=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/COSET_paper_6 |storemode=property |title=Classification Of Spanish Election Tweets (COSET) 2017 : Classifying Tweets Using Character and Word Level Features |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/COSET_paper_6.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Ankush Khandelwal,Sahil Swami,Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar,Manish Shrivastava |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/KhandelwalSAS17 }} ==Classification Of Spanish Election Tweets (COSET) 2017 : Classifying Tweets Using Character and Word Level Features== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/COSET_paper_6.pdf
       Classification Of Spanish Election Tweets
       (COSET) 2017 : Classifying Tweets using
         Character and Word Level Features

     Ankush Khandelwal1 Sahil Swami2 Syed S. Akhtar3 M. Shrivastava4

                International Institute of Information Technology
                          Hyderabad, Telangana, India

      Abstract. This paper describes the International Institute of Informa-
      tion Technology of Hyderabad’s submission to the task Classification Of
      Spanish Election Tweets (COSET) as a part of IBEREVAL-2017[1]. The
      task is to classify Spanish election tweets into political, policy, personal,
      campaign and other issues. Our system uses Support Vector Machines
      with radial basis function kernel to classify tweets. We dwell upon the
      character and word level features along with the word embeddings and
      train the classification model with them and present the results. Our
      best run achieves a F1 -macro score of 0.6054 on the test corpus for first
      phase and 0.8509 for the second phase.

      Keywords: SVM, Random forest, Decision tree, Extra tree, Twitter,
      Classification, Machine Learning, Word2vec, Radial basis function ker-

1   Introduction
Classification of natural language texts is one of the classic challenges in nat-
ural language processing. Different platforms such as blogs, social networks,
microblogs provide indispensable amount of information which is valuable for
academic as well as for commercial purposes.
    Tweet classification is the task to automatically classify a tweet into one
of the predefined classes. This paper analyzes tweets which talks about 2015
Spanish General Election and classifies them into five categories, namely, polit-
ical issues which are related to the most abstract electoral confrontation, policy
issues which describes sectoral policies, personal issues which talks about the
life and activities of the candidates, campaign issues which are related with
the evolution of the campaign and other issues using supervised learning tech-
niques. For example, consider the tweet “PSOE leader @sanchezcastejon is talk-
ing. He is also "immensely proud". Supporters cheering "presidente, presidente"
https://t.co/Wu2IgxnIr1 ”. This tweet belongs to political issues based on the
description of classes.
    We develop an automated system for classifying election tweets in a set of
classes using character and word level features combined with pre-trained set
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         of Spanish word embeddings[2]. We use character and word vectors as features
         by adopting bag of words approach and experiment with three classifiers, kernel
         Support Vector Machines (SVM), random forests and extra tree classifier. In this
         paper, we present a system classifying tweets which uses character and word level
         features and SVM with radial basis function kernel for classification.
              Previous research in classification of tweets includes supervised polarity clas-
         sification of tweets [3]. They have used a hybrid approach combining machine
         learning and natural language processing knowledge for identifying the polarity
         in tweets. They classified tweets into six classes determining the opinion in the
         tweets. [4] adopt a graph based approach to classify tweets in a predefined set
         of topics and attain 70% accuracy. [5] uses SVMs for text classification.
              The structure of the paper is as follows, we begin by describing the cor-
         pus in Section 2, then we explain our system’s architecture in Section 3 which
         talks about corpus pre-processing followed by feature extraction. In the next
         subsection, we describe the classification models and the results of the experi-
         ments conducted using character and word level features. In the last section, we
         conclude the paper followed by the scope of improvements and the bibliography.

         2     Dataset
         We use the corpus provided by the organizers of COSET 2017 [1]. In the corpus
         for the first phase, training data consists of 2242 tweets of Spanish General Elec-
         tion 2015 , 251 for development and 624 for testing and their distribution in five
         categories is shown in table 1. Each of the tweets in training and development
         is annotated with one of the five categories. The second phase consists of clas-
         sifying approximately 16 million tweets using the best classification model from
         the first phase.

                 Table 1. The distribution of classes in training and development corpus

               corpus         Political        Policy        Personal          Campaign           Other

             Training           530             786             511                152             263

                Dev              57              88              71                 9               25

         3     System Architecture
         3.1     Pre-processing
         First step consists of tokenization in which all the words in a tweet are sepa-
         rated using space as the delimiter and then converted to lower cases, following

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         by the removal of punctuation marks. The words starting with @ (mentions)
         and # (hashtags) are kept same. After storing all the hashtags and mentions,
         we removed ‘#’ symbol from all the hashtags and the word is decomposed using
         camel cases and underscore (_), as most of the hashtags in training and test
         corpus either comprise of camel case format or combined with underscore. We
         segregated such words and added them to the tokenized tweet (Hashtag decom-
         position)[6]. For example, #CarlosBarraGalán is decomposed to Carlos, Barra
         and Galan. If there are some outliers then we adopt the approach of recursively
         finding the words in the tweet [6]. Mentions and urls are converted to "MEN-
         TION" and "URL" and are stored in the tokenized tweet. In the next step,
         the Spanish stopwords are removed from the tweets and the tokens are reduced
         to the root form using Snowball [10] stemmer implemented in NLTK. Finally,
         tokenized tweets are stored along with their respective classes.

