=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/Overview5 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the Task on Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Overview5.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Mariona Taulé,María Antònia Martí,Francisco Rangel,Paolo Rosso,Cristina Bosco,Viviana Patti |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/TauleMRRBP17 }} ==Overview of the Task on Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Overview5.pdf
  Overview of the Task on Stance and Gender
Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence at
                IberEval 2017

    Mariona Taulé1 , M. Antònia Martı́1 , Francisco Rangel2,3 , Paolo Rosso2 ,
                      Cristina Bosco4 , and Viviana Patti4
                 CLiC-UBICS, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
         PRHLT Research Center, Universitat Politécnica de València, Spain
                        Autoritas Consulting, S.A., Spain
                     Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy

       Abstract. Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Inde-
       pendence (StanceCat) is a new shared task proposed for the first time at
       the IberEval 2017 evaluation campaign. The automatic natural language
       systems presented must detect the tweeter stance (in favor, against or
       neutral) towards the target independence of Catalonia in Twitter mes-
       sages written in Spanish or Catalan, as weel as the author’s gender if
       possible. We have received a total of 31 submitted runs from 10 differ-
       ent teams from 5 countries. We present here the datasets, which include
       annotations for dealing with stance and gender, the evaluation method-
       ology, and discuss results and participating systems.

Keywords: Stance detection, Twitter, Spanish, Catalan, Gender identification

1    Introduction

The aim of the task of Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan In-
dependence at IberEval 2017 (StanceCat) is to detect the author’s gender and
stance with respect to the independence of Catalonia in tweets written in Spanish
or Catalan. Classical sentiment analysis tasks carried out in recent years in eval-
uation campaigns for different languages have mostly involved the detection of
the subjectivity and polarity of microblogs at the message level, i.e. determining
whether a tweet is subjective or not, and, if subjective, determining its positive
or negative semantic orientation. However, comments and opinions are usually
directed towards a specific target or issue, and therefore give rise to finer-grained
tasks such as stance detection, in which the focus is on detecting what particular
stance (in favor, against or neutral) a user takes with respect to a specific target.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

             Stance detection is related to sentiment analysis, but there are significant
         differences, as is stressed in [9]: in sentiment analysis, the systems detect whether
         the sentiment polarity of a text is positive, negative or neutral, while in stance
         detection, the systems detect whether a given text is favorable or unfavorable
         to a given target, which may or may not be explicitly mentioned in the text.
         Stance detection is particularly interesting for studying political debates in which
         the topic is controversial. Therefore, for this task we have chosen to focus on a
         specific political target: the independence of Catalonia [5]. The stance detection
         task is also related to a textual inference task due to the fact that the position of
         the tweeter is often expressed implicitly, therefore, the stance has to be inferred
         in many cases. See, for instance, the following tweet (1).

          1. Language: Catalan
             Target: Catalan Independence
             Stance: FAVOR
             Tweet: Avui #27S2015 tot està per fer... Un nou paı́s és possible k*kA les urnes...
             #27S http://t.co/ls2nkRWt2b
             Today #27S2015 the future is ours to make... A new country is possible k*k
             Get out and vote... #27S http://t.co/ls2nkRWt2b
             (where k*kstands for the Catalan Independence flag).

             Stance detection and author profiling tasks on microblogging texts are cur-
         rently being carried out in several evaluation forums, including SemEval-2016
         (Task-6) [9] and PAN@CLEF [12]. However, these two tasks have never been
         performed together for Spanish and Catalan as part of one single task. The re-
         sults obtained will be of interest not only for sentiment analysis but also for
         author profiling and for socio-political studies.

         2    Task description

         The StanceCat Task includes two subtasks that are meant to be independent,
         namely stance detection and the identification of the gender of the author. More-
         over, the participation of each team in each subtask can be for one or both
         languages involved in the contest, i.e. Spanish and Catalan.
             As far as the stance detection subtask is concerned, providing that the ref-
         erence data have been filtered with hashtags and keywords related to a specific
         topic, i.e. the independence of Catalonia, it consists of deciding whether each
         message is neutral or oriented in favor of or against the given target. The three
         labels representing the stance of the author in writing the message are mutually
             The second task consists of identifying the gender of the author of each
         message and thus labeling it as male or female, as mutually exclusive labels.
         Section 3.2 provides further explanation and examples about the labels included
         in the annotation scheme applied to the dataset.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

             The distribution of the labels (shown in Table 2) for gender in both the
         training and test sets: half of the data are produced by female authors and the
         other half by males. In contrast, the distribution of the labels for stance is not
         balanced. Also the participation varies according to the subtask given that not
         all the teams took part in the gender classification task but all tackled the stance
         detection task.
             Based on the experience of previous contests, different metrics were adopted
         for the different subtasks (see section 4) and different rankings of the participants
         scores were generated for the evaluation of each subtask.
             As far as the language is concerned, half of the data are in Spanish and
         the other half in Catalan and each of the previously described subtasks had
         to be performed separately for Spanish and Catalan. Each team could decide
         to perform the task for a single language or for both. Given that most teams
         performed the selected subtasks in both Spanish and Catalan, an evaluation
         of performance across the two different languages was done, showing relevant
         differences in scores.

         3     Development and Test Data
         3.1    Corpus Description
         As usual in the last few years in debates on social and political topics, the
         discussion on Catalan separatism involved a massive use of social media by users
         interested in the discussion. In order to draw attention to the related issues, as
         also happens with commercial products and political elections, users created new
         hashtags to give greater visibility to information and opinions on the subject.
             Among them #Independencia and #27S are two of the hashtags that have
         been widely accepted with the dialogical and social context growing around
         the topic, and were widely used within the debate. At the current stage of the
         development of our project we exploited the hashtag #Independencia and #27S
         as the first two keywords for filtering data to be included in the TW-CaSe corpus.
         We selected the #27S hashtag because on that date the autonomy elections
         of Catalonia were celebrated, and were considered as a plebiscite by the pro-
         independence parties. The hashtag #Independencia and #27S allowed us to
         select 10,800 original messages -5,400 written in Catalan (TW-CaSe-ca) and
         5,400 tweets written in Spanish (TW-CaSe-es)- collected between the end of
         September and December 2015 and were also largely retweeted5 . Half of the
         tweets in each language were written by female authors and half by male authors.

