=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/COSET_paper_8 |storemode=property |title=IberEval 2017, COSET Task: A Basic Approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/COSET_paper_8.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Carlos Diez Alba,Jesús Vieco Pérez |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/AlbaP17 }} ==IberEval 2017, COSET Task: A Basic Approach== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/COSET_paper_8.pdf
    IberEval 2017, COSET task: a basic approach

                       Carlos Diez Alba, Jesús Vieco Pérez

                Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació
                       Universitat Politècnica de València

      Abstract. This paper discusses the IberEval 2017 shared task on Clas-
      sification Of Spanish Election Tweets (COSET) [5]. This task has the
      goal to analyze tweets that talk about Spanish General Election of 2015
      and classify them in one of these 5 categories: political issues, policy
      issues, personal issues, campaign issues and other issues.

      Keywords: UPV, bag-of-words, embeddings, neural networks, support
      vector machine, random forest

1    Introduction

Election dates increase the political conversations in Twitter. We can extract
several useful information from all the conversations if we are able to segment
them in different categories. COSET [5] has the aim to classify a simited corpus
of Spanish tweets which are related with the 2015 Spanish General Election in
one of these categories:

 – Political issues: related to the electoral confrontation
 – Policy issues: related to the political sectors
 – Personal issues: related to the life and activities of the candidates
 – Campaign issues: related to the hustings
 – Other issues: remaining ones that do not fit in the previous categories

   The aim of this paper is to perform a study of different feature extraction
methods and machine learning algorithms for classifying this set of tweets into
their categories.

2    Machine learning algorithms

Before explaining the feature extraction we need some algorithms that can clas-
sify the tweets in the different categories. To solve this problem we tried different
machine learning algorithms:

 – Support vector machines (SVM): probably the most used algorithm in tweets
   classification, the SVM is one of the state-of-the-art algorithm for tasks re-
   lated with text.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

             – Random forest (RF): this algorithm is not usually employed for a text task
               but we decided to use it because we have possibilities of overfitting with the
               size of the corpus and the random forest prevents that.
             – Neural network (NN): currently the most used machine learning algorithm
               due to its flexibility. We used both multilayer perceptron and long short term
               memory (LSTM) [6] networks.
              We used support vector and random forest from scikit learn [14]. Neural
           networks are programmed using Keras [3] and Theano [20].

           3     Feature extraction
           For this task we have a list of characters for every tweet but we can not feed a
           machine learning algorithm with a list of characters: before it we have to extract
           features for every tweet. We try three different methods of feature extraction.
           All of them need a previous preprocessing:
             – Tokenization: we split every tweet in a list of tokens like words, URL links,
               punctuation marks, etc.
             – Cleaning: we remove all URL links, emoticons and some other special char-

           3.1     N-gram
           The n-gram idea is based on grouping the tokens in groups of n. We create a
           model based on the idea of bag of words but using the n-gram themselves [13],
           so we get a vector with the number of different n-grams as size and the number
           of times a n-gram appears in the tweets as a feature.

           3.2     Tf-idf
           Another approach is using the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency
           (tf-idf) to generate vectors for every tweet with the tweets tokenized and clean,
           despite of getting the n-gram model. It is similar to the previous one but we
           have a probability of a word in every feature related with the importance of a
           word in a tweet instead of getting a count in every feature. This method is used
           in some experiments like [10] and [7].

           3.3     Vector representations of words: Embeddings
           The third feature extraction method is the proposed one [12]. The features ex-
           tracted by this method are called embeddings and we can found several recent
           papers where the embeddings are combined whit neural networks and get state-
           of-the-art results [19]. The main idea is to obtain a vector representation for
           every word learning it in an unsupervised way of a set of sentences.
           To train this embedding we will use the Gensim [15] software. Due to this model

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           needs many tweets to train and we have less than 3000, we used a bigger set of
           tweets provided by the UPV researcher Javier Palanca Cámara, used in other
           fields [21] [22], in addition of what we already have. These tweets have political
           correlation and are linked with the manifestation for the independence of Cat-
           alonia in 2016 called Diada.
           This feature extraction gets a vector for every word, so we got different numbers
           of vectors for every tweet. To train a neural network we need a recurrent layer to
           deal with different size of vectors. In our case we used Long short term memory
           (LSTM) layers [6] and we compare it with the bidirectional [17] long short term
           memory (BLSTM), which has some improvements in this field [11] [2].

           3.4     Combining methods

           We used both feature extraction methods tf-idf and word embeddings in order
           to improve our past model. We need a neural network which can join both. In
           Figure 1 we can see our base neural network to work with.

