=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1765/paper-02 |storemode=property |title=Life of a PhD student: When the going gets tough, the tough get going |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1765/paper-02.pdf |volume=Vol-1765 |authors=Eva Söderström |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ifip8-1/Soderstrom16 }} ==Life of a PhD student: When the going gets tough, the tough get going== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1765/paper-02.pdf
    Life of a PhD student: When the going gets tough, the
                      tough get going

                                        Eva Söderström

               School of Information Technology, University of Skövde, Box 408
                                   541 28 Skövde, Sweden

       Abstract. Being a PhD student can be tough at times, but it is also very
       rewarding. Learning how to work through the tough times will be key to a
       prosperous PhD process. There are many things to keep track of, balance, learn,
       and remember. PhD students are knowledge creators, but at the same time also
       need to acquire knowledge. This paper walks through some aspects of the PhD
       process, with the intent to support the PhD student to better cope with potential
       obstacles ahead.
       Keywords: PhD        student    process,   Knowledge     creation,   Motivation,

1 Introduction

   Everyone who has gone through the agonies and joys of being a PhD student know
that this is not an easy process. There are bumps along the way, your self esteem may
crumble at times, and you have to deal with a lot of things just to make progress. But
hold on, there is light at the end of the tunnel. This paper is not your regular research
paper, but rather the opinions and experiences of the author, written as an attempt to
encourage, educate and support PhD students through their process. You may not feel
very strong when the going gets tough, but you are certainly tougher than you think. I
will have two main ingrediencses in this work, knowledge creation, and PhD student
motivation. These will be spiced and flavoured with my own observations and
experiences, and hopefully the resulting meal with be digestible and useful to nourish
your path as a PhD student.
   The remaining part of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes
characteristics of the knowledge creators that PhD students are. Section 3 proceeds
with the importance of communication as part of driving the PhD process forward,
while section 4 looks at PhD motivation phases. Chapter 5 concludes with some
advice to help overcome obstacles and moods that may be discouraging.
2 Knowledge creation

Developing new knowledge is something all researchers strive to do. For this to
happen, Goldkuhl (2011) identified a set of characteristics that the knowledge creator
should let guide his/her actions: Curiosity, Openness, Clarity, Honesty, Accuracy,
Responsibility, Innovation, Cumulativity, Rationality, Reflection, Relevance, Context
awareness, and Make available. Let us look at a few of these (Goldkuhl, 2011).
   • Curiosity: The knowledge creator’s strive to examine must build on a genuine
        interest for the area, and a desire to create knowledge about it.
   • Openness: Being open to new discoveries is key, which also includes the
        openness to changing one’s mind and move from previous hypotheses and
        assumptions to new ones.
   • Clarity: One of the most important criteria for high quality knowledge
        development is to make interpretations, considerations, decisions and results
        explicit during the process. But it also opens you up to critical review from
        others, which is necessary in knowledge creation.
   • Honesty: In addition to not cheating with results, honesty also concerns
        presenting results as correctly and assumption-free as possible to avoid
        misleading the reader, as well as not “promoting” you own preferred
        hypotheses when presenting results and interpretations.
   • Accuracy: Being accurate means performing knowledge creation in a careful
        way, including systematicity and precision where different relevant factors are
   • Responsibility: All human action has consequences for other people, and
        knowledge creation is no different. If others are going to be able to use your
        work, you need to be able to vouch for them, and therefore also make sure
        they are properly grounded.
   • Innovation: Creating knowledge means moving on and seeking new paths and
   • Cumulativity: Closely related to innovation is building on, extending, and
        relating to existing knowledge.
   • Rationality: All decisions, considerations and interpretations must be based on
        clear, concise reasons, and the reasonability of those aspects should be
        presented as transparent as possible.
   • Reflection: High quality knowledge means staying critical, not taking results
        for granted but review them carefully.
   • Relevance: Not all knowledge is relevant, and the knowledge to be developed
        should be relevant and meaningful given the needs and purposes.
   • Context: Phenomena must be viewed in the context they reside, since nothing
        exists in isolation.
   • Make available: Knowledge should be communicated and presented to other
        people, which often requires “local” concepts to be abstracted to general
   In summary, knowledge creation is not a simple process, but fairly complicated
and consisting of many different components and perspectives. The knowledge they
create should be solid and come others to use.
3 Communication is essential

   PhD students should reflect on the way they seek, develop, analyse and present
knowledge. The key tool for this purpose is communication, and there are several
arenas for PhD students to use: Supervisors, Academics, Society, and other PhD
students, to mention a few. Firstly, PhD students should discuss with their
supervisor(s). They are the experts and will guide you in scientific theory, scientific
methods, in writing and presenting your work coherently and consistently, as well as
in how to navigate in and around the academic world. At the same time, they have
been through what you are going through. After all, they were once PhD students
themselves. Some longer ago than others. Secondly, other academics will provide you
with another arena for discussing knowledge creation. Regardless of whether they are
in your exact field or not, they have experienced questions and situations similar to
yours. They may be able to provide you with new input and new angles. Attending
seminars arranged at the university in which you are active is one way to start, coffee
and lunch rooms are another. Do not hesitate to ask for help, in a respectful way of
course. Thirdly, if you are conducting research relevant for enhancing some aspect of
society, make time for communicating and discussing your research and results with
those it will affect. Learning how to communicate with different stakeholder groups is
important to ensure that your research gets out there. Lastly, it is rare that PhD
students work in isolation, and make therefore use of the network you have in terms
of others like you. They are there, have been there, and can give you not only good
advice, but also moral support to help you cope.

