=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/Overview3 |storemode=property |title=Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus for Portuguese Texts |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Overview3.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Evandro Fonseca,Vinicius Sesti,Sandra Collovini,Renata Vieira,Ana Luísa Leal,Paulo Quaresma |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/FonsecaSCVLQ17 }} ==Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus for Portuguese Texts== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Overview3.pdf
        Collective Elaboration of a Coreference
        Annotated Corpus for Portuguese Texts

     Evandro Fonseca1 , Vinicius Sesti1 , Sandra Collovini1 , Renata Vieira1 ,
                   Ana Luísa Leal2 and Paulo Quaresma3

        evandro.fonseca@acad.pucrs.br, vinicius.sesti@acad.pucrs.br,
    sandra.abreu@acad.pucrs.br, renata.vieira@pucrs.br, analeal@umac.mo,

               Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
                                     University of Macau
                                      University of Évora

       Abstract. This paper describes the collaborative creation of a corpus
       with coreference annotation for Portuguese. The annotation was per-
       formed using the coreference annotation CORP, and the editing tool
       CorrefVisual. The texts were automatically annotated and manually re-
       vised by Portuguese speakers. As a result a new corpus for coreference
       studies was produced for Portuguese.

1    Introduction
In this paper we describe the creation of a collaborative annotated corpus. Seven
teams participated in the task. The texts were chosen by the teams themselves.
As a result of this task, we created ‘Corref-PT’, a coreference corpus for Por-
tuguese. The texts submitted by the teams were first annotated with CORP
[10], a nominal coreference resolution tool for Portuguese. Then, the editing tool
CorrefVisual [28] was used for the manual revision of the previously annotated
texts. Agreement was measured with Kappa, considering the concordance among
team members and across teams.
    The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the prob-
lem of coreference resolution. Related work is presented in Section 3. Section 4
presents an overview of the corpus submission and information about participat-
ing teams. Section 5 describes the corpus annotation, including the distribution
of texts among annotators, annotation tools and annotation agreement. Section
6 describes the results of this Ibereval task: the Corref-PT corpus, its metrics
and a brief discussion regarding the annotation process and its problems. Finally,
in Section 7, the conclusions and future work are presented.

2    Coreference Resolution
Coreference resolution basically consists of finding different references to a same
entity in a text, as in the example: “A França resiste como único país da União
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           2         E. Fonseca et al.

           Européia a não permitir o patenteamento de genes”. The noun phrases [único
           país da União Européia a não permitir o patenteamento de genes] and [A França]
           are considered coreferent. In other words, they belong to the same coreference
                Coreference resolution may provide important input for other NLP tasks. One
           example is the area of entity relation extraction, since coreference links may be
           useful for extracting implicit relations [12]. Consider the following sentence:
                “[Barack Obama], said today that the climate changes are a great threat for
           the planet”. [The United States president] ...”. When identifying and creating a
           coreference relation between [Barack Obama] and [the United States president],
           it is possible to infer a relation between the entities [Barack Obama] and [United
           States] (in which Barack Obama is the president of the United States). Also,
           when we link Barack Obama with the president, it is possible to classify him as
           a person, as well as to say that he has a relation with the United States.

