=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1744/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Risk Assessment in Collaborative Robotics |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1744/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-1744 |authors=Mehrnoosh Askarpour }} ==Risk Assessment in Collaborative Robotics== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1744/paper8.pdf
     Risk Assessment in Collaborative Robotics

                             Mehrnoosh Askarpour

                     DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Problems and Objectives. In Human-Robot Collaborative (HRC) applica-
tions, operators and robots work in a common space. Their close interactions
increase the likelihood of direct physical contacts either due to the intrinsics of
the operations (e.g., tools, motions, etc) or behavior of the operator (e.g., mis-
takes, misuses, instruction misunderstanding, etc). Unintended physical contacts
may lead to hazardous situations for the operator. In order to identify and avoid
such situations as far as possible, we need to define and develop a comprehensive
approach for safety assessment of HRC applications, that includes:

 – Complying standards of risk analysis [10] and robotic safety [9].
 – Ensuring the absence of unforeseen hazardous situations during design of
   systems by formal verification.
 – Focusing on hazards caused by behavior of operators.
 – Identifying hazards automatically, hence none is unconsidered, however keep-
   ing a human-in-the-loop attitude to interact with safety analyzers in order
   to use their operational perspective and experience.
 – Estimating the gravity of identified hazard as a quantified value—named
   risk, which is computed on the basis of detailed analysis of the whole system
   (e.g., the severity of the injury that it causes).
 – Suggesting proper treatments known as Risk Reduction Measures (RRM),
   which decrease the risk down to a negligible threshold.

Our approach to provide the above mentioned factors exploits formal methods
for the specification and verification of system properties and is centered on the
following steps: (i) Observe a real HRC case study to achieve a common under-
standing with robotic community about safety requirements, hazards and their
relevant treatments, (ii) Define a coherent methodology to describe applications
and verify if they provide a minimum level of safety, (iii) Build a modular model
of the case study by use of a decidable fragment of the TRIO metric temporal
logic [6] and apply an iterative verification according to the defined methodol-
ogy, by use of the Zot tool [1], (iv) Generalize the model, so it will be tailored
to different case-studies by least possible amount of changes required, (v) Eval-
uate the methodology and the generality of the model through new case studies,
(vi) Create a framework upon them to help safety engineers to design a system,
and iteratively equip it with as many RRMs as possible, so to make the design
trustworthy, (vii) Extend the use of the framework to runtime, as an assistant
to safety engineers to monitor the system, detect hazards and introduce suitable
RRM “on the fly”.
Literature Review. We performed an extensive literature search on current
safety analysis research in robotics, and found that none of them recognizes the
operator as a proactive factor. There is no focus on the safety violations that
are caused by human activities and interactions with robots. Also there is no
compatibility with international standards [9,10,11] and robotic community.
    Two main approaches to determine the behavior of human operators in lit-
erature are: cognitive and task-analytic models [3]. The former involves a for-
mal model of human cognition as part of the system model. [5] identifies prin-
ciples that generate cognitively-plausible human behaviors such as repetition,
mis-sequencing and intrusion, and generate formalized templates from cogni-
tive psychology. However cognitive approaches are too hand-crafted and specific
models and do not address human fallibility and plausible errors.
    Task-analytic approaches, instead, model all the possible combinations of
hazardous situations, regardless of their cognitive reasons, by hierarchical struc-
tures of tasks to be then decomposed into smaller functional units (atomic ac-
tions). Execution and sequence of actions are usually controlled through pre- and
post-conditions. Examples of such approaches include the User Action Notation
in [7], the ConcurTaskTrees Environment in [15] and the Enhanced Operator
Function Model by [4]. These models are limited to normative behavior of hu-
man and does not reflect human errors.
    In addition, traditional formal approaches such as FMEA (Failure Mode and
Effects Analysis) and FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) are not well-suited for HRC
applications because they do not capture hazards due to human factors or com-
binations of hazards. They also produce a large amount of repeated information
and false positives and are dependent on the analyzers team which makes them
less generic [12]. On the other hand, well-known informal solutions such as STPA
(Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis) [13] and HAZOP (Hazard and Operability
Study ) [8] describe an overall frame for hazard identification and safety design
for systems. Although they are used together with (semi-)formal solutions. For
example [14] combines UML diagrams and HAZOP to identify hazards.
    Other examples of combining formal and informal solutions are [16]. They
use assistant robot case studies where operators do not collaborate with robots
and are more passive factors in the system, thus lacking a strong model of the
operator behavior. The former work addresses the impact of robot errors, while
the latter focuses more on application of Brahms language to model a system.

Current Progress. Our proposed methodology called SAFER-HRC (Safety
Assessment through Formal vERification in HRC applications) uses concepts of
temporal logic and satisfiability checking to automate the classic risk assessment
approach as much as possible [10]. SAFER-HRC starts from designing a formal
model for a robotic application and incrementally refines it until required safety
properties according to ISO 10218 are satisfied. The refinements are done via
interacting with a safety engineer. The method can also be adopted at runtime
by using added measures at design time and also pre-defined urgent reactions.
We have introduced a preliminary version of it in [2]. Here its principles and
some further developments are explained.

                      O              Hazards Module
      Input by             T     R                       risk >T                     List of interrupted
                                     Risk Estimation
        the                                                        Zot                   actions and
                                             Module                                        hazards.
                                      RRMs Module
                       L                               Update or Modify according to safety Eng. suggestions

                  Fig. 1: Overview of SAFER-HRC methodology.

