=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1766/om2016_Tpaper1 |storemode=property |title=Towards best practices for crowdsourcing ontology alignment benchmarks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1766/om2016_Tpaper1.pdf |volume=Vol-1766 |authors=Reihaneh Amini,Michelle Cheatham,Pawel Grzebala,Helena McCurdy |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/AminiCGM16 }} ==Towards best practices for crowdsourcing ontology alignment benchmarks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1766/om2016_Tpaper1.pdf
     Towards Best Practices for Crowdsourcing
         Ontology Alignment Benchmarks

Reihaneh Amini, Michelle Cheatham, Pawel Grzebala, and Helena B. McCurdy

       Data Semantics Laboratory, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.
     {amini.2, michelle.cheatham, grzebala.2, mccurdy.18}@wright.edu

      Abstract. Ontology alignment systems establish the links between on-
      tologies that enable knowledge from various sources and domains to be
      used by applications in many different ways. Unfortunately, these sys-
      tems are not perfect. Currently the results of even the best-performing
      alignment systems need to be manually verified in order to be fully
      trusted. Ontology alignment researchers have turned to crowdsourcing
      platforms such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to accomplish this. How-
      ever, there has been little systematic analysis of the accuracy of crowd-
      sourcing for alignment verification and the establishment of best prac-
      tices. In this work, we analyze the impact of the presentation of the con-
      text of potential matches and the way in which the question is presented
      to workers on the accuracy of crowdsourcing for alignment verification.

      Keywords: Ontology Alignment, Crowdsourcing, Mechanical Turk

1   Introduction
While the amount of linked data on the Semantic Web has grown dramatically,
links between different datasets have unfortunately not grown at the same rate,
and data is less useful without context. Links between related things, particularly
related things from different datasets, are what enable applications to move
beyond individual silos of data towards synthesizing information from a variety
of data sources. The goal of ontology alignment is to establish these links by
determining when an entity in one ontology is semantically related to an entity in
another ontology (for a comprehensive discussion of ontology alignment see [4]).
    The performance of automated alignment systems is becoming quite good
for certain types of mapping tasks; however, no existing system generates align-
ments that are completely correct [13]. As a result, there is significant ongoing
research on alignment systems that allow users to contribute their knowledge
and expertise to the mapping process. Interactive alignment systems exist on
a spectrum ranging from entirely manual approaches to semi-automated tech-
niques that ask humans to chime in only when the automated system is unable
to make a definitive decision [10]. Because manual alignment is feasible only for
small datasets, most research in this area focuses on semi-automated approaches
that interact with the user only intermittently. The simplest approach is to send
all or a subset of the matches produced through automated techniques to a
2       Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length

user for verification [5]. Other systems only ask the user for guidance at critical
decision points during the mapping process, and then attempt to leverage this
human-supplied knowledge to improve the scope and quality of the alignment [3].
    The issue with the above methods is that ontology engineers and domain
experts are very busy people, and they may not have time to devote to manual
or semi-automated data integration projects. As a result, some ontology align-
ment researchers have turned to generic large-scale crowdsourcing platforms,
such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Although the use of such crowdsourcing
platforms to facilitate scalable ontology alignment is becoming quite common,
there is some well-founded skepticism regarding the trustworthiness of crowd-
sourced alignment benchmarks. In this work we depart from existing efforts to
improve performance of crowdsourcing alignment approaches (e.g. minimizing
time and cost) and instead explore whether or not design choices made when
employing crowdsourcing have a strong effect on the matching results. In par-
ticular, there is concern that the results may be sensitive to how the question is
asked. The specific questions we seek to answer in this work are:

Q1: Does providing options beyond simple yes or no regarding the existence of a
    relationship between two entities improve worker accuracy?
Q2: What is the impact of question type (e.g. true/false versus multiple choice)
    on workers’ accuracy?
Q3: What is the best way to present workers with the contextual information
    they need to make accurate decisions?
Q4: It is possible to detect scammers who produce inaccurate results on ontology
    alignment microtasks?

