=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1779/04choi |storemode=property |title=Deep Dependency Graph Conversion in English |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1779/04choi.pdf |volume=Vol-1779 |authors=Jinho Choi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/tlt/Choi17 }} ==Deep Dependency Graph Conversion in English== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1779/04choi.pdf
    Deep Dependency Graph Conversion in English
                                     Jinho D. Choi

              Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
                             Emory University

       This paper presents a method for the automatic conversion of constituency
       trees into deep dependency graphs consisting of primary, secondary, and se-
       mantic relations. Our work is distinguished from previous work concerning
       the generation of shallow dependency trees such that it generates dependency
       graphs incorporating deep structures in which relations stay consistent regard-
       less of their surface positions, and derives relations between out-of-domain
       arguments, caused by syntactic variations such as open clause, relative clause,
       or coordination, and their predicates so the complete argument structures are
       represented for both verbal and non-verbal predicates. Our deep dependency
       graph conversion recovers important argument relations that would be missed
       by dependency tree conversion, and merges syntactic and semantic relations
       into one unified representation, which can reduce the bundle of developing
       another layer of annotation dedicated for predicate argument structures. Our
       graph conversion method is applied to six corpora in English and generated
       over 4.6M dependency graphs covering 20 different genres.1

1    Introduction
Several approaches have been proposed for the automatic conversion of constituency
trees into dependency trees in English [8, 9, 12, 13, 22]. Multiple benefits are found
by this type of conversion. First, there exists a large amount of corpora annotated
with constituency trees in English such that by converting them into dependency
trees, large data can be obtained for building robust dependency parsing models with
a minimum of manual effort. Second, long-distance dependencies are represented
by non-projective dependencies in dependency trees, which can be reliably found by
the current state-of-the-art dependency parsers [10], whereas they are represented by
empty categories in constituency trees and little to no constituency parsers produce
them well [15]. Third, dependency trees are more suitable for representing flexible
word order languages as well as colloquial writings such that they are often preferred
to represent universal structures over constituency trees.
1 All our resources are publicly available: https://github.com/emorynlp/ddr

Most of the previous work focuses on the generation of shallow dependency trees,
which do not necessarily carry on the same dependency structures given different
syntactic alternations even when they comprise similar semantics. For the following
sentences, shallow dependency trees give different structures although the underly-
ing semantics of these sentence pairs are the same:

        John called Mary         vs.       John made a call to Mary
     John gave Mary a book       vs.   A book was given by John to Mary

Furthermore, since dependency trees are bounded by tree properties, single-root,
connected, single-head, and acyclic, they cannot represent any argument structure
that would break these properties [25]. Such argument structures occur often, where
an argument is shared by multiple predicates (e.g., open clauses, coordination) or it
becomes the head of its predicate by the syntax (e.g., relative clauses). Preserving the
tree properties allows the development of efficient parsing models [20, 30, 32, 41];
however, this ends up requiring the development of another model for finding the
missing arguments (e.g., semantic role labeling), which can be more cumbersome
than developing one graph parsing model that generates deep dependency graphs.
    This paper presents a method that converts the Penn Treebank style constituency
trees [27] into deep dependency graphs. Our dependency graphs are motivated by
deep structures [11], where arguments take the same semantic roles regardless of
their surface positions, and give complete predicate argument structures by utilizing
function tags, empty categories, and unexplored features in coordination provided
by the constituency trees. We believe that this work will be beneficial for those who
need a large amount of dependency graphs with rich predicate argument structures,
where predicates are abstracted away from their syntactic variations.

2    Related Work
Nivre [31] proposed a deterministic conversion method using head-finding and label-
ing rules for the conversion of constituency trees into dependency trees. Johansson
and Nugues [22] improved this method by adding non-projective dependencies and
semantic relations using empty categories and function tags; their representation
had been used for the CoNLL’08-09 shared tasks [17, 37]. Choi and Palmer [8]
extended this work by updating the head-finding rules for the recent Penn Treebank
format and handling several complex structures such as small clauses or gapping
relations. de Marneffe and Manning [12] suggested a separate conversion method
that gives rich dependency labels, well-known as the Stanford typed dependencies.
Choi and Palmer [9] improved this work by adding non-projective dependencies
and secondary dependencies. de Marneffe et al. [13] introduced another conversion
method aiming towards the Universal Dependencies [33], a project that attempts
to develop an universal representation for multiple languages. Our work is distin-
guished from the previous work because they mostly target on the generation of tree
structures whereas our main focus is on the generation of graph structures.