4 PhD motivation

   During your PhD process, your level of motivation will definitely vary. You will
encounter obstacles, albeit they will be of different magnitude and have different
degrees of impact on you. Peironcely (2011) has expressed the PhD motivation shifts
as a roller coaster curve, consisting of five phases:
   1. The uninformed optimism: At the start of your PhD, everything is new and
        feels great. You have hopes to solve great problems, win the big awards,
        perhaps patents, and so on. It will take you a few months to realise that
        everything is not that peachy.
   2. Informed pessimism: You have been working for some time and now
        understand your field better, but things still do not make complete sense.
        Those good results have not emerged yet, and you are starting to think that
        maybe you bit off a bit more than you can chew.
   3. Crisis of meaning: This is pretty much mid-way through your PhD and can be
        seen as similar to a mid-life crisis. The project is no longer as wonderful as
        you thought it would be, but you are struggling to complete work to an
        acceptable quality and quantity. Your own experience is that you have wasted
        time and you cannot connect the dots of what you have done.
   4. Crash and burn (optional): If you fail to step aside from your negative feelings
        experienced in phase 3, you risk negativity taking you over and leading you to
       a small depression. Many people give up here if they feel they have wasted
       time, and walk away. This is what we want to avoid, and later in this paper
       some minor strategies for this purpose will be discussed.
   5. Informed optimism: Maybe your PhD was not going to be as awesome as you
       originally thought, but at least you will get some publication that will be
       sufficient to graduate. It is after all better to finalise a decent PhD thesis than
       not at all. You get your field now, you can at least contribute something to the
       state-of-the-art, and that should be enough.
   Peironcely (2011) stresses that this curve will not be exact for everyone, and that
deviations from it are certain to occur. Not everyone will experience the extremes, of
course. Nevertheless, everyone will experience some hurdles during their PhD
process and those hurdles need to be addressed and overcome. In the following
section, we will address some ways in which to help you get through the dark times.

5 Keeping the light at the end of the tunnel in view

   Given the hurdles a PhD student can encounter, and the different states of mind
that can happen, it is advisable for PhD students to plan and prepare in order to go
through these with their heads held high.
    Create a sunshine folder. Over time, you will get many appreciating words,
       encouragements, and positive reviews. When things get gloomy, it is very easy
       to forget about those. One tip I once got from a senior professor was to gather
       all these statements, in whatever form they appear, and save them to one
       folder, or print them out and put them in a tangible folder. If the comments
       were oral, write them down with who said it and when, as well as in what
       context. When times start to be tough, go into the folder and read. That is a
       way to encourage yourself that you are good enough, that your work is good
       enough, and that you can do this.
    Be focused. In the beginning of your PhD project, you will create the main
       aim/problem/question that you will spend the next years trying to answer or
       solve. Throughout the PhD process, it is natural to revise the aim somewhat,
       but nevertheless it should be in focus to keep you on track. It is common for
       PhD students to get distraction in their work as well, in terms of different
       research projects to work in and contribute to, or in teaching obligations, or
       other things. Therefore, a PhD student must learn to balance and dare to ask
       for help when the balance is tipped over to an extent that it becomes a hinder
       in the progress.
    Be structured and systematic. Keep structure and systematicity in the way you
       do things, and start doing so as early as possible. For your thesis, one way is to
       create a table of contents with some meta text in each chapter what you are
       going to have in there. Naturally, this should origin from the main
       question/problem/goals that you are researching. A well-planned thesis layout
       will help you to get going when one part is finished, and it will help you focus
       on your main goal, to complete the thesis.
          Keep regular contact with your supervisor(s). You are responsible for your
           own project. You are the one who must do this work, and who is responsible
           for it progressing. That does not mean that you have to do the work alone!
           Regular contact with those who are to be closest to you during your process is
           essential. They will know the most about your project, and are those best
           qualified to help you. Do not be afraid to talk to your supervisor about what
           kind of help you want, and do not wait until they contact you. If you do not
           verbalise your expectations and your needs, your supervisor will not know
           how you are feeling and what they can do for you.
          Have a life outside of academia. A day has 24 hours, and you will need to do
           other things during these hours than merely doing research. Keep family and
           friends close, and do not forget to spend time with them and with doing things
           that are not related to research. “In what way could that possibly help you in
           your research?” you may ask. The answer is fairly simple. You need to get a
           break from research in order to be able to look at it with fresh eyes. You will
           be surprised at how often ideas for your PhD research will occur when you are
           doing completely different things.

    Given the hurdles a PhD student can encounter, and the different states of mind
that can happen, it is advisable for PhD students to plan and prepare in order to go
through these with their heads held high. The message of this paper is that you can do
it. If you keep to the advice given, you will be able to identify the hurdles better and
therefore also to overcome them quicker. You may not be rescuing the world, but you
will contribute. Believe in yourself.


1.       Goldkuhl, G. 2011. Knowledge Creation (in Swedish), Stockholm University &
         Linköping University, Sweden, accessed on November 10, 2016, available at:
2.       Pieroncely, J.E. 2011. Five phases of PhD motivation explained: The roller
         coaster curve. Accessed on November 14, 2016. Available at: