=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/Overview1 |storemode=property |title=The Biomedical Abbreviation Recognition and Resolution (BARR) Track: Benchmarking, Evaluation and Importance of Abbreviation Recognition Systems Applied to Spanish Biomedical Abstracts |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Overview1.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Ander Intxaurrondo,Martin Pérez-Pérez,Gael Pérez-Rodríguez,Jose Antonio López-Martín,Jesus Santamaría,Santiago de la Peña,Marta Villegas,Saber Ahmad Akhondi,Alfonso Valencia,Analia Lourenço,Martin Krallinger |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/IntxaurrondoPPL17 }} ==The Biomedical Abbreviation Recognition and Resolution (BARR) Track: Benchmarking, Evaluation and Importance of Abbreviation Recognition Systems Applied to Spanish Biomedical Abstracts== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Overview1.pdf
       The Biomedical Abbreviation Recognition and
    Resolution (BARR) track: benchmarking, evaluation
    and importance of abbreviation recognition systems
          applied to Spanish biomedical abstracts

    Ander Intxaurrondo1 , Martin Pérez-Pérez2 , Gael Pérez-Rodrı́guez2 , Jose Antonio
    López-Martı́n3 , Jesus Santamarı́a1 , Santiago de la Peña1 , Marta Villegas1,4 , Saber
      Ahmad Akhondi5 , Alfonso Valencia4 , Analia Lourenço2 , Martin Krallinger1*
                      Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO),
                     ESEI - Department of Computer Science, University of Vigo,
                                    Hospital 12 de Octubre - Madrid,
                               Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC),
                                      Elsevier Content & Innovation

        Abstract. Healthcare professionals are generating a substantial volume of clin-
        ical data in narrative form. As healthcare providers are confronted with serious
        time constraints, they frequently use telegraphic phrases, domain-specific abbre-
        viations and shorthand notes. Efficient clinical text processing tools need to cope
        with the recognition and resolution of abbreviations, a task that has been exten-
        sively studied for English documents. Despite the outstanding number of clinical
        documents written worldwide in Spanish, only a marginal amount of studies has
        been published on this subject. In clinical texts, as opposed to the medical lit-
        erature, abbreviations are generally used without their definitions or expanded
        forms. The aim of the first Biomedical Abbreviation Recognition and Resolution
        (BARR) track, posed at the IberEval 2017 evaluation campaign, was to assess and
        promote the development of systems for generating a sense inventory of medical
        abbreviations. The BARR track required the detection of mentions of abbrevia-
        tions or short forms and their corresponding long forms or definitions from Span-
        ish medical abstracts. For this track, the organizers provided the BARR medical
        document collection, the BARR corpus of manually annotated abstracts labelled
        by domain experts and the BARR-Markyt evaluation platform. A total of 7 teams
        submitted 25 runs for the two BARR subtasks: (a) the identification of mentions
        of abbreviations and their definitions and (b) the correct detection of short form-
        long form pairs. Here we describe the BARR track setting, the obtained results
        and the methodologies used by participating systems. The BARR task summary,
        corpus, resources and evaluation tool for testing systems beyond this campaign
        are available at: http://temu.inab.org.

