=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1859/bpmds-03-paper |storemode=property |title=Enabling Compliance Monitoring for Process Execution Engines |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1859/bpmds-03-paper.pdf |volume=Vol-1859 |authors=Marwa Hussein,Ahmed Awad,Osman Hegazy |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/emisa/HusseinAH17 }} ==Enabling Compliance Monitoring for Process Execution Engines== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1859/bpmds-03-paper.pdf
Enabling Compliance Monitoring for Process Execution

              Marwa Hussein Zaki         , Ahmed Awad        , and Osman Hegazy

    Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University,
                                     Giza 12613, Egypt
                     m.hussein, a.gaafar, o.hegazy@fci-cu.edu.eg

         Abstract. Most of organizations try to ensure that their business processes are
         compliant with regulations and laws, so runtime monitoring of process compli-
         ance is considered to be of crucial importance. In this regard, there are several
         frameworks that enable the monitoring based on variants of event processing
         technologies. Most of these frameworks presume a rich activity lifecycle model
         for the execution of tasks. However, most of process execution engines support
         simpler lifecycle models. Thus, these frameworks fall short in monitoring com-
         pliance for such engines due to missing needed input events.
         The goal of this paper is to enable compliance monitoring for different process
         execution engines. First we propose a middleware layer that maps different exe-
         cution engines’ lifecycles states to a reference lifecycle model. Also, unmatched
         states will be derived from execution’s engine states. Additionally, we implement
         compliance anti patterns to prove the feasibility of our approach.

         Keywords: Business Process Management; web services; compliance; runtime
         monitoring; lifecycle mapping

1     Introduction
Most of the organizations try to ensure the compliance of their business processes
against regulations and laws to avoid non-compliance penalties [21]. As a result, differ-
ent approaches were developed to check the compliance of a business processes through
different phases of a business process lifecycle [13,21] e.g., at design time [21], at the
process execution (runtime) [3] or at the evaluation phase [18].
     Compliance monitoring at process execution time is considered of utmost impor-
tance because not every possibility of violation can be checked at design time. Several
approaches have been developed to enable the monitoring of running processes compli-
ance, e.g. [14,3]. Most of the monitoring frameworks presume a rich activity lifecycle
model, cf. [3,10] compared to the simple task lifecycle models supported by business
process execution engines. So, many of the expected execution events by the moni-
toring frameworks will be missing. This introduces the threat of having violations go
undetected. To make use of those frameworks, the gap between what is provided by
execution engines and what is expected by monitoring frameworks has to be filled.
     In this paper, we propose a mapping approach that fills the gap between the activ-
ity lifecycle models supported by different process execution engines and the reference
2           Enabling
        Marwa         Compliance
              Hussein Zaki,       Monitoring
                            Ahmed Awad       for Process
                                       and Osman Hegazy Execution Engines                 31

lifecycle model proposed by Russell et al. [19] and supported by the BP-MaaS moni-
toring framework [3], as an example monitoring framework, and two process execution
engines: Activiti [17] and jBPM [6]. For each, we have studied the supported task life-
cycle models of the engines, compared them to the reference lifecycle and identified
the mapping. To achieve the compliance monitoring, we implemented the compliance
patterns presented in [3].
    The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents our proposed model,
Section 3 discusses related work and Section 4 concludes the paper with an outlook on
future work. The needed preliminaries, some of the background techniques and a simple
running example are provided in an extended version of this paper [9].

2     Enabling Monitoring
                                    Lifecycle Mapping Logic

                  Reference                                    Engine Raw
                                        Event Mapping
                  Lifecycle                                   Events Stream


                 Compliance                 Monitoring
                   Rules                     System

                      Fig. 1: Proposed monitoring system framework

    Our contribution can be seen as a middleware which consists of: a) An engine-
specific mapping to the reference task lifecycle b) Implementation of the compliance
monitoring anti patterns in [3]. Fig. 1 depicts the architecture of the middleware. The
Lifecycle Mapping Logic is a set of rules used to perform the mapping from Engine’s
raw events to the reference events. Currently, these rules are manually derived and pro-
grammed into an executable language. For the case of jBPM, the mapping rules are
encoded as Drools rules. For Activiti, rules are encoded as extensions to the engine and
written in EPL syntax, more details are given later in this section. The mapping logic is
done offline and once per process execution engine. It only needs to be revisited in case
either the engine lifecycle or the reference lifecycle is changed. At runtime, the moni-
toring system detects and throws violation events, if any, based on the input compliance
rules and the events coming from the reference events stream.

