=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/Portuguese_paper_2 |storemode=property |title=Nominal Coreference Annotation in IberEval2017: The Case of FORMAS Group |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Portuguese_paper_2.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Marlo Souza,Rafael Glauber,Leandro Souza de Oliveira,Cleiton Fernando Lima Sena,Daniela Barreiro Claro |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/SouzaGOSC17 }} ==Nominal Coreference Annotation in IberEval2017: The Case of FORMAS Group== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/Portuguese_paper_2.pdf
        Nominal Coreference Annotation in
     IberEval2017: the case of FORMAS group

Marlo Souza1 , Rafael Glauber1 , Leandro Souza de Oliveira1 , Cleiton Fernando
                  Lima Sena1 , and Daniela Barreiro Claro1

    Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University of Bahia - UFBA,
             Av. Adhemar de Barros, S/N, Ondina - Salvador-BA, Brazil,
        msouza1@ufba.br, rglauber@dcc.ufba.br, leo.053993@gmail.com,
                      cflsena2@gmail.com, dclaro@ufba.br

      Abstract. This work describes the participation of the FORMAS group
      from Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in the Shared Task on Col-
      lective Elaboration of a Coreference Annotated Corpus for Portuguese
      Texts for IberEval 2017. As such, it describes the creation of a corpus
      annotated with coreference information for the Portuguese language. We
      discuss the choices adopted oin the annotation process, as well as the
      results obtained and their possible application to the development of
      methods and systems focusing on the processing of texts in portuguese.

1   Introduction
Anaphora and coreference resolution are well-established problems in the lit-
erature of Computational Linguistics [17, 11, 9, 14]. While there is some termi-
nological confusion regarding the use of anaphora resolution and coreference
identification, in this work we adopt these terms to be similar and to refer to the
problem commonly known as anaphora resolution in the computational linguis-
tics literature. We consider the problem of nominal coreference resolution as the
problem concerning the identification of two (or more) nominal phrases which
refer to the same discourse entity in the domain of discourse [13].
    This work describes the creation of a corpus annotated with coreference in-
formation in the context of the Shared Task on Collective Elaboration of a Coref-
erence Annotated Corpus for Portuguese Texts for IberEval 2017. Our team was
composed of five researchers, with three main annotators.

2   The problem of identifying coreference chains
It has been pointed out in the literature that the problem of coreference resolu-
tion and the guidelines for corpus annotation for this task are underspecified, or
that, at least, there are some terminological inadequacies in their definition [18,
13]. Thus, as a first step in our group’s annotation effort, we tried to establish
a common understanding of the phenomenon and the difficulties regarding the
annotation process.
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               Commonly, two noun phrases (NPs) are said to co-refer if they “refer to the
           same entity” [8]. This definition requires of coreferring noun phrases the proper-
           ties that (i) they refer directly to an (unique, unambiguous) entity and (ii) this
           entity is identifiable from the context of the noun phrases. These requirements,
           however, are true only for a small set of noun phrases in a text.
               On the notion of referring used in this work, while the semantic/philosophical
           logic notion of referring is a relation between a linguistic expression and an
           object, it is clear that this relation is usually too restrictive to explain the notion
           we are interested in this work. Otherwise, NPs contained in counterfactual or
           hypothetical statements, as (1) below, would be non-referring, even if the noun
           phrases ‘a car’ and ‘it’ are naming the same entity in the universe of the discourse,
           i.e. a hypothetical car. As such, in this work we adopt a broader notion of
           referring, which holds between two linguistic expressions. In this case it is not
           problematic to say that the pronoun ‘it’ in sentence (1) refers to the same entity
           as the NP ‘a car’. The we adopt the definition that two NPs co-refer if they refer
           to the same entity introduced in the universe of discourse, i.e. have the same
           discourse referent in the nomenclature of functional grammar theory [6].

                     (1) If I had a car, I would drive it to the coast.