1    Introduction
There is an increasing adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) in the European
Union, promoted both by national plans as well as European initiatives like the 2 bil-
lion Euro public-private partnership Innovative Medicines Initiative [18]. Electronic
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         health records encompass a substantial amount of unstructured clinical texts, a key in-
         formation source for clinical decision support (CDS), patient cohort stratification, and
         disease/adverse drug event surveillance or population health management [8, 26]. For
         instance, according to estimates provided by the Galician Healthcare Service, approxi-
         mately 80 percent of the content of EHRs generated during the last years by this Spanish
         region is available as unstructured data, i.e. clinical texts. When considering the amount
         of unstructured clinical information generated only by the Galician health system, about
         200.000 clinical notes are produced on average just on a single day. Enabling a better
         exploitation of the information contained in clinical notes would empower mechanisms
         for improving patient assistance.
              The expansion of EHRs within healthcare systems promoted the development of
         clinical natural language processing techniques. Such systems have the aim to assist in
         the process of transforming clinical text written by healthcare professionals into struc-
         tured clinical data representations. Clinical text mining and natural language processing
         (NLP) systems have been applied to a considerable number of different tasks [26, 8, 46].
         Among the most prevalent clinical text processing tasks are (a) automated clinical cod-
         ing [10], (b) automatic de-identification/anonymization of clinical notes[45], (c) recog-
         nition of clinical entities or concepts in running text [19], (d) negation detection [14],
         (e) experiencer detection (subject identification) [11], (f) temporal status (temporality)
         classification [42], (g) coreference resolution/anaphoric relations extraction[51, 37] or
         (h) detecting adverse drug events [9]. Although clinical text is a very abundant type of
         health data, it is also the most arduous to explore computationally. There are several
         inherent particularities underlying clinical texts that cause important complications to
         automatic text processing attempts not encountered in well-written prose or scientific
         literature. Clinical notes are generally far less structured and frequently do not follow
         normal grammar, containing ungrammatical expressions, lack of punctuation marks and
         accentuation as well as presence of conjoined words. Due to time constraints, clinical
         writings frequently contain spelling and typing errors together with author- and domain-
         specific idiosyncratic, often cryptic expressions.
              Despite the heavy use of formal and domain specific terminologies in clinical notes,
         these are generally used in a rather informal and unsorted way. Moreover, in Spanish
         clinical texts, some studies also point out issues related to the incorrect use of Spanish
         medical expressions due to false friends and wrong translations from English medical
         terms into Spanish [4]. Benavent and Iscla describe commonly encountered cases of
         incorrect use of Spanish medical language [4].
              Processing of clinical texts heavily relies on the performance of pre-processing
         modules such as tokenization, spell checking and sentence boundary recognition. An-
         other key component for almost any clinical text processing task is the correct identifi-
         cation and resolution of abbreviations. Acronyms can be seen even in Roman and Greek
         inscriptions, and were commonly used during the Roman Empire and the middle Ages.
              Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols constitute a widely used strategy to produce
         a more reduced and compact representation of written medical expressions [4]. There-
         fore, clinical narratives show a heavy use of shorthand lexical units, abbreviations and
         acronyms, including cases of local or even misspelled abbreviations. The correct inter-
         pretation of abbreviations is a challenge even for health care practitioners themselves

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         and can potentially result in medical errors due to wrong interpretations of highly
         ambiguous cases [43, 12]. Some estimates on English biomedical texts showed that
         acronyms are overloaded 33% of the time, and often correspond to highly ambiguous
         cases, even given contextual information [25].
             Abbreviations are heavily used in Spanish EHRs, as highlighted by several stud-
         ies both in Spain as well as in Latin America. For instance, Plasencia and Moliner
         found almost 22 abbreviations per record when examining nursing notes, discharge and
         emergency discharge reports [32]. They also pointed out that many of the examined ab-
         breviations did have more than one potential meaning or interpretation and that in some
         cases abbreviations where wrongly used. In another study carried out by Benavent and
         colleagues, on average a total of 14,7 abbreviations were detected per document when
         dealing with emergency notes, discharge reports and clinical reports from specialized
         healthcare services [31]. Abbreviations are also very common in EHRs written in En-
         glish, as described by [48], which detected on average 35 abbreviations in discharge
         summaries from the Vanderbilt Medical Center.
             Abbreviations are being widely used in scientific texts, not only in case of English
         documents but also in Spanish medical literature. Especially publications belonging to
         biomedical and clinical disciplines are particularly overloaded with abbreviations and
         acronyms [23].
             Clinical texts generally do not contain explicit mentions of contractions or abbrevi-
         ations (short forms) together with their corresponding full versions or descriptive forms
         (long forms), also known as abbreviation-definition pairs. In order to be able to resolve
         abbreviations and to build sense inventories the availability of resources covering ab-
         breviations and their definitions is critical. Although many lexical resources do exist
         for English biomedical abbreviations, only few manually constructed lexical resources
         have been generated for Spanish that might serve as resources to interpret abbreviations.
         These are designed mainly for human consumption and are generally not distributed in
         machine-readable formats. Navarro presented a manually constructed resource of ab-
         breviations and acronyms commonly used in Spanish medical texts that serves as a
         valuable aid for interpreting abbreviations [28, 49]. Also lexical resources such as the
         Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) have been explored to extract automati-
         cally a considerable number of abbreviation definitions, i.e. abbreviation - full form
         pairs [22].
             Another important resource for abbreviations is the medical literature. Often key
         elements of clinical studies can in fact also be found in medical abstracts [7]. Many
         scientific publications do require that authors provide a definition of abbreviations and
         acronyms the first time they are used in the text. According to some estimates, using
         English scholarly publications, 25 percent of abbreviations were explicitly defined in
         biomedical articles [50]. When examining different manually annotated abbreviation
         corpora for English biomedical abstracts, on average between 0.80 to 1.43 abbreviation
         definitions could be found per abstract [16].
             The recognition and disambiguation of biomedical abbreviations is an intensively
         studied research topic in English [44]. A range of different methods have been ap-
         plied to address this problem, including alignment-based approaches described by [39],
         machine learning techniques tested by [5], or rule-based approaches explored by [3].

