=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/MWePNaD2017_paper_2 |storemode=property |title=LSI UNED at M-WePNaD: Embeddings for Person Name Disambiguation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/MWePNaD2017_paper_2.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Andrés Duque,Lourdes Araujo,Juan Martínez-Romo |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/DuqueAM17 }} ==LSI UNED at M-WePNaD: Embeddings for Person Name Disambiguation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/MWePNaD2017_paper_2.pdf
    LSI UNED at M-WePNaD: Embeddings for
          Person Name Disambiguation

           Andres Duque, Lourdes Araujo, and Juan Martinez-Romo

                      Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid 28040, Spain
         aduque@lsi.uned.es, lurdes@lsi.uned.es, juaner@lsi.uned.es

       Abstract. In this paper we describe the participation of the LSI UNED
       team in the multilingual web person name disambiguation (M-WePNaD)
       task of the IberEval 2017 competition. Our proposal is based on the use
       of word embeddings for representing the documents related to individu-
       als sharing the same person name. This may lead to an improvement of
       the clustering process that aims to eventually separate those documents
       depending on the individual they refer to. This is one of the first approx-
       imations to the use of techniques based on embeddings for this kind of
       tasks. Our preliminary experiments show that a system using a repre-
       sentation setting based on word embeddings is able to obtain promising
       results on the addressed task, overcoming the proposed baselines in all
       the tested configurations.

       Keywords: Person Name Disambiguation, word embeddings, document
       representation, clustering

1    Introduction
Person Name Disambiguation (PND or PNaD) is the task that addresses to
disambiguate proper names belonging to different people that can be found on
the Web, using a search engine. That is, given a specific person name (e.g., John
Smith) and the results offered by a search engine when that name is introduced,
the final aim of the task is to cluster the webpages offered by the engine as a
result. All the webpages contained in a particular cluster should ideally refer
to the same person. It is a well known area of research in both the Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and Information Retrieval (IR) communities, and
its difficulty comes from the high ambiguity that can be found in person names,
considered as named entities, as well as from the heterogeneus results that can
be offered by the search engine (professional pages, blogs, social media links and
many more) [8].
    First works on PND presented a set of unsupervised clustering algorithms for
testing how automatically extracted relevant features (proper nouns and most
relevant words) and biographical information (birth place and year, occupation)
could be used for improving unsupervised clustering [14]. However, PND tasks
were widely popularized thanks to the WePS (Web People Search) campaigns
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           (WePS-1, WePS-2 and WePS-3) [3, 4, 1], which presented a standardized frame-
           work for evaluating systems addressing this kind of tasks.

               The PND task can be divided into two different parts: first, each of the doc-
           uments (web pages) retrieved by a search engine when looking for a particular
           name have to be transformed into a structured representation. This structure
           could be subsequently used by a clustering algorithm in what is considered to be
           the second part of the process. For the first subtask (representing the documents
           that refer to different people), a key aspect shared by most of the systems per-
           forming PND is the extraction of feature sets able to characterize the documents.
           These features will eventually represent the discriminators for determining which
           cluster should contain which document after the clustering process. Amongst
           these features, bag-of-words and named entities are normally used by almost all
           the systems presenting state-of-the-art results [7, 18]. Those basic features are
           then usually enriched with others such as Wikipedia concepts [13] or hostnames
           and page URLs [10].

               Regarding the clustering algorithms, Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering
           (HAC) seems to be able to offer the best results in this task, so many of the sys-
           tems able to offer the best results in the campaings make use of that algorithm or
           different versions of it [10, 12]. However, we can find other works in the literature
           achieving state-of-the-art results through the use of novel clustering algorithms,
           such as the proposed in [9], based on adaptative thresholds which circumvent
           the problem of depending on training data for determining the thresholds used
           by HAC.

               The main objective in the development of our system is to introduce the
           use of word embeddings to a specific PND task, more particularly to the first
           subtask, related to the representation of the documents used for performing the
           clustering process. Word embeddings were introduced in [5] as a distributed
           representation of words in which the dimensionality of a particular vocabulary
           was reduced to a much smaller, fixed size. This way, each word in the vocabulary
           is associated to a point in a vector space. Although there are some works in the
           literature that make use of embeddings for document representation in named
           entity disambiguation [11, 6], we have not found studies regarding their use in
           the specific Person Name Disambiguation task. Hence, our aim is to propose
           a system that uses these embeddings for eventually generate a vector which
           represents the whole document. This vector will be then used by the clustering
           algorithm for separate the documents belonging to different people bearing the
           same name.