           3     Related Work

           Coreference resolution is very important in understanding texts; thus, it is a
           crucial step in many high-level natural processing tasks, ranging from informa-
           tion extraction to text summarization or machine translation [30]. In general,
           the evaluation of systems devoted to this task depends on reference corpora
           (golden standards). There are, for example, English coreference annotated cor-
           pora that have been used in coreference resolution tracks such as SemEval,
           ACE and CoNLL [3,29,24,8,23,22]. SemEval (Evaluation Exercises on Seman-
           tic Evaluation) includes, among others tasks, the Coreference Resolution task
           [24], considering multiple languages (Catalan, Dutch, English, German, Italian
           and Spanish). This task involved automatically detecting full coreference chains,
           composed of named entities, pronouns, and full noun phrases. The datasets used
           in SemEval task were extracted from five corpora: 1) the AnCora corpora [25]
           for Catalan and Spanish; 2) the KNACK-2002 corpus [16] for Dutch; 3) the
           OntoNotes Release 2.0 corpus for English [23]; 4) the TurBa-D/Z corpus [15] for
           German; and 5) the LiveMemories corpus [26] for Italian.
               CoNLL-2011 Coreference Task included a closed (limited to using the dis-
           tributed resources) and an open track (unrestricted use of external resources).
           The task was to automatically identify mentions of entities and events in texts
           and to link the coreferring mentions together to form coreference chains. For
           this, the participants could use information from other structural layers includ-
           ing parsing, semantic roles, word sense and named entities. It was based on
           OntoNotes 4.0 [22].
               The OntoNotes is a large-scale corpus of general anaphoric coreference not
           restricted to noun phrases or to a specified set of entity types [23,22]. In ad-
           dition to coreference, the corpus provides other layers of annotation: syntactic
           trees; propositions structures of verbs; partial verb and noun word senses; and
           18 named entity types. OntoNotes is a multi-lingual resource with annotations
           available in three languages: English, Chinese and Arabic.

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                                 Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus                    3

               OntoNotes corpus is of crucial important for data modeling of linguistically
           easier cases of coreference. Complex cases are being investigated more recently,
           one of the main reasons for this is the lack of appropriated datasets [29]. The
           ARRAU dataset is a multi-domain corpus with large-scale annotations of vari-
           ous linguistic phenomena related to anaphora. A second release of the ARRAU
           is presented in [29], and the authors not only focused on increasing the number
           of documents, but also invested a considerable effort into improving the data
           quality. The data is manually labeled for tasks such as coreference resolution,
           bridging, mention detection, referentiality an genericity. The documents were
           annotated for anaphoric information, using the MMAX (Multi-Modal Annota-
           tion in XML) tool, which is specific for corpus annotation, with main focus in
           the annotation of coreference [21]. The annotation followed the ARRAU guide-
           lines, which focused on a more detailed representation of linguistic phenomena
           related to anaphoric and coreference. The authors present the main differences
           between ARRAU and two coreference corpus: ACE and OntoNotes. The dif-
           ference between these corpora stands out, ARRAU considers different types of
           noun phrases, including markables that do not participate in coreference chains
           (singletons and non-referentials). Also, this corpus combines coreference with
           bridging, and for the third release of ARRAU, the authors plan to focus on
               One of the difficulties for the creation of annotated corpora is the availability
           of specialists for this task. An alternative is crowd-sourcing approach, which
           uses a non-expert crowd to annotate text, driven by cost, speed and scalability
           [17]. In [3] Phrase Detectives, an interactive online game for creating annotated
           anaphoric coreference corpora using GWAP (game-with-a-purpose) approach
           is presented. The Phrase Detectives Corpus 1.0 contains 45 documents from
           Wikipedia articles and narrative text, with 6,452 markables.
               HAREM is a joint evaluation effort for Portuguese (Avaliação de Sistemas
           de Reconhecimento de Entidades Mencionadas) [27]. This contest had the pur-
           pose of studying expressions regarding proper names (mentioned entities). The
           Second HAREM took took place in 2008 and it included the task of identifying
           the semantic relations between mentioned entities, called ReRelEM track (Re-
           conhecimento de Relações entre Entidades Mencionadas). This was concerned
           with the automatic detection of relations between named entities in a document
           [11]. ReRelEM, although maintaining the restriction to named entities, is also
           a source of coreference annotation, since the authors proposed the detection of
           relations between named entities, including coreference, represented by the re-
           lation of Identity (entities with the same referent, defined to all the categories
           and whose instances must had the same category).
               Another related Portuguese corpus is the Summ-it corpus [4,1]. It is a cor-
           pus gathering annotations of various linguistic levels, including coreference, but
           also morphological, syntactic and rhetorical relations. Summ-it has a total of
           560 coreference chains with an average of 3 noun phrases for chain, where the
           largest chain has 16 members (noun phrases). Recently, a new version of Summ-
           it corpus was enriched with two layers: named entities and the relations that