    These are all important questions that must be addressed if researchers in the
ontology alignment field are going to accept work on ontology alignments evalu-
ated via crowdsourcing or a crowdsourced alignment benchmark as valid. Section
2 of this paper discusses previous research on crowdsourcing in semi-automated
ontology alignment systems. In Section 3, we describe our experimental setup
and methodology, and in Section 4 we evaluate the results of those experiments
with respect to the research questions presented above. Section 5 summarizes
the results and discusses plans for future work on this topic.

2    Background and Related Work
We leverage Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform in this work. Amazon publicly
released Mechanical Turk in 2005. It is based on the idea that some types of tasks
that are currently very difficult for machines to solve but are straightforward for
humans. The platform provides a way to submit these types of problems, called
Human Interface Tasks (HITs), to thousands of people at once. Anyone with a
Mechanical Turk account can solve these tasks. People (called Requesters) who
send their tasks to Amazon’s servers compensate the people (called Workers or
Turkers) who work on the tasks with a small amount of money. Requesters can
require that workers have certain qualifications in order to work on their tasks.
 Towards Best Practices for Crowdsourcing Ontology Alignment Benchmarks          3

For example, workers can be required to be from a certain geographical area, to
have performed well on a certain number of HITs previously, or to have passed
a qualification test designed by the requester1 .
    The primary goal of this work is not to create a crowdsourcing-based ontol-
ogy alignment system, but rather to begin to determine best practices related to
how the crowdsourcing component of such a system should be configured for best
results. There has been relatively little research into this topic thus far – most
existing work focuses on evaluating the overall performance of a crowdsourcing-
based alignment system. An example is CrowdMap, developed in 2012 by Sara-
sua, Simperl and Noy. This work indicates that working on validation tasks
(determining whether or not a given relationship between two entities holds) or
identification tasks (finding relationships between entities) are both feasible for
workers [12]. Our own previous work has used crowdsourcing to verify existing
alignment benchmarks [1] and evaluate the results of an automated alignment
system on matching tasks for which no reference alignments are available [2].
    The majority of work related to presenting matching questions via a crowd-
sourcing platform has been done by Mortensen and his colleagues [6–8]. It focused
on using crowdsourcing to assess the validity of relationships between entities
in a single (biomedical) ontology rather than on aligning two different ontolo-
gies, but these goals have much in common. Mortensen noted that in some cases
workers who passed qualification tests in order to be eligible to work on the rest
of their ontology validation tasks were not necessarily the most accurate, as some
of them seemed to rely on their intuition rather than the provided definitions.
This led the researchers to try providing the definition of the concepts involved
in a potential relationship, which increased the accuracy of workers. The results
also indicate that phrasing questions in a positive manner led to better results
on the part of workers, e.g. asking whether “A computer is a kind of machine”
produced better results than asking whether “Not every computer is a machine.”
    Our own work on crowdsourcing ontology alignment and the work of Mortensen
describe somewhat ad hoc approaches to finding appropriate question presenta-
tion formats and screening policies for workers in order to achieve good results.
The work presented here differs from previous efforts by conducting a systematic
review of a range of options in an attempt to identify some best practices.

3     Experiment Design

This section describes the experimental setup, datasets, and Mechanical Turk
configuration in enough detail for other researchers to replicate these results. The
code used is available from https://github.com/prl-dase-wsu/Ontology Alignment-
mTurk. The ontologies and reference alignments are from the Conference track
of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).2