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         In order to be able to evaluate and develop abbreviation recognition tools for English
         biomedical texts, several manually annotated corpora have been constructed, i.e. the
         MEDSTRACT, Ab3P, BOADI and Schwartz and Hearst corpora (see [17] and [40] for
         more details).
             Unfortunately, far less research has been performed on Spanish medical abbrevia-
         tion recognition, despite the volume of EHR written in that language and the existence
         of a considerable number of Spanish medical publications. Rubio-Lopez et al. can be
         counted among the few published attempts that handled acronym disambiguation in
         Spanish EHRs [35]. This is partially due to the lack of annotated resources and avail-
         able corpora covering abbreviation annotations.
             A mechanism to promote the development of biomedical/medical text mining and
         natural language processing systems, as well as to determine the state of the art tech-
         niques and performance to address a particular task is through shares tasks and commu-
         nity challenges [13]. A considerable number of challenges have been organized so far
         for English biomedical texts, serving as an important driving force for generating the
         necessary resources for the implementation of medical text processing systems [13].
             We have thus organized a track specifically devoted to the automatic processing
         of Spanish medical literature, focusing on an important building block task, namely
         the automatic detection of abbreviations. The Biomedical Abbreviation Recognition
         and Resolution (BARR) track had the aim to promote the development and evaluation
         of biomedical abbreviation identification systems by providing Gold Standard training,
         development and test corpora manually annotated by domain experts with abbreviation-
         definition pairs within abstracts of biomedical documents written in Spanish.
             The proposed Biomedical Abbreviation Recognition and Resolution (BARR) track
         has the aim to promote the development and evaluation of biomedical abbreviation
         identification systems by providing Gold Standard training, development and test cor-
         pora manually annotated by domain experts with abbreviation-definition pairs within
         abstracts of biomedical documents written in Spanish.
             This paper describes the data used to support the BARR track, as well as the results
         obtained for this track. Section 2 describes BARR track setting and posed tasks. Section
         3 provides a sort summary of the corpus and resources provided for the BARR track. In
         section 4 we give a brief explanation of the Markyt benchmark platform and the used
         evaluation measures. In section 5 we focus on the methods used by the participants
         while section 6 provides an overview of the obtained results. Finally, section 7 offers
         concluding remarks.

         2    Task Description

         The BARR track was one of the five tasks of the IberEval 2017 evaluation campaign,
         which had the aim to promote the development of language technologies for Iberian
         languages. The purpose of the BARR track was to explore settings that are relevant for
         processing both medical texts as well as clinical research narratives. The underlying
         assumption here was that techniques tailored to medical literature could be potentially
         adapted for processing clinical texts [26]. Figure 1 provides a general overview of the
         BARR task setting.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

             In essence, the BARR track evaluated systems that are able to detect mentions
         of abbreviation-definition pairs, i.e. short form-long form mentions that co-occurred
         within sentences found in abstracts of Spanish medical articles. This implied that, in-
         stead of requesting the detection and resolution of all the abbreviations found in an
         abstract, in this first edition of BARR, the focus was only on the discovery of abbrevi-
         ation that were explicitly defined through their long forms in the same sentence. In line
         with some of the previously proposed resources we refer to an abbreviation as a Short
         Form (SF) that is a shorter term that denotes a longer word or phrase. On the other hand,
         the definition (the Long Form, LF) refers to the corresponding definition found in the
         same sentence as the SF.
             The BARR task was divided into two separate subtasks, which were carried out on
         the same datasets [20]. The first subtask focused on the detection of mentions, in terms
         of their corresponding character offsets, of both short forms as well as long forms.
         This implied that participating teams had to detect correctly the start and end indices
         corresponding to all the short forms and long forms mentioned in titles and abstracts of
         Spanish medical articles. The second, and main subtask, focused on the detection of the
         actual pairs of short-form/long-from mentions in running text.