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           occur between these entities [6,5], this version is called Summ-it++1 and is de-
           scribed in [1]. The coreference information is the same from the original Summ-it
           corpus. However, other layers of linguistic (morpho-syntactic) information were
           generated by other tools and converted to a new format based on SemEval [24].
           Garcias’s corpus also contains coreference annotation, but only for Person en-
           tities [13]. It is also given in the SemEval format. It is a multilingual corpus2
           including Portuguese, Galician and Spanish. One of the motivations for this col-
           laborative task of creating an annotated corpus is, therefore, to increase the
           number of annotated coreference data for Portuguese. Instead of creating such
           annotated corpus from scratch, we adopted a different methodology, we proposed
           the edition of coreference chains produced by coreference resolution tool.

           4      Corpus submission and participating teams

           The general objective of the proposed task was a collective elaboration of a Por-
           tuguese annotated corpus for nominal coreference. For that, each participant
           team submitted a corpus of their own interest. Seven teams submitted their cor-
           pus. The resulting corpus is composed by journalistic texts [20]; by miscellaneous
           texts (books, magazines, journalistic, among others) [7]; and Wikipedia dump
           articles, selected randomly. The corpus is further described in Section 6.1.
               The first phase of the task consisted of corpus submission by participant
           teams. Each participant team submitted around 30 texts written in Portuguese,
           considering domains of their own interest. The proposed average size for these
           texts was 1200 tokens each. Plus, each team justified the reason(s) of corpus
           choice, including the related studies. Seven groups submitted texts for annota-
           tion. Three main text sets were submitted, as described below and detailed in
           Table 1.

               – CSTNews[20] is a corpus developed for multi-document summarization and
                 used for several studies in Portuguese, mainly for researches on discourse
                 phenomena. This was divided in five parts, one for each group from USP.
               – A sample of the larger corpus PAROLE [7], compiled in the scope of the Eu-
                 ropean project LE-PAROLE. For each language involved in the project, a 20
                 million word corpus was built with harmonized design, composition and cod-
                 ification, including a 250.000 word subcorpus, tagged with POS information
                 and revised manually.
               – Wikipedia articles written in Portuguese language. This corpus is an extract
                 composed by 30 entire articles, each with more than 1100 and less than 1400
                 words, randomly selected from the Wikipedia dump from 26/03/2017.

              There was a training phase, when participants got used to the editing tool[28].
           We provided one text annotated by CORP[10]. Each team’s members revised the
           coreference chains and could ask questions about the task.
                http://gramatica.usc.es/ marcos/coling14.tar.bz

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                 Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus                    5

                                            Team       Corpus    Texts
                                            USP 1             1/5 28
                                            USP 2             2/5 28
                                            USP 3 CST-News 3/5 28
                                            USP 4             4/5 28
                                            USP 5             5/5 25
                                            UFBA     Wikipedia     30
                                           EVORA Le-Parole         12
                                             Table 1. Submitted texts

              Finally, there was the annotation phase. First, all texts were annotated with
           CORP, then, each team received its own corpus plus a few extra texts included for
           measuring team level agreement (according to Table 2). The corpus annotation
           phase is described in detail in the next section.

           5     Corpus Annotation
           5.1     Text Distribution among Annotators
           The corpora were received and distributed among team members in a way to
           allow agreement measures. For that we used first a set of three texts chosen by
           the organizers for calculating inter team level agreement; secondly a subgroup
           of four texts from each submitted corpus should be annotated by all members in
           its respective team. In Table 2, we exemplify how we organized the distribution
           of texts. This example considers a scenario of a team with three annotators and
           a corpus of sixteen texts. Each member annotated one of our chosen texts for
           inter team agreement (TK1, TK2 and TK3), whereas four texts of the submitted
           corpus were replicated to all annotators of that team (TG1, TG2, TG3 and TG4).