               The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the task
           and the characteristics of the corpus used in it. The description of the system
           is detailed in Section 3, while the results obtained are presented in Section 4.
           Finally, Section 5 offers some conclusions and future lines of work.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           2      The Task: Multilingual Web Person Name
                  Disambiguation (M-WePNaD)

           As it has been stated before, the Person Name Disambiguation task consists in
           clustering the different webpages offered by a search engine when a particular
           person name is introduced as query, for distinguishing the different real individ-
           uals associated with that name. The specific task presented within the context of
           the IberEval 2017 competition represents a difference with common PND tasks
           in the sense that it is assessed in a multilingual setting. That is, the documents
           offered by the search engine, and considered for performing the final clustering,
           can be written in different languages.

           2.1     Resources

           The main resource used for this task is the multilingual corpus MC4WePS, de-
           veloped by the organizers of the task [16]. The corpus, which aims to become
           a reference resource for this task, was built by extracting information from two
           search engines (Yahoo and Google), regarding 100 different person names, un-
           der two main criteria: ambiguity and multilingualism. The first criterion aims to
           obtain non-ambiguous, ambiguous and highly ambiguous names (related to 1, to
           between 2 to 9, and to more than 9 different people, respectively). The multilin-
           gualism criterion is satisfied by offering both monolingual or multilingual pages
           (that is, pages written in only one, or more than one, languages), and also by
           considering cases in which there exists both monolingual and multilingual pages
           that refer to the same individual.
               The corpus is split in two different parts: training and testing. Participants
           in the task were given the training part of the corpus, composed of the results
           related to 65 person names, together with the Gold Standard containing the
           different clusters for each person name and the correspondence between each
           single document and the cluster it belongs to, amongst those associated to a
           particular person name. The testing part of the corpus, containing the results
           from the remaining 35 person names, was released to the participants at the
           end of the training phase, and in this case no Gold Standard was provided.
           Participants had to run their systems and assign, for each document belonging
           to a person name, the identifier of the cluster to which it belonged.
               For each of the web pages retrieved by the search engine when looking for
           a specific name, the HTML document was obtained and transformed into plain
           text, using Apache Tika 1 . Hence, the corpus contains, for each result, the HTML
           document, the associated text document, and a XML file containing metadata
           such as the URL of the search result, ISO 639-1 codes for the languages the page
           is written in, the download date and the name of the annotator.


Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           2.2     Evaluation
           The evaluation metrics used for this task take into account the possibility of
           presenting overlapping clusters, that is, a document can belong to two or more
           different clusters at the same time. The metrics are: Reliability (R), Sensitivity
           (S), and their harmonic mean F0.5 [2]. Given that the Gold Standard takes into
           account web pages which are not considered to be related to any individual
           bearing the ambiguous name, the evaluation is performed under two different
           settings: results considering only related web pages and results considering all
           web pages.
               Two different baselines are offered for comparison, both in the training phase
           and in the results of the testing phase:
               – ALL-IN-ONE: All the documents related to the same person name are
                 gathered in a single cluster.
               – ONE-IN-ONE: A different cluster is proposed for each single document
                 related to the same person name.

           3      System Description
           The main objective of the system proposed for this task is to explore the use of
           word embeddings for eventually generating a vector representation of the docu-
           ments from the corpus. Hence, we will be able to apply a clustering algorithm
           over those vectors for determining the different clusters for each person name
           proposed in the task.