                                           Fig. 1. BARR track overview

             Participating systems were provided with a training set to construct their predictor
         or system during the training phase [20]. All abbreviations used for the training and
         test set collections were generated through an exhaustive manual annotation by domain
         experts, following well-defined annotation guidelines. At a later stage, a blinded test
         set was released for which they were asked to submit predictions that were evaluated
         against manual annotations. For evaluation purposes we only examined exact matches
         of automatically produced annotations against manual ones. For the BARR track we
         used a particular setting related to the test set release, similar to the evaluation sce-
         nario used for the CHEMDNER for chemical named entity recognition systems [21].

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

              Abstracts                    Train set Background 1 Background 2 Test set Evaluation set Elsevier
              Total number of tokens        234210       24893659        32284138      4463620 132998  7390479
              Maximum number of tokens        704          1372             1372          971    642     1192
              Minimum number of tokens         21             1               1            3     31        1
              Mean number of tokens           223           220              208          223    221      176
              Variance                      9511.68       9813.74        12235.06      9799.92 9020.72 17367.18
              Standard deviation             97.53         99.06          110.61         98.99  94.98   131.78
                               Total number of tokens in abstracts (complete corpus): 36981968
              Titles                       Train set Background 1 Background 2 Test set Evaluation set Elsevier
              Total number of tokens         14015        1499944        2039335        306166  8996    539391
              Maximum number of tokens         43           104              154          56     41       154
              Minimum number of tokens          2             1               1            3      4        1
              Mean number of tokens            13            13              13           15     14        12
              Variance                       33.90         35.77           36.85         35.54  34.85    40.60
              Standard deviation              5.82          5.98            6.07         5.96   5.90      6.37
                                 Total number of tokens in titles (complete corpus): 2359516
                                           Table 1. BARR corpus statistics.

         The documents released during the test phase included, in addition to the Gold Standard
         evaluation test set used to assess the performance of participating systems, an additional
         larger collection of documents to explore robustness and scalability of the systems and
         to make sure that any manual revision or correction of results prior to submission would
         be unfeasible. Each participating BARR teams was allowed to submit for each of the
         sub-tasks a total of up to five predictions (runs). In order to coordinate the participa-
         tion and evaluation of teams of the BARR track, the BARR task organizers offered,
         in addition to a general task website, an evaluation and benchmark platform adapted
         to this task, the BARR-Markyt platform [30]. This platform enables user registration
         and notification, as well as management, evaluation, visualization and benchmarking of
         systems and their annotations. Systems had to upload their predictions to the BARR-
         Markyt platform in a predefined format to be considered for evaluation.

         3    Data Sets and Resources

         A considerable barrier for the development of Spanish medical text processing systems
         is the lack of a unified repository or publication aggregator of all medical and biomedi-
         cal literature published in Spanish. Note that the centralized citation repository PubMed
         does provide article abstracts only in English for a large number of articles written orig-
         inally in Spanish.
              The underlying scenario for Spanish medical literature is rather fragmented, with
         multiple (partially overlapping) resources offering abstracts and/or publications of med-
         ical literature written in Spanish [2]. In order to provide a large document collection of
         Spanish medical abstracts for the BARR track, going beyond the actual training and test
         documents, we constructed the BARR document collection by integrating abstracts and
         titles from multiple sources including a specially constructed set of records provided by
         the publisher Elsevier specifically for this track. The BARR document or background
         collection contained a total of 155,538 records, out of which Elsevier provided 41,760
         documents, while the rest corresponded to publications combined from multiple dif-
         ferent sources. To distinguish these two collections they will be referred to as BARR

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         background 1 (background set without the Elsevier collection) and background 2 (entire
         background set including the Elsevier collection).
             A subgroup from the BARR document collection was used to construct a manually
         labelled training and test set. The training and the test set were random subsamples
         from the same document set to avoid selection bias during the evaluation step. The
         entire BARR training set contained 1,050 abstracts, while the BARR Gold Standard
         test set had a total of 600 abstracts.
             Table1 provides a statistical overview of the BARR datasets, covering basic corpus
         statistics of the abstracts and titles of the training set, background sets, and the test set;
         we also included information about Elsevier BARR documents alone.
             The BARR document corpus was released in form of plain-text, UTF8-encoded
         abstracts in a simple tab-separated format with columns corresponding to the document
         identifier, an ISO 639-1 language two-letter code corresponding to the language of the
         abstract body, title of the record and abstract of the record.
             The manual labelling of abbreviation mentions of the BARR corpus was done using
         a customized version of AnnotateIt. During a second follow up annotation step, a cus-
         tomized version of the Markyt annotation system was used to manually revised mention
         annotations and to annotate the relations between short forms and long forms (as well
         as short forms and nested mentions) co-mentioned in sentences [30].
             To provide a richer annotated corpus, not limited only to SF-LF pairs, the BARR
         corpus provided annotations for a total of eight different abbreviation-related mention
         types, which are summarized in figure 2 (A) together with an example abstract (B). All
         annotations were annotated by biomedical experts and supervised by a practising oncol-
         ogist with an additional degree in bioinformatics and basic knowledge in text mining.