Our work was highly inspired by previous frameworks on lexicalized tree adjoining
grammars (LTAG), combinatory categorial grammars (CCG), lexical functional
grammars (LFG), and head-driven phrase structure grammars (HPSG). Xia [39]
extracted LTAG from constituency trees by automatically deriving elementary trees
with linguistic knowledge. Hockenmaier and Steedman [18] converted constituency
trees into a corpus of CCG derivations by making several systematic changes in the
constituency trees, knowns as CCGbank [19]. Cahill et al. [5] extracted LFG subcat-
egorization frames and paths linking long distance dependencies from f-structures
converted from constituency trees. Miyao et al. [29] extracted HPSG by deriving
fine-grained lexical entries from constituency trees with heuristic annotations. Nu-
merous statistical parsers have been developed from the corpora generated by these
approaches where the generated structures can be viewed as direct acyclic graphs.
All of the above approaches were based on the old bracketing guidelines from the
Penn Treebank [26], whereas we followed the latest guidelines that made several
structural as well as tagging changes. Our work is similar to Schuster and Manning
[36] in a way that we both try to find the complete predicate argument structures
by adding secondary dependencies to shallow dependency trees, but distinguished
because their dependency relations are still sensitive to the surface positions whereas
such syntactic alternations are abstracted away from our representation.
     There exist several corpora consisting of deep dependency graphs. Kromann
[24] introduced the Danish Dependency Treebank containing dependency graphs
with long-distance dependencies, gapping relations, and anaphoric reference links.
Al-Raheb et al. [1] created the DCU 250 Arabic Dependency Bank including manual
annotation based on the theoretical framework of LFG. Yu et al. [42] generated the
Enju Chinese Treebank (ECT) from the Penn Chinese Treebank [40] by developing
a large-scale grammar based on HPSG. Flickinger et al. [14] introduced Deep-
Bank derived from parsing results using linguistically precise HPSG and manual
disambiguation. Hajič et al. [16] created the Prague Czech-English Dependency
Treebank (PDT) consisting of parallel dependency graphs over the constituency
trees in the Penn Treebank and their Czech translations. ECT, DeepBank, and PDT
were used for the SemEval 2015 Task 18: Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency
Parsing. Candito et al. [7] introduced the Sequoia French Treebank that added a
deep syntactic representation to the existing Sequia corpus [6].
     Although not directly related, it is worth mentioning the existing corpora con-
sisting of predicate argument structures. Baker et al. [3] introduced FrameNet based
on frame semantics that gave manual annotation of lexical units and their semantic
frames. Palmer et al. [34] created PropBank where each predicate was annotated
with a sense and each sense came with its own argument structure. Meyers et al. [28]
created NomBank providing annotation of nominal arguments in the Penn Treebank
by fine-tuning the lexical entries. The original PropBank included only verbal pred-
icates; Hwang et al. [21] extended PropBank with light verb constructions where
eventive nouns associated with light verbs were also considered. Banarescu et al.
[4] introduced Abstract Meaning Representation which was motivated by PropBank
but richer in representation and more abstracting away from syntax.

3     Deep Dependency Graph
Our deep dependency graphs (DDG) preserve only two out of the four tree properties:
single-root and connected. Two types of dependencies are used to represent DDG.
The primary dependencies, represented by the top arcs in figures, form dependency
trees similar to the ones introduced by the Universal Dependencies (UD) [33]. The
secondary dependencies, represented by the bottom arcs in figures, form dependency
graphs allowing multiple heads and cyclic relations. Separating these two types of
dependencies enables to develop either tree or graph parsing models. Additionally,
semantic roles extracted from function tags are annotated on the head nodes.2

3.1    Non-verbal Predicates
Copula Non-verbal predicates are mostly constructed by copulas. DDG considers
both the prototypical copula (e.g., be) as well as semi-copulas (e.g., become, remain).
Non-verbal predicates with copulas can be easily identified by checking the function
tag PRD (secondary predicate) in constituency trees (Figure 1a). Unlike UD, the
preposition becomes the head of a preposition phrase when it is a predicate in DDG
(Figure 1b). This is to avoid multiple subjects per predicate, which would be caused
by making a clause as the head of a prepositional phrase (Figure 1c).