           3.1     Preprocessing
           An initial preprocessing step is needed for preparing the documents retrieved
           by the search engine. As we stated before, the plain text from each document
           is provided within the corpus, and that is the main source of information that
           we will use in our process. We are interested in only considering named entities
           within the documents for representing them, that is, we consider that named
           entities are the most representative elements in the documents for this particular
           task. Hence, from the text documents, we perform a removal of the stopwords and
           we extract the named entities that can be found, through the use of the Stanford
           Named Entity Recognizer 2 . This way, we can transform our text documents into
           a “bag of named entities”, which will be used for building the vectors representing
           the documents. Although we can find text written in different languages in the
           documents, we run the Stanford NER as if the document was always written in
           English (standard configuration).
               In addition to this, as we will explain later on, we also maintain a version
           of each text document in which we retain all the words but the stopwords,
           without performing named entity recognition, in order to develop an experiment
           considering all the words in the documents, and not only named entities.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           3.2     Document vectors

           The first step for building the vectors which represent the documents is to trans-
           form each word in the preprocessed documents (bags of named entities) to a
           specific word vector. For this purpose, we use pre-trained word embeddings,
           more particularly a collection of word vectors generated from Wikipedia con-
           cepts, publicly available for research purposes 3 . This collection presents around
           1.7 million vectors representing Wikipedia concepts, and more than 1.5 million
           regular words [17]. The word vectors, with 300 dimensions, are built following
           the Skip-gram model used in Word2Vec [15], which has proved to present better
           overall results than the CBOW model presented in the same work.
               Although we considered the possibility of building our own word vectors
           using the provided corpus, the preliminary experiments that we conducted did
           not offer promising results. This may be due to the reduced size of the corpus,
           which leads to a poor vector representation of the words.
               Using the pre-trained collection, we transform each word in our preprocessed
           document into a word vector, and then we calculate the average vector of all
           the vectors related to the words in the document. This way, we generate a doc-
           ument vector of 300 dimensions which represents each particular document in
           the corpus.

           3.3     Clustering algorithm

           Once that we have transformed each document related to a particular person into
           a vector, we should be able to apply a clustering algorithm over the vectors of
           each specific person name, in order to separate those clusters related to different
           individuals sharing that name. We performed a set of preliminary experiments
           testing different clustering algorithms directly over the document vectors, but the
           obtained results were not successful enough (when compared with the baselines
           in the training dataset). Because of that, we focused on developing our own
           algorithm, based on the characteristics of the training corpus provided by the
           organizers. We observed that, for most of the person names in the corpus, there
           usually existed a big cluster, related to one individual, and gathering most of
           the documents of that person name, and then many small clusters, each of them
           related to a different individual also sharing that name. That is, the corpus seems
           to be somehow biased towards person names for which most of the results offered
           by the search engine refer to the same individual (the most “important” one),
           and then a reduced percentage of results related to other people.
               Following this intuition, we have developed our clustering algorithm adapted
           to the characteristics of the corpus. The first step would be to select those
           documents related to the “important” individual for a person name. For this
           purpose, we need to calculate the similarity between each document and the
           rest of documents related to the same person name. Thanks to the conversion
           from text documents to vectors, we can easily compute this calculation by using

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           cosine similarity. The similarity weight associated to each document will be the
           average of the similarity between that document, and the rest of documents
           related to the same person name:
                                                              cos(di , dk )
                                                wi =                          ,                            (1)
               where di is the vector representing document i, dk the vector representing
           document k and cos(di , dk ) is the cosine similarity between di and dk . The total
           number of documents related to a particular person name is n.
               Once we have this similarity weight wi for document i, we can perform a first
           pruning step, in which we will consider that all the documents with a similarity
           weight above a specific threshold γ should be gathered in the same initial cluster.
           For this cluster to be seen as representing the “important” individual for that
           person name, we should select a high threshold. This way most of the documents
           will be assigned to that cluster. After that, we will generate a different cluster
           for each of the remaining documents related to that person name, in order to
           follow the intuitions that we explained before. The final output of the system
           for each person name will be a list containing the document identifiers, followed
           by the identifier of the cluster to which each document has been assigned.
               Through the experiments performed using the training dataset provided by
           the organizers, we have observed that the best value for the threshold is γ = 0.75,
           that is, considering all the documents with a similarity weight wi ≥ 0.75 to
           belong the same big cluster. Then, there is a cluster of size 1 for each of the
           remaining documents. However, for our experiments with the test dataset, and
           considering that we are allowed to propose up to 5 runs of our system, we will
           generate different runs by slightly varying this threshold around this value of
           γ = 0.75, as we will explain in the results section.

