=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_3 |storemode=property |title=ELiRF-UPV at IberEval 2017: Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=José Ángel González,Ferran Pla,Lluís-Felip Hurtado |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/GonzalezPH17a }} ==ELiRF-UPV at IberEval 2017: Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_3.pdf
     ELiRF-UPV at IberEval 2017: Stance and
          Gender Detection in Tweets

               José-Ángel González, Ferran Pla, Lluı́s-F. Hurtado

                Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació
                       Universitat Politècnica de València

      Abstract. This paper describes the participation of ELiRF-UPV team
      at the two Spanish subtasks of the Stance and Gender Detection in
      Tweets on Catalan Independence track of the IberEval workshop. We
      tested several approaches based on different models and tweet represen-
      tations. Our best approaches are based on neural networks with one-hot
      vector representation and Support Vector Machines using bag-of-ngrams
      of chars.
      We achieved the first place on the gender detection subtask and the
      fourth place on the stance detection subtask.

      Keywords: Neural Networks, Support Vector Machine, bag-of-words,
      one-hot vectors

1   Introduction
Stance detection consist of automatically determining from text whether the
author is in favor of the given target, against the given target, or whether neither
inference is likely.
    Different international competitions have recently shown interest in these
subjects: Stance on Twitter, task 6 at SemEval-2016 [5] and Gender detection
at PAN@CLEF 2016 [8].
    Stance and Gender detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence is one of
the tracks proposed at Ibereval 2017 workshop [9]. The aim of this task is to
detect the author’s gender and stance with respect to the target ”independence
of Catalonia” in tweets written in Spanish and/or Catalan.

2   Corpus Description
The corpus is composed by tweets labeled with respect to the independence of
Catalonia (three classes: AGAINST, NEUTRAL, FAVOR) and with respect to
the gender of the author of each tweet (two classes: MALE and FEMALE).
   These tweets are provided in Spanish and Catalan, however, we have only
worked with the Spanish version of the proposed corpus. On the other hand, it is
necessary to take into account that the corpus is unbalanced in terms of stance
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           detection, being a clear bias between classes AGAINST and NEUTRAL with
           respect to class FAVOR. This unbalance does not occur in the gender detection
           subtask as can be seen in Table 1.

                 Table 1. Number of samples per class in the Spanish subset of the corpus.

                                                     Male Female Total
                                             Against 753     693 1446
                                             Neutral 1216 1322 2538
                                             Favor    190    145 335
                                             Total   2159 2160 4319

           3     System Description
           In this section we describe the main characteristics of the system developed to
           the Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence track of
           the IberEval workshop. This description includes the preprocessing used, the
           different tweets representations used and, the different models that were taken
           into account during the tuning phase.

           3.1     Preprocessing
           The preprocessing process of the tweets was a bit different depending on the
           subtasks. In both cases, we removed the accents and converted all the text to
           lowercase. The web links (URL), and the numbers were substituted by a specific
              We assumed that the hashtags, the emoticons and the mentions to other users
           would be informative to determine the opinions of a user but not his/her gender.
           Accordingly to this assumption, we substituted the hashtags, the emoticons and
           user’s mentions by a specific label for the Gender subtask, but we kept their
           values for the Stance subtask.

           3.2     Tweets representation
           We considered different approaches to represent the tweets:

             – Embeddings. Sequential representations of words represented with embed-
               dings Word2Vec [3], [4] [7] learned from the Spanish version of Wikipedia
             – Bag-of-ngrams. We tested as features, unigrams and bigrams of words and
               chars using a bag-of-ngrams representation.
             – One-hot vectors. We also tested unigrams and bigrams of chars using a one-
               hot vector representation.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

               Since stance detection may be related, in some way, to sentiment analysis, we
           tested the use of polarity lexicons for the Stance subtask. Specifically, we tried
           to include NRC lexicon [6] as extra features for stance detection.

           3.3     Models
           We explored different models depending on the representation of the tweets.
           This way, Long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks [2] assembled with
           Convolutional neural networks (CNN) were used to deal with the sequential
           representations (embeddings) and the one-hot vectors of chars representation,
           while for the bag-of-ngrams (both at the word level and at the char level) rep-
           resentation Support Vector Machines (SVM) with linear kernel and Multilayer
           Perceptrons (MLP) were used.
               The NRC polarity lexicon was used only with the embeddings representation.
           The topology used was similar to the one described in [1] but without the subnet
           dedicated to processing the sequences formed with embeddings obtained from
           the training corpus.

           3.4     Tuning
           In order to select the representations and the models (including their parameters)
           more appropriated to each subtask, a tuning process was performed. The corpus
           provided by the organizers of the task was split into two sets, a set with the
           80% of the tweet for learning the model and the remaining 20% of the corpus
           was used as tuning. The partitions were the same for all the tuning process.
           For tuning the models of each subtask, the official evaluation measure of each
           subtask was taken into account as optimization criterion.
               Faced with the impossibility of testing all combinations of models and rep-
           resentations, only those combinations we thought that made more sense were
           considered. Table 2 shows the most relevant combinations of features and mod-
           els as well as the results obtained during the tuning phase.

