=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1742/MRT16_paper_5 |storemode=property |title=Incremental Runtime-generation of Optimisation Problems using RAG-controlled Rewriting |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1742/MRT16_paper_5.pdf |volume=Vol-1742 |authors=Rene Schöne,Sebastian Götz,Uwe Aßmann,Christoff Bürger |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/SchoneGAB16 }} ==Incremental Runtime-generation of Optimisation Problems using RAG-controlled Rewriting== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1742/MRT16_paper_5.pdf
     Incremental Runtime-generation of Optimisation
        Problems using RAG-controlled Rewriting
                         René Schöne∗ , Sebastian Götz∗ , Uwe Aßmann∗ and Christoff Bürger†
                                 ∗ Software Technology Group, Technische Universität Dresden

                    † Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden


   Abstract—In the era of Internet of Things, software systems      common solution is to manually implement a cache mech-
need to interact with many physical entities and cope with new      anism. However, this leads to other serious problems like
requirements at runtime. Self-adaptive systems aim to tackle        inconsistencies [9].
those challenges, often representing their context with a runtime
model enabling better reasoning capabilities. However, those           Building on reference attribute grammar controlled rewrit-
models quickly grow in size and need to be updated frequently       ing – a promising technology to accomplish automatic, incre-
with small changes due to a high number of physical entities        mental analyses of runtime models [10] – we will show its
changing constantly. This situation threatens the efficacy of       application in our case to generate ILP optimisation problems.
analyses on such models, as they lack an efficient management of
                                                                    Reference attribute grammars (RAGs) [11], are a declarative
those changes leading to unnecessary computation overhead. We
propose applying scalable, incremental change management of         formalism to specify semantics for tree structures. A RAG
runtime models in the presence of a complex model to text trans-    extends tree instances of a context-free grammar to abstract
formation. In this paper, we present and evaluate an example of     syntax graphs by superimposing a semantic overlay graph. In
code generation of integer linear programs. In our case study       contrast to ordinary attribute grammars [12], RAGs do not
using synthesized models, we saved 35 - 83% processing time
                                                                    support incremental evaluation out-of-the-box. For that reason,
compared to a non-incremental approach. Using our approach,
future self-adaptive systems can handle and analyze large-scale     we use RAG-controlled rewriting [10], which permits model
runtime models, even if they change frequently.                     updates in terms of graph rewrites that in turn update analyses,
                                                                    thus automatically achieving incremental evaluation. Using
                      I. I NTRODUCTION                              RAG-controlled rewriting, we are able to model software
   A major challenge regarding the integration of computer-         systems including their context, incrementally reason on those
based systems with the physical world is the development            systems and still cope with runtime model changes. In this
of convenient runtime models [1], [2]. Runtime states of            paper, we approach the following research questions:
cyber-physical systems [3] have to be represented in such a         RQ1 Are reference attribute grammars a suitable modeling
way, that they can be efficiently updated and analyzed for             framework for large-scale runtime models?
self-adaptation. This comprises monitoring of change-events,        RQ2 Is it possible to incrementally propagate changes in the
analysis of the resulting system state, planning of reactions          runtime model to domain-specific code generated from
and the actual execution of them – a feedback loop [2].                this model?
   A particularly challenging part of such feedback loops is        RQ3 If yes, how beneficial is incremental change propagation
the deduction of reactions to updates, i.e., the reasoning in the      compared to non-incremental solutions?
analyze and plan phase [4]. Often, logical or mathematical
                                                                       In the following Section II, we describe our previous
formalisms are used to ensure only efficient and correct plans
                                                                    research building the foundation of this work. Subsequently,
are derived, e.g., integer linear programming (ILP) for opti-
                                                                    concepts and advances of our approach are described in
mizing self-adaptations [5] or logic-based structural reasoning
                                                                    Section III, followed by an extensive evaluation in Section IV.
like Alloy [6]. Although such techniques ease the deduction
                                                                    We compare our approach to related work in Section V and
of reaction-plans, they still require the derivation of an actual
                                                                    conclude in Section VI.
problem specification suitable for their respective reasoning
tooling. Since changes in runtime models typically happen
                                                                     II. P ROBLEM D OMAIN : M ULTI -Q UALITY AUTO -T UNING
frequently and mostly affect only small model parts [7],
planning problems should be deduced by incremental analyses.          This section describes the domain of our case study and its
Given a model update, analyses should only be re-evaluated          associated evaluation: Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning (MQuAT).
if influenced by the update. If not, previously cached results      We selected this problem domain because it is a complex
should be reused. The benefit of such an incremental derivation     problem involving runtime models and reasoning on them.
of planning problems increases with model size. Hence, in the       Furthermore, our previous research [5] revealed, that incre-
scope of the Internet of Things, i.e., in the presence of very      mental runtime model reasoning is a major challenge and can
large runtime models, it is of uttermost importance [8]. A          not be easily integrated into existing systems.
           System Structure Model                           input-for       The generated ILP comprises three types of constraints: (a)
                and Contracts                               produces     structural constraints describing which software components
                                      Model to Text