2.1   Reference Task Lifecycle
The lifecycle in Fig. 2 illustrates the state transitions of tasks as follows: a work item (a
task) is created by the system. It is either directly started or allocated to a resource. A
32       Enabling Compliance Monitoring for Process Execution Engines
                                                          Lifecycle Mapping                3

task can be delegated to another resource either by the system (escalate), or the respon-
sible resource (delegate). After assigning a resource, the task will be started. However,
the resource can skip it to be completed directly. Moreover, a resource can suspend a
task to be suspended and resume it again (resume) to be started and finally completed
or (redo) it after completion. If the resource fails to execute the task failed, it can try
to (restart) it again or (reallocate) to another resource . More details about this lifecycle
could be found in the extended version of this paper [9].

                Fig. 2: Reference task lifecycle model adapted from [19]
2.2    Lifecycle Mapping
The lifecycle mapping part has two inputs: (1) Engine Raw Events Stream and (2) Life-
cycle Mapping Logic which contains a list of rules used to obtain the corresponding
reference event. The output of this part is the Reference Event Stream which contains
the mapped and the derived missing reference events.
     There are four different possibilities for mapping an engine-specific event/state to
the reference state. The first possibility is that there is a direct correspondence. Both the
engine activity state and the reference state carry the same name and meaning. The sec-
ond possibility is that there is a naming mismatch but a conceptual match. For instance,
the engine defines activity state assigned which is matched with the reference state
allocated. The third possibility is that the reference state can be derived via observing a
pattern over one or more of the engine’s states. As an example, the reference state tran-
sition resumed can be derived by detecting a sequence of suspended and started events
of the same task instance and the same performer. The last possibility is that there is no
mapping possible, this means that the engine does not support this state.
     We investigated different execution engines’ lifecycles for different languages such
as BPMN, BEPL and workflow systems (YAWL). A survey about these engines and
their lifecycles could be found on the extended version of this paper [9] We report im-
plementation on jBPM [6] and Activiti [17] as Camunda 1 and Activiti almost have the
same API functions. We investigated the YAWL workflow engine’s lifecycle [20] with-
out a specific implementation as this workflow system is more scientific and complex
for regular user; rather than BPMN execution engines which are easier to understand
and use. Table 1 summarizes the mapping between the different states of these engines’s
lifecycle to the reference lifecycle.
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           Marwa         Compliance
                 Hussein Zaki,       Monitoring
                               Ahmed Awad       for Process
                                          and Osman Hegazy Execution Engines              33

Table 1: Mapping the lifecycle of different engines to the reference lifecycle
                Reference states                 Engine States
                                     Activiti   jBM     Camunda YAWL
                Created               create   created     new   Enabled
                Allocated          assignment reserved assigned Enabled 2
                Started              Rule 1 in progress Rule 1    Fired
                Suspended            Rule 2 suspended Rule 2 Suspended
                Failed             no mapping failed no mapping Failed
                Completed           complete completed completed Complete

    The direct mapping and the naming mismatch are straightforward. In the latter case,
when the engine generates an event with the mis-named state, our approach generates
another event copying all the data of the original event except for the state where the
conceptually equivalent state is substituted. In the third case, the approach can derive
the reference state by observing the occurrence of one or more of the engine’s events.
This process happens by adding engine extension to throw a new event when the engine
performs an operation on the task that is not supported by its lifecycle. The following
rules are specific for each engine.
    For Activiti and Camunda engines:
    – Rule 1: (Start on Create) action can be inferred when task t is created with per-
      former ri and the system directly starts this task. If the start event is not supported
      by the engine, we consider that the task is immediately started after creation and a
      new start on create event is thrown and mapped to started reference event.
    – Rule 2: (Suspended) event can be inferred when the whole process instance is sus-
      pended as the engine doesn’t support the suspended state on the task level. When
      the engine reports a wait state for the process instance, we can detect that a sus-
      pended event occurred and is thrown to the stream.
    After the investigation of the Activiti and Camunda engines, we found that the failed
state is not supported and there is no way of mapping this state.