              Notice that noun phrases may have several semantic functions in a sentence,
           according to Poesio [13], and not all noun phrases refer directly to an entity. To
           understand which kind of NP may be of importance to the annotation task, we
           must investigate further the uses of NPs in the language. Some of the functions
           a NP may have in a sentence are:

               – Referring: a NP is said to be referring if it refers directly to some discourse
                 entity, as the NP “a car” in sentence (1).
               – Quantificational: a noun phrase may acts as a quantification over the do-
                 main of discourse bounding the interpretation of the predicate to a set of
                 discourse entities denoted by the NP. For example, consider the NP “Every
                 TV network” in sentence (2) below. This NP act as a quantification ranging
                 over all discourse entities which are considered to be TV networks. As such,
                 the (logical) meaning of the sentence (2) may be expressed by the logical
                 expression (2’).
                                 (2) Every TV network reported its profits.
                      (2’) ∀x.(T v network(x) → ∃y.(reported(x, y) ∧ prof its of (y, x)))
                 Notice that, as Van Deemter and Kibble [18] point out, we cannot simply
                 take the quantificational NP “Every TV network” in sentence (2) to directly
                 refer to the class of all TV network entities in the universe of discourse,
                 otherwise the (anaphoric) relation between the reference of this NP and the
                 pronoun ‘its’ cannot be properly established. For instance, if we take ‘its’
                 to co-refer with ’Every TV network‘, the sentence (2”) below would be a
                 paraphrase of (2).

                         (2”) Every TV network reported every TV network’s profits.

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             – Predicative: a NP can express properties of an object, and it can not refer
               to a specific entity as in the case of ‘a preacher’ in sentence (3) provided by
               Poesio [13], which describes a property (i.e. a predicate) of the entity referred
               by ‘Kim’. As such, the (logical) meaning of sentence (3) can be expressed by
               the logical expression (3’).

                                                 (3) Kim is a preacher.
                                                  (3’) preacher(Kim)

             – Expletive: some languages require the presence of certain verbal arguments,
               such as French or English in which null subjects are not allowed in certain
               types of sentences. In these languages, non-referring NPs may be used as
               fillers, to occupy a required syntactical position in the sentence. This is the
               case of the pronoun ’It’ in sentence (4) for the English language and similarly
               the pronoun ‘Il’ in sentence (5) for the French language.

                                                   (4) It’s two o’clock.
                                                  (5) Il est deux heures.

               From this discussion, it is clear that only those NPs that refer to some entities
           in the domain of discourse are of interest to the annotation process, namely those
           fuunctioning as referring NPs and as quantificational NPs. As Poesio [13] points
           out, however, it is not always clear how to classify a given noun phrase in a
           sentence according to their semantic function, even for a human [15]. More yet,
           usually there are different ways to interpret a given NP depending on the adopted
           linguistic theory.
               Another aspect of identification of coreferent NPs concerns how to delimit
           when the referents of two NPs can be considered equal. Notice that the relation
           between the entities referred by two distinct NPs may not be that of identity,
           and yet it is arguable the case that the two NPs to corefer. Let’s consider the
           case of the case of the NPs “The house” and “the bathroom” in the sentence (6)

                    (6) The house is great, but the bathroom is too dark and humid.

               The referents of these two NPs are related by a meronymy relation, i.e. the
           bathroom to which the second NP refers is a part of the house to which the first
           refers. As such, the NPs refers to the same entity, but to different parts of it.
           This kind of coreference, which were subject to anotation in the MUC-7 task [7],
           is often called associative coreference.
               In the annotation task described in this work, we do not consider associative
           coreferences. We aim to annotate only the cases of coreference established by
           means of referring NPs and by quantificational NPs. However, as Van Deemter
           and Kibble [18] point out, it is not always clear how to establish the reference
           of a quantificational NP. On one hand, if we establish that the referent of a
           quantificational NP, such as “Every TV network” in sentence (7) we lose the
           coreference relation between this NP and the pronoun “its” in the same sentence.

