Question Answering System for Frequently Asked Questions Divyanshu Bhardwaj, Partha Pakray, Alexander Gelbukh Jereemi Bentham, Saurav Saha Dept. of CSE CIC NIT Mizoram IPN Mexico India Mexico (divbhardwaj42, parthapakray, jereemibentham, contact.srvsaha) Abstract 1 Introduction English. Question Answering (QA) is Question Answering (QA) is an emerging topic in an important aspect of Natural Language today’s world. It is an aggregate of Information Processing. It comprises building a sys- Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing tem that automatically answers questions (NLP) and is concerned with developing an sought in natural language. Frequently automated engine which is able to respond to the Asked Questions (FAQs) are a set of listed queries presented by users in natural language. questions and answers concerning a spe- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) represent cific topic, which are most likely to be en- an effective and efficient way to quickly resolve quired by a user. This paper deals with de- queries posed by users. They are usually repre- veloping an open domain QA system for sented as an ensembled list of questions and their retrieving a list of relevant FAQs related answers. to the query issued by the user. Our ap- proach combines the orthodox AND/OR Searching within FAQs can be a tedious searching with the Combinatorics search- task. This becomes even more drawn out when ing technique which is able to produce an paraphrasing comes into fray. As a result the exhaustive list of results for a particular user is pushed into a maze of questions and query generated. answers having to manually look for a particular one as shown in figure 1. It is here that a QA Italiano. Question Answering (QA) un system comes of utmost importance retrieving the aspetto importante di Natural Language particular desired query instantly. Processing. Si compone di costruire un sistema che risponde automaticamente alle domande cercato in linguaggio natu- rale. Domande frequenti (FAQ) sono un insieme di domande elencate e risposte riguardanti un argomento specifico, che hanno pi probabilit di indagato da un utente. Questo documento si occupa di sviluppo di un sistema di QA dominio aperto per il recupero di un elenco di domande frequenti pertinenti relativi alla query emesso da parte dell’utente. Il nos- tro approccio combina l’ortodossa e / o la ricerca con la tecnica di ricerca combina- torio che in grado di produrre un elenco esaustivo dei risultati per una determinata query generato. Figure 1: FAQs of Microsoft Download Center The rest of this paper is organised as fol- stopwords.2 3 4 So, we merged them and devel- lows, Section 2 describes the corpus and its pre- oped our own exhaustive Italian stopword corpus processing, Section 3 describes our system’s ar- from the existing ones. This corpus5 had approxi- chitecture and the tools used, Section 4 describes mately 546 unique stopwords in total. This opera- the experiment. Section 5 describes the perfor- tion helped us in getting rid of the unwanted words mance of the system, Section 6 analyses the results which would hinder the system’s performance. and Section 7 describes the conclusion and future works. 3 System Architecture 2 Corpus and Preprocessing The architecture of our system is shown in figure 2. The corpus obtained from the QA4FAQ task web- site1 provided us with FAQ in .csv (comma sep- arated values) format, using ; as separator and in XML format. The CSV file was in UTF-8 format and contained 4 fields viz., 1. id: a number that uniquely identifies the FAQ; 2. question: the question text of the current FAQ; 3. answer: the answer text of the current FAQ; 4. tag: a set of tags separated by ,. An example of the data provided is given below: Figure 2: Architecture of the implemented system 193;Cosa significa AEEGSI?; l’Autorit The architecture may be divided into two per l’Energia Elettrica il Gas ed il Sistema distinct parts as shown in figure. One part con- Idrico.;acqua, acquedotto, distribuzione, AEEGSI tains the architecture of Nutch6 enclosed in the rectangle. It contains all the basic components essential in the implementation of a Search 2.1 Parsing Engine. The other part represents the aggregation For the purpose of pre-processing of the training of the searching techniques to be adopted while data we developed a CSV parser which could ex- searching the FAQs. This includes a module that tract the ID and the rest of the parts. Develop- processes the queries obtained for both AND/OR ment dataset had 406 files with id, question, an- searching as well as combinatorics based search- swer, tag(s). We extracted the question, answer ing.The two major steps involved in developing and tags in a file and saved it in the file named the architecture were Crawling & Indexing and ID.txt. Searching (described in Section 4). The steps involved in crawling and indexing are 2.2 Stopword Removal described below: In order to increase the efficiency of our input data, we decided to perform stopwords removal. 2 Words which occur in 80% of the documents in 3 4 the collection are the stop words. However while stopwords.txt searching for a list of Italian stopwords, we re- 5 The corpus is openly shared in Github for furthur alised that the existing ones had only 133 to 399 use - 16/blob/master/italian stopwords.txt 1 6 1. Run a generic Java code taking the ids (taken 1. queryNorm() : indicates the normalization from ID.txt) as the input to generate URL factor for the query. seeds. 2. coord() : indicates how many query terms are 2. Injector injects the list of seed URLs into the present in the given document. crawlDB. 3. norm() : score indicating field based normal- 3. Generator takes the list of seed URLs ization factor. from crawlDB, forms fetch list, adds crawl generate folder into the segments. 