Overview of the M-WePNaD Task: Multilingual Web Person Name Disambiguation at IberEval 2017 Soto Montalvo1 , Raquel Martı́nez2 , Vı́ctor Fresno2 , Agustı́n D. Delgado2 , Arkaitz Zubiaga3 , Richard Berendsen4 1 URJC, soto.montalvo@urjc.es 2 NLP&IR Group, UNED, {raquel,vfresno,agustin.delgado}@lsi.uned.es 3 University of Warwick, a.zubiaga@warwick.ac.uk 4 Luminis Amsterdam, richard.berendsen@luminis.eu Abstract. Multilingual Web Person Name Disambiguation is a new shared task proposed for the first time at the IberEval 2017 evaluation campaign. For a set of web search results associated with a person name, the task deals with the grouping of the results based on the particu- lar individual they refer to. Different from previous works dealing with monolingual search results, this task has further considered the challenge posed by search results written in different languages. This task allows to evaluate the performance of participating systems in a multilingual scenario. This overview summarizes a total of 18 runs received from four participating teams. We present the datasets utilized and the method- ology defined for the task and the evaluation, along with an analysis of the results and the submitted systems. Keywords: person name disambiguation on the web, document clus- tering, multilingualism, web search 1 Introduction It is increasingly usual for people to turn to Internet search engines to look for information about people. According to Google Trends, three out of the top 10 Google Searches in 2016 were linked to person names5 . However, person names tend to be ambiguous and hence a search for a particular name likely includes results for different individuals. In these cases, a list of individuals included in the results along with a breakdown of different individuals would come in handy for the user who is looking for a particular individual. This task was first introduced in the WePS (Web People Search) campaigns6 , and attracted sub- stantial interest in the scientific community, as manifested in a number of shared tasks that tackled it, particularly the WePS-1, WePS-2, WePS-3 campaigns [1– 3]. These campaigns provided several annotated corpora becoming a referent for 5 https://trends.google.com/trends/topcharts#geo&date=2016 6 http://nlp.uned.es/weps/ Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) this problem and allowing a comparative study of the performance of different systems. However, all those campaigns presented a monolingual scenario where the query results were written in only one language. Despite the multilingual nature of the Web7 , existing work on person name disambiguation has not considered yet search results written in multiple lan- guages. The objective of M-WePNaD task is centered around a multilingual scenario where the results for a query, as well as each individual, can be written in different languages. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the task. Next, Section 3 describes the datasets we released for training and testing, and we briefly discuss the differences between the two sets. Section 4 briefly de- scribes the evaluation measures. Section 5 summarizes the proposed approaches of the participants. Section 6 presents and discusses the results. Finally, conclu- sions are presented in Section 7. 2 Task Description The M-WePNaD task is a person name disambiguation task on the Web focused on distinguishing the different individuals that are contained within the search results for a person name query. The person name disambiguation task can be defined as a clustering problem, where the input is a ranked list of n search results, and the output needs to provide both the number of different individuals identified within those results, as well as the set of pages associated with each of the individuals. The heterogeneous nature of web results increases the difficulty of this task. For instance, some web pages related to a certain individual could be professional sites (e.g. corporation web pages), while others may contain personal information (e.g. blogs and social profiles) and both kinds of web pages could have very little vocabulary in common. Particularly, [4] concluded that the inclusion of content from social networking platforms increases the difficulty of the task. While previous evaluation campaigns had been limited to monolingual sce- narios, the M-WePNaD task was assessed in a multilingual setting, considering the realistic scenario where a search engine returns results in different languages for a person name query. For instance, web pages with professional information for an individual who is not a native English speaker may be written in English, while other personal web pages may be written in their native language. Celebri- ties who are known internationally are also likely to have web pages in different languages. We compiled an evaluation corpus called MC4WePS [5], which was manually annotated by three experts. This corpus was used to evaluate the performance of multilingual disambiguation systems, enabling also evaluation for different doc- ument genres as the corpus includes not only web pages but also social media posts. The corpus was split into two parts, one for training and one for testing. 