                                               Fig. 1: Network schema

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

              We tried some different models, replacing the LSTM by a BLSTM, adding
           dropout, batch normalization and more fully connected layers. To improve the
           LSTM learned, we added another output layer just before the LSTM.

           4     Results and Discussions
           We are going to show the experiments done. We will divide these sections in two
           The first is for the experiments with the first feature extraction method, which
           was the n-grams approximation with the tf-idf approach. Next we proceed to do
           the same with the embeddings method. Finally we join both methods in one.
           We show the best results with f1 macro score obtained with every model and
           feature extraction because the task will be evaluate with it due to the unbalanced
           corpus. In addition we show the average precision for every result. The f1 score
           considers both the precision and recall. The formula for the f1 score is:
                                                       precision · recall
                                            f1 = 2 ·                                                       (1)
                                                       precision + recall
           To calculate the f1 macro score we only need to calculate the f1 score for every
           class and find their unweighted mean.

           4.1     N-grams and tf-idf
           In Table 1 we can see our best result in terms of f1 macro score and its corre-
           spondent accuracy obtained in every machine learning algorithm. First of all, we
           can see the support vector machine column. In the second column we have the
           experiments with random forest and the third column is for the test with neural

                      Table 1: N-grams and tf-idf experiments using svm, rf and nn

                                  SVM               RF                NN
                            accuracy f1 score accuracy f1 score accuracy f1 score
                     1-gram 60.80    56.70    51.20    43.77    64.00    58.74
                     2-gram 60.40    55.92    50.80    41.19    62.80    59.09
                     3-gram 62.80    56.73    50.08    41.77    62.40    59.05
                     tf-idf 63.60    57.24    52.40    47.63    64.80    59.15

               The random forest results are quite far from the others as it is shown in the
           table. As we said before the random forest is not so common as svm for task
           related to text but we want to make a comparison because we saw some studies
           where obtain very good marks [4] [1].
           For the random forest, the best results are obtained with the tf-idf feature ex-
           traction and a random forest form by ten decision trees forced to have only one

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           sample in every leaf.
           In the case of the support vector machine, we get the best with the same feature
           extraction and a group of SVM (one for every pair of classes) with linear kernel
           faced each other to decide the predicted label.
           To obtain the best result on this table we use a multilayer perceptron with 3
           hidden layers of size 1024, 512, 256 for each layer respectively. Due to the size
           of the corpus we need to avoid the overfitting. In this case we use dropout [18]
           along with batch normalization [8]. The curious thing about this model is that
           avoiding cleaning the tweets (remove all URL links, emoticons and some other
           special characters) we improve our results in 3 points but we did not see this
           improvement in the other algorithms.

           4.2     Embeddings
           In this section we trained two models of embeddings. The first one was trained
           with only the training tweets provided for the competition and the second one
           with these tweets along with the tweets provided by Javier Palanca Cámara [22]
           and [21]. We obtained better results with the second model in all the experiments
           with embeddings. Therefore, to avoid redundant results we will not show the ones
           of the first model.

                                        Table 2: Embeddings experiments

                                                   accuracy f1 score
                                             lstm 46.80     42.12
                                             blstm 50.00    47.92
                                             svm 57.24      63.60
                                             rf    47.63    52.40
                                             nn    59.15    64.80

              In Table 2 are shown the best results obtained with LSTM and BLSTM along
           with the best results obtained in the previous section with svm, rf and nn. As
           we say before BLSTM have some improvements in LSTM but both have worse
           results compared to the approach of n-grams and tf-idf. We can conclude that
           embeddings and recurrent neural networks in this task need much more samples
           that other approximations to be competitive.

           4.3     Combining methods
           Best results we obtained are shown in Table 3. As we said before, we got better
           result with the BLSTM than with the LSTM. We have improved the results of
           the LSTM and the BLSTM with embeddings but can not improve the results
           with the neural network and td-idf. One of the biggest problems for this method
           is the number of parameters we need to estimate. Furthermore, more data to
           train the model is needed.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                        Table 3: Combining experiments

                                                   accuracy f1 score
                                             lstm 54.22     50.95
                                             blstm 61.85    56.34

           5     Conclusions and future work
           We can conclude that traditional models like support vector machines and multi-
           layer perceptron have worked better than fashionable approaches such as LSTM
           and BLSTM. We saw the same results comparing n-grams and tf-idf against
           embeddings. These results are due to the size of the training set, so we might
           obtain better results using data augmentation techniques.
           In order to improve our previous models, we can try some new approaches like
           fastText [9]. We can also try adding other feature extraction like part-of-speech
           tags as we can see in [16].

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