Light verb construction Non-verbal predicates can also be constructed by light-
verbs, which are not annotated in constituency trees but they are in PropBank [21].
A set of light verbs L = {make, take, have, do, give, keep}, a set of 2,474 eventive
nouns N = {call, development, violation, . . .}, and a map M ∈ |L| × |N| → |P| =
{(give, call) → to, (make, development) → of, . . . } of prepositions indicating the
objects of the nominal predicates are collected from PropBank. Given a verb v ∈ L
with the direct object n ∈ N, v is considered a light verb and the preposition phrase
that immediately follows n and contains the preposition p ← M(v, n) is considered
the object of n in DDG (Figure 2b). This lexicon-based approach yields about 2.5
times more light verb constructions than PropBank annotation; further assessment
of this pseudo annotation should be performed, which we will explore in the future.

3.2    Deep Arguments
Dative Indirect objects as well as preposition phrases whose semantic roles are the
same as the indirect objects are considered datives. A nominal phrase is identified
as an indirect object if it is followed by another nominal phrase representing the
direct object (Figure 3a). A preposition phrase is considered a dative if it has either
the function tag DTV (dative; Figure 3b) or BNF (benefactive; Figure 3c). Whether or
not all benefactives should be considered datives is opened to a discussion; we plan
to analyze this by using large unstructured data such as Wikipedia to measure the
likelihood of dative constructions for each verb.
2 All figures are provided together at the end of this paper.

Expletive Both the existential there and the extrapositional it in the subject posi-
tion are considered expletives. The existential there can be identified by checking
the part-of-speech tag EX. The extrapositional it is indicated by the empty category
*EXP*-d in constituency trees, where d is the index to the referent clause (Figure 4c).
When there exists an expletive, DDG labels the referent as the subject of the main
predicate (Figures 4a and 4d) such that it is consistently represented regardless of
the syntactic alternations, whereas it is not the case in UD (Figures 4b and 4e).

Passive construction Arguments in passive constructions are recognized as they
would be in active constructions. The NP-movement for a passive construction is
indicated by the empty category *-d in the constituency tree, where d is the index
to the antecedent (Figures 5a and 5b). However, the NP-movement for a reduced
passive construction is indicated by the empty category * with no index provided for
the antecedent (Figure 5c). To find the antecedents in reduced passive constructions,
we use the heuristic provided by NLP4J, an open source NLP toolkit, which gives
over 99% agreement to the manual annotation of this kind in PropBank.3 In Figure 5,
John, Mary, and book, are the subject (nsbj), the dative (dat), and the object (obj)
of the predicate give, regardless of their syntactic variations in the active, passive,
and reduced passive constructions, which can be achieved by deriving dependency
relations from the empty categories. Note that the object relation in Figure 5c would
cause a cyclic relation among primary dependencies such that it is represented by
the secondary dependency in DDG.

Small clause A small clause is a declarative clause that consists of a subject and a
secondary predicate, identified by the function tags SBJ and PRD, respectively. There
are two kinds of small clauses found in constituency trees, one with an internal
subject and the other with an external subject. Figure 6 shows examples of small
clauses with internal subjects. In this case, John is consistently recognized as the
subject of the adjectival predicate smart in the declarative clause (Figure 6a), the
small clause (Figure 6b), and the small clause in the passive construction (Figure 6c).
The subject relation in Figure 6c causes the non-projective dependency, which adds
another complexity to DDG; nonetheless, making John as the subject of consider
instead of smart as in UD would yield different relations between active (Figure 7a)
and passive (Figure 7b) constructions, which is against the main objective of DDG.
    Unlike the case of a small clause with the internal subject, a small clause with
the external subject contains the empty category *PRO*-d where d is the index to
the external subject. In this case, the external subject takes two separate semantic
roles, one from its matrix verb and the other from the secondary predicate in the
small clause. In Figure 8, John is consistently recognized as the object of the verbal
predicate call and the subject of the nominal predicate baptist for both the active
(Figure 8a) and the passive (Figure 8b) constructions in DDG, whereas it is not
the case in UD. The subject relation between John and baptist is preserved by the
secondary dependency to avoid multiple heads among the primary dependencies.
3 This heuristic is currently used to pseudo annotate these links in PropBank, labeled as LINK-PSV.