7 The most used language on the Web is English, followed by Chinese and Spanish. 114 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Participants had nearly two months to develop their systems making use of the training corpus. Afterwards, the test corpus was released, whereupon partici- pants ran their systems and sent the results back to the task organizers. The organizers also provided the performance scores for different baseline approaches. Participants were restricted to the submission of up to five different result sets. In this overview we present the evaluation of these submissions, which we list in two different rankings. 3 Data Sets The MC4WePS corpus was collected in 2014, issuing numerous search queries and storing those that met the requirements of ambiguity and multilingualism. Each query includes a first name and last name, with no quotes, and searches were issued in both Google and Yahoo. The criteria to choose the queries took into account: – Ambiguity: non-ambiguous, ambiguous or highly ambiguous names. A per- son’s name is considered highly ambiguous when it has results for more than 10 individuals. Cases with 2 to 9 individuals were considered ambiguous, while those with a single individual were deemed non-ambiguous. – Language: results can be monolingual, where all pages are written in the same language, or multilingual, where pages are written in more than one language. Additionally, for each cluster of pages belonging to the same indi- vidual, we considered whether the results were monolingual or multilingual. This was due to the fact that even though the results for a person name query are multilingual, the clusters for each different individual could be monolingual or multilingual. The MC4WePS dataset contains search results of 100 person names with a number of search results between 90 and 110 each. It is worth noting that different person names in the corpus have different degrees of ambiguity; in addition a web page can be multilingual, and not all the content in the corpus are regular HTML web pages, but also other kinds of documents are included, such as social media posts or pdf documents. A detailed description of the corpus can be found in [5]. There can be overlaps between clusters as a search result could refer to two or more different individuals with the same name, for instance social profile pages with lists of different individuals with the same name. When a search result does not belong to any individual or the individual cannot be inferred, then this is annotated as “Not Related” (NR). For each query, these search results are grouped as a single cluster of NR results in the gold standard annotations. The MC4WePS corpus was randomly divided into two parts: training set (65%) and test set (35%). 115 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) 3.1 Training Set We provided participants with a single set for training, which includes 65 differ- ent person names, randomly sampled from the entire dataset. The list of names and their characteristics can be seen in Table 1. The second part of the table contains in the last row the average values for the different data of the whole training set. Table 1: Characteristics of the M-WePNaD training set. #Webs represents the number of search results of each person name; #Indi- viduals the number of clusters related to some individual (i.e. num- ber of clusters, not counting the Not Related (NR) one); %Social refers the percentage of social web pages (identified by their URL- domain); Top Language the most frequent language of the web pages according to the annotators–ES, EN, and FR mean Span- ish, English and French, respectively–; %WebsDL the percentage of web pages written in different language than the most frequent one; and %NRs the percentage of web pages annotated as NR. Person Name #Webs #Individuals %Social Top Language %WebsDL %NRs adam rosales 110 8 9.09 EN 0.91 10.0 albert claude 106 9 10.38 EN 13.21 24.53 álex rovira 95 20 23.16 EN 43.16 6.32 alfred nowak 109 15 3.67 EN 30.28 66.06 almudena sierra 100 22 12.0 ES 1.0 63.0 amber rodrı́guez 106 73 11.32 EN 9.43 10.38 andrea alonso 105 49 9.52 ES 6.67 20.95 antonio camacho 109 39 24.77 EN 29.36 46.79 brian