                                           Fig. 2. BARR annotation types

             Table 2 shows the frequency of entity types and relation types in the training set and
         the background set organized by titles and abstracts.
             The average frequency of abbreviations found per abstracts depended heavily on
         the considered mention type. For instance short forms occurred in the training set 1.41
         times per abstract, while multiple mentions occurred 2.84 times and global abbrevi-
         ations (those missing an explicit long form in the abstract) occurred on average 3.37

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                  Train          Test                         Train          Test
                     Entity type                           Relation type
                             Title Abstract Title Abstract               Title Abstract Title Abstract
                      LONG     28    892     10     505       SF - LF     28     879     9      491
                      SHORT    27    915     10     517    NESTED - SF 0          47     0      16
                    MULTIPLE   25    1878    13    1144    LF - NESTED 0          48     0      15
                     GLOBAL   133    2124    71    1279
                   CONTEXTUAL 35     199     14     52
                    UNCLEAR    3      68      0       7
                     DERIVED   1      65      0     30
                     NESTED    0      45      0     21
         Table 2. Manually annotated entities and relations in the BARR corpus, organized by titles and

             A more exhaustive examination of the BARR document collection showed that a
         small set of abstracts did correspond to records that were in fact not written in Spanish
         but in another language, mostly English. Therefore all the records in the training and test
         set were manually classified into its corresponding language, being only the abstracts
         written in Spanish considered for evaluation purposes, while for the background sets,
         an automatic language detection algorithm was used to assign language codes.
             Finally, the task organizers provided a list of additional resources including tutorials,
         results of available abbreviation extraction systems adapted to Spanish and a collection
         of software, datasets, and lexical resources relevant to the BARR track.

         4    Evaluation Measures
         The Markyt web-based benchmarking platform supported the evaluation of the predic-
         tions of the participating teams [30]. The primary evaluation metric used for the BARR
         track consisted in micro-average F-measure.
             Markyt provided micro/macro-average standard performance statistics, such as re-
         call, precision and F-score, and enabled the examination of annotation mismatches (see
         [41] and [33]).
             Correspondingly, recall (Eq. 1) is the percentage of correctly labelled positive re-
         sults over all positive cases, being a measure of the ability of a system to identify posi-
         tive cases.
                                               recall =                                            (1)
                                                        TP + FN
             Precision (Eq. 2) represents the percentage of correctly labelled positive results over
         all positive labelled results, i.e. it is a measure of the reproducibility of a classifier of
         the positive results.
                                             precision =                                    (2)
                                                     TP + FP
             Lastly, F-score (or balanced F-measure), the primary evaluation metric, stands for
         the harmonic mean between precision and recall (Eq. 3).

                                                      2 ∗ (precision ∗ recall)
                                    F − Score =                                                          (3)
                                                        precision + recall

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

             Micro-average statistics were calculated globally by counting the total true pos-
         itives, false negatives and false positives. Conversely, macro-average statistics were
         calculated by counting the true positives, false negatives and false positives on a per-
         document basis and then, averaged across documents.
             During the test phase, teams were requested to generate predictions for a blinded
         collection of documents, and they had to upload their submission to the BARR-Markyt
         system within a short period of time. Teams could submit up to five prediction files
         (runs). Additionally, three main result types were examined: false negative (FN) results
         corresponding to incorrect negative predictions (i.e. cases that were part of the gold
         standard, but missed by the automatic system), false positive (FP) results being cases
         of incorrect positive predictions (i.e. wrong results predicted by the automatic system
         that had no corresponding annotation in the gold standard) and true positive (TP) results
         consisting of correct positive predictions (i.e. correct predictions matching exactly with
         the gold standard annotations). The micro-averaged recall, precision and F-score statis-
         tics were used for final prediction scoring, and F-score was selected as main evaluation
         metric. Figure 3 illustrates schematically the submission process using Markyt.