                                  Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3
                                      TK1           TK2             TK3
                                      TG1           TG1             TG1
                                      TG2           TG2             TG2
                                      TG3           TG3             TG3
                                      TG4           TG4             TG4
                                      TG5           TG6             TG7
                                      TG8           TG9            TG10
                                      TG11          TG12           TG13
                                      TG14          TG15           TG16
                                         Table 2. Distribution scheme

              The texts were then annotated with coreference and distributed among each
           team. The annotation consisted in editing the generated chains. Next, we de-

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           scribe CORP, the coreference resolution tool [10], and CorrefVisual [28], the
           editing tool used in this task.

           5.2     Annotation tools

           The annotation task is based on previous annotation generated by a coreference
           resolution tool and the edition of the generated chains with the help of an editing
           tool, as described below.

           CORP is a coreference resolution tool for Portuguese [9] which was built on the
           basis of deterministic rules, in the line with previous tools proposed for English
           [19,18]. An important difference from these previous works for English is, how-
           ever, the inclusion of semantic knowledge, which is provided by Onto.PT [14].
           The tool produces 2 outputs: the first in XML, containing the original text, the
           list of sentences, tokens, part-of-speech, coreference chains (Figure 1) and single
           mentions. This format allows the interoperability with other applications. The
           second output format is given in HTML for the visualization of generated coref-
           erence chains, which can be seen through the tool’s web interface3 . A desktop
           version is also available for download4 .

           CorrefVisual is a tool developed in order to allow the edition of coreference
           chains annotated with CORP. It provides a user-friendly graphical interface for
           visualizing and replacing NPs in other coreference chains. It also allows the edit-
           ing of noun phrases, creation and deletion of chains and persistency of changes.
              The interface displays information in three different main panels: the first dis-
           plays the text and selected noun phrases; the second displays coreference chains,
           each in a particular subpanel; and the third displays single (non-coreferent) noun-
           phrases (unique mentions). Each chain is associated with one color in order to
           show the different chains.
               Upon selection of noun phrases, they are highlighted in the text according to
           their chain’s color. In figure 2, one chain is highlighted. CorrefVisual is available
           for download5 .


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                                 Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus                    7

                                     Fig. 1. CORP - XML coreference chains

                 Fig. 2. CorrefVisual - mentions in a chain are highlighted in the text panel.

           5.3     Annotation agreement
           We measured annotation agreement on the basis of Kappa statistics. Kappa is
           usually used to measure concordance among canonical elements. For the corefer-
           ence task, we need to calculate the agreement of complex elements: coreference

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           8         E. Fonseca et al.

           chains. Basically, a coreference chain may have two or more noun phrases. Thus,
           for the correct calculation of agreement, we need to transform these chains into
           items that may be analysed as a category.
              One way of perform that is to transform each chain into coreference pairs.
           That is, for the chain C={a,b,c}, wherein ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ represent noun phrases,
           we represent it as follows: P={(a,b),(a,c),(b,c)}.
               To perform the calculation, we need to consider the set of documents (D) and
           the set of annotators (A). For example, for a set of documents D={d1, d2, d3}
           and set of annotators A={a1, a2, a3}, we create, for each document dx belonging
           to the set of documents D, the set ∪dx , where ∪dx is the union of all coreference
           chains annotated for that document; such that Ux ={dxa1 ∪ dxa2 ∪dxa3 }.
               Assuming that annotator a1 has created two coreference chains: c1a1 ={a, b,
           c}, c2a1 ={d, f}, and annotators a2 and a3 have considered only one, c1a2 ={a,b,c},
           c1a3 ={a,b,c}, while d and f are annotated as non-coreferent by both, the result-
           ing union set is Ud1 = {a, b, c, d, f }.
               Then we transform the union set into pairs and determine which pairs are
           considered coreferent or not by each annotator. The set of pairs is PU d1 = {(a,b),
           (a,c), (a,d), (a,f), (b,c), (b,d), (b,f), (c,d), (c,f), (d,f)}.
               In Table 3, we can see the Kappa calculation of this example. Each pair
           represents an item to be classified as Coreferent or Non-Coreferent. The pairs
           (a, b), (a, c) and (b, c) appear in the same coreference chain for three annotators,
           indicating that they considered them coreferent. The pairs (a, f), (b, d), (b, f),
           (c, d) and (c, f) were considered non-coreferent by all anotators. For the pair
           (d, f), there was a disagreement between the annotators. Thus, the Coreferent
           class receives ‘1’ and the Non-Coreferent class receives ‘2’. This process made
           for document d1 is repeated for other documents. We calculate Kappa [2] from
           the values represented in Table.