Open clause An open clause is a clause with the external subject indicated by the
empty category *PRO*-d (see the description above). Figure 9 shows examples of
open clauses. The external subjects are represented by the secondary dependencies
to avoid multiple heads. Notice that the head of the open clause, teach, in Figure 9b
is assigned with the semantic role prp (purpose) extracted from the function tag
PRP, which gives a more fine-grained relation to this type (Section 3.4).

Relative clause The NP-movement for the relativizer in a relative clause is noted
by the empty category *T*-d in the constituency tree. Each relativizer is assigned
with the dependency relation before its NP-movement and labeled as r-*, indicating
that there exists a referent to this relativizer that should be assigned with the same
relation. In Figure 10a, the relativizer who becomes the subject of the predicate smart
so it is labeled as r-nsbj, implying that there exists the referent John that should
be considered the real subject of smart. Similarly in Figure 10b, the relativizer who
becomes the dative of the predicate buy so labeled as r-dat, implying that there
exists John who is the real dative of buy. These referent relations are represented by
the secondary dependencies to avoid cyclic relations. The constituency trees do not
provide such referent information; we again use the heuristic provided by NLP4J,4
which has been used to pseudo generate such annotation in PropBank, LINK-SLC.

Coordination Arguments in coordination structures are shared across predicates.
These arguments can be identified in constituency trees; they are either the siblings
of the coordinated verbs (e.g., the book and last year in Figure 11a) or the siblings
of the verb phrases that are the ancestors of these verbs (e.g., John in Figure 11a).
When the coordination is not on the same level, right node raising is used, which can
be identified by the empty category *RNR*-d. In Figure 11b, John is coordinated
across the verb phrase including value and the preposition phrase including for.
Unlike the coordinated verbs in Figure 11a that are siblings, these are not siblings
so need to be coordinated through right node raising. The coordinated arguments
are represented by the secondary dependencies to avoid multiple heads.

3.3   Auxiliaries
Modal adjective Modal adjectives are connected with the class of modal verbs
such as can, may, or should that are used with non-modal verbs to express possibility,
permission, intention, etc:

 able      915   ready       105   prepared    32   due           24   glad        21
 likely    235   happy        69   eager       30   sure          24   unwilling   20
 willing   173   about        49   free        30   determined    22   busy        18
 unable    165   reluctant    44   unlikely    28   afraid        22   qualified   16

 Table 1: Top-20 modal adjectives and their counts from the corpora in Table 3.
4 https://github.com/emorynlp/nlp4j

An adjective am is considered a modal if 1) it is a non-verbal predicate (i.g., if it
belong to an adjective phrase with the function tag PRD), 2) it is followed by a clause
whose subject is an empty category e, and 3) the antecedent of e is the subject of
am . In Figure 12, able and about are considered modal adjectives because they are
followed by the clauses whose subjects are linked to the subjects of the adjectival
predicates, John. Modal adjectives together with modal verbs give another level of
abstraction in DDG.

Raising verb Distinguished from most of the previous work, raising verbs modify
the “raised” verbs in DDG. A verb is considered a raising verb if 1) it is followed
by a clause whose subject is the empty category *-d, and 2) the antecedent of the
empty category is the subject of the raise verb. In Figure 13, the raising verbs go,
have, and keep are followed by the clauses whose subjects are the empty categories
*-1, *-2, and *-3, which all link to the same subject as the raised verb, study.
       have       1,846   begin     825   stop   379   keep    158   prove     89
       go         1,461   seem      787   be     322   use     157   turn      67
       continue   1,210   appear    714   fail   233   get     136   happen    38
       need       1,038   start     546   tend   168   ought    91   expect    38

      Table 2: Top-20 raising verbs and their counts from the corpora in Table 3.

