=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/MWePNaD2017_paper_1 |storemode=property |title=ATMC Team at M-WePNaD Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/MWePNaD2017_paper_1.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Agustín Daniel Delgado |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/Delgado17 }} ==ATMC Team at M-WePNaD Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/MWePNaD2017_paper_1.pdf
             ATMC team at M-WePNaD task

                               Agustı́n D. Delgado

              Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia (UNED)
                        Juan del Rosal, 16, 28040 - Madrid

      Abstract. This paper presents our participation in the task Multilin-
      gual Web Person Name Disambiguation (M-WePNaD) at IBEREVAL
      2017 workshop. Given a ranking of search results written in different
      languages retrieved by a search engine when looking for a person name,
      the goal of the task is to group the web pages according to the indi-
      vidual they refer to. We have grouped the search results by means of a
      clustering algorithm which does not need any kind of prior information.
      On the other hand, we deal with multilingualism by two different ways.
      The first one just use a machine translation tool. The second one is a
      method to compare search results written in different languages which
      is based on giving a special role to those features written the same way
      in several languages. Both approaches get similar results, but the second
      one is more efficient because it avoids additional preprocessing caused
      by the translation of the search results.

1   Introduction

The disambiguation of person names on the Web has been addressed in last years
due to two main reasons: (i) Person names are a kind of named entities (NEs)
specially ambiguous, so that their disambiguation has been studied in several
scenarios like Cross-Document Coreference Resolution [3, 11], Entity Linking and
wikification [12, 13] or author name disambiguation [10, 16]; and (ii) The search
scenario on the Web presents several challenges: web pages do not talk about
an specific topic; search results could not have in common an specific structure
as happens with news, scientific papers or references; and the proposed methods
must be efficient due to users expect quick responses to their queries.
    Person name disambiguation on the Web has been addressed as a clustering
problem composed by two phases. The goal of the first phase is to represent the
search results by means of suitable features to identify and distinguish different
individual with the same name. On the other hand, the second phase is to apply
a clustering algorithm to group the search results according to the individual
they refer to. In particular, the best systems of the state-of-the-art represent the
search results with a rich selection of features from different nature and groups
the web pages by means of the Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC)
algorithm after learning a similarity threshold by means of training data [2].
However, some authors have pointed out that the results obtained by HAC are
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           very sensitive with respect to little variations of the similarity threshold, so this
           methodology is not robust.
               On the other hand, this problem has been addressed assuming that all the
           search results are written in the same language. However, the search engines are
           able to retrieve web pages written in several languages and there are increasingly
           web pages written in different languages due to the popularization of the Inter-
           net in non-English speaking countries [18]. There are few proposals that take
           into account the presence of multilingualism in this problem. For instance, in
           [15] is presented a method based on extracting biographical information of the
           individuals, like birth dates and places. For this purpose, the authors propose
           to learn several patterns of each biographical fact in several languages by means
           of training data. However, this approach needs enough training data for each
           biographical fact in each language, which requires a huge human effort. On the
           other hand, in [14] the authors claim that Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is
           able to deal with the problem for any language. These authors used a collec-
           tion that contains news written in English, Spanish, Bulgarian and Romanian
           to check the suitability of their approach in several languages. Nevertheless, the
           web pages associated to each entity are written in the same language, so the
           disambiguation process is not multilingual.
               In this paper, we present several methods to deal with multilingualism in
           person name disambiguation on the Web. To this end, we have used a data set
           called MC4WePS1 [17] provided by the M-WePNaD organizers. First, we detail
           our approaches in Section 2. Next, we present the results in Section 3 and we
           discuss them in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 presents some conclusions and future
           lines of work.

           2      Methods
           This section presents four methods to solve the M-WePNaD task, which could
           be divided into two kinds: those that just take into account the original con-
           tent of the web pages; and those that employ a machine translation tool. First,
           Subsection 2.1 describes the clustering algorithm used to group the web pages
           according to the individual they refer to. Right after, we detail the translation
           process and the preprocessing of the search results in Subsections 2.2 and 2.3 re-
           spectively. Finally, Subsection 2.4 presents several approaches to compare search
           results written in different languages.