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           If we take the meaning to be a single TV Network bound to the context of
           the quantification, we may not establish the connection between ”Every TV
           network” and the pronoun “they” in the sentence (7) below.

                  (7)Every TV network reported its profits. They are required by the
                                     government to do so.

               This is not an easy problem to fix. Particularly, depending on the context,
           either option in defining the referent of the NP may be more suitable. Since
           our aim in this annotation is to maximize the annotation of coreferent NPs, we
           establish that either possibility may be taken by the annotator, as long as it is
           done consistently throughout the text. In other words, the annotator may choose
           either that the referent of “Every TV network” is the same as “it” or the same
           as “they”, as long as the annotator does not change the referent while analyzing
           the text.
               Regarding possible difficulties relating change over time, for descriptors like
           “the president of Brasil” for which the reference is dependent on a temporal
           context, we adopted the same strategy to that of the MUC-7 conference, i.e.
           “two markables should be recorded as coreferential if the text asserts them to
           be coreferential at ANY TIME” [7, p. 11], as long as it is clear by context that
           the reference of the NPs is intended to be the same.

           3      The corpus
           To perform the annotation task, we composed a corpus of thirty encyclopedic
           texts written in portuguese language, taken from the Wikipedia 1 . Wikipedia
           texts are an important resource for languages with scarce computational linguis-
           tic resources, since they compose a corpus of a significant size, usually coupled
           with important annotation, such as the domain classification, cross-references
           between pages in different languages, etc.
               Wikipedia corpora have been widely used in the NLP literature for its avail-
           ability, structure and existing metadata. For the portuguese language, partic-
           ularly, the Wikipedia Corpus has been used in Ontology Learning [20], Open
           Information Extraction [21, 2, 22, 12], Named Entity Recognition [3, 19], as well
           as been subject of the Págico - Shared Task on information retrieval [16], among
           many others.
               The texts that compose the corpus used in the annotation process were ran-
           domly selected from the Wikipedia dump of March 26 of 2017 (03.26.2017) using
           the Wikipedia Extractor tool2 . To select the texts we have established the fol-
           lowing criteria:
            1. the text must have approximatively 1200 (between 1100 and 1400) words;
            2. the text must not concern physical or mathematical theories, nor contain
               mathematical formulas as figures;
                Available at: http://medialab.di.unipi.it/wiki/Wikipedia_Extractor

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            3. the topic of the text must not be wiki meta-information, such as discussion
            4. the text must be a running text discussion of a topic, excluding thus any
               Wikipedia page containing lists (e.g. List of awards received by Justin Tim-
               The first requirement was made to conform to the shared task specification of
           texts containing 1200 words. The second requirement is justified by the fact that
           complex mathematical formulas are not easy to parse by text processors and, in
           fact, are excluded from the text in the extraction using the Wikipedia Extractor.
           Since the pages describing mathematical and physical theories commonly rely in
           a great amount of mathematical formulas to describe their topics, the extracted
           text becomes poorly informative and difficult to process. The third and fourth
           requirements are made to exclude uninteresting pages which are become common
           in the corpus considering the restriction of texts with size of 1200 words.

           4     The annotation tool
           Following the methodology established for the shared task, the annotation pro-
           cess consisted of two steps. In the first step, an initial automatic annotation
           of the corpus was performed by the organizing team, in which each NP in a
           text is identified and those NPs participating in a coreference chain are grouped
           together. In the second step, each annotation team performed the manual cor-
           rection of the initial annotation, both of the problems of delimitation of NPs
           and the identification of coreference chains. To perform this manual correction,
           the annotation teams used the tool CorrefVisual [5], provided by the organizing
           team. Regarding our experience with the tool and the annotation process, we
           offer some considerations for the task and the resulting corpus.
               First, it was our impression, in the annotation process, that the visual group-
           ing of the elements in the same coreference chain, as provided by the annotation
           tool, does indeed help the verification that all noun phrases in the same chain are
           actually coreferent. When the number of coreference chains grew, however, the
           navigation through all these groupings became a hindrance in the annotation.
           Since the tool only provided manual navigation or text search, deciding whether
           a given NP should be included in some existing chain usually involved navigating
           through several coreference chains, which became very time-consuming.
               Regarding the noun phrase identification and delimitation, while the tool al-
           lowed the correction of the boundaries of noun phrases, in some cases the noun
           phrases were not even partially identified by the tool. Since the annotation tool
           did not allow the creation of new noun phrases, only to alter the boundaries
           of those already identified, some coreference relations were not possible to be
           annotated. This was a common occurrence in the presence of compound noun
           phrases such as “os gêneros Sambucus e Viburnum” (the genera Sambucus and
           Virbunum), as the tool normally presented only either the option with the com-
           plete NP “os gêneros Sambucus e Viburnum” or two separated noun phrases
           “Sambucus” and “Viburnum”.