3.4     Semantic Roles
As shown in Figure 9a, semantic roles are extracted from certain function tags and
added to the terminal heads of the phrases that include such function tags. The
function tags used to extract semantic roles are: DIR: directional, EXT: extent, LOC:
locative, MNR: manner, PRP: purpose, and TMP: temporal.

4      Analysis
4.1     Corpora
Six corpora that consist of the Penn Treebank style constituency trees are used to
generate deep dependency graphs: OntoNotes (Weischedel et al. [38]), the English
Web Treebank (Web; Petrov and McDonald [35]), QuestionBank (Judge et al. [23]),
and the MiPACQ|Sharp|Thyme corpora (Albright et al. [2]). All together, these
corpora cover 20 different genres including formal, colloquial, conversational, and
clinical documents, providing enough diversities to our dependency representation.

           OntoNotes       Web       Question     MiPACQ        Sharp     Thyme
      SC      138,566      16,622       4,000       19,141      50,725     88,893
      WC    2,620,495     254,830      38,188      269,178     499,834    936,166

Table 3: Distributions of six corpora used to generate deep dependency graphs.
SC: sentence count, WC: word count.

4.2   Primary vs. Secondary Dependencies
Table 4 shows the distributions of the primary and secondary dependencies generated
by our deep dependency graph conversion. At a glimpse, the portion of the secondary
dependencies over the entire primary dependencies seems rather small (about 2.3%).
However, when only the core arguments (*sbj, obj, dat, comp) and the adverbials
(adv*, neg, ppmod) are considered, where the secondary dependencies are mostly
focused on, the portion increases to 8.4%, which is more significant. Few of the
secondary dependencies are generated for unexpected relations such as acl, appo,
and attr; from our analysis, we found that those were mostly caused by annotation
errors in constituency trees.

4.3   Syntactic vs. Semantic Dependencies
Table 5 shows the confusion matrix between the syntactic dependencies in Table 4
and the semantic roles in Section 3.4. As expected, the adverbials followed by the
clausal complements (comp) take the most portion of the semantic dependencies.
A surprising number of semantic roles are assigned to the root; from our analysis,
we found that those were mostly caused by non-verbal predicates implying either
locative or temporal information. It is possible to use these semantic dependencies
in place of the syntactic dependencies, which will increase the number of labels,
but will allow to develop a graph parser that handles both syntactic and semantic
dependencies without developing complex joint inference models.

5     Conclusion
We present a conversion method that automatically transforms constituency trees
into deep dependency graphs. Our graphs consist of three types of relations, pri-
mary dependencies, secondary dependencies, and semantic roles, which can be
processed separately or together to produce one unified dependency representation.
The primary dependencies form dependency trees that can be generated by any
non-projective dependency parser. The secondary dependencies together with the
primary dependencies form deep dependency graphs. The semantic roles together
with the syntactic dependencies form rich predicate argument structures. Our con-
version method is applied to large corpora (over 4.6 times larger than the original
Penn Treebank), which provides big data with much diversities. We plan to further
extend this approach to more semantically-oriented dependency graphs by utilizing
existing lexicons such as PropBank and VerbNet.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Kindi research grant. A special thank
is due to professor Martha Palmer at the University of Colorado Boulder, who had
encouraged the author to develop this representation during his Ph.D. program.