           2.1     Clustering Algorithm
           We have used the algorithm Adaptive Threshold Clustering (ATC) [7, 8] to group
           the search results. ATC is composed by three phases and its grouping strategy is
           the following: the goal of the two first phases is to obtain initial cohesive clusters
           with a high value of precision, while the third phase merges them in order to
           improve the recall score. The phases of ATC are briefly described as follows:

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

             – Phase 1 (grouping by links): the search results are grouped if they are linked
               or they share some link under the assumption that they refer the same
               individual in that case. Therefore, each web page is represented by its URL
               and its links. Note that the M-WePNaD organizers provide the URL of all
               the search results in their metadata files.
             – Phase 2 (UPND algorithm): the search results are grouped by means of
               the algorithm UPND [5]. In this phase, the web pages are represented by
               means of their capitalized 3-grams, which are described as a sequence of three
               consecutive words with their first letter written in uppercase. This kind of
               features has shown suitable to distinguish between different individuals [6].
             – Phase 3 (fusion of clusters): merge of the most similar clusters generated in
               the previous phases. The clusters are represented as bag of words by means of
               their centroids. However, some features are filtered of the centroids according
               to the following properties: (i) they have a low document frequency within
               the cluster; and (ii) they appear in most of the clusters. In this phase the
               search results are represented by means of their 1-grams due to these features
               allow to represent as much search results as possible unlike the capitalized

               We have used the configuration of ATC described in [8]: these authors show
           that the results are not affected with respect to the function used to weight the
           capitalized 3-grams, so they are weighted with the binary function because it is
           the most simple one. However, in the case of the 1-grams, the TF-IDF function
           gets better results. On the other hand, ATC compares search results Wi and Wj
           by means of their cosine similarity sim(Wi , Wj ) and a mathematical function
           γ(Wi , Wj ) called adaptive threshold which returns a similarity threshold which
           depends on the search results characteristics and their number of shared features.
           The web pages are merged if sim(Wi , Wj ) > γ(Wi , Wj ). This way, ATC is able
           to estimate the number of clusters, so it does not need any prior information to
           group the search results unlike HAC or k-means algorithms.
               On the other hand, the presence of web pages from social media platforms
           could lead to obtain worse performance [4]. Thus, we have applied an heuristic
           to treat social media platforms [7], which do not allow comparisons between
           web pages from the same social platform. In addition, this heuristic is extended
           to web pages of people search engines in the phase 1 because these web pages
           usually contain links to profiles of different social platforms of people with the
           same name, so they could lead to merge incorrectly web pages when they are
           represented by their links.

           2.2     Translation Process
           Some experiments are based on the use of a machine translation tool. This
           Subsection describes the translation process conducted for these runs for each
           person name.
              First, we have to select the anchor language to translate the web pages to. As
           the computational cost must be light in a web search scenario, we have decided

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           to translate as few web pages as possible. Thus, we identify the anchor language
           as the most frequent language of the search results contained in the ranking.
           Although the M-WePNaD organizers provide the language of each search result
           annotated by experts, we have used a language identification tool available in the
           Internet2 that uses a Naive Bayes classifier which looks to sequences of characters
           within the text to detect the language. We have evaluated the performance of
           the language detector taking into account the language annotations from the
           experts obtaining 96.17% accuracy.
               On the other hand, we have used the translation service provided by the
           Russian technology company Yandex 3 . This tool is able to translate documents
           from 94 different languages, including those identified by the language detec-
           tor. This tool uses statistical techniques to translate the documents by means
           of several dictionaries and modeling each language with web pages written in
           several languages, for instance, taking the version of the web site of companies
           in different languages and comparing them. This translator could not perform
           correctly due to mistakes made by the language detector. For instance, a Spanish
           web page that has been detected as Catalan is not entirely translated because
           the translator does not find Catalan words in the text with the exception of the
           shared vocabulary between the two languages.

           2.3     Preprocessing

           The preprocessing of the search results when using the machine translation tool
           for each person name is the following: we obtain the plain text of the search
           results using the parsers provided by the library TiKa Apache 4 . This tool is also
           able to obtain the links of the search results used in the phase 1 of ATC. Right
           after we identify the language of each search result by means of the language
           detection tool. Next, we translate to the anchor language those search results
           written in other languages. Then, we split the plain texts into sentences and we
           delete the stop words of the anchor language because all the search results are
           written in the same language after the translation step. In addition, we delete
           the person name due to it is the query so we assume that all the search results
           contain them.
               Those experiments which do not use the machine translation tool conduct the
           same preprocessing with the exception of two differences: (i) we do not translate
           any search result; and (ii) we delete the stop words of the language identified by
           the language detector.
               After the preprocessing phase, we extract the textual features of each sentence
           used by ATC: capitalized 3-grams and 1-grams. Finally, we remove those features
           which only appear in one search result of the ranking.


Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           2.4     Approaches

           We have conducted several experiments based on ATC which take different rep-
           resentations of the search results or apply different policies when comparing

             – Run 1 (ATC): the search results are represented by means of their original
               textual features without using any translation resource.
             – Run 2 (ATC+TRAD): we translate to the anchor languages those search
               results written in other languages.
             – Run 3 (ATC+CENT TRAD): we translate separately to the anchor language
               only the 1-grams contained in the centroids used to represent the clusters in
               the last phase of the algorithm.
             – Run 4 (ATMC): we compare the search results taking into account those fea-
               tures written the same way in different languages without using any trans-
               lation resource. We have called this run Adaptive Threshold for Multilingual
               Clustering (ATMC) [9]. Below we detail this method.

