Efficient Modelling and Analysis of User Interfaces in High-Assurance Systems Saulo Rodrigues e Silva? HASLab/INESC TEC & Universidade do Minho Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal saulo.r.silva@inesctec.pt Abstract. This paper presents a research strand on the convergence between models of device interaction logic and models of user goals and activities. The main objective is to improve the quality of modelling and analysis of high-assurance interactive system’s interfaces by exploring the integration of the two types of models. Keywords: Interactive Human-Machine Systems; Task Analysis; For- mal Verification. 1 Introduction and motivation Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computational and physical capabili- ties, and have, in many cases, high-assurance needs. Interactive CPS such as cockpits and medical devices provide user interfaces that allow users to monitor and control the system. To ensure safe and effective operation of these interac- tive CPS, it is important to ensure the absence of latent design anomalies in their user interfaces. Three main types of approaches exist for formal modelling and analysis of human-machine interaction, each tackling the verification of user interface design from a different and complementary perspective: – Analysis of usability and safety properties of user interface design. This ap- proach aims to verify that the behaviour of the user interface is compliant with properties capturing best practice in human-machine interface design. An example property is visibility of operational modes, which aims to en- sure that the user interface presents sufficient information about the current operational mode of the device. Campos and Harrison [1] is an example of such approach. A typical challenge with these approaches is the scalability of the analysis, as all possible system behaviours and all possible user in- teractions with the system need to be considered. Another challenge is also the plausibility or relevance of the user behaviours produced by the anal- ysis, as the obtained counter examples can contain random or unrealistic human-machine interactions. ? Copyright held by the author. 2 Saulo Rodrigues e Silva – Analysis of user interface design against task models. Task models capture sequences of actions the user needs to carry out to interact with the system when achieving a goal. These sequences of actions are typically described using a hierarchical decomposition of goals into subgoals and atomic user actions and system events. This approach aims to check that the user in- terface correctly supports tasks representing operations described, e.g., in training material, and best/actual practice. Examples approaches include Palanque’s work [2], Bolton’s work [3], Paternò’s work [4] and Campos’s work [5]. A challenge related to these approaches is how to analyse sys- tematically non-normative behaviours followed by users, e.g., in abnormal system conditions, or to take into account strategies adopted by the user to optimise task operations [3]. – Analysis of user interface design against human behaviour. This approach involves explicit definition of user models capturing cognitive assumptions about the decision-making process followed by the users when operating an interactive system. Example approaches include Rushby’s work on automa- tion surprise [6], Rimvydas’s et. al. work on generic user models [7] and Degani’s work on mental models [8]. A challenge with these approaches is how to validate the cognitive assumptions incorporated in the user model. Efficient methods for developing models and carrying out analysis of user interface design are key to make these methods acceptable to industry. While there is on going work on defining modelling patterns and analysis templates (e.g., see Harrison et. al. [9], and Bowen and Reeves’ work [10]), little work has been done on exploring how to improve efficiency of the approaches by combining them. This research aims to address this challenge. We are initially focusing on exploring how to combine two types of analysis: verification against usability and safety properties, and verification against task models. The expected outcome is a set of design patterns presenting efficient solutions to combine these two approaches. 2 Approaches combining task analysis and device analysis We now highlight some of the most recent approaches combining task analysis with user interface design analysis. Campos [5] describes the system model and the task model as interactors. An interactor is an object with state and operations. As users can perceive the interactor’s state and access its operations, it provides a way to write interactive system’s behavioural properties. The behaviour of the interator is expressed in Modal Action Logic (MAL). The properties to be proved are expressed in CTL. Analysis is performed with the IVY tool, which enables the automatic translation of interactors models into nuSMV [11] models and properties. Paternò [4] makes a distinction between three types of task models, each having a different role in the analysis of a user interface design. One type of task Efficient Modelling and Analysis of User Interfaces in High-Assurance Systems 3 model defines the task model of the existing system. This model describes how tasks should be carried out in the current system, according to the actual imple- mentation of the system. Another task model is the task model of an envisioned system, which is used at the early stages of system development, to shape the functionalities of the human-machine interface of the system under development. Finally, the user task model captures hypotheses about how the user thinks a task should be accomplished with the system. Palanque et. al. [12] use