=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_1 |storemode=property |title=Neural, Non-neural and Hybrid Stance Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_1.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Michael Wojatzki,Torsten Zesch |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/WojatzkiZ17 }} ==Neural, Non-neural and Hybrid Stance Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_1.pdf
      Neural, Non-neural and Hybrid Stance Detection in
               Tweets on Catalan Independence

                              Michael Wojatzki and Torsten Zesch

                                   Language Technology Lab
                                  University of Duisburg-Essen
                                      Duisburg, Germany

          Abstract. We present our system LTL _ UNI _ DUE which participated in the shared
          task on automated stance detection in tweets on Catalan independence at IberEval
          2017. In our system, we combine neural (LSTM) and non-neural (SVM) classi-
          fiers to a hybrid approach using a decision tree and heuristics.

1      Introduction

Recent political events have shown that political surveys often fail to predict the real
outcome of elections. Examples of this miss-prediction could be observed in the vote
on the UK exit from the European Union (Brexit) or the American presidential election.
As one reason for this failure, it has been discussed that people behave in a socially
desirable1 manner in polling situations [6,10]. This effect could be circumvented by
(additionally) examining data in which people naturally express their stances towards
targets of interest. An obvious source for this data is social media, as stance taking is an
essential part of social media interactions.
    In order to reliably and efficiently conduct analyzes of such data, systems are needed
that can automatically determine stance. To this end, NLP researchers have recently be-
gun to systematically address social media stance detection. There were shared tasks on
social media stance detection in English [8] and Chinese [13]. I BER E VAL 2017 repre-
sents the first attempt to address this important task by providing data containing stance
towards the target Independence of Catalonia [11]. During the training phase, the or-
ganisers released 4319 Tweets in Spanish and 4319 Tweets Catalan which were labeled
with described the SemEval scheme. Participants could use this data to train stance
detection systems that are subsequently evaluated on unknown test instances.
    In the following, we describe our submission named LTL _ UNI _ DUE to this shared
task. For our participation, we rely on the findings of previous shared tasks and develop
a system that uses (almost) no language-specific models or tools and no additional train-
ing data.

     Behaving in a way that is more likely to have social approval.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         2     System Description

         Systems in the previous shared tasks SemEval 2016 task 6 [8] or the NLPCC Task 4
         [13] are all based on supervised machine learning but show a significant variety. We re-
         viewed the used approaches and could identify two major strands, namely neural archi-
         tectures and more traditional classifiers. The first strand translates the training data in se-
         quences of pre-trained word embeddings and feed these sequences into neural networks
         with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) or convolutional layers (cf. the two best team
         submissions in SemEval [14,12]). The second strand contains approaches which repre-
         sent the data mostly through word and character ngrams, averaged word-embeddings
         and sentiment features (see [8,13]). These representations are subsequently used to train
         models with more traditional algorithms such as SVMs. The results of both shared task
         show that the second strand of classifiers is superior, but that the neural systems are
         highly competitive. For the participating system, we strive to combine the strengths
         of both strands. Consequently, we first implement prototypical representatives of the
         strands namely a neural architecture with a bidirectional LSTM layer in its core and an
             Since both approaches require tokenized texts, we apply the Twitter-specific Ark-
         Tokenizer [4] from the DKPro Core framework (v1.9.0) [2] beforehand. In the present
         shared task, the organizers provide 4319 Tweets in Catalan and 4319 Tweets in Span-
         ish, which can be used for training. We train a model for each of the provided languages
         separately, as it is unlikely that the lexicalized models strongly generalize across the lan-
         guages. As this is – especially due to the close relationship of the languages – possible,
         future work should to examine this more closely.

         2.1    Neural System

         We implement a (bi-)LSTM neural network [9] using the Keras framework with the
         Theano backend2 . The hyperparameters have initially been set based on literature, but
         have been iteratively optimized according to the training data and theoretical consid-
         erations. We otimized the hyperparameters by performing 10-fold cross-validation and
         tuning towards the highest micro averaged F1 -score. As our goal was to train a robust
         system, we chose the same hyper-parameters for which we reached an optimum in both
             As input we translate the training data into sequences of dense word vectors using
         the pre-trained vectors in Catalan and Spanish provided by [1]. The used word vectors
         were created by a model that extends the skipgram model by [7] with sub-word infor-
         mation and is thus expected to be more robust against morphological variations such as
             The central bidirectional layer follows this layer and has 138 LSTM units, uses tanh
         activation and the adam optimizer [5]. Since we observe a divergence between the per-
         formance on train and test data over the epochs, we add a dropout of 0.2 between the
         forward and backward LSTM-layer and the embedding layer to enable regularization.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         Subsequently, we add another dense and a softmax classification layer. Due to the imbal-
         ance of the class distribution we train the network with sparse categorical cross-entropy
         as a loss-function. The network was trained five epochs with a batch size of 64.