      Type         Label              Description             Primary     Secondary
                 csbj        Clausal subject                      5,291          123
                 expl        Expletive                           10,808            0
                 nsbj        Nominal subject                    298,418       71,383
                 comp        Clausal complement                  86,884          105
     Object      dat         Dative                               6,763           87
                 obj         (Direct or preposition) object     205,149       20,785
                 aux         Auxiliary verb                     148,829            0
                 cop         Copula                              81,661            0
    Auxiliary    lv          Light verb                           7,655            0
                 modal       Modal (verb or adjective)           49,259            0
                 raise       Raising verb                        10,598            0
                 acl         Clausal modifier of nominal         24,791            7
                 appo        Apposition                          32,460           17
   Nominal       attr        Attribute                          352,939           14
     and         det         Determiner                         334,784            0
   Quantifier    num         Numeric modifier                    95,957            0
                 poss        Possessive modifier                 62,489            0
                 relcl       Relative clause                     35,371            0
                 adv         Adverbial                          156,473        7,736
                 advcl       Adverbial clause                    49,503        1,750
   Adverbial     advnp       Adverbial noun phrase               73,026          480
                 neg         Negation                            26,373        1,037
                 ppmod       Preposition phrase                 371,927        4,471
                 case        Case marker                        420,045            0
    Particle     mark        Clausal marker                      47,286            0
                 prt         Verb particle                       13,078            0
                 cc          Coordinating conjunction           131,622            0
                 conj        Conjunct                           137,128            0
                 com         Compound word                      270,326            0
                 dep         Unclassified dependency             39,101            0
                 disc        Discourse element                   14,834            0
                 meta        Meta element                        19,228            0
 Miscellaneous   p           Punctuation or symbol              647,505            0
                 prn         Parenthetical notation               6,973            0
                 root        Root                               318,694            0
                 voc         Vocative                             2,303            0
                 r-adv       Referential adv                      2,220            0
                 r-advcl     Referential advcl                        2            0
                 r-advnp     Referential advnp                       16            0
                 r-attr      Referential attr                         1            0
                 r-comp      Referential comp                         1            0
                 r-dat       Referential dat                         13            0
                 r-nsbj      Referential nsbj                    17,523            0
                 r-obj       Referential obj                      1,975            0
                 r-ppmod     Referential ppmod                    1,409            0
                           Total                              4,618,691      107,995

Table 4: Distributions of the primary and the secondary dependencies for each label.
The last two columns show the frequency counts of the primary and the secondary
dependencies across all corpora in Table 3, respectively.

              clr      dir      ext     loc       mnr      prp       tmp       Total
 csbj             3        0       0       32         4        0         4         43
 expl             0        0       0        4         0        0         0           4
 nsbj            99        4       0        8         4        1         6        122
 comp         5,736       10       0      779        39       89       166      6,819
 dat              3        0       0        1         0        0         0           4
 obj            546        9       0       22         3        5         6        591
 acl              7        0       0       45         1        4        16         73
 appo            15        3       0        6         1        0         7         32
 attr             0        0       0       17         0        0         5         22
 num              3        0       2        0         0        0        44         49
 relcl           14        9       2      437         9       14        31        516
 adv          1,614    3,448     304    6,725     9,800    1,210    32,172     55,273
 advcl           38       24       2      820       648   13,174    10,155     24,861
 advnp            0       92   1,113    3,852       441       19    27,678     33,195
 neg              0        1       0        1         0        1     1,597      1,600
 ppmod       37,502   11,280     531   47,195     8,192    7,492    34,687    146,879
 case           164       65       2       67         3       36        87        424
 conj            80       31       8      382        48       47       141        737
 com              0        2       0       14         4        0       148        168
 dep             46        3       0       47         5        8        31        140
 disc             0        0       0        0         1        0         1           2
 meta            16       11       0       68        14       20        96        225
 prn              1        1       0       25         2        4        21         54
 root           181       44       1    2,519        95      399     2,682      5,921
 r-adv            0        8       2    1,176        43       12       891      2,132
 r-advcl          0        0       0        1         0        0         1           2
 r-advnp          0        3       1        0         2        1         8         15
 r-comp           0        0       0        1         0        0         0           1
 r-nsbj           5        0       0        0         0        0         0           5
 r-ppmod        140       15       2      273        48       44        95        617
   Total     46,213   15,063   1,970   64,517    19,407   22,580   110,776    280,526

Table 5: Confusion matrix between the syntactic and the semantic dependencies.
Each cell shows the frequency counts of their overlaps across all corpora in Table 3.

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                              (a) Penn Treebank (PTB).

                          (b) Deep Dependency Graph (DDG).

                           (c) Universal Dependencies (UD).

Figure 1: Examples of non-verbal predicates constructed by copulas (cop), which
are identified by the function tag PRD in PTB (Figure 1a). The preposition becomes
the head of a preposition phrase when it is a predicate in DDG (Figure 1b), whereas
it is not the case in UD (Figure 1c) such that the verbal predicate imagine ends up
having two nominal subjects (nsubj).