                                  Fig. 3. BARR participant submission overview

         5    Overview of the Submitted Approaches
         A total of 17 teams registered for the BARR track through the BARR-Markyt team
         registration page, whereof 7 teams returned correctly submission before the team results
         submission due. The evaluated BARR teams submitted a total of 25 runs, 13 for the
         subtask of recognizing abbreviation mentions and 12 for the detection of mentions of
         short form-long form pairs. Below we summarize briefly the most relevant aspects of

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         the used methodology by participating teams, while additional details can be found in
         the BARR team technical note papers [15, 27, 34, 36, 1].
             The IBI-UPF team used an approach structured into two sequential steps, namely an
         entity spotting phase and a relation extraction phase [34]. For the frist step they trained
         three token-based Random Forest classifiers that modelled both the token itself as well
         as a context window of 2 characters: (1) an abbreviation token classifier, (2) a long form
         token classifier and (3) an abbreviation type classifier, i.e. whether the abbreviation is a
         short form or another type of abbreviation. During the second phase, they applied a set
         of heuristics and a scoring function to identify SF-LF pair relations.
             The system used by the UC-III team was based on a rule-based approach [36]. They
         implemented a technique consisting of an adaptation of an algorithm originally pro-
         posed by Schwartz and Hearst [38] to handle English biomedical abbreviations and tai-
         lored it to Spanish texts together with additional modifications. Their strategy assumed
         that long forms are mentioned in the same sentence and before their corresponding short
         forms. Abbreviations were extracted through pattern rules, imposing maximum length
         cut-offs to identify the short forms as well as long forms. Short forms had to start with
         an alphanumeric character and had to contain at least one letter. Moreover, the first
         character of the short form had to match the character of the initial position of the first
         word of the detected long form. The system of UC-III team was particularly fast both
         for the abbreviation recognition as well as for the SF-LF relation detection.
             The IXA-UPV/EHU team addressed this task as a classical NER scenario by apply-
         ing two standard, domain agnostic, machine-learning based NER taggers for the recog-
         nition of abbreviation mentions [1]. They managed to submit results for one of their
         systems, namely a perceptron tagger based on sparse, shallow features. Their system
         relied on the IXA pipes tokenizer for pre-processing and tokenization, together with
         the ixa-pipe-nerc for short form and long form mention recognition. This team used
         the BARR background set to induce clusters and word embeddings for training both
         of their systems. For the ixa-pipe-nerc tagger they used a customized version of the
         Apache OpenNLP implementation of the perceptron algorithm.
             The CNIO team provided a comparative benchmarking of three publicly available
         state-of-the-art biomedical abbreviation detection and recognition systems. These sys-
         tems, based on heuristics, were originally developed for English biomedical texts and
         thus had to be adapted to handle Spanish documents. Tailoring to Spanish covered es-
         sentially processing of accentuated characters. The three approaches that were bench-
         marked by this team included the Ab3P, ADRS and BADREX taggers. These tools
         exploit heuristics related to the presence of parentheses and the detection of abbrevi-
         ation candidates within them, together with the exploration of the nearby context for
         detecting SF-LF pairs. These taggers analyse characters inside parentheses, and detect
         words that correspond to long form candidates by matching these characters in certain
             The EHU team adapted a system that relied on the FreelingMed analyser to find
         abbreviations [27]. This system incorporated a dictionary contained in FreelingMed
         that comprised abbreviations and their expanded forms appearing in SNOMED CT.
         Furthermore, this team also used heuristics to recognize word-forms based on particu-