         2.2   Non-Neural System

         The non-neural system is implemented using the DKPro-TC framework (v0.9.0) [3].
         We represent the tweets as binary feature vectors of the top 3000 uni-, bi-, tri- word
         ngrams and bi-, tri-, and four- character ngrams. In addition, we add word embedding
         features derived from the above described pre-trained vectors [1]. For this purpose,
         we average the embeddings of all words in a tweet and add a feature per embedding
         dimension. Past shared tasks on stance detection demonstrate that it may be beneficial
         to utilize sentiment information e.g. from a sentiment lexicon. However, as we could not
         find a suitable and freely available sentiment detection tool or sentiment word list for
         both Spanish and Catalan, we don’t utilize sentiment features. For training the model
         we rely on an SVM with a linear kernel provided by the DKPro-TC framework. Again,
         we tuned the hyperparameters by relying on a 10-fold cross-validation and the resulting
         micro averaged F1 -score.

         2.3   Hybrid System

         The consideration of the two strands of approaches in the past shared tasks has shown
         that they make different errors and also have different strengths. Consequently, the ques-
         tion arises whether one can combine the strengths of both models into a superior, hy-
         brid system. To examine this question we built a third system that automatically decides
         whether a tweet should be classified with the neural or the non-neural system. There-
         fore, we first labeled every tweet with whether the SVM’s respectively the LSTM’s
         prediction was wrong or false.
             We than train a classifier for each approach and each language to automate this
         decision. Since we want to base this decision on a simple set of rules which may be
         transferrable to other tasks, we use a decision tree for this classification. In detail, we
         use weka’s J48 as implemented in DKPro-TC.
             As features we use characteristics which are suspected of having an influence on
         the classifiability through the systems. We use the number of tokens per tweet as SVM
         and LSTM differ in the amount of context they model. As both systems are dependent
         on lexical redundancy between train and test data, we implement several redundancy
         features. These features are the type-token ratio and binary features indicating whether
         the tweet’s n-grams are contained in the training data and whether there are a pre-trained
         embeddings for its tokens.
             Table 1 shows the performance of this classification for both systems and both lan-
         guages. The rather mediocre results leave huge room for future improvements and more
         sophisticated machine learning. Based on these classifications we conduct a final deci-
         sion. In case the system could not derive preference towards one system as both systems
         are recommend or none, we rely on the SVM as its performance is overall better.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                                     Catalan Spanish
                                           SVM 0.75          0.66
                                           LSTM 0.67         0.59
                Table 1. Performance of the type prediction indicated by micro averaged F1 -score