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               While it is our belief that the annotation tool did indeed help the annotation
           process, reducing the amount of labor involved in it, we also believe that the
           amount of restrictions imposed by the tool to the annotators may have an impact
           in the quality of the resulting corpus.

           5     Annotation evaluation

           The agreement in the annotation was measured by means of the Kappa statistics.
           Four texts were annotated by all three annotators for this comparison. The
           agreement for each text and among the group is depicted in Table 1.

                    Table 1. Agreement by the annotators measured by Kappa statistics

                                             Text        Agreement
                                             text 1         0.78
                                             text 2         0.23
                                             text 3         0.40
                                             text 4         0.35
                                             Group Kappa    0.43

               To understand these results, we performed a quantitative analysis of the
           texts to determine the reason for the high deviation in the agreement among
           the texts. The hypothesis was that the higher agreement was achieved in sim-
           pler texts, while the lowest agreements were achieved on more complex ones.
           For this quantitative analysis, we evaluated the number of noun phrases in the
           text (#NPs), as well as the statistics of the annotation, such as number of
           identified chains (#chains), number of NPs that had a coreference relationship
           with another (#correferent), the average size of the coreference chains in the
           text (Avg size of chains) and the size of the biggest identified chain (Size of
           biggest chain) based on the annotation of each annotator of the group. The
           resulting data are depicted in Tables 2, 3 and 4

                  Table 2. Statistics of the texts and annotation according to annotator 1

           Text #NPs #chains #correferents Avg size of chains Size of biggest chain
           text 1 422  25        106              4.24                  35
           text 2 452  45        175              3.88                  19
           text 3 407  42        191              4.55                  27
           text 4 479  61        199              3.26                  30

              Notice that in text 1, the text with higher agreement, the amount of identified
           coreference chains in small (for all annotators) compared to the others and the

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                  Table 3. Statistics of the texts and annotation according to annotator 2

           Text #NPs #chains #correferents Avg size of chains Size of biggest chain
           text 1 422  17         85               5.0                  32
           text 2 452  29        129              4.45                  45
           text 3 407  28        130              4.64                  22
           text 4 479  75        295              3,93                  30

                  Table 4. Statistics of the texts and annotation according to annotator 3

           Text #NPs #chains #correferents Avg size of chains Size of biggest chain
           text 1 422   7         48              6.85                  29
           text 2 452  11         46              4.18                  13
           text 3 407   7         43              6.14                  13
           text 4 479  29         87                3                   18

           number of NPs that participate in a coreference chain is also slightly smaller
           than for the other texts, which seems to agree with our hypothesis.
               While the increase in the number of identified chains in text 4 did reduce
           the agreement, this behavior was not observed in text 2, which has the lowest
           agreement and almost the same number of identified chains as text 3. Also, it is
           not clear that the increase from 25 coreference chains with 106 coreferent NPs
           in text 1 to 42 chains with 191 coreferent NPs in text 3 (for annotator 1) could
           explain such a significant variation in agreement between the two texts.
               Analyzing text 3, we identified that this text suffers from extreme poor writ-
           ing quality, being, in fact, a translation from the English language with several
           only partially translated expressions within it. In this context, both the NP de-
           limitation as well as the coreference determination became compromised, which
           explain the low value in agreement for the annotators. As such, we consider that
           the text should be treated as an outlier and non representative of the result of
           the annotation.
               Regarding the general results for each annotator, notice that annotators 1
           and 2 are more coherent with each other in their annotations, identifying similar
           number of coreference chains and coreferent NPs for all texts, while annotator
           3 deviates more from the other two. One possible explanation for such behavior
           is that, apart from the inherent difficulty of establishing reference of NPs, the
           notion of coreference adopted in the work may not have been a consensus for all