               Runs 2 and 3 allow us to study the suitability of applying a machine transla-
           tion tool to compare the search results. In particular, Run 3 allows us to study
           the suitability of translating some words separately with respect to translate the
           whole document as Run 2 does. On the other hand, Runs 1 and 4 do not use
           any translation resource to make the disambiguation process lighter in terms of
           cost because it avoids an additional phase dedicated to translate the web pages.
           This is desirable in problems related to searching on the Web due to users want
           quick responses to their queries. Run 1 just applies the ATC algorithm [8] using
           the features extracted of the original content the web pages, while Run 4 com-
           pares the documents written in different languages providing more importance
           to those features which are written the same way in both languages.
               ATMC compares search results written in different languages giving a special
           role to those of their features orthographically identical in several languages. This
           usually happens with NEs as organizations or person names. However, it also
           happens with other kind of information which is not usually detected as NEs,
           for instance, titles of films, books, TV shows, papers, and so on, which could be
           useful to identify an individual.
               Let be W = {W1 , W2 , . . . , WN } the set of search results returned by a search
           engine when looking for a person name. We denote as Fi to the set of features
           of the search
                     SN result Wi that is written in the language li . On the other hand,
           L(W) = i=1 {li } denotes the set of languages of the search results contained
           in W. We can tag each feature f ∈ F with the set of languages of the search
           results where it appears computing L(f ) = {li ∈ L(W)|f ∈ Fi } ⊆ L(W). Then,
           any feature f ∈ Fi must hold that li ∈ L(f ). Given two features f, f 0 ∈ F, they
           are comparable features if L(f ) ∩ L(f 0 ) 6= ∅. The set of comparable features of
           Wi and Wj are defined as follows:

                                         Fi,j = {fi ∈ Fi |lj ∈ L(fi )} ⊆ Fi                                (1)

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                         Fj,i = {fj ∈ Fj |li ∈ L(fj )} ⊆ Fj                                (2)
               This definition can be easily generalized for clusters of search results just
           taking into account the set of languages of the web pages contained in each
           cluster. In addition, note that li = lj implies that Fi = Fi,j and Fj = Fj,i , so
           this guarantees that comparing web pages taking Fi,j and Fj,i has no effect in
           the monolingual scenario. On the other hand, li 6= lj implies that we do not
           compare the search results taking into account features that we already know
           are not shared by both web pages by means of the language detection, so it
           is more probable that they can be grouped than using all their features. This
           means that if we only use comparable features to compare the search results
           then we give more benefit to those comparisons between web pages written in
           different languages. In order to avoid this effect as much as possible, we propose
           to balance the comparison of the search results taking into account all their
           features and their comparable features by means of the following formulas:

                     simM L (Wi , Wj ) = αi,j · sim(Fi , Fj ) + (1 − αi,j ) · sim(Fi,j , Fj,i )            (3)

                          γM L (Wi , Wj ) = αi,j · γ(Fi , Fj ) + (1 − αi,j ) · γ(Fi,j , Fj,i )             (4)
                           |Fi,j |+|Fj,i |
               where αi,j = |F i |+|Fj |
                                           is the proportion of comparable features with respect
           to all the features of the compare search results. A high value of αi,j means that
           most of features are comparable, so the similarity and the adaptive threshold
           values would be similar to the ones used by ATC assumming a monolingual
           scenario. On the other hand, if αi,j has a low value, then few features are com-
           parable so they are more weighted when comparing search results written in
           different languages.

           3     Results
           Tables 1 and 2 show the results obtained by the proposed approaches with the
           test collection and the baselines ALL IN ONE and ONE IN ONE provided by the
           M-WePNaD organizers. In particular, Table 1 shows the results obtained when
           taking into account only the search results related to some individual according
           to the annotators, while Table 2 shows the results obtained when considering all
           the search results. On the other hand, the baseline ALL IN ONE just returns one
           cluster which contains all the search results for each person name, while ONE
           IN ONE returns each search results as a singleton cluster for each person name.
           The evaluation metrics used are reliability (R) and sensibility (S) [1], and their
           F-measure (F0.5 ), which weights equally both metrics.