         3.2    Annotation Scheme
         This section describes the scheme adopted for the annotation of the TW-CaSe
         corpus with the author’s stance and gender.
             The dataset was collected with the Cosmos tool by Autoritas (http://www.
             autoritas.net) and it was annotated by the CLiC group at the University of
             Barcelona (http://clic.ub.edu)

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         In order to annotate the stance, we use the following tags adopting the annota-
         tion scheme proposed in [5] and [9]:

          – FAVOR: positive stance towards the independence of Catalonia (2).
          – AGAINST: negative stance towards the independence of Catalonia (3).
          – NONE: neutral stance towards the independence of Catalonia and cases in
            which the stance cannot be inferred (4).

            The possible gender labels are: FEMALE (2) and MALE (3).These tags were
         automatically extracted from proper nouns dictionaries (INE6 ) and manually
         reviewed to remove ambiguous names. The following are examples of tweets
         labelled for both the author’s stance and gender in both languages.

          2. Language: Catalan
              Target: Catalan Independence
              Stance: FAVOR
              Gender: FEMALE
              Tweet: 15 diplomàtics internacional observen les plebiscitàries, serà que inter-
              essen a tothom menys a Espanya #27S
              ’15 international diplomats observe the plebiscite, perhaps it is of interest to ev-
              erybody except to Spain #27S2015’

          3. Language: Spanish
              Target: Catalan Independence
              Stance: AGAINST
              Gender: MALE
              Tweet: #27S cuál fue la diferencia en 2012 entre los resultados de la encuesta de
              TV3 y resultados finales? Nos servirı́a para hacernos una idea
              (In 2012, what was the difference between the results of the TV3 poll and the final
              results? That would give us an idea)

          4. Language: Catalan
              Target: Catalan Independence
              Stance: NONE
              Gender: MALE
              Tweet: 100% escrutat a Arbúcies #27S http://t.co/avMzng6iyV
              (100% of votes counted in Arbúcies #27s http://t.co/avMzng6iyV)


Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         Although tweets are very short pieces of text, they tend to be complex in their in-
         ternal structure and often contain considerable informational content. It should
         be pointed out that for the annotation of stance we took into account all the
         information appearing in the written text (including emoticons), as well as the
         information concerning some other user mentioned and hashtags. The mentioned
         users are identified with the symbol @, and they are also known as mentions;
         hashtags are semantic labels (introduced with #), which are important for un-
         derstanding the tweet, and often denote the content highlighted by the author.
             It is worth noting that hashtags, like mentions, can appear in any position
         within the text playing a syntactic-semantic role within a tweet.
             We consider that all of these components play a role in the interpretation
         of the whole tweet and we took them into account in the annotation of stance.
         However, links -web addresses including photographs, videos and webpages- are
         also very useful for interpreting the stance, and are especially relevant for the
         interpretation of ironical tweets, but in this version of the corpus we did not
         take them into account since the automatic systems do not do so. It is worth
         noting that we are currently working on a new version of the TW-CaSe corpus
         in which irony and humor are also being annotated, as well as information on
         the role played by links in the tweet.

         3.3    Annotation procedure

         In this section, we present the methodology applied in the annotation of tweets,
         the results of the inter-annotator agreement test carried out and, finally, we
         analyse the different sources of disagreement.
             Three trained annotators, supervised by two senior researchers, carried out
         the whole manual annotation of TW-CaSe. The annotation process was per-
         formed in the following way: 1) First, the three trained annotators tagged the
         stance in 500 tweets in Catalan and 500 tweets in Spanish working in parallel and
         following the guidelines [5]. 2) We then conducted an inter-annotator agreement
         test on the 500 tweets tagged in each language in order to test the validity of this
         annotation (see Table 1), and to detect and solve the disagreements and possible
         inconsistencies. 3) Finally, the annotators went on to annotate the whole corpus
         individually. During the annotation process, we met once a week to discuss prob-
         lematic cases, which were discussed by all the people involved in the annotation
         process and solved by common consensus.
             Table 1 presents the pairwise and average agreement percentages obtained
         in the inter-annotator agreement test in TW-CaSe-ca and TW-CaSe-es. In the
         first four rows (2-5), we show the result of the observed agreement for each
         pair of annotators (pairwise agreement) and the average agreement (79.26% in
         TW-CaSe-ca and 78.4% in TW-CaSe-es). The last row shows the Fleiss’ Kappa
         coefficient (0.60 in both subcorpora). The results obtained show a moderate
         agreement, demonstrating the complexity of the task. The annotation of the
         corpus was completed in 16 weeks.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                          Table 1. Results of the inter-annotator agreement test

                              Annotator pairs          Pairwise agreement
                                                     TW-CaSe-ca TW-CaSe-es
                              A-B                        75.78%            76.40%
                              A-C                        79.54%            77.80%
                              B-C                        82.46%             81%
                              Average agreement          79.26%            78.40%
                              Fleiss’ Kappa                0.60              0.60

             Regarding disagreements, the most problematic cases in the annotation of
         stance arise when the authors communicative intentions are not clear. For in-
         stance, one annotator tagged tweet (5) as being AGAINST independence, prob-
         ably influenced by the language used in the tweet (Spanish), whereas the other
         two annotators tagged it as NONE. However, after collectively discussing this
         case, we agreed to tag the tweet (5) with the NONE stance, because it was not
         clear enough to which flag (Spanish or Catalan) the writer was referring to.