4        Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length

3.1     Potential Matches
    In order to evaluate the effect of question type, format, and other parameters
on worker accuracy, we established a set of 20 potential matches that workers
were asked to verify. These matches are all 1-to-1 equivalence relations between
pairs of entities drawn from ontologies within the Conference track of the OAEI.
Ten of the 20 potential matches are valid. These were taken from the reference
alignments. The remaining ten potential matches are invalid. These were chosen
based on the most common mistakes within the alignments produced by the 15
alignment systems from the OAEI that performed better than the baseline. For
both the valid and invalid matches, we balanced the number of matches in which
the entity labels had high string similarity (e.g. “Topic” and “Research Topic”)
and low string similarity (e.g. “Paper” and “Contribution”).
    Even though all relations are equivalence, some of our tests offered work-
ers a choice of subsumption relationships. Unfortunately, a primary hindrance
to ontology alignment research is the lack of any widely accepted benchmark
involving more than 1-to-1 equivalence relations. Until such a benchmark is
available, we have limited options. However, the main idea behind out approach
here was to provide users with more than a yes-or-no choice. This, together with
the precision-oriented and recall-oriented interpretation of responses3 , allows re-
searchers to mitigate some of the impacts between people who only answer “yes”
in clear-cut cases and those who answer “yes” unless it is obviously not the case.

3.2     Experiment Dimensions
    Researchers in this area are so familiar with ontologies and ontology align-
ment that they risk presenting crowdsourcing workers with questions in a form
that makes sense to them but is unintuitive to the uninitiated. We therefore se-
lected the following common methods of alignment presentation for evaluation.

Factor 1: Question Type Previous work has used two different approaches to
asking about the relationship between two entities: true/false, in which a person
is asked if two entities are equivalent [9], and multiple choice questions, in which
the person is asked about the precise relationship between two entities, such as
equivalence, subsumption, or no relation [2, 12].
    A typical true/false question is “Can Paper be matched with Contribution”?
Workers can then simply answer “Yes” or “No.” A multiple choice question re-
garding the same two entities takes the form “What is the relationship between
Paper and Contribution?” and has four possible answers:“Paper and Contri-
bution are the same,” “Any thing that is a Paper is also a Contribution, but
anything that is a Contribution is not necessarily a Paper,” “Any thing that is
a Contribution is also a Paper, but anything that is a Paper is not necessarily a
Contribution” and “There is no relationship between Paper and Contribution.”
The motivation for the second of these approaches is that as automated align-
ment systems attempt to move beyond finding 1-to-1 equivalence relationships
    These evaluation metrics will be discussed in details in Section 4.1 .
 Towards Best Practices for Crowdsourcing Ontology Alignment Benchmarks              5

towards identifying subsumption relations and more complex mappings involv-
ing multiple entities from both ontologies, the ability to accurately crowdsource
information about these more complex relationships becomes more important.
Additionally, a common approach taken by many current alignment systems is to
identify a pool of potential matches for each entity in an ontology and then em-
ploy more computationally intensive similarity comparisons to determine which,
if any, of those potential matches are valid. If crowdsourcing were to be used
in this manner for semi-automated ontology alignment, one approach might be
to use the multiple choice question type to cast a wide net regarding related
entities, and then feed those into the automated component of the system.

Factor 2: Question Format A primary purpose of ontologies is to contextual-
ize entities within a domain. Therefore, context is very important when deciding
whether or not two entities are related. Even in cases where the entities have
the same name or label, they may not be used in the same way. These situations
are very challenging for current alignment systems [1]. Providing context is par-
ticularly important in crowdsourcing, because workers are not domain experts
and so may need some additional information about the entities in order to un-
derstand the relation between them. For this reason, we explored the impact of
providing workers with four different types of contextual information:

Label Only entity labels (no context) is provided.
Definition A definition of each entity’s label is provided. Definitions were ob-
   tained from Wiktionary.4 If a label had multiple definitions, the one most
   related to conferences (the domain of the ontologies) was manually selected.5
Relationships (Textual) The worker is presented with a textual description
   of all of the super class, sub class, super property, sub property, domain
   and range relationships involving the entities. The axioms specifying these
   relations were extracted from the ontologies and “translated” using Open
   University’s OWL to English tool.6 An example for “Evaluated Paper” is:
     – No camera ready paper is an evaluated paper.
     – An accepted paper is an evaluated paper.
     – A rejected paper is an evaluated paper.
     – An evaluated paper is an assigned paper.
Relationships (Graphical) The worker is presented with the same informa-
   tion as above, but as a graph rather than as text. The relationships involving
   both entities from the potential match are shown in the same graph, with an
   edge labeled “equivalent?” between the entities in question. Figure 1 shows
   an example for “Place.”
  https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Main Page
  Note that the goal of this work is to determine the best way in which to prevent
  matching-related questions rather than to create a fully automated approach; how-
  ever, the step of choosing the most relevant definition of a label could be automated
  in future work.
6        Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length