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         lar patterns that were indicative for abbreviations. Finally, through Freeling they could
         mark abbreviations referring to units of weight, length or time.
              The UPC team used three different tactics for detecting acronym-expansion pairs
         [27]. Their similarity-based strategy relied on 13 hand crafted extraction rules that were
         applied in decreasing order of confidence. These rules took into account aspects such
         as word shape features observed in training set annotations. Their gazetteer-based strat-
         egy relied on a large medical terminological resource integrating entries from multi-
         ple sources. This terminology contained 14,360 short forms-long form pairs that were
         detected in the terminology using the similarity-based method. Finally, their distance-
         based strategy was based on a list of patterns covering acronym-expansion pairs co-
         occurring closely and frequently in sentences of the training data.
              The UNED team participated through a two-step approach that identified first the
         abbreviation candidates and then tried to match potential definitions [27]. For the identi-
         fication of abbreviations they essentially considered upper case terms, terms with com-
         binations of upper case letters and other characters as well as the presence of parenthe-
         sis. Also this team employed an adaptation of the Schwartz and Hearst algorithm for
         detecting SF-LF pairs in running text [38]. Their extension of this algorithm incorpo-
         rated cases where the characters of the short form did not appear in the identical order
         than the corresponding long form matching characters. Moreover, the number of words
         of long forms was not allowed to exceed the double of the characters of its correspond-
         ing short form. They also constructed a set of patterns to handle frequent special cases.
         When the pattern based-strategy did not detect a valid definition they used a dictionary
         of 7,916 entries to match possible long forms.
              The last three teams (EHU, UPC and UNED) are described in a joined working
         notes paper exploring output combinations of these strategies [27]. According to their
         conclusion, combinations did not improve substantially the results when compared to
         the single best system from the UNED team.

         6    Results and Discussion

         We received a total of 25 runs from the seven teams that submitted results for the sub-
         tasks of the BARR track. Dividing the BARR track into two sub-task allowed us to
         carry out a more granular evaluation analysis and enabled participants to improve their
         systems precisely for each of the underlying components.
             We evaluated a total of 13 runs for the first sub-task, the detection of mention off-
         sets of abbreviation short forms and abbreviation definitions, i.e. long forms and nested
         long forms. Table 3 illustrates the obtained performance for each of the evaluated sub-
         missions for this sub-task. The top scoring prediction was provided by the UNED team,
         obtaining an F-measure of 74.91%, followed by the UC-III team with an F-measure
         of 72.05%. The UC-III team, which relied on a customized version of the Schwartz
         and Hearst algorithm, obtained the highest recall, corresponding to 73.47%. The sec-
         ond highest recall was obtained by run 4 of the IBI-UPF team (69.85%). All submis-
         sions showed a consistently higher precision when compared to the recall results. The
         top scoring precision was reached by the AB3P benchmarking run of the CNIO team

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                             Abbreviation team runs Precision Recall F1-score
                                       UNED             86.84 65.86 74.91
                                       UC-III           70.69 73.47 72.05
                                   CNIO-ADRS            84.74 62.29       71.7
                                    IBI-UPF-v4          72.2     69.85     71
                                    IBI-UPF-v3          71.88 69.53 70.69
                                   CNIO-AB3P            87.95 56.72 68.96
                                    IBI-UPF-v1          67.21 68.69 67.95
                                  IXA-UPV/EHU           71.78 59.87 65.29
                                 CNIO-BADREX            81.60 47.06 59.69
                                     UNED-or            76.69 37.29 50.17
                                        UPC              65       21       32
                                    UNED-and             99       10       18
                                        EHU              25       10       15
                      Table 3. Results of the BARR abbreviation mention recognition runs.

         (87.95%) followed by the UNED submission (86.84%). These results indicate that rule
         based approaches did obtain a competitive performance for this subtask.
             In summary, the achieved results indicate that participating systems were able to ob-
         tain a reasonable performance for this subtask. Nonetheless, these results also suggest
         that there is room for additional performance improvement. These results also imply
         that this task was considerably more difficult when compared to analogous approaches
         tested on English biomedical abstracts. In order to determine potential aspects affect-
         ing the abbreviation mention recognition systems performance we carried out a de-
         tailed analysis of annotations that were often wrongly predicted across multiple runs.
         When differentiating the results of different mention types, it became clear that short
         forms were considerable easier to detect when compared to long forms or nested long
         form mentions. Many of the errors in long form recognition referred to incorrect men-
         tion boundary detection, particularly in cases of very long definitions. The presence of
         hyphens, numbers, certain non-alphanumeric characters or accentuated characters was
         also observed frequently within missed mentions, of both short forms and long forms.
         Long forms with conjoined words were another difficult case for participating teams.
             A frequently missed type of short form corresponded to single letter abbreviations
         (e.g. T - telaprevir) or abbreviations that contained punctuation marks (e.g. P.M.M.).
         Another particularly difficult type of abbreviation, also affecting the SF-LF relation ex-
         traction subtask, corresponded to the special case of non-Spanish short forms, whereas
         the corresponding co-mentioned long form description was written in Spanish. This
         special scenario is particularly widespread in the biomedical and medical literature
         due to the influence of English academic and technical terminology. Most of the non-
         Spanish abbreviations corresponded to English terms, while a minor fraction corre-
         sponded to abbreviations in another language such as Latin. This special ”bi-lingual
         short form-long form pairs” were kept due to their practical relevance. For instance ab-
         breviations such as PSA (prostate specific antigen) is more often used in the Spanish
         medical texts as abbreviation for antı́geno prostático especı́fico instead of its Spanish