          5. Language: Spanish
             Target: Catalan Independence
             Stance: NONE
             Gender: MALE
             Tweet: #27s voy a denunciar a todo aquel q me siga insultando usando ls red. Yo
             no soy imbcil, ni mi bandera es n trapo
             (#27s I’m going to denounce anyone who continues to insult me using the web.
             Im not stupid, neither my flag is a rag)

          6. Language: Catalan
             Target: Catalan Independence
             Stance: NONE
             Gender: MALE
             Tweet: La @cupnacional t la clau de Matrix
             (The @cupnacional has the key of Matrix

             The same problem occurs with tweet (6), in which each annotator assigned
         a different tag for stance. This is an example of total disagreement. In the end,
         it was also annotated as NONE since the stance could not be clearly inferred.
         The cases in which the disagreement was total, we tended to assign the neutral
         NONE tag.
             This is domain dependent information and the annotators knowledge of the
         domain is therefore crucial. Frequently, the annotators have to infer the stance

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         and, for doing this inference, they need to know the socio-political context and
         the social agents involved in the debate, in our case, about Catalan independence,
         which is not always true for all annotators.

         3.4     Format and Distribution

         We provided participants with a single development set for training, which con-
         sists of a collection of 4, 319 tweets in Spanish and 4, 319 tweets in Catalan, with
         annotations concerning the two subtasks: stance detection and identification of
         gender. For each language, we distributed two files: the first one includes tweets’
         IDs and textual contents. The data format is as follows: id ::: contents; the sec-
         ond one includes the truth labels for the two tasks. For the truth files the data
         format is id ::: stance ::: gender (see Section 3.2 for a description of the possible
         labels). The language was encoded in the file name.
             The test data consist of 1, 081 tweets in Spanish and 1, 081 tweets in Catalan
         in the same format: id ::: contents. Participants therefore did not need to detect
         the language. Tweets were provided to the participants in two independent files
         per language, as in the training set. The blind version of the test data did not
         include the truth files7 .
             The distribution in training and testing sets of the data exploited for the
         stance subtask is balanced in an 80/20 proportion: 80% for training and 20% for
         testing. The distribution in both training and test data for stance, gender and
         language is given in Table 2.

                     Table 2. Distribution of labels for stance, gender and language

                       FEMALE               MALE        total dataset
                 1,456 57      646   1,192 74     894   4,319 training
                 365   14      162   298   18     224   1,081 test
                 145   693     1,322 190   753    1,216 4,319 training
                 36    173     331   48    188    305   1,081 test

         4     Evaluation Metrics

         The evaluation was performed according to standard metrics. In particular, we
         used the macro-average of F -score (FAVOR) and F -score (AGAINST) to eval-
         uate stance, in accordance with the metric proposed at Semeval 2016 - Task
             Data will be available for downloading at the following address: http://stel.ub.
             edu/Stance-IberEval2017/data.html. In the first stage access has been restricted
             to participants registered for the task. To acces the dataset, ask for the password by
             emailing to stancetask2017@gmail.com.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         68 . Gender was evaluated in terms of accuracy, in accordance with the metrics
         proposed at the Author Profiling task at PAN@CLEF9 .
              Four different rankings are shown depending on the subtask and language.
         Concretely, stance ranking for Spanish and Catalan, and gender ranking for
         Spanish and Catalan. Two baselines are provided for comparison purposes: A
         random basis approach that returns the majority class, and the Low Dimen-
         sionality Representation (LDR) [11] approach. The key concept of LDR is a
         weight representing the probability of each term to belong to each of the dif-
         ferent categories: for stance (in favor vs. against) and gender (female vs. male).
         The distribution of weights for a given document should be close to the weights
         of its corresponding category. LDR takes advantage of the whole vocabulary.
         However, in order to work properly, it needs a sufficient amount of information
         per author.

         5     Overview of the Submitted Approaches

         Ten teams from five countries participated in the shared task by sending up
         to thirty-one runs. Table 3 provides an overview of the teams, their country of
         origin (C) and the tasks they took part in, i.e. stance (S) and gender (G) for the
         two languages: Spanish (ES) and Catalan (CA).

                       Table 3. Teams participating to StanceCat at IberEval 2017

                           Team                     C            Tasks
                           ARA1337 [1]              ES           S(ES,CA)
                           ATeam [14]               ES           S(ES,CA)
                           atoppe [2]               CH           S(ES,CA)
                           deepCybErNet [10]        India        S(ES,CA), G(ES,CA)
                           ELiRF-UPV [7]            ES           S(ES), G(ES)
                           iTACOS [8]               IT,ES        S(ES,CA), G(ES,CA)
                           LaSTUS [4]               ES           S(ES,CA), G(ES,CA)
                           LTL UNI DUE [15]         DE           S(ES,CA)
                           LTRC IIITH [13]          India        S(ES,CA), G(ES,CA)
                           LuSer [6]                ES           S(ES,CA)

            All the teams participated in the stance subtask in Spanish and nine of them
         in Catalan. Four teams participated in the gender subtask, both in Catalan and
         Spanish, whereas only one team participated in the gender subtask in Spanish.
         Eight teams sent a description of their systems, and used only the training data
         provided for the task. In what follows, we analyse their approaches from two