                                  Pair Coreferent Non-Coreferent                S
                                   a,b       3                 0                 1
                                   a,c       3                 0                 1
                                   a,d       0                 3                 1
                                   a,f       0                 3                 1
                                   b,c       3                 0                 1
                                   b,d       0                 3                 1
                                   b,f       0                 3                 1
                                   c,d       0                 3                 1
                                    c,f      0                 3                 1
                                   d,f       1                 2              0.333
                                  N=10    C1=10           C2=20              Z=9.333
                                   Table 3. Dataset for ‘d1 ’, ‘a1 ’, ‘a2 ’ and ‘a3 ’

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                                 Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus                    9

           5.4     Kappa Results
           Table 4 shows the resulting Kappa for each team and across teams. The lowest
           concordance was 0.41 and the highest was 0.64 for teams (intragroup). Kappa
           was 0.51 when calculated among different teams (intergroup). For intergroup
           agreement, only six teams were considered due to a few missing annotation
               According to the interpretation given in Table 5 [31], the resulting Kappa
           indicates mainly moderate agreement, which is in line with what was expected
           for such a challenging task.

                                   Team      Members Overlay Texts Kappa
                                   USP 1         3             4          0.51
                                   USP 2         4             4          0.48
                                   USP 3         3             4          0.55
                                   USP 4         3             4          0.64
                                   USP 5         3             4          0.57
                                   UFBA          3             4          0.43
                                  EVORA          2             2          0.41
                               INTERGROUP        6             3          0.51
                                  Table 4. Concordance intra and intergroup

                                      Kappa                      Agreement
                                      <0          Less than chance agreement
                                      0.01 - 0.20            Slight agreement
                                      0.21 - 0.40              Fair agreement
                                      0.41 - 0.60        Moderate agreement
                                      0.61 - 0.80       Substantial agreement
                                      0.81 - 0.99 Almost perfect agreement
                                         Table 5. Interpretation of Kappa

           6      Corref-PT
           As a result of this IBEREVAL task, we obtained a coreference corpus for Por-
           tuguese: Corref-PT. The corpus was annotated as an effort made by seven teams,
           with a total of twenty-one Portuguese native speakers annotators, varying among
           students and professors in the area of computational linguists. The corpus is
           available in CORP’s XML (Figure 1) and SemEval format [24] used by other
           well known coreference corpora, such as Ontonotes [22], Summ-it++ [1] and
           Garcia’s corpus [13]. Corref-PT is available for download6 .

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           10        E. Fonseca et al.

               In Table 6, we show the SemEval format. It is available in a single file, con-
           taining all texts. Each text document is contained within a “#begin document
           ID” line and another line containing only “#end document”. Each sentence’s
           information is organized vertically, with one token per line, and a blank line af-
           ter the last token of each sentence. The information associated with each token
           is available in columns (separated by a tab character - “\t”). The annotation
           columns contain, respectively: Token’s ID in sentence; the word or multiword it-
           self; lemma; each word’s Part-of-speech tagging; features (gender and number);
           Head, denoting if the word is a head word in the NP (if so, this field receives
           ’0’) and coreference information, where each coreferent noun phrase starts with
           “( ”, followed by the chain’s ID. Note that the “) ” just occurs in the last NP
           token. Basically, coreferent NPs receives the same chain ID.