2.3     Compliance Monitoring Implementation
This subsection provides the implementation details of compliance monitoring within
Activiti and jBPM engines. We use complex event processing (CEP) with the help of
Esper within Activiti which consists of four parts: (1) Business Process Model where we
define task listeners in the XML file defining the process, (2) Task Listeners that detect
any change in the task’s state through the process execution and generate a predefined
event to be analyzed later, (3) Esper Engine that is responsible for generating streams
and populating them with events coming from different sources, initiating listeners to
detect events from the engine, throwing new events in case of any changes after pro-
cessing and communicating with our middleware (4) Stream; that contains all kinds of
     Enabled state with more information about the resource
    34      Enabling Compliance Monitoring for Process Execution Engines
                                                             Lifecycle Mapping               5

    events either raw, mapped or complex events thrown from our middleware. All the logic
    for mapping events or implementation of compliance anti patterns is implemented using
    Event Processing Language (EPL) and Drools Rule Language (DRL).
        The following lists present a sample EPL query of the implementation of the map-
    ping cases.

           Listing 1.1: EPL statements for naming mismatch for the allocated state
1 insert into referenceeventsstream ( taskInstanceId , receiveTime ,
2 eventType , performer ) select taskInstanceId , receiveTime ,
3 'allocated ',performer from engineraweventsstream where

4 eventType = ? "

        jBPM supports the CEP technology through the integration with Drools [2]. The
    mapping approach on jBPM starts by defining an active session to register the streams
    which contains the raw events generated from the process instances execution. After
    that Drools rules match the incoming events with the defined mapping logic and fires
    when a mapping match is found.
        The following list introduces a sample of the Drools rule used in the naming mis-
    match case in jBPM for the inprogress state.

                          Listing 1.2: inprogress detection drools rule
1 rule " inprogress Rule"
2 when
3 $mevent : events ( tasktype ==" InProgress ") from

4 entry -point engineStream then

5 $mevent . seteventType (" started ");

6 update ( $mevent );

         The second part of our approach is the implementation of the compliance rules us-
    ing the anti patterns technique presented in [3]. We implemented most of the patterns,
    e.g. exist,absence, response, one to one response, next, sequence and separation of duty
    using the rule semantics logic of the Drools engine [2]. The framework uses the refer-
    ence events stream and the compliance patterns as input and matches each pattern with
    its corresponding anti-pattern rule to detect any possible violation as depicted in Fig. 1.
         We implement this part using the Drools fusion component which contains complex
    event processing features. The anti patterns queries are written using the Drools rule
    language (DRL) and are stored in the production memory of the Drools engine. The
    compliance rules which present one of the inputs for the compliance monitoring part is
    stored in the working memory of the engine as ”facts” to be compared later with the
    stored Drools rules. The streams containing events in Drools engine are called entry
    points. Based on the compliance rules and the events from the entry points, Drools
    rules fire and throw a violation event whenever a violation occurs. The following list
    introduces sample of the rules used to implement the compliance rules anti-patterns.

                               Listing 1.3: Exist anti pattern rule

2   Exist anti pattern
3   when Event ( $task : task , $ts : tistamp , $type : type ,
    6           Enabling
            Marwa         Compliance
                  Hussein Zaki,       Monitoring
                                Ahmed Awad       for Process
                                           and Osman Hegazy Execution Engines            35

4  $pi : processinstance ) from entry -point Stream
5  $comprules : Comprules ( pattern == " exist", scopestart == $type ,
 6 $mul: multiplicity )

 7 $total : Number ( intValue > $mul )

 8 from accumulate ( Event ( task == $comprules .antecedent ,

 9 tistamp > $ts , type == $comprules .scopeend , processinstance == $pi ,

10 $ant: task ) from entry -point Stream ,count($ant ))

11 then System .out. println ("Exist pattern VIOLATION -->

12 the antecedent count

13 is GREATER THAN multiplicity , Evaluate Loan request delegation

14 happened more than once ");

        The full set of implemented rules and mapping part implementation on Activiti and
    jBPM engines could be found here: https://github.com/MarwaHusseinZaki/Lifecycle-
    Mapping.git. Also more details about the evaluation and results of our approach could
    be found in this extended version of the paper [9].

