/61850/uml/, retrieved 2016-   of outages. To evaluate how well the system is performing in
09-13                                                                          doing this, the SAIDI index is used.
                                        Outages      Outages                                        Consumers    49 600 000
    Outage Type                         Low          Med.        Outages
                           Perc.                                                           Outages Low-Voltage      147 800
                                        Voltage      Voltage     Total
                                                                                        Outages Medium-Voltage       26 000
    Atmospheric            45.1 %        66 658       11 726     78 384                     SAIDI Low-Voltage             2.19
    Interferences                                                                        SAIDI Medium-Voltage            10.09
    Internal Failures      29.51 %       43 616           7673   51 289                            SAIDI Total           12.28
    Outside Influences     22.59 %       33 388           5873   39 261                               Table II
    Supply     Failures,    2.8 %         4138             728    4866         A NNUAL O UTAGE AND SAIDI VALUES FOR G ERMANY IN 2014
    Cascading Outages
                              Table I
                                                                           the faulty section. In this case, the outage is repaired after 2
                                                                           minutes. If this is not the case, the detection and restoration
                                                                           of the failure takes up to one hour. Since these two cases
Definition 1. The SAIDI (System Average Interruption Dur-
                                                                           cannot be differentiated here, an average outage restoration
ation Index) index is the average outage duration for each
                                                                           duration is calculated based on them. Since this evaluation is
served customer. It is an indicator for the reliability of power
                                                                           conducted in a modern smart grid, it is assumed that the first
supply of an electricity system. It is calculated as:
                                                                           case happens slightly more often than the second one (60:40).
                                    C   Kj
                                                                           Consequently, the average outage restoration duration is about
                                                  N j,k                    30 minutes (using 7.5 minutes for the outage reporting time):
                      SAIDI = ∑ ∑ ϕ j,k
                                   j=1 k=1         N                       0.6 ∗ 2 min + 0.4 ∗ 60 min + 7.5 min = 31.5 min.
                                                                              Besides these, some more general assumptions are made for
   where C is the amount of areas the grid is divided into, K j            all of the following evaluations.
is the number of annual outages in area j, and ϕ j,k is the
                                                                             • The percentages of the types of outages from the Austrian
duration of the k-th outage in area j, and N j,k is the number
                                                                               report will be used for the German system, since they
of consumers in area j affected by outage k, and N is the total
                                                                               are neighbors with similar infrastructure and weather (see
number of consumers in the system [16].
                                                                               Table I).
B. Datasets used for the Evaluation                                          • The outage restoration duration is 30 minutes.
                                                                             • Based on this duration and the SAIDI values in Table II,
   To evaluate the extended outage management system in the
                                                                               the average number of people affected by an outage in the
German smart grid, four main datasets are used:
                                                                               low and medium voltage network is 24 in the low-voltage
   1) Germany: Each year, the federal electricity agency of
                                                                               network and 640 in the medium-voltage network.
Germany releases a monitoring report about the electricity
system. Besides data about production, renewable production                C. Evaluation Views
and consumption, it includes numbers about the reliability of
power supply and the amount of outages per year. The report                   For the evaluation of our approach, we have analysed several
is freely available and will be used as a basis to calculate the           properties of a smart grid using model and the views as
SAIDI index and for comparison, since it includes the SAIDI                described in subsection III-D.
index for the current German system. For this evaluation, the                 1) Grid Balancing: The main purpose of the viewtypes
report from 2014 will be used [17].                                        for grid balancing is to prevent outages by keeping electrical
   2) Austria: Similar to the German report, E-Control pub-                inflows and outflows at balance. We have recalculated the
lishes the outages and disturbances statistic for Austria each             SAIDI index to measure the improvement gained from using the
year. The report includes data about the number and type of                viewtypes. The calculation is based on the numbers from 2014
outages in Austria in 2014, together with the SAIDI index.                 in Germany and Austria and makes some specific assumptions:
Since the German and Austrian systems are neighbours, we                     • The fourth outage type Supply failures and cascading
will assume for the evaluation that the types of outages (as                   outages combines two kinds of outages, of which only
introduced in section II) are the same [7].                                    the supply failures are of interest. For this evaluation, it
   3) entsoe: To analyze balancing the grid, statistical data                  is assumed that they have each a share of 50 % of the
about the actual and forecasted production and consumption for                 total 2.8 % of their appearance. This is 2069 outages in
2015 provided by entsoe is used. The dataset includes quarter                  the low-voltage network and 364 in the medium-voltage.
hourly data for every day and can be used to detect differences              • Since the views currently only focus on production and
between forecasted and actual production and consumption.                      consumption and no models for the electricity market
   The duration of the system restoration after an outage is an                and special forecasts are included it is assumed that the
important aspect. According to literature [4, 16], two cases need              views will not perform very well in preventing imbalance
to be differentiated: In both cases, the detection of an outage                outages that currently occur. Therefore it is assumed, that
relies on customer feedback. On average, an outage is reported                 only 30 % of the outages can be prevented. This makes
after 5 to 10 minutes. In the first case, the system has an                    629 prevented outages in the low-voltage network and
implemented infrastructure to automatically detect and restore                 109 in the medium voltage. The total amount of outages
    would then be 147 151 in the low-voltage network and                                          Outages       Outages
                                                                            Outage Type           Low-          Medium-    Outages
    25 891 in the medium-voltage.                                                                 Voltage       Voltage    Total
  The results for the low- and medium-voltage system are:                   Atmospheric             66 658       11 726      78 384
                 4      4                                                   Interferences
  SAIDI low = ∑       ∑ 30 min ∗ 49 600 000 = 2.14 min,
                                                                            Internal Failures       21 808        3837       25 645
                j=1 k=1                                                     Outside Influences      33 388        5873       39 261
                         25891                                              Supply Failures,         2061          364        2425
                     4     4
                                  640                                       Cascading Outages
  SAIDI medium = ∑ ∑ 30 min ∗ 49 600 000 = 10.02 min
                     j=1 k=1                                                                        Table III
   Thus, the total is 12.16 min with an improvement of 0.16 min.                    O UTAGES OF THE TOTAL EXTENDED OMS
   2) Outage Detection: The main objective of these views
is to detect outages automatically and faster, since currently,
this relies on customer feedback, which can take up to 10
                                                                          is 2069 outages in the low-voltage network and 364 in
minutes. Since in the modern smart grid with automatic remote
                                                                          the medium-voltage.
control, it is possible to restore the power supply after an
                                                                       • It is assumed that the external system to compare the
outage already after two minutes, it is important to reduce the
                                                                          values from the views with historic data has been built.
time for detection in order to lower the total outage restoration
                                                                       • Internal failures, especially if a device is broken, cannot
                                                                          always be prevented even if the disturbance is detected.
   The evaluation is based on the following assumptions:
                                                                          However, due to the N-1 criterion it should be guaranteed
   • The low-voltage networks attached to a medium-voltage
                                                                          in most of the cases that the outage can be prevented. But
     network do all have the same amount of customers.                    to estimate it carefully it is assumed, that only 50 % of
   • Each smart meter sends data once every 30 minutes.
                                                                          the internal outages can be prevented.
   • The smart meters in a medium-voltage network segment
                                                                       • Concerning cascading outages, since they can be prevented
     do not send all at the same time, but are distributed equally        by separating the faulty section from the rest of the grid,
     over the 30 minutes. They are rotating through the low-              it is assumed that 70 % of them can be prevented.
     voltage networks attached to the medium-voltage.
                                                                       The results for the low- and medium-voltage system are:
   • To differentiate between short temporal outages (< 1 min)                             124 539
                                                                                       4      4
     and long permanent outages, the detection time needs to           SAIDI low = ∑ ∑ 30 min ∗ 49 600           24
                                                                                                                    000 = 1.81 min,
     be longer than 1 minute.                                                        j=1 k=1
                                                                                                21 909
   We use the formula of [15, section 5.3.4] to calculate the                               4      4
                                                                       SAIDI medium = ∑ ∑ 30 min ∗ 49 600               000 = 8.48 min.
outage detection time based on the number of customers in the                             j=1 k=1
             640 30 min                                                Thus, the total is 10.29 min with an improvement of 1.99 min.