                                      Transformation                     are required due to dependencies between them, (b) constraints
 Many          Runtime Model                                             covering the variants of software-hardware mappings as a
                                                       Reasoning Logic
 small     (abstract representation
                                                          (as ILP)       dynamic knapsack problem [15] and (c) constraints covering
changes    of current system state)
                                       Off-the-Shelf                     hardware resources, e.g., a maximum frequency of a CPU. On
                                                                         a more abstract level, the ILP is an equation system Ax = b
     Figure 1: Overview of Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning.                    comprising a matrix of coefficients A, a vector of bounds b
                                                                         and the target variables x. Here A and b are the mentioned
                                                                         constraints, in x are Boolean variables representing the choice
   MQuAT is an approach for model-driven, component-based                of one mode being deployed on a certain hardware component.
development of self-adaptive systems. The principal idea and                The two key problems of MQuAT and many other model-
key contribution is to use models and a domain-specific                  driven approaches for self-adaptive software are (1) the scal-
language enabling the developer to describe the self-adaptive            ability of both the runtime model and the reasoning upon it
system under construction and generate the reasoning logic for           and (2) efficient change management, i.e., minor changes
the analyze and plan phases from these models. Consequently,             to the runtime model should avoid a complete re-generation
the developer is enabled to focus on the problem specifica-              and -evaluation of the reasoning logic. To realize the intercon-
tion instead of the technical realization, which is automated            nection between development models (e.g., models describing
by code generation at runtime. Hence, a representation of                the software architecture) with the runtime model, MQuAT
the system’s runtime state is required – a runtime model.                uses the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) for both. There
In other words, MQuAT adheres to the models@run.time                     are alternative, more lightweight modeling framework like
paradigm [13], which promotes the use of modeling techniques             the Kevoree Modeling Framework (KMF) [9] as EMF is not
at runtime. Figure 1 depicts the general principle of MQuAT.             intended to be used at runtime. In this paper, we propose the
   In [5], the generation of reasoning logic to alternative              application of reference attribute grammar controlled rewriting
optimization languages was investigated. Here, we focus on               (RAG-controlled rewriting) as alternative modeling frame-
the generation of an integer linear program (ILP) [14] as                work, which in contrast to KMF offers incremental evaluation
reasoning logic. In general, the optimization problem to be              in addition to being more lightweight. In particular, we will
solved by MQuAT is a selection and mapping problem.                      show how the reasoning logic can incrementally be gener-
MQuAT models systems as sets of soft- and hardware com-                  ated as an ILP using RAG-controlled rewriting. Therefore,
ponents. Each software component can have multiple im-                   our approach is situated in the analyze and plan phases of
plementations, each with different modes. For example, the               the feedback loop, as the optimization problem determines
software component Compress has implementations like zip,                whether and how the current configuration has to be changed.
pigz and nanozip, to name but a few. The nanozip
implementation can be used in different modes, which, e.g.,              III. RAG- CONTROLLED , I NCREMENTAL ILP-G ENERATION
specify the amount of preallocated memory used for compres-                 Attribute grammars (AGs) are a well known technique for
sion. Hardware components typically describe a hierarchical              semantic analysis in the field of compiler construction [12].
structure, e.g., a component server rack comprising several              AGs use a context-free grammar to specify the structure of
servers, each containing memory, CPUs and network devices.               tree-shaped data they operate on and attributes to analyse this
Both, soft- and hardware components can be further detailed              data. Attributes can have dependencies to one another and on
by specifying their properties. For example, the hardware                tree information, resulting in a statically known dependency
component CPU has the property frequency and the software                graph exploited by the attribute evaluator. Based on this graph,
component Compress has a property compression-ratio. De-                 incremental evaluation can be realized [16].
pendencies between components are specified using contracts,                Reference AGs (RAGs) are an extension, where attributes
that describe a provision/requirement relation on properties             may resolve to remote tree nodes such that an semantic
of two interdependent components. For example, to guarantee              overlay graph is superimposed on the spanning tree [11]. This
a maximum processing time of a compression algorithm, a                  enables new scenarios, e.g., the specification of semantics
minimum amount of memory is required.                                    in metamodels like EMF Ecore [17]. However, dependencies
   To process a user request, a system described using the               of reference attributes cannot be statically decided, impeding
aforementioned concepts contains two dimensions of variabil-             incremental evaluation. RAG-controlled rewriting overcomes
ity: (1) each component, which is required to process the                this limitation by tracking dependencies dynamically such
request, has several implementations and (2) each implemen-              that rewrites can incorporate them for invalidation [10]. It
tation can be used in different modes on different hardware              enables dynamic incremental attribute evaluation for RAGs.
resources. Thus, the optimization problem denotes the selec-             The RACR library [10], used in our case study to imple-
tion of the best implementations and their best mapping to               ment a runtime model for MQuAT, is a reference imple-
the available resources for a given user request. To solve this          mentation of RAG-controlled rewriting. It can be found at
problem, it is transformed to an ILP as optimization language.           https://github.com/christoff-buerger/racr.
                               Root                     1        Request