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         perspectives: classification approaches, and features to represent the authors’
             Classification approaches. Most participants used SVM: i) ltl uni due, which
         also applied LSTM and a hybrid system that decides with a decision tree which
         algorithm to apply; ii) iTACOS, which also experimented with logistic regression,
         decision trees, random forest and multinomial NB; iii) ARA1337 and ELiRF-
         UPV, which also used neural networks; and iv) LTRC IIITH, which used RBF
         kernels. Neural networks and deep learning approaches were widely used by par-
         ticipants such as ltl uni due (LSTM), ARA1337, ELiRF-UPV, LuSer (multilayer
         perceptron), and atoppe (CNN, LSTM, MLP, FASTTEXT, KIM and BI-LSTM).
             Features. Both n-grams and embeddings are the most used features. Teams
         using SVM represented texts with n-gram based approaches, whereas teams us-
         ing different kinds of deep approaches basically used word embeddings. For in-
         stance, ltl uni due used combinations of word and character n-grams with SVM
         and word embeddings with LSTM. LTRC IIITH used character and word n-
         grams with SVM, as well as specific stance and gender indicative tokens. In con-
         trast, teams using deep approaches represented texts with bag-of-words embed-
         dings (deepCybErNet), and word and n-gram embeddings (atoppe). ELiRF-UPV
         used one-hot vectors to train its networks. Other teams used neural networks as
         classification algorithms, but with features such as word, tokens and hashtags
         unigrams (ARA1337 ) or bag of n-grams (LuSer). Finally, iTACOS combined
         bag of words with bag of part-of-speech, bag of lemmas, bag of hashtags, bag
         of words in hashtags and mentions, char n-grams, number of hashtags, num-
         ber of words starting with capital letter, language, number of words, number of
         characters, average word length, and bag of words extracted from urls.

         6     Evaluation and Discussion of the Submitted
         We evaluated both subtasks (stance and gender) independently. We show results
         separately for the evaluation of each subtask and for each language. Results are
         given in F -score in case of stance and accuracy in case of gender.

         6.1    Stance Subtask
         Ten teams participated in the Spanish subtask, presenting thirty-one runs, and
         nine teams participated in the Catalan subtask, presenting twenty nine runs. In
         Table 4, the F -scores achieved by all runs are shown, as well as the two baselines.
         At the bottom of the table some basic statistics are provided: minimum (min),
         maximum (max), mean, median, standard deviation (stdev), first quartile (q1)
         and third quartile (q3).
             In the Catalan subtask, the majority of the runs (29 out of 31) obtained worse
         results than the majority class prediction (F -score 0.4882). The only runs that
         improved majority class prediction belong to the same team (iTACOS ) with an
         F -score of 0.4901 and 0.4885. They approached the task with different machine

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         learning algorithms such as SVM, logistic regression or decision trees, among
         others, with combinations of different kinds of features (bag of words, bag of
         parts-of-speech, n-grams) and stylistic features (word length, number of words,
         number of hashtags, number of words starting with capital letters, and so on).
         The worst results were obtained with deep learning approaches, with F -scores
         between 0.2710 (attope.1 ) and 0.3790 (deepCybErNet.2 ).

             In the Spanish subtask, twelve runs obtained better results than the major-
         ity class baseline (0.4479). The best result was also obtained by the iTACOS
         team, with an F -score of 0.4888. The next best results were obtained by differ-
         ent runs of LTRC IIITH (0.4679 and 0.4640) and ELIRF-UPV (0.4637). While
         LTRC IIITH used SVM learning from character and word n-grams besides spe-
         cific stance features, ELIRF-UPV used neural networks and SVM with one-hot
         vectors and bag-of-words. The worst results were obtained by the attope team
         with word embeddings and combinations of neural networks models (between
         0.1906 and 0.2466).

                      Fig. 1. Distribution of results (F -score) for the stance subtask.

             As can be seen in Figure 1, results are similar for mean, max and q3 statistics
         for both languages, although they are more sparse for Spanish and have lower
         values for the worst systems. Results for Catalan are between 0.4901 and 0.2710,
         with an average value of 0.4053. Results for Spanish are between 0.4888 and
         0.1906, with an average value of 0.3843.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                Table 4. Evaluation results for Stance in Catalan and Spanish (F -score).

                          Catalan                                               Spanish
         Position Team.Run                        F            Position Team.Run                        F
                1 iTACOS.2                0.4901                      1 iTACOS.1                0.4888
                2 iTACOS.1                0.4885                      2 LTRC IIITH.system1 0.4679
                3 majority class.baseline 0.4882                      3 LTRC IIITH.system4 0.4640
                4 iTACOS.3                0.4685                      4 ELIRF-UPV.1             0.4637
                5 LTRC IIITH.system1 0.4675                           5 ELIRF-UPV.2             0.4637
                6 ARA1337.s1              0.4659                      6 UPF-LaSTUS.1            0.4600
                7 ARA1337.s2              0.4511                      7 iTACOS.2                0.4593
                8 iTACOS.4                0.4490                      8 LTRC IIITH.system2 0.4566
                9 iTACOS.5                0.4484                      9 LTRC IIITH.system3 0.4552
               10 ATeam.systemid          0.4439                     10 LTRC IIITH.system5 0.4544
               11 LTRC IIITH.system3 0.4393                          11 ARA1337.s1              0.4530
               12 LTRC IIITH.system4 0.4388                          12 iTACOS.3                0.4528
               13 LDR.baseline            0.4375                     13 majority class.baseline 0.4479
               14 LTL UNI DUE.hybrid 0.4246                          14 iTACOS.4                0.4427
               15 LTL UNI DUE.svm         0.4233                     15 LTL UNI DUE.hybrid 0.4347
               16 LTRC IIITH.system2 0.4233                          16 LTL UNI DUE.svm         0.4314
               17 LTRC IIITH.system5 0.4165                          17 ARA1337.s2              0.4313
               18 UPF-LaSTUS.2            0.3955                     18 iTACOS.5                0.4293
               19 UPF-LaSTUS.1            0.3949                     19 LDR.baseline            0.4135
               20 UPF-LaSTUS.3            0.3938                     20 LuSer.1                 0.4060
               21 LuSer.1                 0.3909                     21 ATeam.systemid          0.3914
               22 UPF-LaSTUS.4            0.3854                     22 UPF-LaSTUS.4            0.3812
               23 deepCybErNet.2          0.3790                     23 UPF-LaSTUS.2            0.3795
               24 LTL UNI DUE.lstm        0.3726                     24 deepCybErNet.3          0.3066
               25 deepCybErNet.1          0.3603                     25 deepCybErNet.2          0.3042
               26 attope.2                0.3310                     26 deepCybErNet.1          0.2849
               27 deepCybErNet.3          0.3257                     27 LTL UNI DUE.lstm        0.2759
               28 attope.5                0.3120                     28 UPF-LaSTUS.3            0.2505
               29 attope.3                0.2970                     29 attope.5                0.2466
               30 attope.4                0.2910                     30 attope.4                0.2438
               31 attope.1                0.2710                     31 attope.3                0.2426
               32 ELIRF-UPV.1                -                       32 attope.2                0.2074
               33 ELIRF-UPV.2                -                       33 attope.1                0.1906

                   min                         0.2710                    min                         0.1906
                   q1                          0.3758                    q1                          0.3042
                   median                      0.4233                    median                      0.4313
                   mean                        0.4053                    mean                        0.3843
                   stdev                       0.0612                    stdev                       0.0919
                   q3                          0.4487                    q3                          0.4552
                   max                         0.4901                    max                         0.4888

