CroLOM: Cross-Lingual Ontology Matching System Results for OAEI 2016 Abderrahmane Khiat LITIO Laboratory, University of Oran1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Oran, Algeria abderrahmane Abstract. The current work describes an automatic system especially designed for aligning cross-lingual ontologies. The CroLOM software, unlike existing sys- tems, uses the Yandex translator, NLP techniques and a similarity computation based on the categories of the words and synonyms. CroLOM participated for the first time in OAEI2016 evaluation campaign and the results obtained are so far been quite promising. The paper also discusses some important issues related to multilingualism treatment. Keywords: Cross lingual Alignment, Multilingual Ontologies Survey, Ontology Matching, Yandex, Semantic Similarity, OAEI, Direct matching. 1 Introduction Recently, with the growing number of ontologies defined in different languages, multi- lingualism has become an issue of major interest in ontology matching field. Multilin- gual ontology alignment, defined as the process of identification of semantic correspon- dences between entities of different ontologies described in different natural language, represents the solution to the problem of semantic interoperability between different sources of distributed information [1, 2]. Several methods have been elaborated to se- mantically align multilingual ontologies. These methods can be generally split into two main categories direct and indirect matching approaches [3]. The approaches of the first category are based on external resources (i.e. translation) to align cross-lingual ontolo- gies. However, the approaches of the second category are based on the composition of alignments such as the work proposed in [4] where the authors reuse the mappings between ontologies that already exist. In this study, we consider the approaches of the first category, since we develop an approach which implements a direct strategy. However, there are many exciting ques- tions regarding these approaches to address the multilingualism issue. These questions are as follows: (1) Which machine translation should be used, (2) which translation path should be considered and (3) which ontologies features and dictionaries can be exploited. In the following paragraphs, we describe the points mentioned above. First, several translators have been developed to translate automatically the text from one natural language to another. We can mention for example: Google, Bing, SDL and Gengo translators. Each translator has its specific characteristics such as: number of source/target languages and execution time. However, selecting one or several transla- tors (by combining them) remains an open problem. This choice is crucial in ”direct approaches”, since they apply a monolingual matching techniques in cross-lingual on- tology mapping. Second, the translation path also plays an important role to resolve the heterogeneity problem. Two translation paths can be considered, (i) either considering the translation path from one to another or (ii) selecting a pivot language which is often the English language. This choice highly depends on available sources (dictionaries, thesaurus, etc.) in different natural languages. Most matching systems consider the translation path using English as a pivot language due to available sources in English language. Finally, in some cases, the results of a translation machine could be poor, however, to avoid this situation some ontology features can be exploited such Description Logics. Most matching systems which implement a direct translation approach uses a well- known translators mentioned above. The current work uses also a direct matching ap- proach. However, unlike existing approaches, it addresses the multilingualism challenge by using (a) the Yandex translator1 , (b) a translation into a pivot language after applying NLP techniques and (c) a similarity computation based on the categories of the words and synonyms. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, in Section 2, we discuss the top systems that participated in the last editions of the multifarm track. In section 3 we describe the CroLOM system. Section 4 contains the experiment results. Finally, some concluding remarks and future work are presented in Section 5. 2 Related Work In this section, we continue our previous work [5] by covering the main cross-lingual ontology matching systems that have participated in the last editions of the Multi- farm track of OAEI evaluation campaign. These systems use a direct translation-based matching approach. Table 1 summarizes the results of the top systems in the multifarm track. The AUTOMSv2 system [14] uses a free Java API named WebTranslator2 in order to solve the multi-language problem by translating label and properties in English lan- guage. The GOMMA system [15] uses a free translation API named ”mymemory”3 to automatically translate non-English terms. The WeSeE-Match system [16] trans- lates the fragments, labels, and comments in English as a pivot language using the Bing4 Search APIs translation capabilities. The WikiMatch system [17] employs the Google Translation API5 for addressing multi-lingual ontologies. The CLONA system [18] translates the entities described in different natural languages into English as a pivot language using Bing translator. Then it uses Lucene search engine and WordNet to determine alignment candidates. The XMap system [7] uses an automatic translation 1 ncrnd=5317 2 3 4 5 Table 1: Top systems in the multifarm track OAEI Top Systems Multifarm Track Precision F-measure Recall 2012 AUTOMSv2 without Arabic .49 .36 .10 2012 WeSeE without Arabic .61 .41 .32 2012 GOMMA without Arabic .29 .31 .36 2012 WikiMatch without Arabic .34 .27 .23 2013 YAM++ without Arabic 0.51 0.40 0.36 2015 AML 0.53 0.51 0.50 2015 LogMap 0.75 0.41 0.29 2015 XMap 0.23 0.25 0.28 2015 CLONA 0.46 0.39 0.35 for obtaining correct matching pairs in multilingual ontology matching. The transla- tion is done by querying Microsoft Translator for the full name. The AML system [8] uses an automatic translation module based on Microsoft Translator. The translation is done by querying Microsoft Translator for the full name (rather than word-by-word). To improve performance, AML stores locally all translation results in dictionary files, and queries the Translator only when no stored translation is found. The LogMap sys- tem that participated in the OAEI 2014 campaign used a multilingual module based on