system: 3 ∗ 25 ∗ 640 = 3.6 min. As explained in the general
assumptions, there are now two cases of outage restoration. D. The SAIDI Index of the overall extended OMS
The same restoration times will now be combined with the new
detection time. With 60 %, the restoration time is 2 minutes,          The different views evaluated above are all used together
and with 40 %, it is 60 minutes, which gives an average outage      in the extended outage management system. Therefore their
detection and restoration time of 0.6 ∗ 2 min + 0.4 ∗ 60 min +      functionalities   can be combined to combine outage detection
3.6 min = 28.8 min. This duration will become lower the higher      with  prevention.    This will further improve the SAIDI index of
the share of remote controls in the grid gets.                      the extended    OMS,      since the single improvements are added
   The results for the low- and medium-voltage system are:          up.  In  order  to   do   that,    this section summarizes the single
                     147800                                         improvements      from      the    previous   sections and calculates a
                                        24                          combined     SAIDI    index.     The   main  achievements     are:
   SAIDI low = ∑ ∑ 28.8 min ∗ 49 600       000 = 2.06 min,
                j=1 k=1
                                                                       • Reduction of supply failure outages by 30 %, which are
                      4     4
   SAIDI medium = ∑ ∑ 28.8 min ∗ 49 600 000 = 9.66 min.                   629 prevented outages in the low-voltage network and
                    j=1 k=1                                               109 in the medium voltage.
   Thus, the total is 11.72 min with an improvement of 0.56 min.       • Detection of outages in 3.6 minutes with a total reduction
   3) Instability and Cascading Blackouts detection: The main             of average outage detection and restoration time to 28.1.
objective of these views is to prevent outages due to instabilities    • Reduction of internal failure outages by 50 %, which
in the system and to detain cascading outages. It is the goal to          means 21 808 prevented outages in the low-voltage net-
prevent outages of two types: internal outages and cascading              work and 3837 in the medium voltage.
outages. To evaluate the functionality of these views, some            • Reduction of cascading outages by 70 %, which are 1448
further assumptions have to be made:                                      prevented outages in the low-voltage network and 255 in
   • The fourth outage type Supply failures and cascading                 the medium voltage.
     outages combines two different kinds of outages of which          This results are displayed in Table III. The results for the
     only the cascading outages are of interest for these views. extended OMS are:
                                                                                           123 915
     For this evaluation it is assumed that they each have a                           4      4
     share of 50 % of the total 2.8 % of their appearance. This        SAIDI   low =  ∑      ∑      28.8 min ∗ 49 600  000 = 1.72 min
                                                                                     j=1 k=1
                        21 800
                    4      4                                          methods. This can be found several times in literature [30–33].
  SAIDI medium = ∑ ∑ 28.8 min ∗ 49 600 000 = 8.10 min.
                   j=1 k=1                                            Since currently the mapping of signals between the CIM
   In total, this is 9.82 min with a total improvement of 2.46 min,   and IEC 61850 standards needs to be performed manually,
which is 2 minutes and 28 seconds.                                    these papers suggest a mapping between the SCL and the
   This means if the extended OMS is used in the German smart         CIM configuration file with ontology matching. This approach
grid, the average annual outage duration for each consumer            follows the same purpose like the model-driven approach
could be reduced by at least 2 minutes and 28 seconds.                presented in this research, however using a different method.
Consequently, the analysis and control framework built can
                                                                                           VI. C ONCLUSION
indeed help to improve the reliability of power supply.
                                                                       In this paper, we have presented a model-driven and view-
                        V. R ELATED W ORK                           based framework, called the extended outage management
   Related work on improving the reliability of the power supply system, for run-time analysis and control of the smart grid.
using model-driven methods can be grouped in two categories: The main purpose of the system is to increase the system
Approaches that treat the problem of improving the reliability reliability by faster detection of outages and by preventing
of power supply, and approaches that examine the problem of the outages through the detection of system instabilities and
combining information of the smart grid using model-driven imbalances. The system is built in V ITRUVIUS, a model-driven
or related methods.                                                 and view based model management framework, which was
   There is quite an extensive amount of research about the originally created for software development purposes, but can
reliability of electrical systems, also in connection with the be used with any kind of metamodel-based data. This paper
smart grid. E.R. Brown [18] examines the challenge of a reliable has shown that the mechanisms and languages of V ITRUVIUS
power distribution system, and D. Elmakias introduces in his for defining correspondences and viewtypes can successfully
book methods to examine and improve the reliability of an be applied to domains that do not purely concern software.
electrical system [19]. Chowdhury et al. [20] and Waseem et al.        The framework has been evaluated using the SAIDI index.
[21] focus especially on the impact of distributed generation on    Using    statistical data of the German power grid, a possible
system reliability, since the integration of distributed generation improvement       of 2 minutes and 28 seconds in annual outage
is a new challenge for the power system. Related to power           time.  The  system   could be further improved by including further
distribution, Russell et. al [22] work on improving the reliability data  sources,   such  as real-time data from the energy market.
of the distribution system equipment in their research.
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