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

             LDR obtained worst results than the majority class prediction. Since this
         task was focused on the tweet level instead of the author level, these low results
         might be expected due to the need of LDR for a large amount of data per
         author in order to normalise frequency distributions. Something similar might
         have happened with deep learning approaches that need large amounts of data
         to learn the models. However, the provided dataset is small and biased towards
         a majority class.

         6.2    Gender Subtask

         Five teams participated in the Spanish subtask, presenting nineteen runs, and
         four teams in the Catalan subtask, presenting seventeen runs. In Table 5 the
         accuracies achieved by all runs are shown, together with the two baselines. At
         the bottom of the table some basic statistics are also provided: minimum (min),
         maximum (max), mean, median, standard deviation (stdev), first quartile (q1)
         and third quartile (q3).
             In the Catalan subtask, all the runs (19) obtained worse results than the
         majority class (0.5005) and LDR predictions (0.6068). The best results were ob-
         tained by deepCybErNet (0.4857, 0.4829 and 0.4653) and LTRC IIITH (0.4459
         and 0.4440). They used SVM with combinations of char and word n-grams to-
         gether with specific gender indicators, and deep learning methods respectively.
         The worst results were obtained by UPF-LaSTUS (0.3571 and 0.4043) and iTA-
         COS (0.3996 and 0.3987). iTACOS used different machine learning algorithms
         with a combination of different bags of features, and UPF-LaSTUS did not pro-
         vided a description of their system.
             In the Spanish subtask, most runs obtained better results than the majory
         class prediction, although they were below LDR. The best results were obtained
         by LTRC IIITH (between 0.6485 and 0.6401) and iTACOS (between 0.6161 and
         0.6124). The worst results were obtained by deepCybErNet (0.4764, 0.4903 and
         0.5014). It is noteworthy that the latter team obtained the best results in Catalan
         but the worst in Spanish. However, the obtained accuracies were similar (0.4857,
         0.4829, 0.4656 vs. 0.5014, 0.4903, 0.4764) for both languages. This demonstrates
         the stability of this system when applied to different datasets.
             As can be seen in Figure 2, results for Catalan are less sparse than for Spanish,
         though all of them are below the majority class and have an average accuracy of
         0.4459. There are three outliers corresponding from above to LDR (0.6068) and
         majority class (0.5050), and from below to UPF-LaSTUS (0.3571). Most results
         for Spanish are between 0.5495 and 0.6448, with an average accuracy of 0.5935.
         The maximum value of 0.6855 was obtained by ELIRF-UPV and the minimum
         of 0.4764 by deepCybErNet.
             LDR obtained the best result for Catalan and the second best result for
         Spanish, despite the low amount of data per author. The majority class pre-
         diction coincides with a random classification since the dataset is balanced in
         terms of gender. Deep learning approaches such as deepCybErNet maintained
         their stability, though with values below those of the majority class.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

              Table 5. Evaluation results for Gender in Catalan and Spanish (accuracy).

                            Catalan                                            Spanish
         Position Team.Run                    Accuracy Position Team.Run                          Accuracy
                1 LDR.baseline                  0.6068             1 ELIRF-UPV.1                   0.6855
                2 majority class.baseline       0.5005             2 LDR.baseline                  0.6550
                3 deepCybErNet.3                0.4857             3 LTRC IIITH.system1            0.6485
                4 deepCybErNet.2                0.4829             4 LTRC IIITH.system5            0.6457
                5 deepCybErNet.1                0.4653             5 LTRC IIITH.system3            0.6448
                6 LTRC IIITH.system3            0.4459             6 LTRC IIITH.system4            0.6448
                7 LTRC IIITH.system1            0.4440             7 LTRC IIITH.system2            0.6401
                8 LTRC IIITH.system4            0.4440             8 iTACOS.4                      0.6161
                9 UPF-LaSTUS.1                  0.4431             9 iTACOS.2                      0.6142
               10 UPF-LaSTUS.2                  0.4422            10 iTACOS.5                      0.6124
               11 iTACOS.5                      0.4329            11 UPF-LaSTUS.1                  0.6115
               12 LTRC IIITH.system2            0.4320            12 iTACOS.1                      0.6115
               13 LTRC IIITH.system5            0.4311            13 iTACOS.3                      0.6096
               14 iTACOS.2                      0.4292            14 ELIRF-UPV.2                   0.5874
               15 iTACOS.1                      0.4274            15 UPF-LaSTUS.4                  0.5865
               16 UPF-LaSTUS.3                  0.4043            16 UPF-LaSTUS.3                  0.5495
               17 iTACOS.4                      0.3996            17 UPF-LaSTUS.2                  0.5310
               18 iTACOS.3                      0.3987            18 deepCybErNet.3                0.5014
               19 UPF-LaSTUS.4                  0.3571            19 majority class.baseline       0.5005
               20 ELIRF-UPV.1                      -              20 deepCybErNet.2                0.4903
               21 ELIRF-UPV.2                      -              21 deepCybErNet.1                0.4764
               22 LTL UNI DUE.svm                  -              22 LTL UNI DUE.svm                  -
               23 LTL UNI DUE.lstm                 -              23 LTL UNI DUE.lstm                 -
               24 LTL UNI DUE.hybrid               -              24 LTL UNI DUE.hybrid               -
               25 ARA1337.s1                       -              25 ARA1337.s1                       -
               26 ARA1337.s2                       -              26 ARA1337.s2                       -
               27 ATeam.systemid                   -              27 ATeam.systemid                   -
               28 LuSer.1                          -              28 LuSer.1                          -
               29 attope.1                         -              29 attope.1                         -
               30 attope.2                         -              30 attope.2                         -
               31 attope.3                         -              31 attope.3                         -
               32 attope.4                         -              32 attope.4                         -
               33 attope.5                         -              33 attope.5                         -