    In order to make it easier for safety engineers to build formal models, we
introduced a general model, depicted in Fig. 1, which can be tailored to different
scenarios with a minimum amount of required input. It consists of four main
modules written in TRIO. The ORL-module includes formal descriptions for
operator O, robot R and layout L. The descriptions of O and R are generic
descriptions and there can be multiple instances of each of them, according to
the case study (e.g., defining predicates that describe parts of body and robot).
The rule set related to L divides the layout into fine-grained regions so that
positioning of O and R and their movements are expressible.
                                                The model also includes a set of
                                            rules T concerning the definition of
                                            tasks, what O and R are supposed to
                                            execute in L. The definition of tasks
                                            varies for different applications,thus
                                            the safety analyzer provide them as
                                            input. Tasks are broken down into a
                                            set of elementary actions that are the
                                            smallest possible functional units and
                                            are executed either by the operator or
                                            the robot. Each action is defined by
                                            its pre and post-conditions and can be
                                            in one of the following states at any
                                            given time: “not started” (ns), “wait-
                                            ing” (wt), “executing” (sfex), “execut-
                                            ing together with at least one RRM
                                            ” (exe), “hold” (hd), “exit” (exit), and
                                            “done” (dn). The wt phase is defined
                                            only for operator actions that asserts
                                            preC of the action are true but op-
Fig. 2: In addition to their guards, black erator hesitates to start the execu-
and blue edges also have ∃i(riski ≤ T ), tion.The total state of the model is the
while red ones have ∃i(riski > T ).         Cartesian product of the state of ac-
                                            tions and the value of predicates (e.g.,
                                            positions, risk values).
    Figure.2 displays a state diagram representing the behavior of actions and
shows how their state changes.
    The Hazards module includes formal definition of situations generating a sig-
nificant hazard. It contains a set of formulae that use modal operators such as
Contact, (ξ, ω) Approach, (ξ, ω) Depart, (ξ, ω) · · · , where ξ, ω are parts of R and
O, to express the hazardous situations. Consequences of different hazards and
measuring their severity are explained exhaustively in [9]. It also includes rea-
sonably foreseeable operator errors which lead to hazardous situations. Hazard
sources need to be updated as new situations and errors are detected.
    The Risk Estimation module includes the information regarding the compu-
tation of risk of hazards according to the hybrid method reported in [10].
    Finally, the RRM module defines all the RRMs that should additionally be
present in the model when a hazard occurs in a trace of the model. At Each
verification iteration, we check the full formal model explained above, against
the property Alw(∀x(riskx ≤ T )). The property actually asserts that for all the
occurred hazards x, the value of risk should always be less than en acceptable
threshold T . The Zot explores the state-space of the model and looks for states
that conform with at least one hazard definition. If such state is detected and
its risk value is non-negligible, then verification is failed and Zot outputs the
problematic state so that we can refine the model.

Case Study. We studied an assembly task in which workpieces should be ma-
chined into fixtures attached to a pallet. A small collaborative robot, Kuka
lightweight manipulator, carrying an interchangeable screwdriver/gripper end-
effector is installed on a cart in close position to both the pallet and the operator.
The work-cell is equipped with cameras and sensors that detect the position of
robot and operator. The work-cell of the scenario and its division is shown in
Figure. 3(a).
    In the task, one of the executors (operator/robot) is supposed to set a work-
piece (wp) in place from a bin into the tombstone fixtures and holds the wp until
the other executor (robot/operator) completes the screwdriving. The operator
chooses the executor of each part of the task and sends relevant commands to
the robot through an interface.
    The user-provided description of the task is broken into several actions, each
formalized through a set of pre-/post-conditions. This is done through an inter-
mediate stage of translating the textual description to UML notation, in partic-
ular activity diagrams (see Figure.3(b))1 .
    We found out about some hazardous situations that have been overlooked
in earlier versions of the model, through the verification process. For example
different timing behavior of the operator and robot (considering the timeout of
the operator actions) can lead to different circumstances. Also replacing actions
of a task with actions from elsewhere (e.g., with actions of different tasks, that
may happen due to misunderstanding of the task instructions) by the operator
creates situations that have not been anticipated initially.
    The complete formal model and the experiments can be found at repository.
                   (a)                                          (b)

Fig. 3: (a) The layout representation of the work-cell, where P is the pallet and B is
the bin of workpieces. Different colors for each region on the layout, represents the type
of hazards which the region is exposed to. For example entanglement of the operator
between two layers is probable in red regions due to their physical structure. (b) The
list of actions in case the operators chooses to do grasping and sends the commands to
the robot to do the actions regarding to screwdriving completion. ai,acr is the executor
of each action.

Further Work. SAFER-HRC takes into account also the concurrency of mul-
tiple actions, in particular actions that must be executed by the operator and by
the robot in full coordination. It explores all the different order of execution of
actions. For example, traces ai , aj and aj , ai achieve the same goal, but executing
ai after aj causes a hazard that does not exist in the first trace (e.g., , a change
in positioning of the operator w.r.t the robot). In the remaining year of my phD,
we plan to exploit this feature of the work using larger scale and more complex
case studies. Next we will develop a stand alone framework for interactive risk
assessment of HRC applications for system designer and safety engineers. In a
longer-term perspective, we aim to empower the framework with libraries that
define most of the tasks that a robot performs (e.g., Kuka lightweight manipu-
lator). Therefore, we believe our framework will suit for real HRC scenarios.


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