           4     Discussion
           The baseline ALL IN ONE improves the results of ONE IN ONE which means
           that most individuals in the collection have associated several web pages. The

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                              Run         R S F0.5
                                          ALL IN ONE     0.47 0.99 0.54
                                          ONE IN ONE     1.00 0.32 0.42
                                          Run 1 (ATC)    0.79 0.83 0.79
                                      Run 2 (ATC+TRAD)   0.82 0.79 0.80
                                   Run 3 (ATC+CENT TRAD) 0.80 0.84 0.81
                                         Run 4 (ATMC)    0.79 0.85 0.81

           Table 1. Results obtained by the proposed approaches with the test collection of the
           M-WePNaD task taking into account related search results.

                                              Run         R S F0.5
                                          ALL IN ONE     0.47 1.00 0.56
                                          ONE IN ONE     1.00 0.25 0.36
                                          Run 1 (ATC)    0.78 0.73 0.74
                                      Run 2 (ATC+TRAD)   0.82 0.69 0.73
                                   Run 3 (ATC+CENT TRAD) 0.79 0.74 0.75
                                         Run 4 (ATMC)    0.78 0.75 0.75

           Table 2. Results obtained by the proposed approaches with the test collection of the
           M-WePNaD task taking into account all the search results.

           tables also show that the proposed approaches improve the results of both base-
           lines. However, the results between the four approaches are close. This could
           be explained because of two reasons: several person names in the collection are
           monolingual (9 of 35) and we translate as less web pages as possible, which
           modifies the representation of few web pages. In particular, the results of ATC
           are slightly worse than the ones obtained by the experiments that use the ma-
           chine translation tool (ATC+TRAD and ATC+CENT TRAD) and ATMC.
           On the one hand, this means that the translation process has a positive im-
           pact. In particular, ATC+CENT TRAD is more suitable because it translate
           a lower amount of text. This experiment obtains a lower reliability score with
           respect to ATC+TRAD but it gets better results of sensibility. This is explained
           because when the words are translated separately (ATC+CENT TRAD) the
           translator always return the same output, but when we translate the whole
           texts (ATC+TRAD), the translation of each word could be different depend-
           ing on the context, so the documents share more vocabulary in the case of
           ATC+CENT TRAD which leads to a higher number of groupings. Finally, ATMC
           slightly improves ATC+ORIGINAL although both approaches use the original
           features. This means that the proposed method to compare web pages written
           in different languages is suitable. In particular, ATC and ATMC get the same
           reliability score, but ATMC obtains higher sensibility, which means that ATMC
           is able to group correctly a higher number of search results without loss of pre-
           cision. In addition, ATC+TRAD and ATC+CENT TRAD do not improve the
           results of ATMC although they use a machine translation tool. Then, ATMC

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           is a better choice because it does not need an additional preprocessing step for
           translating the search results which necessarily increase the processing time of
           the disambiguation process. Note that this is desirable in a scenario involving
           searching on the Web due to users expect response as soon as possible.
               Regarding the results of both tables, the baseline ALL IN ONE is the only
           experiment that improves its results when considering all the web pages, includ-
           ing the not related search results. These web pages have been identified by the
           annotators according to several criteria, for instance, they do not mention any
           individual with the person name given as query, or they refer to other categories
           of NEs which are not person names, as happens with John Fitzgerald Kennedy
           International Airport instead of the former president of the United States. These
           not related search results are grouped by the annotators in the same cluster for
           each person name although they could refer to different people, so this situation
           benefits ALL IN ONE but has a negative impact to ONE IN ONE. On the other
           hand, the proposed approaches do not identify and group the not related search
           results, so they get worse results when considering all the web pages.

           5     Conclusions

           This paper has described our participation in the M-WePNaD task at IBEREVAL
           2017 workshop, which goal is to address person name disambiguation on the
           Web in a multilingual scenario. We have proposed four approaches to address
           the multilingualism in the problem. Two of them are based on the use of a ma-
           chine translation tool while the other ones do not use any translation resource
           in order to avoid additional preprocessing steps. On the one hand, the use of a
           translator improves slightly the results obtained using the original features. On
           the other hand, we have seen that the comparable features are useful to com-
           pare web pages written in different languages without the need of translation
           resources. As future work, we want to explore how to enrich the representation
           by means of comparable features. For instance, this representation could be ex-
           tended identifying features written similarly in different languages in addition
           to those written orthographically the same. Those features could be detected
           by means of NEs alignment techniques and cognate identification methods. In
           addition, a future line of work is to detect not related search results due to they
           have a negative impact in our methods when we consider the whole ranking of
           web pages. This kind of search results could be identified by means of checking if
           they mention the person name given as query, and those mentions are not other
           categories of NEs than person names.


           This work has been part-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Inno-
           vation (MAMTRA-MED Project, TIN2016-77820-C3-2-R and MED-RECORD
           Project, TIN2013-46616-C2-2-R).

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

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