                               1                                   1

                              HWRoot                             SWRoot              Component                      Implementation
                                                                                     name                             name
                                  SubResources                                   *                              *
                                                                    *     *                       reqcomps                  *
                                                                 Property              Clause                           Mode
                                                                name, unit           comparator                        name
                                                       *        direction            value        *
                                 *                                                         *    *
                              Resource                             return-type
                              name                                                                                      Constraints
                          *                      SubResources                        n AST structure          n Reference Attribute
Figure 2: Grammar overview. HWRoot and Resource are hardware elements; SWRoot, Component, Implementation and Mode
are software specific. The non-terminals Property and Clause are cross-cutting, whereas the Request represents the expectations
from a user and triggers an evaluation of the model.

A. General Solution Overview                                                          example could be a user requesting to compress a video file,
                                                                                      requiring a maximum execution time to finish this operation
   Figure 2 shows a simplified grammar using our approach                             and a maximum file size after compression.
to describe a system subject to auto-tuning, i.e., possible                              Figure 3 shows a simplified structure of an example system
types of model elements and their relationships. The notation                         using the described grammar to build an AST representing
follows JastEMF [17], showing nonterminals as rectangles                              such a system. It includes three parts: a) two hardware
with terminals of them listed beneath the name of its enclos-                         components, b) nine software components, implementations
ing nonterminal. Containment relations model nonterminals                             and modes (indicated with C, I and M, respectively) and c)
in production right-hands, thus, implying non-cyclic entity                           the request. With such an AST, the structure and properties of
relations, i.e., subtrees. Arrows denote attributes which are                         hard- and software can be described. Further, their relationship
known to be of a type the arrow is pointing to. The following                         is modeled with clauses defining requirements and provisions.
three concerns are represented as nonterminals:                                          All the aforementioned elements can be modeled using
   The hardware subtree with root HWRoot denotes an ar-                               RAGs. Hence, they are a suitable modeling framework for
bitrarily deep hierarchy of Resources, which are grouped                              runtime models, which partially answers RQ1. To show that
by common types (e.g., CPU). Resources have a set of                                  RAGs are suitable for large-scale runtime models, we have
Clauses describing their current state, e.g., “CPU frequency                          evaluated our approach in Section IV.
is 1.4GHz”. Clauses are linked to Properties, e.g., repre-
senting CPU frequency.                                                                B. Attribution used for ILP-Generation
   Software is represented as a hierarchy, too. The semantics                            To realize ILP-Generation using RAGs, attributes imple-
of Components, Implementations and Modes are as                                       menting a model-to-text transformation have to be specified
described in Section II. Furthermore, implementations can                             for each nonterminal of the grammar. The computation of
require components, forming a dependency tree. Modes are                              these attributes is local to this nonterminal and can be reused
described by a quality contract – a set of Clauses describing                         by other attributes, as will be described later. As they are
their non-functional behavior. With such clauses, properties                          computed incrementally, the whole model transformation is
like an execution time t can be described depending on input                          incremental, thus tackling the problems revealed in Section I.
parameters, e.g., t = n2 , where n denotes input file size.                              Figure 4 shows the AST introduced above in Figure 3 at
Different modes of the same implementation can have either                            runtime. It includes the most important attributes involved in
the same clauses, the same properties, but different values or                        the computation, their dependencies and whether they will be
completely different clauses.                                                         evaluated in a certain situation described below. The syntax
   Finally, a Request denotes the requested functionality                             of attributes will be introduced in the next paragraph. An
along with expected values for non-functional properties. An                          evaluation always begins at the attribute to-ilp, starting the
                                                                        Client            Root
                                                                                      o     bv   ti