                   min                          0.3571                min                          0.4764
                   q1                           0.4283                q1                           0.5495
                   median                       0.4422                median                       0.6115
                   mean                         0.4459                mean                         0.5935
                   stdev                        0.0513                stdev                        0.0613
                   q3                           0.4556                q3                           0.6448
                   max                          0.6068                max                          0.6855

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                     Fig. 2. Distribution of results (accuracy) for the gender subtask.

         6.3    Stance vs. Gender

         In this section the performance of the systems with respect to both subtasks is
         analysed together. The aim is to know whether systems performing properly in
         one subtask, do the same in the other one. The analysis is carried out separately
         per language.
             The results for Catalan are shown in Figure 3. In this language, results for
         gender were below the majority class and LDR. DeepCybErNet achieved the best
         results in gender identification, and the worst in stance. This team approached
         the task with deep learning techniques. On the other hand, systems that obtained
         some of the best results for stance (iTACOS.1, iTACOS.2 and iTACOS.3 ),
         obtained some of the worst results for gender. Systems such as UPF-LaSTUS.3
         and UPF-LaSTUS.4 obtained some of the worst results both for gender and
         stance. In this case, they did not provide a description of their system.
             The results for Spanish are shown in Figure 4. In this language, results for
         gender are higher than in Catalan, with most systems over the majority class
         baseline. There is a clearly observable trend for the systems that obtained better
         results for gender to do the same for stance. For example, ELIRF-UPV.1 ob-
         tained the best result for gender and the third position for stance. In this case,
         the authors approached the task with one-hot vectors and neural networks. Sim-
         ilarly, iTACOS.1 obtained the best result for stance, with a value on the median
         for gender, by using combinations of features and SVM. And finally, the group
         of results obtained by LTRC IIITH are some of the bests for both subtasks.
         They learned RBF kernels for SVM with combinations of character and word
         n-grams with indicative tokens per subtask. On the other hand, deepCybErNet
         and UPF-LasTUS obtained the worst results in both subtasks. There is no infor-

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         mation for UPF-LasTUS but deepCybErNet used different deep learning-based

                            Fig. 3. Stance vs. Gender performances for Catalan.

         6.4    Analysis of Error
         In this section we analyse errors in stance detection based on the author’s gender.
         We observed two kinds of errors: i) the participants interpreted a stance as being
         ”in favor” when the real value was ”against” (F ->A); and ii) the participants
         interpreted ”against” when it was actually ”in favor” (A ->F). We analyse the
         error rate for these two kinds of error depending on the gender of the author
         who wrote the tweet. As can be seen in Table 6, in both kinds of errors the rate
         is higher when the tweets were written by males. The greatest difference occurs
         with error A ->F in Catalan with a difference of more than 8%. In the case of
         Catalan, such differences are highly significant (p-value equal to 4.24 and 5.33
         respectively). In the case of Spanish, they are only significant when the type
         of error is F ->A (p-value equal to 2.16). In the case of error type A ->F, the
         results are only statistically different at level 0.05 (p-value equal to 1.38).
             In the case of Catalan, the A ->F error rate is higher, than in Spanish,
         where it is close to 2%. This may be due to a bias resulting from the difference
         in the number of tweets classified according to the sentiment expressed: there is

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                            Fig. 4. Stance vs. Gender performances for Spanish.

         a higher number of tweets in favor of independence written in Catalan, whereas
         there is a higher number of tweets against independence written in Spanish.

                       Table 6. Percentage of error types depending on the gender.

                                                Catalan              Spanish
                                Gender      F ->A      A ->F      F ->A      A ->F
                                Female      12.34%     41.38%     39.07%     1.66%
                                Male        14.48%     59.00%     43.28%     2.01%

            Tables 7 and 8 show tweets that were wrongly classified more often. The
         tables show five examples per gender, with females examples at the top, and
         males at the bottom. Taking into account the results shown in Table 6, we can
         say that it seems more difficult to detect stance for male tweets.
            Considering that the average agreement percentage obtained in the inter-
         annotator agreement test is moderate (around 79%), probably there exists a per-
         centage of inconsistency in the training sets, which could explain the moderate-
         low results obtained by the systems. Moreover, the analysis of the 40 tweets in
         Tables 7 and 8, namely those that were wrongly classified more often, does not

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         Table 7. Tweets more frequently misclassified in Catalan for both Females (top) and
         Males (bottom).