    Fig. 1: Graphical depiction of the relationships involving the entity “Place”

3.3    Mechanical Turk Setup
    We tested all combinations of question type and format described above,
for a total of 8 treatment groups. HITs for each of these tests contained the 20
questions described in Section 3.1. 160 workers were divided among the treatment
groups. They were paid 20 cents to complete the task.
    One important missing point in current related work is whether workers
were prevented from participating in more than one treatment group of the
experiment, a potential source of bias. For example, if workers participate in the

Fig. 2: An example of multiple choice HIT containing entity definitions on Ama-
zon’s Mechanical Turk server

definitions treatment group and then work on the graphical relationships tasks,
they may remember some definitions and that may influence their answers. In
order to avoid this source of bias, we created a Mechanical Turk qualification,
assigned this to any worker who completed one of our HITs and specified that
our HITs were only available to workers who did not possess this qualification.
    Finding capable and diligent workers is always a difficult problem when using
a crowdsourcing platform. One common approach is to require a worker to pass
a qualification test before they are allowed to work on the actual tasks. Although
this strategy seems quite reasonable, qualification tasks are generally short and
 Towards Best Practices for Crowdsourcing Ontology Alignment Benchmarks           7

contain only basic questions, so a worker’s performance on it is not always reflec-
tive of their performance on the actual tasks. Furthermore, sometimes workers
will take the qualification task very seriously but then not apply the same level
of diligence to the actual tasks. Additionally, workers tend to expect to be com-
pensated more if they had to pass a qualification test. Another approach to
attracting good workers is to offer a bonus for good performance [14]. Many
requesters also use “candy questions” that have an obviously correct answer, in
order to detect bots or people who have just randomly clicked answers without
reading the questions. Requesters generally ignore the entire submission of any
worker who misses a candy question. We have employed all of these strategies in
the course of this work. The results we obtained from workers who passed a qual-
ification test containing simple questions of the type we intended to study were
not encouraging – we qualified workers who achieved greater than 80% accuracy
on a qualification test; however, those workers delivered poor performance on the
actual tasks (average accuracy 51%). As mentioned previously, other researchers
experienced a similar problem [11]. As a result, we decided against using qual-
ification tests and settled on offering workers a $2 bonus if they answered 80%
or more of the questions correctly. Of course, this particular strategy is only ap-
plicable in situations in which the correct answers to the questions are known in
advance. In the future, we plan to more systematically explore the ramifications
of different methods for dealing with unqualified, unethical, and lazy workers.

4     Analysis of Results
4.1    Impact of Question Type
    Ontology alignments are typically evaluated based on precision (how many
of the answers given by a person or system are correct) and recall (how many of
the correct answers were given by a person or system). These metrics are based
on the number of true positives, false positives and false negatives. The meaning
for this is clear when we are discussing 1-to-1 equivalence relations (i.e. in the
true/false case) but it is less obvious how to classify each result in the multiple
choice case, where subsumption relations are possible. For example, consider
the multiple choice question in Figure 2. According to the reference alignment,
“Topic” and “Research Topic” are equivalent. It is therefore clear that if the
user selects the first multiple choice option, it should be classified as a true
positive, whereas selecting the last option should count as a false negative. But
how should the middle two options be classified? Unfortunately, most previous
work that allows users to specify either equivalence or subsumption relations is
vague about how this is handled [12].
    In this work we take two different approaches to classifying results as true
positives, false positives, or false negatives. In what we call a recall-oriented
analysis, we consider a subsumption answer to be effectively the same as an
equivalence (i.e. identification of any relationship between the entities is consid-
ered as agreement with the potential match). In the example above, this would
result in the middle two options being considered true positives. This approach
8       Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length