    3   Related Work

    Regarding runtime monitoring frameworks, [1] combines BPM with CEP for monitor-
    ing business process execution. They used the activity lifecycle from [23], the refined
    process structure tree (RPST) [16] to analyze process models, CEP queries and pro-
    cess event monitoring points (PEMPs) to monitor business process execution based on
    events in semi-automated environments. [8] introduces a framework that addresses the
    gap between events occurring during process execution and the correlation of these
    events to the corresponding process using PEMPs. In [4] the authors present a frame-
    work for monitoring the progress of task execution and predicting problems during
    runtime, using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) machine learning. The authors in [3]
    present a runtime business process compliance monitoring framework, BP-MaaS. Their
    work is based on compliance patterns for the specification of runtime constraints and
    anti-pattern queries notation to detect runtime compliance violations using CEP.
        In [11,12], authors presented a framework for monitoring business process com-
    pliance by introducing the extended Compliance Rule Graph (eCRG) for monitoring
    compliance rules visually with respect to all relevant process perspective. This frame-
    work supports the activity lifecycle by capturing the activity states and implements a
    correlation mechanism between events. [10] presented a generic framework to monitor
    process instances from different process perspectives. They are using the lifecycle from
    [19] and defines the events as a points to be tracked by their monitoring system which
    carry information from different perspectives. Our work could complement their work
    as they are not focusing on the resource perspective in their implementation. [5] fo-
    cused on realizing a monitoring component for the YAWL system using sensors, which
    monitors conditions that can be achieved through cases.
        All the previous work focused on monitoring business process over runtime envi-
    ronment based on events with different task or activity lifecycles. Our work aims at
    trying to help them by developing a mapping approach that will unify the states of
    events produced from process execution with their supported lifecycle to remove any
36      Enabling Compliance Monitoring for Process Execution Engines
                                                         Lifecycle Mapping                 7

    With respect to task lifecycle used in monitoring systems, [7] discuss increasing the
number of observed events by capturing data state transition events in non automated
environment. They focus on the object lifecycle states generated from data objects. [15]
addresses the problem of modeling processes with complex data dependencies and their
enactment from process models. They focus on the process data level and data objects.
Meanwhile, [22] presents an approach that captures the whole process life cycle and
all kinds of changes in an integrated way. They are focusing mainly on control-flow
changes. The changes of the resource perspective or data perspective are out of the
scope of that paper.
    As discussed above, most of the monitoring frameworks use different task lifecycle
models. Also, most of researches which address lifecycle models focus on either the
data perspective or the lifecycle states extracted from the non automated environments,
not generated from execution engine. For those approches that support automated pro-
cess execution, we position our work as complementary to their work when it comes to
actual implementations on available open source process execution engines.

4    Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we proposed an approach that maps different execution engines’ lifecy-
cles states to a reference lifecycle model. Also, the approach infers missing events that
the execution engine does not support. The proposed approach serves as a middleware
between process enactment and third party monitoring systems. To prove the validity of
our middleware, we implemented most of the compliance patterns presented by the BP-
Maas framework to enable compliance monitoring over jBPM engine. We implemented
our approach using Activiti and jBPM open source execution engine and we use CEP
technology with Esper, Java and EPL language and CEP with Drools Rule Language
(DRL). Our approach focus on the compliance monitoring as one of the many cases
of business process monitoring over runtime, but the mapping part can be used by any
framework to support any kind of process monitoring. As a future work, we intend to
apply our mapping approach on more execution engines to prove its feasibility. Also we
will try to expand our monitoring framework by building a dashboard to enable users
enter the compliance patterns and determine the events stream to let the framework
detect possible violations.

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