  HWRoot              SWRoot                       Request
                                                                          HWRoot                      SWRoot ti                            Request ti
                          C                    C
       CPU1                   Compress             DataProv
                                                                                    nhw                                       ti                            ti
                                                                             CPU1                           Compress                      DataProv
                          I                         I                        o      nreqc             nsw     nhw         n              nsw     nhw    n
       RAM2                       pigz                      Remote
                                                                                    nhw                                       ti                                 ti
                              M                         M                    RAM2                                  pigz                                Remote
                                  sequential                Ethernet         o      nreqc                 nreqc                                nreqc

                              M                                                                                       sequential                       Ethernet
                                   parallel                                                                       nreqc                            nreqc

     Nonterminal                                                                                                              parallel
                          I                                                                                       nreqc
     Children                                                                                                                 ti
     Reference                     M                                                                              nanozip
     Attribute                           cO                                                               nreqc

Figure 3: Example AST, built using the grammar in Figure 2.                                                       nreqc

                                                                            Nonterminal                Attribute                          Skipped attribute
                                                                            Children                   Cache hit                          (using incremental)
generation process. Any other invocation is controlled by                                                                                 Skipped invocation
RACR, ensuring that only those attributes are re-evaluated,
whose values might have changed because they depend on up-             Figure 4: Attribute computation and dependencies for an
dated model information. Attributes are defined to fit naturally       example AST.
in the structure of the ILP. In the following, the most important
attributes are briefly explained. Their syntax is denoted by
underlines, e.g., to-ilp is represented as ti in Figure 4.             Root, the required attribute values objective and binary-vars
objective This attribute is defined on the nonterminals Root           on Root and to-ilp on SWRoot and Request are read from
      and Resource, to compute the objective function globally         cache, since they do not depend on any changed information.
      (Root) or partly for the given Resource.                         Those cached attributes are marked half-grey. Other attributes
to-ilp Gathers the ILP constraints for each clause of the cur-         which normally would be evaluated for those attributes –
      rent request. Both, software and architectural constraints       e.g. to-ilp on Compress – will never be called. Such skipped
      result from the invocation of to-ilp on components and           attributes are shown in white. They are another reason for
      implementations. Software constraints represent the de-          the savings of incremental evaluation. However, the attribute
      pendencies of implementations and components, whereas            nego on SWRoot will be re-evaluated, since some attributes
      architectural constraints ensure that only one mode of an        it depends on – like nhw – need to be re-evaluated. Those
      implementation per component is deployed.                        attributes are shown in black.
nego Models the dynamic knapsack problem (negotiation),                   Using this approach, we can incrementally propagate run-
      which was outlined in Section II. Its constraints comprise       time model changes to text or code generated from it, thus
      property values required by components and provided by           affirming RQ2. Showing the scalability of our approach, we
      components and resources. Thus, nego depends on nhw              evaluated models of different sizes and change scenarios.
      (negotiation of hardware resources), nsw (negotiation of
      software modes) and nreqc (request constraints).
binary-vars Computes all used variables and their bounds.                                        IV. E VALUATION
   The attribute binary-vars is a good example to demonstrate
the strength of incremental evaluation on a small scale. If, for          To answer the research questions RQ1 and RQ3 posed in
example, the value of a hardware entity has changed (e.g.,             section I, we created synthesized models of systems specified
the CPU frequency has been changed), this attribute does not           by the grammar described in Section III. More concrete, we
need to be re-evaluated, because the change will not introduce         strive to measure the benefit of incremental evaluation by
new variables. Thus, its value will be read from cache, as all         comparing our approach to non-incremental versions of it. By
information it depends on, whether tree-structure or attribute         using synthesized models it is possible to create arbitrary large
values, are unchanged.                                                 systems and, thus, show the suitability and scalability of our
   Figure 4 shows, which attributes need to be re-evaluated in         approach. The evaluation results and an executable test setup
case of a property change of CPU1. Starting with to-ilp on             are available at https://github.com/rene-schoene/racr-mquat.
                                  Change-          ◦ incremental                          input-for
        Parameters                                 • flushed
                                 Generator                                                produces
                                          (succ)   ◦ semiautomatic
                                                                                        M measurement

          System-              System model:                          M                 ILP solver:      M
                                                   ILP-Generator            ILP                               Configuration
         Generator    (init)    EMF, RAG                                                glpk, gurobi

        Figure 5: Evaluation setup for measuring ILP generation after initial model creation and successive changes.