allows us to evaluate how accurate workers are at separating pairs of entities
that are related in some way from those that are not related at all. This capa-
bility is useful in alignments systems to avoid finding only obvious matches –
entities related in a variety of ways to a particular entity can be gathered first
and then further processing can filter the set down to only equivalence relations.
The other approach, which we call a precision-oriented analysis, a subsump-
tion relationship is considered distinct from equivalence (i.e. a potential match
is only considered validated by a user if they explicitly state that the two entities
are equivalent). This would result in options two and three from the example
above being classified as false negatives. This interpretation may be useful for
evaluating an alignment system that is attempting to find high-quality equiv-
alence relations between entities, which it may subsequently use as a seed for
further processing.
    The overall results based on question type provided in Figure 3 show that
workers have more balanced precision and recall on True/False questions than on
Multiple Choice ones. While this is intuitive [2], it is helpful to have quantitative
data for the different question types on the same set of potential matches. Also,
some interesting observations can be made based on these results, including:

    Fig. 3: Workers’ performance on true/false and multiple choice questions

Workers are relatively adept at recognizing when some type of re-
lationship exists between two entities. The F-measure of 0.65 on the
true/false questions and 0.67 using the recall-oriented analysis of the multiple
choice questions tells us that workers can fairly accurately distinguish the enti-
ties that are somehow related to each other from those that are not, regardless of
the question type used to solicit this information from them. In fact, the multiple
choice type of question resulted in significantly higher recall (0.82 versus 0.69
 Towards Best Practices for Crowdsourcing Ontology Alignment Benchmarks          9

for true/false), making it an enticing option for ontology alignment researchers
interested in collecting a somewhat comprehensive set of potential matches.

Workers appear to perform poorly at identifying the type of rela-
tionship that exists between two entities. This claim is less strong than
the previous one, because according to our reference alignments, the only rela-
tionship that ever held between entities was equivalence. Unfortunately, there
are no currently accepted alignment benchmarks that contain subsumption re-
lations, so confirmation of these results is a subject for future work. However,
the F-measure of the precision-oriented analysis of the multiple choice questions
(0.42, as shown in Figure 3) clearly indicates that the workers did not do well
at classifying nuanced relationships between entities.

If precision is paramount, it is best to use true/false questions. While
the precision-oriented analysis of the multiple choice questions results is very
slightly higher precision than the true/false questions (0.62 versus 0.64), its
recall is so low as to be unusable (0.32). If ontology alignment researchers wish
to validate 1-to-1 equivalence relationships generated by their system or establish
high-quality “anchor” mappings that can be used to seed an alignment algorithm,
we recommend that they present their queries to workers as true/false questions.

4.2   Impact of Question Format
    As shown in Figure 4, there is a fairly wide range in F-measure for the
four question formats, 0.54 to 0.67. Within a single question type, for example
true/false, the F-measure varies from 0.59 when no context is provided to 0.73
when workers are provided with the definitions of both terms. This is somewhat
surprising, since the domain covered by these ontologies is not particularly eso-
teric or likely to contain many labels that people are not already familiar with.
We note the following observations related to this experiment.

Workers leverage contextual information when it is provided, and this
improves their accuracy. Other researchers have speculated that workers may
rely on their intuition more than the provided information to complete this type
of task, but that hypothesis is not supported by the results here – there is a
distinct difference in precision, recall, and F-measure when workers have some
contextual information than when they are forced to decide without any context.