fuentes 100 12 7.0 EN 2.0 3.0 chris andersen 100 6 5.0 EN 26.0 2.0 cicely saunders 110 2 7.27 EN 1.82 10.91 claudio reyna 107 5 7.48 EN 4.67 2.8 david cutler 98 37 15.31 EN 0.0 19.39 elena ochoa 110 15 8.18 ES 10.0 4.55 emily dickinson 107 1 3.74 EN 0.0 0.93 francisco bernis 100 4 4.0 EN 50.0 29.0 franco modigliani 109 2 2.75 EN 38.53 1.83 frederick sanger 100 2 0.0 EN 0.0 5.0 gaspar zarrı́as 110 3 4.55 ES 2.73 0.0 george bush 108 4 2.78 EN 25.0 13.89 gorka larrumbide 109 3 4.59 ES 9.17 32.11 henri michaux 98 1 3.06 EN 7.14 1.02 james martin 100 48 5.0 EN 2.0 14.0 javi nieves 106 3 4.72 ES 3.77 1.89 jesse garcı́a 109 26 6.42 EN 31.19 16.51 116 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Table 1: (continued) Person Name #Webs #Individuals %Social Top Language %WebsDL %NRs john harrison 109 50 15.6 EN 11.01 19.27 john orozco 100 9 11.0 EN 4.0 20.0 john smith 101 52 10.89 EN 0.0 10.89 joseph murray 105 47 7.62 EN 0.95 20.0 julián lópez 109 28 4.59 ES 6.42 1.83 julio iglesias 109 2 2.75 ES 14.68 0.92 katia gerreiro 110 8 10.91 EN 26.36 0.0 ken olsen 100 41 5.0 EN 0.0 6.0 lauren tamayo 101 8 11.88 EN 3.96 10.89 leonor garcı́a 100 53 9.0 ES 3.0 12.0 manuel alvar 109 4 3.67 ES 0.92 34.86 manuel campo 103 7 3.88 ES 0.0 2.91 marı́a dueñas 100 5 6.0 ES 14.0 0.0 mary lasker 103 3 1.94 EN 0.0 15.53 matt biondi 106 12 10.38 EN 9.43 5.66 michael bloomberg 110 2 6.36 EN 0.0 1.82 michael collins 108 31 1.85 EN 0.0 13.89 michael hammond 100 79 20.0 EN 1.0 11.0 michael portillo 105 2 4.76 EN 7.62 0.95 michel bernard 100 5 0.0 FR 39.0 95.0 michelle bachelet 107 2 8.41 EN 16.82 4.67 miguel cabrera 108 3 5.56 EN 0.93 3.7 miriam gonzález 110 43 11.82 ES 29.09 5.45 olegario martı́nez 100 38 12.0 ES 15.0 10.0 oswald avery 110 2 7.27 EN 9.09 3.64 palmira hernández 105 37 8.57 ES 20.95 60.95 paul erhlich 99 9 4.04 EN 16.16 7.07 paul zamecnik 102 6 1.96 EN 2.94 6.86 pedro duque 110 5 4.55 ES 4.55 12.73 pierre dumont 99 39 10.1 EN 41.41 15.15 rafael matesanz 110 6 7.27 EN 44.55 2.73 randy miller 99 52 12.12 EN 0.0 33.33 raúl gonzález 107 32 4.67 ES 10.28 1.87 richard rogers 100 40 13.0 EN 9.0 16.0 richard vaughan 108 5 4.63 ES 7.41 5.56 rita levi 104 2 1.92 ES 47.12 1.92 robin lópez 102 10 12.75 EN 1.96 13.73 roger becker 103 29 4.85 EN 13.59 18.45 virginia dı́az 106 40 11.32 ES 17.92 16.04 william miller 107 40 7.48 EN 0.0 37.38 AVERAGE 104.69 19.95 7.66 14.88 - 12.19 117 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) 3.2 Test Set The test corpus consists of 35 different person names, whose characteristics can be seen in Table 2. The last row shows the average values for the different data of the whole test set. 3.3 Comparing Training and Test Sets As can be seen in Table 1 and Table 2, the training and test sets have a compara- ble average composition with regard to the percentages of NR search results and social web pages. The two sets are also similar in terms of the distribution of the most common language for a given person name. In the test set, the percentages are 28.57% ES, 68.57% EN, and 2.86% FR; whereas in the training set they are 30.76% ES, 67.69% EN, and 1.55% FR. The main difference between both sets lies in the degree of ambiguity of the person names. Based on the threshold defined by Montalvo et al. [5] that deter- mines search results pertaining to more than 10 individuals are very ambiguous, the training set contains 54% ambiguous person names and 46% very ambiguous names; on the other hand, the test set contains 40% ambiguous person names and 60% very ambiguous names. This means that the test set is less balanced when it comes to the ambiguity of the names than the training set; the test set contains more very ambiguous names. 3.4 Format and Distribution The datasets are structured in directories. Each directory corresponds to a spe- cific search query that matches the pattern “name-lastname”, and includes the search results associated with that person name. Each search result is in turn stored in a separate directory, named after the rank of that particular result in the entire list of search results. A directory with a search result contains the following files: – The web page linked by the search result. Note that not all search results point to HTML web pages, but there are also other document formats: pdf, doc, etc. – A metadata.xml file with the following information: • URL of search result. • ISO 639-1 codes for languages the web page is written in. It contains a comma-separated list of languages where several were found. • Download date. • Name of annotator. – A file with the plain text of the search results, which was extracted using Apache TiKa (https://tika.apache.org/). Figure 1 shows an example of the metadata file for a search result for the person name query Julio Iglesias. The access to training and test sets was restricted to registered participants. The blind version of the test dataset did not include the ground truth files.8 8 The MC4WEPS corpus is available at http://nlp.uned.es/web-nlp/resources. 