                                 Table 2. Results obtained in the tuning phase.

                              System    Features    Stance (F1 ) Gender (Acc.)
                            CNN+LSTM Embeddings            51.84       64.47%
                            CNN+LSTM Emb+NRC               48.80      -
                            CNN+LSTM One-Hot             55.10        -
                            MLP      Word 1-2grams       -             59.72%
                            MLP      Char 2-grams        -             63.81%
                            SVM      Word 1-2grams       -             58.30%
                            SVM      Char 2-grams        -            66.92%
                            SVM      Char 1-2-grams      -            66.99%

              Regarding the stance detection subtask, as can be seen in the first row of
           Table 2, with sequential representation at word level (Wikipedia embeddings)

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

           the result obtained was 51.84 for F1 measure. Unfortunately, worse results were
           obtained when the polarity sequence according to the NRC lexicon was added
           to the embeddings representation (Emb+NRC).
               We also tried the use of a different sequential representation formed by one-
           hot vectors at character level and processed with the same network used in the
           previous experiments. This representation together with CNN + LSTM obtained
           the best results on tuning, 55.10 of F1 measure as can be seen in the third row
           of Table 2.
               Regarding the gender detection subtask, although the sequential representa-
           tion at word level (embeddings from Wikipedia) processed using CNN + LSTM
           obtained good results, 64.47% in Accuracy, the best results in the tuning phase
           were achieved by the representations based on bag-of-ngrams of chars. The rep-
           resentation based on bag-of-ngrams of words achieved significantly worst results.
               The models that obtained better results were the Support Vector Machines
           with linear kernel. Specifically, the SVM model using bag-of-unigram of chars
           as representation of the tweets achieved 66.92% of Accuracy; while adding bag-
           of-bigrams of chars to the previous model slightly increases the Accuracy to
           66.99%. These results correspond to the last two rows in Table 2.

           4     Results
           In view of the results obtained during the tuning phase and due the limitation
           of the track, we decided to send the following two runs to the competition.

             – run1
                 • stance detection: CNN + LSTM + char-one-hot
                 • gender detection: SVM + bag-of-2grams of chars
             – run2
                 • stance detection: CNN + LSTM + char-one-hot (the same as in run1)
                 • gender detection: SVM + bag-of-1grams of chars + bag-of-2grams of
                   chars (the best accuracy at tunning)

               Table 3 and Table 4 show the official result obtained by our systems in the
           stance detection subtask and the gender detection subtask respectively. The po-
           sition obtained by our system in the competition is also included in parenthesis.

                            Table 3. Oficial results for the Stance detection subtask.

                              run         System and Features           F1
                           run1/run2 CNN+LSTM + char One-hot vectors 46.37 (4)

              Once we have analyzed the results, both in the tuning phase and in the official
           competition, we want to point out some interesting things.
              In both subtasks, methods based on deep-learning have shown to offer com-
           petitive results. However, in the case of gender detection subtask, the best results

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                           Table 4. Oficial results for the Gender detection subtask.

                       run            System and Features                   Acc.
                      run1 SVM + bag-of-2grams of chars                  68.55% (1)
                      run2 SVM + bag-of-1grams + bag-of-2grams of chars 58.74% (14)

           have been obtained with a priori simple model, SVM and bag-of-chars. We hy-
           pothesize that the good results achieved by SVM models in this subtask is due
           to the greater robustness of these models (compared with deep-learning based
           models) to deal with the bias problem. If the imbalance is very large, it can cause
           that the network assigns all the samples only to the majority classes. The solu-
           tion used for the stance detection subclass was to perform a scaling of the loss
           function during the training phase. This has prevented the network from classi-
           fying all tweets in the AGAINST and NEUTRAL classes (the majority classes
           with much difference in the Spanish version of the stance detection corpus).
               Regarding the stance detection subtask, a sequential character-level represen-
           tation has been chosen due to the increasing interest this kind of representations
           are having in the deep-learning area and the good results they are achieving
           [11]. In this way, we have been able to verify that, effectively, this type of repre-
           sentations (in conjunction with neural networks that handle sequences) provide
           competitive results in text classification tasks such as the stance detection sub-

           5     Conclusions and Future work

           We have presented the participation of the ELiRF-UPV team at the Stance
           and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence track of the IberEval
           workshop. Our team has participated in the two Spanish subtasks of the track
           and has achieved competitive results. Our best approaches were based on neu-
           ral networks with sequential representation of the tweets and Support Vector
           Machines with bag-of-ngrams of chars.
               As future work, we plan to use representations based on one-hot vectors
           at character level and CNN + LSTM on other tweet classification problems
           (TASS, SemEval, ...) in order to study their behavior in tasks other than stance


           This work has been partially supported by the Spanish MINECO and FEDER
           founds under project ASLP-MULAN: Audio, Speech and Language Processing
           for Multimedia Analytics, TIN2014-54288-C4-3-R.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

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