=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1749/paper23 |storemode=property |title=Spammare senza pietà – Corpus based analysis of English, unacclimatised verb Loans in Italian and Creation of a Reference Lexicon |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1749/paper23.pdf |volume=Vol-1749 |authors=Anna Fantini |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clic-it/Fantini16 }} ==Spammare senza pietà – Corpus based analysis of English, unacclimatised verb Loans in Italian and Creation of a Reference Lexicon== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1749/paper23.pdf
       Spammare senza pietà - Corpus based analysis of English, un-
    acclimatised verb loans in Italian and creation of a reference lexicon

                                        Anna Fantini
                                 Università degli studi di Pavia

                                                        cal, phonetic, and lexical – in the language is still
                       Abstract                         in progress. For instance, they tend to retain the
                                                        phonetic property of the original word, especially
     English. We describe the lexical resource          of the lexical root (to spawn > spawnare
     created to investigate the semantic changes of     /spo’nare/).
     90 English, un-acclimatised verb loans in          The new word serves as an alternative – usually
     Italian. Final results and interesting observa-    a hyponym – of an already existing term1. As for
     tions concerning the annotation task are dis-      the concept of loan acclimatisation, the literature
                                                        states that it involves the role of the new term in
                                                        the target language. Therefore, Gusmani speaks
     Italiano. Descriviamo la risorsa lessicale
     creata per indagare in italiano il cambiamen-
                                                        of acclimatisation only with regard to the lexicon
     to semantico di 90 prestiti verbali inglesi non    and its connection with speakers’ usage: the
     acclimatati. Illustriamo i risultati finali e le   more they familiarise with the loan, the more the
     interessanti osservazioni emerse dall'esperi-      latter gets acclimatised. It follows that – for very
     mento di annotazione.                              recent, scarcely integrated loans – the majority of
                                                        speakers, as well as linguistic authorities, do not
1     Introduction                                      perceive the influence of English as an enrich-
                                                        ment of the lexical heritage but mostly as a nui-
The case of language borrowing was investigated         sance. If it is true that a number of reports de-
in depth by Gusmani (1983), who argues that a           scribe the interference of English over Italian as
linguistic loan is an interference phenomenon,          an impoverishment, some attempts have also
connected with contact and mutual influence of          been made to study the less acclimatized loans
different languages. According to his study, the        themselves. It is thus of interest to examine why
motivations behind the origin of a loan lie in the      this kind of loan infiltrates the Italian language,
individual act of a speaker or of a group of            how the speakers cope with the new word and
speakers. The need to resort to a foreign alterna-      what is the semantics of the loan in the target
tive derives from the prestige held by the latter       language. The aim of the present paper is to give
against an equivalent word in the mother tongue         a detailed account of how the meaning of a verb
of the speaker (or from the absence all together        loan changes (and if it changes) in the target lan-
of an alternative, as in our work: “Se mi vede,         guage and to offer a reliable source of lexical
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