When precision is important, providing workers with definitions is
effective. The previous section indicated that when the task is to accurately
identify equivalent entities, the True-False question style is the best approach.
Now Figure 4 indicates that the best accuracy in this situation occurs when
workers are provided with entity definitions (F-measure 0.73), while the worst
case is when workers are given a piece of the ontology’s schema or just the
entities’ names (F-measure 0.61 and 0.58, respectively).
10     Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length

When finding entity pairs that have any relationship is the goal, a
graphical depiction is helpful. The recall-oriented analysis of multiple choice
questions showed relatively high recall and F-measure for all question formats,
with recall of the graphical format slightly edging out that of label definitions.
Furthermore, by calculating the True Negative Rate (TNR) of these different
formats for multiple choice questions, we discovered that when provided with
a graphical depiction of entity relationships, workers more accurately identified
when the two entities in the potential match were not related at all (TNR 0.70).

            Fig. 4: Workers’ performance based on question format

4.3   Dealing with Scammers
    Avoiding or handling scammers (people who try to optimize their earnings
per time spent) is a recurring theme in crowdsourcing-related subjects. During
the presentation of the authors’ own work related to crowdsourcing in ontology
alignment [1], several attendees expressed the notion that time is likely a useful
feature with which to recognize scammers. The intuition is that scammers rush
through tasks and quickly answer all of the questions without taking the time
to understand and consider each one. To test this hypothesis, we examined the
relationship between the time workers spent on a HIT and their accuracy across
all question types and formats. For this, we used the “Accept” and “Submit”
timestamps included with the Mechanical Turk results available from Amazon.
Following is a list of our observations based on this data.

Time spent on a task is a poor indicator of accuracy. We first looked
at the average time spent on the HIT by high-performing workers (those who
answered more than 80% of the questions within the HIT correctly) and low-
performing workers (those who answered fewer than half of the questions cor-
rectly). The results were unexpected: high-performing workers spent less than
five minutes on the task while low-performers averaged seven minutes.
 Towards Best Practices for Crowdsourcing Ontology Alignment Benchmarks          11

            Fig. 5: Average accuracy of workers based on time spent

The above observation holds even at the extreme ends of the time
spectrum. Even workers who answered all 20 questions in an extremely short
time, such as one or two minutes, did not always have poor accuracy. For in-
stance, multiple workers who spent less than a minute on true/false questions
had an accuracy between 60% and 70%, which is close to the overall average
on that question type. Conversely, several workers who spent more than 8 min-
utes had an accuracy between 45% and 55%. It therefore seems that setting
thresholds for time to recognize scammers is not a viable strategy.

5   Conclusions and Future Work
The idea of using crowdsourcing for ontology alignment has been gaining in pop-
ularity over the past several years. However, very little systematic work has yet
gone into how best to present potential matches to users and solicit their re-
sponses. This work has begun an effort towards establishing some best practices
in this area, by exploring the impact of question type and question format on
worker accuracy. Additionally, a popular strategy of mitigating the impact of
scammers on accuracy was explored. The results of some experiments confirm
common intuition (e.g. workers are better able to determine when any relation-
ship exists between two entities than they are at specifying the precise nature
of that relationship), while other results refute popularly held beliefs (e.g. scam-
mers cannot be reliably identified solely by the amount of time they spend on
a task). Our overall recommendations are that users interested in verifying the
accuracy of an existing alignment or establishing high-quality anchor matches
from which to expand are likely to achieve the best results by presenting the
definitions of the entity labels and allowing workers to respond with true/false
to the question of whether or not an equivalence relationship exists. Conversely,
if the alignment researcher is interested in finding entity pairs in which any rela-
tionship holds, they are better off presenting workers with a graphical depiction
of the entity relationships and a set of options about the type of relation that
exists, if any.
12      Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length

     This work is relevant not only to crowdsourcing approaches to ontology align-
ment, but also to interactive alignment systems, as well as to user interfaces that
attempt to display the rationale behind the matches that make up an alignment
generated through other means. However, there are other aspects that are spe-
cific to crowdsourcing that should be further explored such as, the best way
of enticing large numbers of capable workers to complete alignment tasks in a
timely manner. We plan to address this challenge in our future work on this

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