                    ID Token        Lemma        POS       Feat        Head Corref
                    1 Segundo       segundo      prp       _           _    _
                    2 informações informar       n         F=P         0    _
                    3 de            de           prp       _           _    _
                    4 a             o            art       F=S         _    _
                    5 assessoria    assessoria   n         F=S         0    _
                    6 de            de           prp       _           _    _
                    7 o             o            art       M=S         _    (2
                    8 apresentador apresentador n          M=S         0    2)
                    9 ,                          ,         _           _    _
                    10 ele          ele          pron-pers M=3S=NOM 0       (2)
                    11 não          não          adv       _           _    _
                    12 poderia      poder        v-fin     COND=3S _        _
                    13 comparecer comparecer v-inf         _           _    _
                    14 a            a            prp       _           _    _
                    15 o            o            art       M=S         _    _
                    16 Deic                      prop      M=S         0    _
                    17 em           em           prp       _           _    _
                    18 a            o            art       F=S         _    (5
                    19 quarta-feira quarta-feira n         F=S         0    5)
                    20 ...
                                   Table 6. Corref-PT - Semeval format

           6.1     Corpus Metrics

           Corref-PT is composed by texts from the CSTNews corpus [20]; from the Parole
           corpus (miscellaneous texts from books, magazines, journalistic, among others)
           [7]; Wikipedia articles, selected randomly; and also a few scientific texts from

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                 Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus                   11

           Fapesp Magazine7 . Metrics about number of texts, tokens, mentions, coreferen-
           tial mentions, coreference chains and chains sizes are shown in Table 7.

                                                           Coreferent Coreference Largest Avg. Chain
                  Corpus       Texts Tokens Mentions
                                                           Mentions     Chains     Chain     Size
               CST-News     137       54445      14680        6797       1906       25        3.6
               Le-Parole    12        21607      5773         2202        573       38        3.8
               Wikipedia    30        44153      12049        4973       1308       53        3.8
            Fapesp Magazine 3          3535      1012         496         111       33        4.5
                 Total      182       123740     33514       14468       3898       53        3.7
                                       Table 7. Corref-PT - Corpus Metrics

           6.2     Annotation task evaluation
           The annotators evaluated the task regarding a few issues inquired through a
           survey on Google Forms. Fifteen of the 21 participants sent their answers. They
           were asked about their confidence level in the annotation, whether the previous
           automatic annotation was helpful for the task and about the necessity of noun
           phrase edition for the task (considering that noun phrase identification was made
           automatically by a parser). We can see in Figure 3 that few annotators had high
           confidence in their annotation. Most participants were not sure about this issue.

                                        Fig. 3. Question 1 - confidence level

              Regarding previous annotation (Figure 4), most participants were ambivalent
           whether this helps or not the process, but a greater number thought it was

                              Fig. 4. Question 2 - usefulness of previous annotation

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              Regarding noun phrase edition (Figure 5), 60% of participants strongly agreed
           that is indispensable for the annotation task. That is indeed a crucial pre-
           processing requirement for build the chains, that the references are correctly
           identified. The main problem here was that the task was in fact mostly fixed
           regarding mention detection, and it was based on the parser’s NP chunks. Sug-
           gestions given by the annotators were most related to CorrefVisual’s usability -
           one major problem was related to noun phrase edition. That was very difficult to
           handle by the annotators, since the mention detection is required for identifying
           coreference chains correctly, but the tool was not primarily meant for that.

                                Fig. 5. Question 3 - noun phrase edition required

           7     Conclusion
           In this paper, we presented a collaborative coreference annotation task which
           resulted in a coreference corpus for Portuguese with nearly 4000 chains. Con-
           sidering Summ-it++, a previous available resource of the kind, with around
           500 chains, we now have a coreference annotated corpus with 8 times as many
           chains. The resource is available both in the SemEval format and in CORP’s
           XML8 . The annotated corpus can be visualized in the CorrefVisual tool9 . For
           the next steps, we have to improve questions regarding automatic mention detec-
           tion, which seems to be a major pre-processing issue for this task, and similarly
           we have also to improve the ways for their manual editing, if we consider fur-
           ther annotation tasks. Regarding the annotation agreement, we can see that
           there is mainly moderate agreement. However, as future work, a revision of this
           annotation should be done in order to improve the quality of annotation.

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                                 Collective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus                   13

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