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                 Relation team runs Precision Recall F1-score
                                       UNED           81.53 60.93 67.74
                                       UC-III         72.21 61.78 66.59
                                    CNIO-ADRS         79.05     56.9     66.17
                                    CNIO-AB3P         84.23 53.29 65.28
                                    IBI-UPF-v4        71.82 50.32 59.17
                                    IBI-UPF-v3        71.21 49.89 58.67
                                    IBI-UPF-v1         63.3    47.98 54.59
                                  CNIO-BADREX         64.46 39.28 48.81
                                      UNED-or         57.53 26.75 36.52
                                        UPC           97.67     8.91     16.34
                                     UNED-and           31       10       15
                                 Table 4. BARR abbreviation relation evaluation.

         counterpart (APE). The detection of this kind of SF-LF pairs would require the use
         of either bilingual abbreviation definition lexical resources or even machine translation
             The second, and main subtask of the BARR track, focused on the detection of pairs
         of short-form/long-from mentions in running text. This task was obviously directly de-
         pendent on the results of the previous sub-task. Table 4 provides the evaluation results
         of the performance of all received submissions for this sub-task.
             The run of the UNED team obtained the highest F-measure (67.74%) followed
         by the UC-III submission (66.59%). The UC-III run reached the top scoring recall
         (61.78%) whereas the UNED run obtained the second highest recall score (60.93%).
         When examining precision, the UPC run obtained the highest score (97.67%), but with
         a very low recall (recall 8.91%). The CNIO-AB3P obtained the second highest pre-
         cision score (84.23%). An examination of prediction errors for the SF-LF pair task
         showed that many mismatches were caused by incorrect boundary recognition of the
         long form portion. We observed among the types of frequently missed SF-LF pairs,
         relations where the short form was stated in the text before the long form (and not af-
         terwards). Other difficult cases corresponded to pairs where several characters of the
         short form appeared in a single word of its long form (e.g. CTP - catéter telescopado, or
         CMV cytomegalovirus). Long forms with permuted word order not following its short
         form character order were problematic for many teams, while in some cases also pairs
         that contained SFs or LFs with accentuated characters were not detected correctly. Cu-
         riously SF-LF pairs corresponding to substances and chemical compounds seemed to
         imply some difficulty. Finally, cases where parentheses serving as abbreviation markers
         were missing caused also in a drop in performance.

         7    Conclusions

         The BARR track was able to promote the development of resources, corpora and pro-
         cessing tools for a key task of medical text mining, the recognition of abbreviations. The
         BARR track was promoted by the Plan for the Advancement of Language Technology,

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         a Spanish national plan to encourage the development of natural language technologies
         for Spanish and Iberian languages [47]. The obtained results highlight that participating
         teams were able to implement systems that can be valuable for the development of lex-
         ical resources for disambiguating abbreviations. Improvement of future systems might
         require access, not only to additional corpora, but also to better basic medical language
         processing and pre-processing components. Follow up tasks should address the disam-
         biguation of all abbreviations beyond SF-LF pairs, including also other document types
         such as clinical notes as well as identifying the knowledge domain to which an abbrevi-
         ation belongs [24]. Several teams continued the improvement of their systems after the
         test phase. In order to encourage further improvements and the implementation of new
         systems beyond the BARR test phase we plan the construction of an additional blinded
         Gold Standard dataset that can be used to assess future tools through the BARR-Markyt
         system. We will also publish the results of the BARR inter-annotator agreement study
         on the track web. We expect that the BARR corpus should be distributed in alterna-
         tive formats such as the popular BioC format [6]. Future tasks should also align with
         interoperability aspects to facilitate integration of the tools of participating teams into
         platforms such as the OpenMinted infrastructure1 in addition to technical assessment as
         done by benchmarking initiatives like BeCalm2 [29].

         8     Acknowledgments

         We acknowledge the Encomienda MINETAD-CNIO/OTG Sanidad Plan TL and Open-
         Minted (654021) H2020 project for funding.


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