A. Test Setup                                                      likely manually cached and maintained in a handcrafted solu-
   Resources of the created models have two non-functional         tion, e.g., attributes computing a filtered collection contain-
properties. Software components build a “requirement chain”:       ing available hardware resources. In contrast to the actual
all but the last component require the next one. In other          ILP generation, such auxiliary attributes are simple analyses,
words, we generate a simplified variant of Pipe-and-Filter         whose cache maintenance is simple enough for a handcrafted
architectures [18]. Every clause has its values chosen such        solution. The semiautomatic strategy is important for realistic
that at least one valid solution of the generated optimization     measurements, since one usually takes rigorous advantage of
problem exists. To enable a close investigation, our test setup    such attributes in a sense of calling them many times in
provides variability in the following parameters:                  algorithm-based analyses. To compare our incremental solu-
 (a) number of hardware resources, ranging from 10 to 400,         tion to completely non-cached analyses would be unrealistic
 (b) subresources, either 10 per resource or a flat subtree,       and just confirm the well-known fact of exponential attribute
 (c) number of software components, ranging from 1 to 90,          evaluation complexity in case of naïve evaluation [19], [20].
 (d) implementations per component, 1, 2, or 10, and                  The flushed strategy has the cache enabled, but it gets
 (e) modes per implementation, either 2 or 10.                     invalidated after each change. Thereby the first invocation
In total, 33 different parameter configurations were used.         of each attribute needs to be computed again, but further
Based on our experience, we identified three kinds of changes:     invocations in the same step can rely on the attribute being
Update-HW Update property values in clauses of hardware            cached. Depending on the context, we will also use the names
      resources (continuous monitoring)                            of each strategy to refer to an execution using this strategy.
Structure-HW Remove certain hardware resources, or add                For each step, the time required to generate the ILP was
      new ones (hardware maintenance)                              measured, excluding disk IO and cache flushing. Additionally,
Structure-SW Remove certain software modes, or add new             to avoid dependencies of our results to a concrete hardware
      ones (software maintenance)                                  used to measure, the numbers of called and actually com-
The category Update-SW was left out, because we do not ex-         puted attributes were counted. These are indicators, how well
pect a changing behavior of existing implementations. Instead,     the strategy makes use of incremental evaluation, because a
new software modes or implementations will be added, which         lower number of computed attributes implies less computation
is already covered by Structure-SW.                                needed. Using an incremental approach, the set of computed
   To show the applicability of our approach under more            attributes is always a real subset of those evaluated using
realistic conditions, a fourth scenario “mixed” was measured.      a non-incremental approach. Using the generation times, we
All three kinds of changes were mixed testing the stability of     are able to answer RQ1, i. e., prove the suitability of our
our approach in contrast to specific, one-sided changes. Based     approach. Taking all measured data into account, the benefit
on our experiences, we weighted the kinds with 80% Update-         of incremental ILP generation is visible, thus answering RQ3.
HW, 10% Structure-HW, 5% Structure-SW. In the remaining               Possible threats to the validity of our evaluation are the
5%, there is no change.                                            following. We only investigated synthesized models due to
   Figure 5 explains the characteristics of one measurement.       the need to generate models of many different sizes. Based
First a model for a given set of parameters is generated. Then,    on our measurements however, we are confident in future
the model is transformed to an ILP, henceforth termed initial      applications on realistic MQuat applications of significant size.
step. Once the ILP has been generated the first time, a number     Further, the number of steps for the first three scenarios is
of changes of a selected kind is applied to the model. After       very small, but we believe they are sufficient to show their
each model change, the ILP transformation is repeated in           characteristics. To further counter this point, we added the
successive steps.                                                  fourth scenario using all kinds of changes and 100 steps.
   To show the advantage of incremental evaluation, three          Finally, we provide no formal correctness proofs in terms of
different strategies for change management are examined,           finding an optimal solution. For ILP such proofs are well-
namely incremental, semiautomatic and flushed. Incremental         known however. A correctness proof therefore boils-down
describes our approach and fully utilizes the cache.               to show that the generated ILP specifications satisfy our
   Semiautomatic means enabling caching only for auxiliary         intention, in particular in case of incremental generation after
attributes unrelated to ILP generation and which are most          model updates.
B. Measured Generation Times                                         not influencing the first measured time. The most obvious
                                                                     difference of Figure 7c compared to the other two strategies
   Figure 6a shows the generation time as box plots for              is the small generation time for all non-structural changes
eight consecutive hardware value changes and, thus, seven            (updating resource properties and no change). For structural
re-generations. Apparently, the incremental strategy performs        changes, more computation time is needed, as stated above. All
best for all successive steps, utilizing cached values. Using the    effects lead to average times of 3.41, 22.43, and 27.79 seconds
flushed, each step needs the same time, as flushing the cache        for incremental, flushed and semiautomatic, respectively.
implies a complete re-computation of all attributes. Disabling
the cache for all generation-related attributes leads to a similar
picture, however for different reasons: The initial step takes       C. Results for Attribute Metrics
longer on average than successive steps, as auxiliary attributes        In addition to generation times, we evaluated the following