             %       Favor ->Against
          34.48%     Bastanta por em fa l’actitut de @InesArrimadas @CiudadanosCs De què
                     criden #libertat? #27S #Eleccions27S
          31.03%     ”@FinancialTimes: Independence parties win in Catalonia
                     http://t.co/pOmcTAG70b” @InesArrimadas Prou de mentides. Ha
                     guanyat el si. #27STV3
          27.59%     En quina nit electoral parlen els números 1, 4 i 5? I la Carme Forcadell i
                     la Muriel Casals? De floreros? #JuntsXsiLlistaCiutadana #27STV3
          27.59%     Els polı́tics diuen ”catalanes i catalans”, per què? No em sento exclosa en
                     el masculı́... Eufòria pels resultats! #llengua #27S
          27.59%     El Sı́ no ha estat aclaparador. Em sap greu de debó perquè ho desitjava,
                     però la victòria que celebra @JuntsPelSi no és tal... I ara? #27S
          27.59%     Bon dia Catalunya! ll*ll #27s #votar #araeslhora de @srta borrat.
                     Opina a: http://t.co/8WK4JrTOqj http://t.co/Siqnqvz01G
          24.14%     @Bioleg @JuntsPelSi @cupnacional #hovolemtot
          20.69%     Bon article d’@eduardvoltas resumint el #27S: Gran victòria
                     independentista http://t.co/e5vlcc8W9z
          20.69%     Bon dia, #catalunya. Com ho duis? #27S #27SCatRàdio #27S2015
          20.69%     Bufen nous vents!! #catalunya #27S #muntanya #montaña #mountain
                     #trekking #ig catalonia... https://t.co/XEVU11L1ae

             %       Against ->Favor
          79.31%     #27S ???????? No volem independència. Visca Catalunya i visca Espanya
          68.97%     #27S Unió té un problema, i es diu 3%. Au va!!!
          62.07%     #Eleccions27S ERC + CiU perden 9 diputats i amb tot el suport
                     mediàtic i el bombo i plateret d’aquests dies #QuinExit!
          55.17%     Escoltar els crits ”Cataluña es España” de Ciutadans i que se’m posi la
                     pell de gallina #NO #independència
          55.17%     Gràcies @JuntsPelSi pel resultat de @CiudadanosCs . Sou uns cracks!
                     #eleccionescatalanas #27S
          82.76%     Avui més que mai, Catalunya és Espanya. #27S
                     PETONET, IMBÈCILS!! #27S #GuanyemJunts
          82.76%     Catalans!!! Heu de follar més i votar menys!! #FollemJunts #27S
                     #GuanyemJunts http://t.co/RZM3cUIsCU
          82.76%     avui és el primer dia de la meva vida que he de dir amb tristessa que
                     m’avergonyo de ser del meu poble. #elprat #27s @CiudadanosCs
          79.31%     Avui votaré per les valencianes que porten anys de lluita perquè la nostra
                     llengua i cultura seguisquen ben vives. #27S #somdelSud #SomPPCC

         allow us to infer the reasons for the low performance of the systems. These facts

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         highlight the difficulty of this task, in which there is an important subjective
         component and the linguistic content of the tweets is very scarce.
             In order to improve the results, we should probably work with a higher num-
         ber of tweets, to take into account the information included in the links –to see
         whether they contribute to detect the stance of the tweet–, and to take into con-
         sideration other aspects such as the presence of irony and humor in the tweets.
         For instance, in our current research about stance and irony, we observed that
         tweets against independence tend to be more ironic than those that are in favor
         of independence, and that irony is more common in men than in women.

         7     Conclusion

         We described a new shared task on detecting the stance towards Catalan In-
         dependence and the author’s gender in tweets written in Spanish and Catalan,
         the two languages used by users directly involved in the political debate. Unlike
         previous evaluation campaigns, we decided to perform stance and gender detec-
         tion together as part of one single shared task. We encouraged participants to
         address both sub-tasks, but participation was also allowed only in stance de-
         tection, which constitutes the main focus of the shared task. Interestingly, we
         observed a clear trend showing that systems that participated in both sub-tasks
         and obtained better results for gender also did so for stance.
             StanceCat was proposed for the first time at the IberEval evaluation cam-
         paign and was one of the tasks with highest participation in the 2017 edition.
         We received submissions from ten teams from five countries, collecting more
         than thirty runs, with systems utilizing a wide range of methods, features and
         resources. Overall, results confirm that stance detection of micro-blogging texts
         is challenging, with large room for improvement, as was also observed in the
         shared task organized at Semeval 2016 for English. We hope that the dataset
         made available as part of the StanceCat task will foster further research on this
         topic, also in the context of under resourced languages such as Catalan.


         The work has been carried out in the framework of the SOMEMBED project
         (TIN2015-71147), funded by Ministerio de Economı́a y Competitividad, Spain.
         The work of the third author has been partially funded by Autoritas Consult-
         ing. The work of Cristina Bosco and Viviana Patti was partially funded by Pro-
         getto di Ateneo/CSP 2016 “Immigrants, Hate and Prejudice in Social Media”
         (S1618 L2 BOSC 01).
             We would like to thank Enrique Amigó and Jorge Carrillo de Albornoz from
         UNED10 for their help during the evaluation with the EVALL platform [3].