118 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Table 2. Characteristics of the M-WePNaD test set. #Webs represents the number of search results of each person name; #Individuals the number of clusters related to some individual (i.e. number of clusters, not counting the Not Related (NR) one); %Social refers the percentage of social web pages (identified by their URL-domain); Top Language the most frequent language of the web pages according to the annotators– ES, EN, and FR mean Spanish, English and French, respectively–; %WebsDL the percentage of web pages written in different language than the most frequent one; and %NRs the percentage of web pages annotated as NR. Person Name #Webs #Individuals %Social Top Language %WebsDL %NRs agustin gonzalez 99 45 8.08 ES 6.06 6.06 albert barille 99 1 2.02 EN 47.47 11.11 albert gomez 105 50 11.43 EN 11.43 28.57 alberto angulo 108 49 7.41 ES 7.41 6.48 alberto granado 107 2 3.74 ES 17.76 0.93 aldo donelli 110 4 8.18 EN 30.0 14.55 almudena ariza 110 6 12.73 ES 10.0 4.55 alvaro vargas 100 50 24.0 EN 34.0 8.0 amanda navarro 102 50 7.84 EN 41.18 28.43 david robles 100 58 8.0 ES 35.0 7.0 didier dupont 109 34 26.61 FR 50.46 45.87 edward heath 103 8 1.94 EN 8.74 12.62 hendrick janssen 104 19 7.69 EN 55.77 74.04 jacques cousteau 109 2 5.5 EN 4.59 0.92 john williams 102 44 18.63 EN 12.75 16.67 jorge fernandez 107 28 4.67 ES 0.0 5.61 jose ortega 108 40 11.11 EN 7.41 19.44 joseph lister 109 12 8.26 EN 5.5 5.5 liliana jimenez 90 31 23.33 ES 48.89 61.11 marina castano 100 5 5.0 ES 0.0 2.0 mario gomez 100 18 3.0 ES 42.0 1.0 mark davies 105 60 17.14 EN 0.0 19.05 mary leakey 110 2 5.45 EN 0.0 3.64 michael hastings 100 19 5.0 EN 0.0 7.0 michelle martinez 105 49 13.33 EN 22.86 7.62 norah jones 101 1 6.93 EN 1.98 0.99 peter kirkpatrick 106 35 7.55 EN 6.6 25.47 peter mitchell 110 60 30.0 EN 0.0 21.82 rafael morales 100 47 8.0 ES 12.0 18.0 richard branson 100 3 6.0 EN 0.0 2.0 rick warren 99 5 9.09 EN 0.0 0.0 ryan gosling 103 2 6.8 EN 0.0 0.97 thomas klett 98 33 8.16 EN 29.59 42.86 tim duncan 103 3 3.88 EN 26.21 2.91 william osler 106 5 3.77 EN 4.72 23.58 AVERAGE 103.63 25.14 9.72 - 16.58 15.32 119 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Fig. 1. Example of metadata for a web page search result for the query Julio Iglesias. 4 Evaluation Measures We use three metrics for the evaluation: Reliability (R), Sensitivity (S) and their harmonic mean F0.5 [6]. These metrics generalize the B-Cubed metrics [7] when there are overlapping clusters, as it is the case with the MC4WePS corpus. In particular, Reliability extends B-Cubed Precision and Sensitivity extends B- Cubed Recall. 5 Overview of the Submitted Approaches Thirteen teams signed up for the M-WePNaD task, although only four of them managed to participate in the task on time, submitting a total of 18 runs. In what follows, we analyze their approaches from two perspectives: search result representation (including whether or not translation resources were used), and the clustering algorithms. – The ATMC UNED team [8] presented four runs that have in common the use of clustering algorithms able to estimate the number of clusters with no need of information from training data. Three of the four runs use the ATC algo- rithm [9], an algorithm that works in two phases: a phase of cluster creation followed by a phase of cluster fusion. Run 4 uses the ATCM algorithm [10], which identifies those features written the same way in several languages (called comparable features) and gives them a special role when comparing search results written in different languages without the need of translation resources. The author explores four different representation approaches: the textual features of the document with no translation (Run 1), a translated version of the document (Run 2), a halfway approach that uses the original document’s textual features in the phase of cluster creation and uses a trans- lation tool to translate the centroid features in the fusion cluster phase (Run 3), and an approach that combines the original document’s textual features in addition to a representation based on using only the comparable features of web pages written in different language. On the other hand, none of the four approaches identifies and groups the not related search results, so all of 120 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) them get worse results when considering all the web pages. Regarding the treatment of overlapping