are still cached. Those cache entries need to be created, but        attribute metrics. Below, compN and calledN denote the
can be used on successive steps to decrease execution time.          number of computed and called attributes for strategy N ,
The incremental strategy clearly takes less time for generation,     respectively. Notably, N ∈ {1, 2} denotes two strategies,
as it is on average faster by a factor of 4.81 and 5.69 compared     which are compared with each other.
to semiautomatic and flushed, respectively.                                                 comp1
   Figure 6b depicts the generation times when changing the          Cache Miss Rate = called     1
                                                                                                    . This shows the degree of “in-
hardware structure. Each even step removes some resources                crementality” for each strategy, i.e., how good the cache
from the model, whereas each odd, successive step adds the               entries are reused on average. Lower values are better.
removed resources again. Flushed runs longer than semiauto-          Cache Potential = called    2
                                                                                                   . The second metric shows the
matic for the second and third resource removing step, because           potential increase of cache usage when using one strategy
of cache updates of auxiliary attributes. For all other steps,           over another and can be compared to the cache miss rate.
                                                                                    comp2      comp1           2 −comp1
semiautomatic lags behind flushed for the same reasons as            Speed-Up = called   2
                                                                                           − called  2
                                                                                                       = comp called2   . This is the
in the Update-HW case. With the incremental strategy all                 difference of the second strategy’s cache miss rate and
successive steps can be completed faster compared to the other           potential to the first. It shows the gain of using one
strategies, because of the unrestrained use of cached values.            strategy over another. A higher value indicates that fewer
                                                                         attributes need to be computed using the first strategy.
   Figure 6c unveils the shortcoming of current attribution,
even when using the incremental strategy. In the second to              Table I shows the average for each attribute metric, scenario
fourth step, new modes are added, which are removed together         and strategy (incremental, flushed, semiautomatic). Concern-
with existing modes in the next three steps. For all strategies,     ing cache miss rates, the incremental approach is obviously
an increase of the generation time is visible when modes             always ahead of the other strategies. This is because the cache
are added. However, the order of measured generation times           is maintained between changes (in contrast to flushed) and
always stays the same: flushed is faster than semiautomatic          used for each attribute (in contrast to semiautomatic). Flushing
and slower than incremental. The higher computation times            the cache between changes leads to a drop of about 7.8% on
of structural changes compared to Update-HW are the result           average. Using no cache apparently results in a cache miss
of newly computed constraints for hardware resources and new         rate of 1.0, as every called attribute is also computed.
parts of constraints for new software modes.                            When using the incremental approach, fewer attributes get
   In Figure 7, the generation times for the mixed scenario          called in the first place. This is because calls to dependent
along with their averages are depicted for all three different       attributes can be skipped, if the value of the calling attribute
strategies. The observed execution time is shown using box           is read from cache. As an example, in the biggest mixed-
plots, as all different combinations of parameters are shown         scenario attributes were called 10 135 309 times in total while
in this figure. For semiautomatic and incremental, only the          using incremental, 41 106 310 with flushed and 82 660 090
initial step takes longer, because a cache needs to be built up      using the semiautomatic strategy.
(auxiliary attributes for semiautomatic). Although all attributes       Regarding cache potential of flushed to incremental, values
are actually cached in the incremental strategy, this initial step   range from 2.8% for mixed to 32.3% for Structure-SW. This
needs less time compared to semiautomatic, because cache-hits        indicates, that in the latter case, our approach has less impact.
of ILP-related attributes occur in this initial step and reduce      Values of semiautomatic to incremental are even lower, indi-
computation. Those observations cannot be made for flushed.          cating more computations can be saved using our approach.
Generation times always stay about equal except after a change          For speed-ups, one can observe two effects. The first in-
adding new software modes leading to more computation and            cludes speed-ups from semiautomatic, which in every case is
increases all following generation times. They stay equal,           on average between 82 and 90%. This can be read as a direct
because the cache is flushed right after the change, leading         reduction of computation, i.e., using either incremental or
to a similar computation effort in each step.                        flushed saves those amounts of attribute computations. Hence,
   Note, that the initial step of flushed and incremental takes      this also results in lower execution times. In the “mixed”
the same amount of time, as exactly the same computation is          scenario, which includes all kinds of changes, our technique
done. The cache is flushed after generating the ILP, thereby         still provides good results with average savings of 16%.
          50                                                                   50                                                                  50
                 Semiautomatic         Flushed         Incremental                    Semiautomatic       Flushed        Incremental                      Semiautomatic     Flushed     Incremental
          40                                                                   40                                                                  40
          30                                                                   30                                                                  30


          20                                                                   20                                                                  20
          10                                                                   10                                                                  10
           0 1     2      3      4          5      6     7       8              0 1       2      3       4      5        6       7                  0 1       2      3      4       5   6       7
                                     step                                                               step                                                              step
                        (a) Update-HW                                                     (b) Structure-HW                                                       (c) Structure-SW
      Figure 6: Generation times for each step, i.e., after a change of the model, using different strategies and kinds of changes

          50                                                                   50                                                                  50
          40                                                                   40                                                                  40
          30                                                                   30                                                                  30


          20                                                                   20                                                                  20
          10                                                                   10                                                                  10
           01 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100                                    01 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100                                   01 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
                                  step                                                                 step                                                               step
                       (a) Semiautomatic                                                       (b) Flushed                                                        (c) Incremental
     Figure 7: Generation times for each step, i.e., after a change of the model, and averages (bold line) for the mixed scenario

      Strategy                   inc                   flushed                 semi                  inc→flushed                               inc→semi                          flushed→semi
      Metric                                    Cache Miss Rate (%)                            Pot                  Sp                  Pot                 Sp               Pot                Sp
      Update-HW               0.210                    0.319                   1.0            0.056             0.263                  0.031              0.969             0.177            0.823
      Structure-HW            0.195                    0.321                   1.0            0.154             0.166                  0.086              0.914             0.179            0.821
      Structure-SW            0.330                    0.341                   1.0            0.323             0.018                  0.171              0.829             0.181            0.819
      Mixed                   0.116                    0.335                   1.0            0.029             0.307                  0.014              0.986             0.167            0.833

                                            Table I: Attribute metrics showing Cache Miss Rate, Potential and Speed-up

  D. Conclusion of the Evaluation                                                                        was mandatory to prove scalability.