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

          1. Aineto-Garcı́a, D., Larriba-Flor, A.M.: Stance detection at ibereval 2017: A bi-
             ased representation for a biased problem. In: Proceedings of the Second Work-
             shop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages
             (IberEval 2017), Murcia, Spain, September 19, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
             CEUR-WS.org, 2017 (2017)
          2. Ambrosini, L., Nicolò, G.: Neural models for stancecat shared task at ibereval
             2017. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language
             Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017), Murcia, Spain, September 19,
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2017 (2017)
          3. Amigó Cabrera, E., Carrillo-de Albornoz, J., Gonzalo Arroyo, J., Verdejo Maillo,
             M.F.: Evall: A framework for information systems evaluation (2016)
          4. Barbieri, F.: Shared task on stance and gender detection in tweets on catalan
             independence - lastus system description. In: Proceedings of the Second Work-
             shop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages
             (IberEval 2017), Murcia, Spain, September 19, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
             CEUR-WS.org, 2017 (2017)
          5. Bosco, C., Lai, M., Patti, V., Rangel, F., Rosso, P.: Tweeting in the debate about
             catalan elections. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emotion and
             Sentiment Analysis (co-located with LREC 2016). ELSA, Portoroz, Slovenia (2016)
          6. Chuliá, L.C.: Submission to the 1st task on stance and gender detection in tweets
             on catalan independence at ibereval 2017. http://stel.ub.edu/stance-ibereval2017/
             team: Luser. spain.
          7. González, J.A., Pla, F., Hurtado, L.F.: Elirf-upv at ibereval 2017: Stance and
             gender detection in tweets. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation
             of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017), Murcia,
             Spain, September 19, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2017 (2017)
          8. Lai, M., Cignarella, A.T., Hernandez-Farias, D.I.: itacos at ibereval2017: Detect-
             ing stance in catalan and spanish tweets. In: Proceedings of the Second Work-
             shop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages
             (IberEval 2017), Murcia, Spain, September 19, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
             CEUR-WS.org, 2017 (2017)
          9. Mohammad, S.M., Kiritchenko, S., Sobhani, P., Zhu, X., Cherry, C.: Semeval-2016
             task 6: Detecting stance in tweets. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop
             on Semantic Evaluation. pp. 31–41. SemEval ’16, ACL, San Diego, California (June
             2016), http://aclweb.org/anthology/S/S16/S16-1003.pdf
         10. R, V.: Submission to the 1st task on stance and gender detection in tweets on cata-
             lan independence at ibereval 2017. http://stel.ub.edu/stance-ibereval2017/ team:
             Deepcybernet. india.
         11. Rangel, F., Rosso, P., Franco-Salvador, M.: A low dimensionality representation
             for language variety identification. In: 17th International Conference on Intelligent
             Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing. Springer-Verlag, LNCS,
             arXiv:1705.10754 (2016)
         12. Rangel, F., Rosso, P., Verhoeven, B., Daelemans, W., Potthast, M., Stein, B.:
             Overview of the 4th author profiling task at PAN 2016: Cross-genre evaluations.
             In: Balog, K., Cappellato, L., Ferro, N., Macdonald, C. (eds.) Working Notes of
             CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, Évora, Portugal, 5-8
             September, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 1609, pp. 750–784. CEUR-
             WS.org (2016), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1609/16090750.pdf

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         13. Swami, S., Khandelwal, A., Shrivastava, M., Sarfaraz-Akhtar, S.: Ltrciiith at
             ibereval 2017: Stance and gender detection in tweets on catalan independence. In:
             Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technolo-
             gies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017), Murcia, Spain, September 19, CEUR
             Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2017 (2017)
         14. Verdú, C.: Submission to the 1st task on stance and gender detection in tweets
             on catalan independence at ibereval 2017. http://stel.ub.edu/stance-ibereval2017/
             team: Ateam. spain.
         15. Wojatzki, M., Zesch, T.: Neural, non-neural and hybrid stance detection in tweets
             on catalan independence. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation
             of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017), Murcia,
             Spain, September 19, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2017 (2017)

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         Table 8. Tweets more frequently misclassified in Spanish for both Females (top) and
         Males (bottom).

             %       Favor ->Against
          83.33%     Si como dijo @PSOE no era un plebiscito, porque ahora @sanchezcastejon
                     dice que Mas ha perdido el plebiscito?? Mi no entender #marxem #27s
          66.67%     Señora @InesArrimadas que dimisión pide si todavia no hay presidente?!
                     #27S #CatalunyaIndependent #27STV3 ????????
          61.11%     Ho acabes de dir, @Albert Rivera: ”Empieza una nueva polı́tica para
                     España”. #independència #27S #27STV3
          61.11%     @ anapastor @InesArrimadas . No le han pasado bien los apuntes.
                     Ganan #JuntsPelSi# con un doble apoteosico
          55.56%     @InesArrimadas te equivoques nena. Donde ves la mayorı́a??? Bocazas
          62.50%     @Albert Rivera @CiudadanosCs ha sido quien ha votado la ruptura de
                     España y no la vieja polı́tica” #eleccionescatalanas
          54.17%     #27STV3 en serio @Albert Rivera @InesArrimadas @CiudadanosCs
                     alguien os ha enseñado los resultados? Sabéis contar?
          54.17%     Ahora @CiutadansCs pide nuevas elecciones que sean verdaderamente
                     autonómicas. Al final sı́ eran un plebiscito? Decı́danse #27S
          54.17%     Que alguien le diga a Rivera Arrimadas que los reyes son los padres. #27S
          52.08%     A los que decı́an que esto no era un plebiscito lo utilizan ahora al saber
                     los resultados. Me encanta esa lógica. #27S

             %       Against ->Favor
           4.05%     #27S #L6cat. Es evidente que desde Madrid se sigue sin entender nada
                     de nada. Que sordera, que ceguera...es surrealista
           2.89%     #27STV3 CUP dice, no se costara un catalan sin comer 3 platos al dia,
                     señor Mas yo no he comido! Pues NO te acuestes!
           2.31%     Campeón: @Albiol XG ”Llevo en polı́tica muchos años. No he perdido
                     nunca” 2012 471.681 2015 337.645 97% escrut #27STV3
           2.31%     Hola @InesArrimadas Soy una más de las orgullosas personas
                     simpatizantes de @CsTorredembarra y con este #Ciutadans25,
           2.31%     #27STV3 Pero la Cup no decia que no apoyaria un proceso sin mayoria
                     de votos??????
           5.85%     Pues yo querı́a una independencia de Cataluña,que ası́ puedo decir que
                     tengo familia en el extranjero. #YloqueMolaDecirEsoQue #democracia
           5.85%     Puedo entender el deseo de muchos independentistas pero el discurso de
                     Romeva es el nuevo Alicia en el paı́s de las maravillas. #27S
           4.79%     CUP rechaza la Unión Europea (Prog #27S pág 13) Romeva: JxSı́
                     negociará reingreso con Unión Europea ”desde dentro” #Catalunya
           2.66%     @catsiqueespot no perdamos el rumbo. (Aunque una encuesta no es un
                     referéndum) #CSQEP http://t.co/g3bfHdDtpX
           2.66%     Ciutadans gritando: ”España unida jamás será vencida” véase la
                     regeneración polı́tica. #27Stv3 #CataloniaVotes