Google translate; however the new version of the LogMap system uses both Microsoft and Google translator APIs [11]. The YAM++ system [9] uses a multilingual translator based on Microsoft Bing to translate the annotations to English. The multifarm track of OAEI 2015 contains our dataset in Arabic language (ADOM) [5, 6]. Contrary to AUTOMSv2, GOMMA, WeSeE-Match, WikiMatch and YAM++ systems which have not participated in OAEI2015; CLONA system participated for the first time in OAEI2015 initiative. Except these systems, the results of XMap, LogMap and AML systems on multi- farm track (includes Arabic) are slightly lower than previous editions of OAEI (i.e. in OAEI2014). According to the results obtained from the systems mentioned above, this is explained by the fact that the Arabic dataset brings an additional complexity to the multifarm track. We have also observed that the best system (in all OAEI editions including this year) achieved an F-measure of 0.51. This is surprising, in spite of many research works that have been established in the field of multilingual ontology matching. 3 CroLOM: Cross-Lingual Ontology Matching System We summarize the process of our approach to provide a general idea of the proposed solution. It consists in the following successive phases: 3.1 Extraction and Normalization CroLOM extracts first the entities of the input ontologies. Then, it employs NLP tech- niques to normalize the entities described in different natural languages. Unlike exist- ing approaches, we have applied lemmatization, stemming and stopword elimination for each natural language separately before translation step. First, for each language considered by multifarm, we have established the stop words of each language in or- der to eliminate them from entities labels. Second, we have developed morphological algorithms to obtain lemmatization of the entities words. This step is important 6 , since one of matchers used is (1) based on string compar- ison algorithm to compute similarity and (2) the categories of the words are stoked in lemma form. 3.2 Translation Once the entities are normalized, CroLOM uses the Yandex translator in order to trans- late the entities described in different natural languages in English as a pivot language. After translation, CroLOM employs for the second time the normalization step in order to eliminate the stop words of the English language from entities labels. We have mentioned before that the translation path and the used translator play im- portant role to resolve the multilingualism heterogeneity problem. Our choice for the Yandex translator is justified by the fact that it is ranked as the 4th largest search engine in the world and it has not previously used to align multilingual ontologies. However, we have chosen English as a pivot language because there a lot dictionaries that are avail- able in English language. These dictionaries could be exploited in order to improve our system in the future. In addition, to compute the similarity between entities, we have used dictionaries (word categories and WordNet) in English. Due to automatic transla- tion, we have observed that some stop words can be appeared in translated entities. For this purpose, we have employed the normalization for the second time. 3.3 Similarity Computation Once the translation and standardization are carried out, CroLOM applies first, a case conversion by converting all entities words in lower case then it passes to the simi- larity computation step. Unlike existing systems, which use well known matchers, we have developed a matcher which calculates the similarity between entities based on the categories of the Words, string-based algorithm and synonyms using Wordnet7 . The matcher developed establishes a Cartesian product between the two entities words, then it returns the maximum similarity value using Levenshtein distance, simi- larity based on WordNet and similarity based on the categories of the words. The sim- ilarity based on the categories of the words has been adapted with some modification from the project ”Calculate Semantic Similarity” 8 . The project has been developed to 6 This step allows to obtain good results such as the results of our previous work [19] (STRIM system) in instance matching. 7 8 match sentences, however we have modified the code in order to compute similarity between words. 3.4 Alignment Identification Finally, CroLOM applies a filter to select candidate correspondences which possess the maximum similarity value in each line of Cartesian product between entities. Then it applies a second a filter to identify the correspondences that possess similarity value upper than a given threshold. 4 Experimental Study The results obtained by running our CroLOM system on multifarm tracks of OAEI 2016 evaluation campaign are obtained from the following website: http://oaei. Table 2: The Results of CroLOM System System Track Precision F-measure Recall CroLOM Multifarm 0.55 0.36 0.28 LogMap Multifarm 0.71 0.37 0.26 AML Multifarm 0.56 0.40 0.34 The multifarm[13] track has been integrated in the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) in 2012 with the goal of estimating and comparing different tech- niques and systems related to multilingual ontology alignment. From 2012 to 2014 the multifarm track contains conference ontologies[12] described in eight different lan- guages (i.e., Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish). However, in 2015 the multifarm includes the Arabic language. The results obtained by our CroLOM system on multifarm are quite promising with F-measure equal to 36%. Comparing these results against the results of the systems which have participated in OAEI previous editions (Table 1), CroLOM with this first participation, is among the best systems with respect to F-measure. Regarding this year [Table 2], only AML (F-measure equals to 0.40) and LogMap (F-measure equals to 0.37) systems whose results are slightly better than CroLOM system. The major drawback of CroLOM system is the execution time compared to other systems. We are working forward to identify this problem and improve our system. 5 Conclusion In this paper, we have presented our CroLOM system, (not) yet another cross-lingual ontology matching system. CroLOM unlike existing approaches, applies first NLP tech- niques on each natural language before translation. Then, it uses the Yandex translator in order to translate all entities in English as pivot language. 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