     We have shown the scalability of our approach, saving 35                                                                             V. R ELATED W ORK
  to 87% w.r.t. processing time and 1.8 to 16% w.r.t. cache                                                 This work combines several research areas, including self-
  usage. With that, we have shown the benefit asked by our                                               adaptive systems and models at runtime, incremental compu-
  initial research question RQ3.                                                                         tation, and model transformation.
     Besides the shown advantages of our presented solution,                                                  a) Self-adaptive Systems: There are plenty of approaches
  the usage of RAGs has further advantages, which are diffi-                                             to design self-adaptive systems, providing frameworks and
  cult to quantize. First, the model transformation is specified                                         middleware. Most of these systems, such as MUSIC [24],
  declaratively. This enhances maintainability and modularity,                                           DiVA [6] or ConFract [25], use models to describe their
  as attributes can be seen as aspects that can be changed                                               state and context. For a better distinction, we classify our
  independently [21]. Second, RAGs and term rewriting have a                                             solution using a survey in the field of self-adaptive systems
  formal basis [22], [11], which can be used to verify properties                                        [26], which aims at building a taxonomy for engineering
  like termination or complexity. Finally, like in our previous                                          such systems. Our approach adapts reactively, i.e., it reacts to
  work [23], cache-consistency and efficiency is automatically                                           previous events. The reason for adaptation is the user, managed
  ensured by our approach, as attributes are recomputed only if                                          elements are software components and the controlling system
  the values they dependent on changed.                                                                  is a middleware. While the kind of changes is currently
     A disadvantage using synthesized models is the loose link                                           compositional, one could also think of parameter adaptation.
  to real examples, which is to some degree mitigated by the                                             As already mentioned in Section II, the adaptation logic is
  diversity of created models and applied changes. However, it                                           external, criteria for decision are models, and our approach
is centralized, because RACR is not yet developed to be a            and not specification.
distributed application.                                                Another approach is eMOFLON [35], which is also included
   In [9] and [27], the developers of KMF aim at gathering           in the previous survey and based on Triple Graph Grammars
requirements for runtime models and comparing their work to          and the Eclipse Modeling Framework. It supports bidirectional
EMF. They consider a small memory footprint, efficient model         transformation, but without support for incremental evaluation.
navigation and thread-safety. In [9], caching was proposed              Another approach of Kusel [34] is EMF-IncQuery [36],
as a promising solution which can cause problems such as             which combines the query language VIATRA2 with EMF
inconsistency. Using RAG-controlled rewriting, caching is            models. It caches query results and updates those values lever-
provided with the guarantee of being consistent.                     aging the notification mechanism provided by EMF. In [37],
   There are a few works on reasoning at runtime having a            template-based M2T transformations are extended by adding
specific focus on efficiency. One work is about time-distorted       signatures to it, such that templates are only computed if their
reasoning at runtime [28], where KMF is used to efficiently          corresponding signature has changed. However, signatures can
handle changes in runtime models. They do not follow the             either be generated automatically, sometimes not covering the
standard approach of having multiple snapshots of the model          complete dependencies, or manually, which is time-consuming
for different times, but instead all information is stored in        and error-prone [37]. Using our approach, such dependencies
one model. Every model element has special operations to             are automatically calculated and ensured at runtime.
shift between versions of it in time. The main difference               Bergmann et. al showed incremental model transformation
to our approach is, that they analyze using historical data          [38] using a RETE-based pattern matcher storing matched left
and a standard imperative language. In this work we only             hand sides and update them incrementally upon changes. The
known about the current state, but can use already computed          main difference is, that our approach is only applicable to
intermediate results from unchanged parts of the model.              trees with overlay graphs, but provides much better support
      b) Incremental Evaluation: Incremental evaluation is the       for complex analyses and not just plain transformations.
“efficient recomputation in response to changes in input data”                   VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK
[29]. It is also called “self-adjustable computing” in the context
                                                                        In this work, we enumerated several challenges concern-
of imperative programs tracking data and control dependencies
                                                                     ing the use of runtime models with a particular focus on
[30]. Most works in this field agree on the advantages, such
                                                                     scalability. After a brief introduction of previous work, we
as efficiency, gained at cost of higher memory consumption
                                                                     described our approach involving the use of references at-
[31], [32]. However, they propose either language extensions
                                                                     tribute grammars to model and reason about the state of a
or new languages with the need to explicitly wrap access to
                                                                     system. We showed, that our approach, RAG-controlled re-
data. Using RAG-controlled rewriting, the way of accessing
                                                                     writing, is suitable to describe hierarchical runtime models and
data is not changed, but caching is provided automatically.
                                                                     corresponding analyses using attributes. Furthermore, those
      c) Model Transformation: Model Transformation is an
                                                                     analyses are incrementally evaluated, as only those parts of the
active field of research with many approaches mostly targeting
                                                                     analysis affected by model updates are re-evaluated. Hence,
design time. For a better comparison of this work, we clas-
                                                                     unnecessary and possibly costly evaluations can be skipped.
sify our approach using a taxonomy [33]: Source and target
                                                                        Using synthesized models of varying size, we achieved
model in our approach are both hierarchical, from different
                                                                     a speed-up of 35 to 87% w.r.t. processing time and 1.8 to
technical spaces and exogenous. The transformation is one-
                                                                     16% w.r.t. cache usage. Thus, it is possible to efficiently use
to-one, horizontal, syntactical, fully automatic, complex and
                                                                     runtime models within self-adaptive systems despite many
information-preserving. Using RACR, the transformation is
                                                                     small changes affecting only parts of those models. In addition,
CRUD-changeable, without suggestions and highly reusable.
                                                                     runtime models, their analyses and updates are declaratively
The transformation is tested and has neither inconsistency
                                                                     specified using well-founded metacompiler technologies.
handling, generality of rules nor bi-directionality. However,           In the near future, we plan to investigate models of bigger
rules are decomposable and support change propagation. It is         and realistic use cases, evaluate the memory usage and use our
designed to be scalable and extensible at design time, but not       approach to develop practical MQuAT applications. Further-
yet interoperable nor widely used within the community.              more, we strive to implement existing benchmark cases, like
   Another survey covering model-to-text (M2T) transforma-           the TTC 2015 Train Benchmark Case [39] to allow for better
tions [34] comprises three categories for comparison: language       comparison with other tools. In the long term, we envision
coverage, execution phases and overhead. Racr-mquat sup-             a heuristic approach for solving the optimization problem
ports arbitrary input and output elements, NACs as well as           described in Section 2 completely implemented using RACR,
PACs, but no imperative parts. Source minimality, detection          thus fully utilizing incremental evaluation.
at every granularity, atomic inserts and deletes are ensured
by RACR. As our approach exploits lazy evaluation, change                                ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
log optimization is supported indirectly. Traces are automati-          This work is partly supported by the German Research
cally computed for Model2Transformation at runtime. Change           Foundation (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Center
propagation is partial, unidirectional, at the level of rules and    912 “Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing” and the
sequentially. Overheads are mostly for memory, minor runtime         cluster of excellence cfaed.
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