         3.2    Features

         This subsection describe the features that we have used in our systems to build
         attribute vectors for training our classification models1 .

         Character N-grams Since the number of all existing n grams is very large,
         we downsample them using their frequency. We have taken only those n grams
         which occur at least ten times in the training corpus which reduces the size
         of the feature vector. The main advantage of this feature is that it is language
         independent and does not require any previous knowledge or pre-processing steps
         like tokenization, stemming and stop words removal.

         Word N-grams We also take into account the word n grams where n varies from
         1 to 3. Word n-grams have proven to be important features for text classification
         in previous researches [13]. In this case we take only those n-grams which occur
         at least ten time in the corpus.

         Reference tokens for each class We identified the tokens which occurs for
         more than 60% in a class and occur more than five times in the corpus set and
         took them as a feature for the classification models [12]. We calculated the score
         for each token as

                                                                       f req(token, class_label)
               Score(token) = maxclass_label∈class1/2/3/4/5
                                                                              f req(token)

            Only those tokens are taken as features for classification which have a score
         ≥ 0.6 and occur at least five times in the training corpus.
             All the thresholds mentioned have been decided after empirical fine tuning.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         3.3    Word Embeddings

         Next step of building feature vector involves augmenting the feature vector with
         pre-trained word2vec embeddings [2] of Spanish words [5]. There have been
         tremendous use of word embeddings in text classification [7][8]. To represent
         a tweet using the word embeddings provides by Word2vec model, we extract the
         embeddings for all the words in a tweet and take the mean of all the embeddings
         of the words in the tweet[9]. For example, if a tweet contains 10 words then we
         extract the embeddings of each of the ten words and take the average of all the
         ten embeddings. Then we append this representation to our feature vector to
         form the final training samples.

         3.4    Classification approach

         We experiment with three different techniques for classification: Support Vector
         Machines (SVM), Random Forests and Extra Tree classifier. For training our
         classifiers on labelled tweets we have used python library Scikit-learn [11]. Since
         our representation produces a long feature vector, Support Vector Machine is
         used with rbf kernel as they are efficient with high dimensional corpus because
         their ability to learn is based on the margin with which they separate the corpus
         and independent of the dimensionality of feature space. Moreover, support vector
         machines have proven to be an efficient model for text classification and twitter
         sentiment analysis (Pilaszy, 2005).
             Random forests and extra tree classifiers are used because they are efficient
         with numerical feature vectors and their ability to reduce over fitting by training
         on feature subspaces. We perform grid search on every classifier for tuning the

         3.5    Results and Evaluation

         Table 2 shows the results of the experiments conducted on development corpus
         for parameter tuning with different classification models :

               Table 2. Feature-wise accuracy (in %) for classification of Spanish tweets.

                     Feature                  Kernel SVM            Random Forest            Extra Tree
            Character N-grams                      60.8                   61.2                    60
                 Word N-grams                      52.8                   50.8                   47.6
               Reference tokens                    63.6                   60.4                   58.4
               Reference hashtags                  39.2                    42                    42.4
                    Mentions                       34.8                    38                    38.4
                   All features                    69.8                    67                     68

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

            For parameter tuning, maximum accuracy of 70% on development corpus is
         achieved by training kernel svm with character n-grams and reference tokens
         with word embeddings. For the evaluation of the systems, F1 -macro metric is
         used which calculates the score as follows:

                                            Fig. 1. F1 -macro Metric

             Our best system was able to achieve a F1 -macro score of 0.60 while the best
         performing model has 0.64. In addition, our svm model achieves a F1 -macro score
         of 0.8506 on the corpus for second phase which consists of 16 million tweets which
         is further used by the COSET [1] for the making a large labelled corpus.
             Kernel svm with character and word level features along with word embed-
         dings achieves the best F1 -macro score amongst other runs submitted. Random
         forest classifier performs close to the baseline model having a score of 0.4435
         only. Since the amount of training corpus available is small, random forest did
         not perform well on unseen corpus as it overfits the development corpus.

         4    Conclusion and Future Work
         In this task, we classify Spanish election tweets into a set of predefined classes
         using supervised classifiers by taking character and word level features. An im-
         portant point to note is that character level features performs better than the
         word level for tweet classification in all our experiments. Taking words in the
         hashtag and augmenting word embeddings to the feature vector improves the
         accuracy of classification on development corpus. Our best model uses support
         vector machines with radial basis functions and achieve F1 -macro score of 0.6054
         on test data for the first phase and 0.8509 for the second phase. Future work in-
         cludes training the classifiers by incorporating a large corpus and taking features
         like POS tagging, NER etc. Moreover, several other supervised and unsupervised
         machine learning algorithms can used for classification.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

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