4. tf: term frequency 4. These fetch lists are used by fetchers to fetch 5. idf: inverse document frequency the raw content of the document. It is then 6. t.boost() : score indicating the importance of stored in segments. terms occurrence in a particular field 5. Parser is called to parse the content of the Apart from this, we developed our own con- document and parsed content is stored back figuration which was a combination of both in segments. the traditional AND/OR search along with the Combinatorics approach. To implement this 6. The links are inverted in the link graph and Combinatorics approach, we split the query by stored in LinkDB. space separator and all possible combinations 7. Indexing the terms present in segments is of a word in query were generated. This is the done and indices are updated in the segments. methodology adopted in subset generation from a given set. So, given n number of words in a query 8. Information on the newly fetched documents after removing stopwords, we would have 2n − 1 are updated on the crawlDB. possible combinations of query. These were then used for searching by Nutch and ranking 4 Experiments was done based on the ranking algorithm we The corpus obtained after pre-processing was developed. Benefit of this approach was that, it experimented upon by means of various method- was an exhaustive search and maximum number ologies. A total of 1132 FAQs were available of relevant results would be retrieved using it in the test data set. A prototype system was using proper ranking algorithm. created by feeding the input data into Nutch. We This approach could be explained using the performed two separate runs so as to perform a following example: comparative study between unprocessed and pre Consider the following query: processed data. numero verde aqp We used Nutch’s own configuration for the Index- For this query, all the possible combinations ing, Searching and Ranking of the data for one of would be created in the following order : the runs and implemented our own configuration numero verde aqp for the other run. The ranking provided by Nutch numero verde may be explained using the following equation: verde aqp numero aqp numero verde aqp From this example we can clearly visualize how this approach would be extremely efficient in retrieving the most relevant answers for queries provided by the user. After applying this ap- Figure 3: Nutch’s Ranking Equation proach, we were left with 29 unanswered queries. We also implemented our own ranking system Here, which ranked the retrieved pages in the following way : Systems were ranked according to accuracy@1. Consider a query of 4 words. We used a 4 point In this method of ranking the precision of the sys- scale to rank the pages with the highest score tem was computed taking into account only the being assigned to the page with 4*(number of first answer generated by the system. The formu- matches) Thus, for a query of length n, the lation of c@1 is given as below: highest match would be assigned to n*(number of matches). Assuming we have a query of n words, all possible combinations i.e, 2n − 1 possible queries were to be ranked according to the above mentioned algorithm. Consider the query following query: numero verde Figure 4: Formula for c@1 and let the text be il numero verde non verde, un numero che pu essere dipinta di verde. where: Ranking of queries would be done as : 1. numero verde : 2*1 = 2 1. nR : number of questions correctly answered 2. numero : 1*2 = 2 3. verde : 1*3 = 3 2. nR : number of questions unanswered Since we get the highest score from the query verde so the most relevant document will be 3. n: total number of questions fetched by verde. Our system retrieved results based on this methodology. 6 Discussion 5 Performance As the evaluation was done according to accu- The relevant statistics of both the runs based on the racy@1 which considered only the first answer experiments performed are outlined in Table 1. retrieved by the systems, the results obtained weren’t extremely accurate. We however managed Run 1 to implement a search engine which was 97.33% Total No. of No. of accurate in retrieving queries, which resulted in a no. of queries queries trivial amount of unanswered queries. This system queries answered unanswered conveyed a lot of information which made us re- 1132 684 448 alise that combinatorics can be an extremely pow- Run 2 erful tool for searching if implemented in a proper way. However, the relevancy of the results ob- Total No. of No. of tained would depend on how efficiently the rank- no. of queries queries ing is done. queries answered unanswered 1132 1103 29 7 Conclusion and Future Direction Table 1: Statistics of both approaches In this paper, we intended to frame an automated As can be inferred from Table 1, while during Question Answering (QA) system for Frequently Run 1 there were a large number of unanswered Asked Questions (FAQs). We described the pre- queries, they were significantly reduced in Run 2. processing of the corpus and the experiments per- This was possible due to the combinatorics ap- formed on them. We also described the combi- proach used in Run 2. The performance of our natorics approach used for searching. While the system in both the runs is depicted in Table 2. evaluation results were only decent, we did man- age to materialise a remarkably accurate search Runs Score Obtained engine for FAQs. Now that we have an adept Run 1 0.2125 search engine we would next endeavour towards Run 2 0.0168 perfecting our ranking techniques and algorithms in order to take steps towards implementing a state Table 2: Performance of NLP-NITMZ in both runs of the art QA system. Acknowledgments Pinaki Bhaskar, Amitava Das, Partha Pakray and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay 2010. Theme Based English and This work presented here falls under the research Bengali Ad-hoc Monolingual Information Retrieval project Grant No. YSS/2015/000988 and sup- in FIRE 2010, FIRE 2010 ported by the Department of Science & Technol- Partha Pakray, Pinaki Bhaskar, Santanu Pal, Dipankar ogy (DST) and Science and Engineering Research Das, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Alexander Gelbukh Board (SERB), Govt. of India. The authors would 2010. JU CSE TE: System Description QA@CLEF like to acknowledge the Department of Computer 2010 - ResPubliQA, CLEF 2010 Workshop on Mul- tiple Language Question Answering (MLQA 2010) Science & Engineering, National Institute of Tech- nology, Mizoram for providing infrastructural fa- Pinaki Bhaskar, Partha Pakray, Somnath Banerjee, cilities in order to facilitate research on this task. Samadrita Banerjee, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Alexander F Gelbukh 2012. 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