clusters, none of the four approaches deals with them, so a web page can only be in one cluster. Finally, the author applies an heuristic described in [11] to treat in a special way the web pages from social media platforms and people search engines. – The LSI UNED team’s approach [12] is mainly based on the application of word embeddings to represent the documents retrieved by the search engine as vectors. Then, these vectors are used in a clustering algorithm (developed by the authors and adapted to the characteristics of the corpus), where a similarity threshold γ determines when the grouping is carried out. To ob- tain the word embeddings, first they performed a removal of stopwords and extracted the named entities, using pre-trained word embeddings for repre- sentation. The tools they used were the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer9 and ConVec10 , a publicly available collection of word vectors generated from Wikipedia concepts. To obtain the document representation, the authors calculated the average vector of all the vectors corresponding to the words within the document. They calculated the similarity between each document and the rest of the documents related to the same person name by means of cosine similarity. The similarity weight associated to each document was the average of the similarity between that document, and the rest of doc- uments related to the same person name. Finally, the authors considered that all the documents with a similarity weight above a specific γ threshold should be gathered in the same initial cluster. This team initially submitted four runs corresponding to different values of γ (γ1 = 0 : 70, γ2 = 0 : 75, γ3 = 0 : 80, and γ4 = 0 : 85). Finally, a fifth run was also evaluated using a different configuration of the system, in which all the words within the documents (except stop words) were considered in order to represent them, and not only named entities, as in the previous runs. None of their submitted runs deals with the multilingual nature of the task nor the overlap between clusters. – The Loz Team [13] submitted five runs that experimented with different settings a hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) algorithm using the Euclidean distance as a similarity measure. They tested three different ways of representing the content: (1) a binary representation capturing presence or not of each word, (2) a weighted representation capturing the number of occurrences of each word, and (3) a TF-IDF metric. They also tested two different stoppage criteria, namely k = 5 and k = 15. With these different settings, the authors tested the following five combinations: (1) weighted representation + k = 5, (2) binary representation + k = 15, (3) TF-IDF + k = 15, (4) binary representation + k = 5, and (5) TF-IDF + k = 5. As in the previous team, none of the five runs developed by this team tackled the challenges posed by the multilingual nature of the dataset or the overlap between clusters. 9 https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.shtml 10 https://github.com/ehsansherkat/ConVec 121 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) – The PanMorCresp Team [14] submitted four runs based on the HAC algo- rithm. For all runs, the files with the plain text version of the search result are used. For each query, vector representations of the text are generated independently. The text is split into tokens on blank characters. The tokens are lowercased. Some runs use additional token normalization. Next, words that occur only once in the collection are removed. After creating the vocabu- lary, binary document vectors are created, indicating the presence or absence of words in a document. The cosine similarity is used to compute similari- ties between document vectors. None of the runs use any translation or other language-specific decisions. None of the runs try to detect non-related search results. The four runs then investigate the effect of other typical choices one has to make when employing HAC. First, token normalization. Run 3 and Run 4 eliminate punctuation. Second, which words to use in the vocabulary; besides effectiveness, computational efficiency plays a role here. Run 1 and Run 2 include the 4,000 most frequent terms. Run 3 and Run 4 remove stop words and include the 7,500 most frequent remaining terms. Third, how to compute cluster similarities. Run 1 uses complete linkage, Run 2 uses the average similarity between documents in both clusters, and Run 3 and Run 4 use single linkage. Fourth, how to define the stopping criterion. Run 1 makes the stopping criterion depend on the query. It computes the average similar- ity between documents and divides this by a factor n. On the training set, this parameter was tuned to n = 2. Run 2, Run 3, and Run 4 use a global stopping criterion. Run 2 and Run 3 tune a minimal similarity threshold on the training corpus. For Run 3 the resulting threshold was 0.65; for Run 2 it is not given. Run 4 uses an exact number of clusters as a stopping criterion. 6 Results and Discussion We produced two different rankings of the participants after evaluating all the submissions: – Evaluation results by not considering the Not Related results. This means that all the results of this kind and the corresponding cluster were not taken into account. – Evaluation results considering all web results. This means that all the results and the clusters were taken into account. Table 3 shows the results without considering Not Related results in the evaluation, whereas Table 4 shows the results considering all the pages. Both tables contain two baselines ONE IN ONE and ALL IN ONE. ONE IN ONE returns each search result as a singleton cluster, while ALL IN ONE returns only one cluster that includes all the search results. Note that these baselines are independent of the document representation. The results obtained by the ATMC UNED team runs overcome the results obtained by the baselines and the rest of the participants, showing the potential of the ATC and ATMC algorithms over the rest, particularly HAC algorithms. 122 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Table 3. Evaluation results not considering Not Related results. System and run number R S F0.5 ATMC UNED - run 3 0.80 0.84 0.81 ATMC UNED - run 4 0.79 0.85 0.81 ATMC UNED - run 2 0.82 0.79 0.80 ATMC UNED - run 1 0.79 0.83 0.79 LSI UNED - run 3 0.59 0.85 0.61 LSI UNED - run 4 0.74 0.71 0.61 LSI UNED - run 2 0.52 0.93 0.58 LSI UNED - run 5 0.52 0.92 0.5 PanMonCresp Team - run 4 0.53 0.87 0.57 LSI UNED - run 1 0.49 0.97 0.56 Baseline - ALL-IN-ONE 0.47 0.99 0.54 Loz Team - run 3 0.57 0.71 0.52 Loz Team - run 5 0.51 0.83 0.52 Loz Team - run 2 0.55 0.65 0.50 Loz Team - run 4 0.50 0.81 0.50 PanMorCresp Team - run 3 0.53 0.82 0.47 Loz Team - run 1 0.50 0.76 0.46 PanMorCresp Team - run 1 0.80 0.51 0.43 Baseline - ONE-IN-ONE 1.0 0.32 0.42 PanMorCresp Team - run 2 0.50 0.65 0.41 The results obtained by all their runs are quite similar. However, Run 1 uses features from the original content of the web pages and gets worse results with respect to Run 2 and Run 3, which use a machine translation tool. Run 4 com- pares the web pages written in different language with their comparable features and gets similar results than Run 2 and Run 3 without the need of translation resources. The main advantage of this last approach is that it avoids additional preprocessing steps dedicated to translating the web pages, which is desirable in problems which have to be solved in real time. The ATMC UNED team has not proposed any method to group not related web pages, so their Sensitivity and the F-measure results are worse when considering them in the evaluation. The results obtained by the LSI UNED team overcome the results obtained by the baselines but are lower than results obtained by the ATMC UNED team. Going into detail, using all the words in the documents (Run 5) is under the run that only considers named entities and uses the same threshold (Run 2). This implies that the addition of all the possible words in the documents introduces more noise than valuable information. On the other hand, in general, if using named entities and increasing the threshold value, the Reliability increases while the Sensibility decreases. Finally, considering all web pages can be seen as a more difficult task, but the number of unrelated web pages in the corpus is small 123 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Table 4. Evaluation results considering all the pages. System and run number R S F0.5 ATMC UNED - run 3 0.79 0.74 0.75 ATMC UNED - run 4 0.78 0.75 0.75 ATMC UNED - run 1 0.78 0.73 0.74 ATMC UNED - run 2 0.82 0.69 0.73 LSI UNED - run 3 0.59 0.81 0.60 LSI UNED - run 2 0.52 0.92 0.59 LSI UNED - run 5 0.52 0.90 0.59 LSI UNED - run 1 0.49 0.97 0.58 LSI UNED - run 4 0.74 0.66 0.58 Loz Team - run 1 0.49 0.73 0.58 PanMorCresp Team - run 4 0.52 0.86 0.58 Baseline - ALL-IN-ONE 0.47 1.0 0.56 Loz Team - run 5 0.50 0.80 0.54 Loz Team - run 3 0.56 0.66 0.53 Loz Team - run 4 0.49 0.78 0.52 Loz Team - run 2 0.54 0.61 0.50 PanMorCresp Team - run 3 0.53 0.81 0.50 PanMorCresp Team - run 2 0.49 0.62 0.43 PanMorCresp Team - run 1 0.79 0.46 0.40 Baseline - ONE-IN-ONE 1.0 0.25 0.36 and hence the results are quite similar between these two settings which use a threshold-based clustering approach. The PanMorCresp Team Run 1 and Run 2 perform about equally well re- gardless of whether or not related