the HAMSTERS notation to describe task models, and Interactive Cooperative Objects (ICO) [13], a Petri Nets based language, to describe the system model. They establish a correspondence between actions in the task model and events described in the system model. Using this correspon- dence they can co-execute task models and system models. They analyse the system model against specific sequences of actions presented in the task model. This process is supported by the CIRCUS toolset. Campos et. al. [14] extend Palanque’s approach by automatically generat- ing scenarios that can be used to test system models against task models. This extension is used for automated exploration of test scenarios representing nor- mative behaviour, as well as for exploration of possible use errors and deviations from normative behaviour. Bolton et. al. [15] combine task models and system models based on the idea of automatically translating task models into Temporal Logic Specifica- tions (TLS). Task models are represented using the Extended Operator Function Model (EOFM) notation. The EOFM notation is a task model representation based on the XML language. The system model is described as a state machine in SAL [16]. Compliance between system model and task model is analysed in SAL, by checking that the system model satisfies the TLS properties. A chal- lenge with this approach is the scalability of the analysis for realistic systems. Solutions to address this concern are being explored in [17]. 3 Tools for analysis of user interface design and tasks In the first months of this research, we have investigated different tools for mod- elling systems and user tasks. We are currently focusing our attention on PVSio- web [18] and HAMSTERS [19], each providing a different formal modelling ap- proach and formal analysis technique. We consider the PVSio-web toolkit for modelling the interactive behaviour of the system due to its theorem proving capabilities. Although the analysis is not automatic and proving properties may require human intervention, theorem proving does not suffer state space explosion issues faced by model-checking approaches, nor issues with incompleteness of the analysis faced by simulation- based approaches. We consider HAMSTERS due to the possibility of translating task models into state machines [14]. This capability of the tool allows us to express task models in a language compatible with that used for modelling the system be- haviour. 4 Saulo Rodrigues e Silva 3.1 Modelling the system behaviour in PVSio-web PVSio-web [18] is a prototyping and analysis toolkit based on the PVS [20] verification system. The functionalities of PVSio-web are similar to those of commercial tool suites, such as MathWorks Simulink1 , SCADE2 and IBM’s Ra- tional Statemate3 . The tool offers a graphical environment to define the visual appearance of the prototype user interface, as well as the interactive behaviour of the prototype. The visual aspect is based on a picture of the device. The behaviour is a PVS executable model. The PVS model can be developed using a graphical notation, Emucharts, which is a dialect of Statecharts. The Emucharts notation supports states, representing the different modes of the system, state variables, representing the structure of the system state, and transitions, rep- resenting events that change the system state. The semantics of Emucharts is formally defined in the PVS higher-order logic language. 3.2 Modelling tasks with HAMSTERS HAMSTERS is both a tool and a notation that allows creating, editing and simulating task models. It has a graphical and hierarchical notation to represent human activities, based on Concur Task Trees (CTT) [4]. HAMSTERS supports simulation based analysis of task models, as well as quantitative analysis of cognitive workload based on the type of human machine interactions required in the task. HAMSTERS is included in the CIRCUS toolset, which also includes PetShop (for modelling the system behaviour) and SWAN (for co-execution of task models and system models). Recently, Martinie et. al. [19] extended the tool capabilities with extensions to the task model notation suitable to describe activities involving multiple users. 4 Conclusion The work presented here summarises the current state of my research on inte- grating system modelling and analysis with task modelling and analysis. The work is at the early stages. Two formal tools are currently being used that sup- port well known notations that can be translated into state machines. This makes it easier to investigate the definition of efficient modelling patterns combining tasks models and systems models. Future work includes moving to a realistic case study, in the medical or avionics domain. This case study will provide us with a test-bench suitable to inform and validate the development of the modelling patterns. Acknowledgement. This project is partially supported by Project “NORTE- 01-0145-FEDER-000016”, financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational 1 http://uk.mathworks.com/products/simulink/ 2 http://www.esterel-technologies.com/ 3 http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/en/ratistat Efficient Modelling and Analysis of User Interfaces in High-Assurance Systems 5 Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agree- ment, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It is also supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq) PhD scholarship. References 1. J. C. Campos and M. D. Harrison, “Systematic analysis of control panel interfaces using formal tools,” in Interactive systems. Design, specification, and verification, pp. 72–85, Springer, 2008. 2. P. Palanque, R. Bastide, and V. 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