                          (a) Deep Dependency Graph (DDG).

                          (b) Deep Dependency Graph (DDG).

                           (c) Universal Dependencies (UD).

Figure 2: Examples of non-verbal predicates constructed by light verbs (lv). Com-
pared to the one without a light verb construction (Figure 2a), the relations between
the predicate call and its arguments John and Mary stay the same in DDG with the
light verb construction (Figure 2b), whereas it is not the case in UD (Figure 2c).

         (a) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (b) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (c) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

Figure 3: Examples of datives. Indirect objects (Figure 3a), preposition phrases with
the function tag DTV (dative; Figure 3b), and preposition phrases with the function
tag BNF (benefactive; Figure 3c) are considered datives (dat).

                          (a) Deep Dependency Graph (DDG).

                           (b) Universal Dependencies (UD).

                               (c) Penn Treebank (PTB).

                          (d) Deep Dependency Graph (DDG).

                           (e) Universal Dependencies (UD).

Figure 4: Examples of expletives (expl) where the subject relations are consistently
represented with the existential there and the extrapositional it in DDG (Figures 4a
and 4d) regardless of their syntactic alternations, whereas it is not the case in UD
(Figures 4b and 4e). The extrapositional it and its referent clause can be identified
by the function tag *EXP* (Figure 4c).

         (a) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (b) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (c) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

Figure 5: Examples of passive constructions where the relations between the pred-
icate give and its arguments, John, Mary, and book, stay the same as the ones in
the active construction (Figure 3a). The object in the reduced passive construction,
book, is represented by the secondary dependency in Figure 5c to avoid the cyclic
relation among the primary dependencies.

          (a) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

          (b) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

          (c) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

Figure 6: Examples of small clauses where John is consistently recognized as the
subject of the adjectival predicate smart in the declarative clause (Figure 6a), the
small clause (Figure 6b), and the small clause in the passive construction (Figure 6c).
The subject relation in Figure 6c causes the non-projective dependency, which can
be handled well by most recent dependency parsers.

                            (a) Universal Dependencies (UD).

                            (b) Universal Dependencies (UD).

Figure 7: Examples of small clauses with internal subjects in UD where John is
recognized as the subject of the adjectival predicate smart in the active construction
(Figure 7a) but not in the passive construction (Figure 7b).

(a) Penn Treebank (top), Deep Dependency Graph (middle), and Universal Dependencies (bottom).

(b) Penn Treebank (top), Deep Dependency Graph (middle), and Universal Dependencies (bottom).

Figure 8: Examples of small clauses with external subjects where John is consis-
tently recognized as the object of the verbal predicate call and the subject of the
nominal predicate baptist for both the active (Figure 8a) and the passive (Figure 8b)
constructions in DDG, whereas it is not the case in UD. The subject relation between
John and baptist is preserved by the secondary dependency.

         (a) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (b) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

Figure 9: Examples of open clauses where the external subjects are indicated by the
secondary dependencies to avoid multiple heads among the primary dependencies.
Notice that the head of the open clause, teach, is also assigned with the semantic
role prp (purpose) extracted from the function tag PRP.

         (a) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (b) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

Figure 10: Examples of relative clauses (relcl) where the relativizers are assigned
with the dependency relations (r-*) from their original positions indicated by the
empty category *T*-d. Referent relations to these relativizers are represented by the
secondary dependencies to avoid cyclic relations among the primary dependencies.

         (a) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (b) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

Figure 11: Examples of coordinated structures (conj) with (Figure 11a) and without
(Figure 11b) right node raising, indicated by the empty category *RNR*-d. The
arguments in the coordinations are represented by the secondary dependencies.

          (a) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

         (b) Penn Treebank (PTB; top) and Deep Dependency Graph (DDG; bottom).

Figure 12: Examples of modal adjectives, followed by the clauses whose subjects
are linked to the subjects of the adjectival predicates, able and about in Figures 12a
and 12b, respectively.

                             (a) Penn Treebank (PTB).

                         (b) Deep Dependency Graph (DDG).

Figure 13: Examples of raising verbs, followed by the clauses whose subjects are
the empty categories *-d linking to the subject of the raised verb, study.