pages are taken into account in the evaluation. Run 1 achieves good Reliability, which fits well with the fact that complete link- age was used. This comes at the cost of a low Sensitivity. For Run 2, the picture is reversed. Run 3 and Run 4 obtain a higher score than Run 1 and Run 2. Punctuation removal, stop word removal and the larger vocabulary may play a role in this. In addition, HAC single linkage was used in both of these runs. Run 4 is the best of the PanMorCresp Team runs; the only difference with regard to Run 3 is that it uses a fixed number of clusters (9) as a stopping criterion. The score of Run 4 beats both baselines and is on par with scores obtained with the other approaches save the scores obtained by the ATMC UNED runs. Out of the five runs submitted by the Loz Team, only Run 1 managed to outperform the ALL-IN-ONE baseline. The rest of the runs only managed to outperform the ONE-IN-ONE baseline, performing worse than the ALL-IN-ONE baseline. One of the main reasons why these approaches did not perform as well may be due to the fact that the multilingualism and overlaps between clusters have not been considered, posing a significant limitation for this task. Their best performing approach (Run 1) uses a weighted representation of words, which 124 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) shows that considering the frequency of words in documents leads to better performance than the sole use of a binary representation capturing the presence or not of words as well as TD-IDF. They also found that considering five clusters as the stopping criterion, instead of 15, leads to an increased Sensitivity score, which is however at the expense of a little drop in Reliability. 7 Conclusions The M-WePNaD shared task on Multilingual Web Person Name Disambiguation took place as part of the IberEval 2017 evaluation campaign. This shared task was the first to consider multilingualism in the person name disambiguation problem, following a series of WePS shared tasks where the corpora were limited to documents in English. The M-WePNaD shared task provided the opportunity for researchers to test their systems on a benchmark dataset and shared task, enabling comparison with one another. Despite a larger number of teams registering initially for the task, four of them managed to submit results on time, amounting to 18 different submissions. Only two of the four participants, namely the champions and the runners-up, made use of more sophisticated clustering algorithms, whereas the other two relied on the Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) algorithm. Only one of the teams presented an approach that does not require any prior knowledge to fix thresholds, which came from the team that qualified in the top position. We argue that this is a desirable characteristic for web page clustering, owing to the heterogeneous nature of the Web, which poses an additional challenge for learning generalizable patterns. With respect to the approaches used for web page representation, most of the teams relied on traditional techniques based on bag-of-words and vector space models, with the exception of the runners-up, who used word embeddings. While the novel aspect proposed in this shared task has been the multilin- gual nature of the dataset, only one team has proposed approaches that explic- itly tackles multilingualism, ATMC UNED, particularly it has explored three approaches. The results obtained for these approaches slightly outperform the one that does not consider multilingualism. On the other hand, the dataset also included web pages from social media, unlike in previous shared tasks. However, only one of the teams, ATMC UNED, has taken this into account when devel- oping their system. None of the systems has dealt with unrelated results and overlapping clusters. Acknowledgments This work has been part-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Inno- vation (MAMTRA-MED Project, TIN2016-77820-C3-2-R and MED-RECORD Project, TIN2013-46616-C2-2-R). 125 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) References 1. J. Artiles, J. Gonzalo and S. Sekine. (2007). The SemEval-2007 WePS Evalua- tion: Establishing a Benchmark for the Web People Search Task. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007), pages 64–69, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2007. Association for Computational Linguistics. 2. J. Artiles, J. Gonzalo and S. Sekine. (2009) Weps 2 Evaluation Campaign: Overview of the Web People Search Clustering Task. In 2nd Web People Search Evaluation Workshop (WePS 2009), 18th WWW Conference, 2009. 3. J. Artiles, A. Borthwick, J. Gonzalo, S. Sekine and E. 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