         3    Results on Training Data

         In order to estimate the performance of our models, we evaluate them using a 10-fold
         cross-validation on the training data. Table 2 shows the performance of these experi-
         ments. For both the neural and non-neural approach, we observe better performance for
         Catalan than for Spanish. For the SVM we perceive an increase of +0.1 and for the
         LSTM we perceive an improvement of +0.06. Similarly, for both languages, the SVM
         performs significantly better than the LSTM. The performance decrease is bigger for
         Catalan (-0.1) than for Spanish (-0.06), which may be attributed to the overall better
         performance in Catalan.
             We performed an ablation test at the level of feature groups to find out which data
         representation affects the model the most. The results are also shown in Table 2. We do
         not observe a large drop for any of the groups, which we attribute due to the fact that the
         modelled properties have strong overlap. For instance, embedding and unigram features
         model (almost) the same information, i.e. the occurrence of a certain word. However,
         unigrams are sparse and embeddings are dense word vectors, which both have specific
         advantages and disadvantages w.r.t. classification.
             To quantify the similarity of the models we compute Cohen’s κ, which is κ = 0.28
         for Spanish and κ = 0.39 for Catalan. Since the predictions are clearly different, but
         both models show good performance, we conclude that there is in principle much room
         for the hybrid model. However, the hybrid system gains a performance similar to that of
         the SVM. When inspecting the similarity of the hybrid model and the SVM, we obtain
         κ = 0.92 (169 different predictions) for Catalan and κ = 0.90 (230 different predic-
         tions) for Spanish. This high degree of agreement between the models explains their
         similar performance. In order to demonstrate the upper bound of the hybrid system, we
         also compute a oracle condition in which we assume that the LSTM vs. SVM prediction
         was done correctly. This oracle condition results in an increase of performance of +0.09
         for Catalan and + .13 for Spanish which demonstrates the potential of the approach.
              In order to provide a deeper insight into the classification performance of the mod-
         els, we show the corresponding confusion matrices in Table 3 for Catalan and in Table 4
         for Spanish. For both languages, we observe for the SVM a more even error distribution
         than for the LSTM. However, the LSTM distributes its predictions mainly to the two
         frequent classes (FAVOR and NEUTRAL for Catalan and AGAINST and NEUTRAL for
         Spanish). The hybrid model combines these two tendencies by adjusting the prediction
         of the SVM towards the class distribution. However, thereby a similar proportion of
         advantageous and disadvantageous adjustments is made.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                                                                               Catalan Spanish
                                                   SVM                0.80                0.70
                                                   - embeddings       0.79                0.70
                                                   - character ngrams 0.78                0.70
                                                   - word ngrams      0.78                0.68
                                                   (Bi-)LSTM                   0.70       0.64
                                        Hybrid          0.80     0.70
                                        Oracle          0.89     0.83
         Table 2. Micro averaged F1 -score obtained from the 10-fold cross-validation. For the SVM we
         show the results of an feature ablation test.

                            SVM                                           LSTM                                   HYBRID
                                Predicted                                      Predicted                                Predicted
                          Against Favor Neutral                          Against Favor Neutral                    Against Favor Neutral
                  Against   44     42     45                     Against    1      91    39               Against   42      47    42



                   Favor    33    2238 377                        Favor    15    2085 548                  Favor    29    2258 361
                  Neutral   38     336 1166                      Neutral    5     588    947              Neutral   30     369 1141
                                                  Table 3. Confusion matrices for Catalan

                            SVM                                           LSTM                                   HYBRID
                               Predicted                                      Predicted                                Predicted
                         Against Favor Neutral                          Against Favor Neutral                    Against Favor Neutral
                  Against 967     60     419                     Against 669     41      736              Against 945     59      442



                   Favor   97     97     141                      Favor 104      25      206               Favor   91     92      152
                  Neutral 468     93     1977                    Neutral 411     64     2063              Neutral 461     94     1983
                                                  Table 4. Confusion matrices for Spanish

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

         4    Results on Test Data

         In this section we show, how the systems perform on the test data. We report the results
         in accordance with the official metric as defined by the organizers. The official metric
         is the macro-average of F1 ⊕ and F1 . Note that this metric is beneficial for systems
         which are similarly good at predicting F1 ⊕ and F1 , but punishes systems which are
         more imbalanced.
             Table 5 gives an overview on the performance of our submission on the training

                                                        Catalan Spanish
                                        SVM         0.43   0.42
                                        (Bi-)LSTM 0.28     0.37
                                        Hybrid      0.44   0.43
                 Table 5. Macro-average of F1 ⊕ and F1 obtained from the train-test split [11].

             Overall, we again observe that the SVM is superior to the LSTM system. The espe-
         cially poor performance of the LSTM can also be explained by the used metric, which
         punishes the LSTMs tendency to ignore the sparse classes (FAVOR for the Spanish data
         and AGAINST for the Catalan data).
             Similar to the results on the training data, we hardly see a difference between the
         hybrid and the SVM system for both languages. We attribute this again to the used
         heuristic, which uses the SVM prediction in cases were we cannot be sure about a
         decision. However, as the the hybrid and the SVM prediction is significantly different,
         we still see a high potential of hybrid approaches. As described above, future work
         should focus on a more accurate SVM or LSTM type prediction and more advanced

         5    Conclusion

         In this work, we have described our participation in the shared task on automated stance
         detection in tweets on Catalan independence at IberEval 2017. The presented system
         relies on i) neural (LSTM) classifiers, ii) non-neural (SVM) classifiers and a hybrid
         approach which combines both classification paradigms on the basis of a decision tree
         and heuristics. On both the train and the test data we could not demonstrate a clear
         superiority of a hybrid approach. However, the obtained results highlight the potential
         of hybrid attempts and promising directions for further improvements.


         This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant
         No. GRK 2167, Research Training Group ”User-Centred Social Media”.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

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