           6     Coreference information in Open Information

           Open Information Extraction (Open IE) is the area that studies methods for
           extracting information from fragment texts without any previous constraint on
           the kind of relations to be identified. It was introduced by Banko et al. [1] with

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           the system TextRunner and has flourished into an active area of research in
           Natural Language Processing.
               Early Open IE method relied on using domain-independent extraction pat-
           terns to identify relation instantiations [10]. As a result, several extractions made
           by this systems have low quality, the result of what Etzioni et al.[4] call inco-
           herent and uninformative extractions. According to Etzioni et al.[4], incoherent
           extractions are those which have no meaningful interpretation, while uninfor-
           mative extractions are those in which critical information for the interpretation
           of the expression is missing. These authors claim that methods that tackle the
           problem of reducing these low quality extractions compose the second generation
           of Open IE systems.
               Notice that resolving coreference is an essential challenge to guarantee the
           minimization of uninformative extractions of Open IE systems. The reason for
           that is that outside its discursive context, pronouns and other descriptors of
           discourse entities have no clear referent. Let’s analyze the text (6) below.

           (6) Mariana’s car is more reliable than that of Louis. She takes very good care
                                 of it. The car was revised this week

               Typical examples of extracted information from Open IE systems, consider-
           ing the text of (6) would be the tuples represented in (6*),(6**) and (6***).

                             (6*) (Mariana’s car, is more reliable, that of Louis)
                                      (6**)(She, takes good care of, it)
                                   (6***) (The car, was revised, this week)

               Without its linguistic context, the extractions (6**) and (6***) are uninfor-
           mative, since it is not clear to which entities the pronouns “She” and ‘’it” refer
           to in sentence (6**), nor to which car (Mariana’s or Louis’) the NP “The car”
           refers to in sentence (6***).
               With the construction of a corpus of coreference, we aim to allow the develop-
           ment of Open IE systems for the Portuguese language which explore coreference
           information to extract more informative relations without while obtaining the
           information that would be lost if we discarded the extractions (6**) and (6***).

           7     Conclusion
           The present work described the participation of the FORMAS group in the
           shared task for the collective elaboration of a coreference annotated corpus for
           Portuguese texts at IberEval 2017. In this work, we discussed the notion of
           coreference adopted by our group for the annotation process, the corpus we used
           as well as our experience during the annotation process.
              We believe that, while the annotation showed moderate agreement from the
           annotators, the resulting corpus can (and will) be an important resource to the
           Portuguese language, allowing the development of interesting methods and sys-
           tems focusing on this language, considering the inherent difficulty of solving this

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           problem and the scarcity of resources for the Portuguese language. Particularly,
           we plan to evaluate the resulting corpus within the context of Open IE in the
           near future, to measure how such a resource can foster the development of meth-
           ods that minimizes the extraction of uninformative relations, while being able
           to extract all the information from a text.
               In regard to the shared task, we consider that the notion of coreference
           adopted expected in the shared task was not clearly defined, and, as such, we
           felt the necessity to explicit the notions and choices adopted by our groups. As
           a result of the underspecification of the task, it is not clear to us how the many
           corpora generated by different groups participating in the shared task can be
           united to form a corpus for coreference resolution in the Portuguese language. We
           believe that, to merge all these corpora, it will be necessary to identify possible
           inconsistencies in the annotation processes, apart from the pure quantitative
           evaluation of inter-annotator agreement.

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