           4     Results

           As we said before, the evaluation is conducted using the measures of reliability
           and sensitivity, and their harmonic mean F0.5 . Tables 1 and 2 show the results
           obtained by the different runs of our system, for the testing dataset of the M-
           WePNaD task. Run 1 corresponds to a threshold of γ = 0.70, Run 2 to γ = 0.75,
           Run 3 to γ = 0.80 and Run 4 to γ = 0.85. The last run, Run 5, is a slightly
           different configuration of the system in which we consider all the words in the
           documents (except stopwords) to be representative of them, and not only named
           entities. The rest of the process remains the same (extraction of word vectors
           and construction of document vectors, and clustering algorithm). The threshold
           selected for this last run is γ = 0.75.
               As we can observe, results are consistent in relation to the best run of our
           system, Run 3. That is, for the testing dataset, a threshold of γ = 0.80 is able to
           achieve the best results, although the differences with the other runs are small.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


                              Table 1. Results considering only related web pages

                                              System         R S F0.5
                                               Run 3        0.59 0.85 0.61
                                               Run 4        0.74 0.71 0.61
                                               Run 2        0.52 0.93 0.58
                                               Run 5        0.52 0.92 0.57
                                               Run 1        0.49 0.97 0.56
                                      Baseline - ALL-IN-ONE 0.47 0.99 0.54
                                      Baseline - ONE-IN-ONE 1.00 0.32 0.42

                                    Table 2. Results considering all web pages

                                              System         R S F0.5
                                               Run 3        0.59 0.81 0.60
                                               Run 2        0.52 0.92 0.59
                                               Run 5        0.52 0.90 0.59
                                               Run 1        0.49 0.97 0.58
                                               Run 4        0.74 0.66 0.58
                                      Baseline - ALL-IN-ONE 0.47 1.00 0.56
                                      Baseline - ONE-IN-ONE 1.00 0.25 0.36

           We can also observe how using all the words in the documents (Run 5) is always
           under the run that only considers named entities and uses the same threshold
           (Run 2, with γ = 0.75). This implies that the addition of all the possible words
           in the documents introduces more noise than valuable information for the final
           disambiguation. In general, for the runs that make use of named entities, we can
           see how as we increase the threshold (that is, as the “important” cluster contains
           less documents), the reliability increases while the sensitivity decreases. That is,
           with small values of γ the results are closer to the “ALL-IN-ONE” baseline (all
           the documents in the same cluster), and as we increase γ we get closer to the
           “ONE-IN-ONE” baseline. However, those baselines are always overcome by all
           the runs of our system, which indicates that the strategy adopted for performing
           the clustering is valid for this particular task.
               The differences between the two tables are quite small. In general, considering
           all web pages can be seen as a slightly harder task, since it expects the systems to
           determine those unrelated results. However, the number of unrelated web pages
           in the corpus is small and hence the results are quite similar between the two
           settings. We can observe that the order of the runs for our system is almost
           the same in both cases, except for run 4 (the highest value of gamma for the
           configuration that only takes named entities into account), which performs worse
           when considering all web pages.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           5     Conclusions and Future Work

           In this paper we have described our participation in the multilingual web person
           name disambiguation (M-WePNaD) task of the IberEval 2017 competition. The
           main contribution of our work is the application of embedding techniques for rep-
           resenting text documents related to different individuals. We have shown how
           word vectors extracted from pre-trained collections offer interesting possibilities
           for creating document vectors, that is, vectors representing whole documents,
           which can then be used for performing the final clustering process in the task.
           Results presented in Section 4 indicate the appropriateness of our proposal, from
           the point of view of overcoming the baselines proposed by the organizers of the
           task. It is important to remark that our system uses word embeddings in a
           very preliminary way, that is, we do not perform any other preprocessing apart
           from the extraction of named entities, and we have even tested the system with-
           out extracting them, only removing stopwords. This indicates that additional
           processing of the texts with other techniques (analysis of languages, type of web
           page, URL, etc.), will probably offer interesting improvements over the proposed
           technique. Also, the ad-hoc creation of word vectors whose contexts are closer
           to the task might also improve the results presented in this work, which have
           been obtained with pre-trained embeddings. Finally, the exploration of different
           clustering techniques is an important factor for the improvement of the system.


           This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science
           and Innovation within the projects EXTRECM (TIN2013-46616-C2-2-R) and
           PROSA-MED (TIN2016-77820-C3-2-R), as well as by the Universidad Nacional
           de Educación a Distancia (UNED) through the FPI-UNED 2013 grant.


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