=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_4 |storemode=property |title=LTRC IIITH at IBEREVAL 2017: Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Sahil Swami,Ankush Khandelwal,Manish Shrivastava,Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/SwamiKSA17 }} ==LTRC IIITH at IBEREVAL 2017: Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_4.pdf
    LTRC IIITH at IBEREVAL 2017: Stance and
      Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan

    Sahil Swami, Ankush Khandelwal, Manish Shrivastava and Syed
                         Sarfaraz Akhtar

    Language Technologies Research Centre, International Institute of Information
                             Technology, Hyderabad

       Abstract. We describe the system submitted to IBEREVAL-2017 for
       stance and gender detection in tweets on Catalan Independence [1]. We
       developed a supervised system using Support Vector Machines with ra-
       dial basis function kernel to identify the stance and gender of the tweeter
       using various character level and word level features. Our system achieves
       a macro-average of F-score(FAVOR) and F-score(AGAINST) of 0.46 for
       stance detection in both Spanish and Catalan and an accuracy of 64.85%
       and 44.59% for Gender detection in Spanish and Catalan respectively.

1    Introduction

The task of opinion mining and sentiment analysis on natural language texts
in social media has gained a lot of popularity and importance in recent times.
Stance detection is related to sentiment analysis but is very different from it.
In sentiment analysis we check if a tweet has a positive, negative or neutral
emotion while in stance detection we check whether the tweet is in favor, neutral
or against a given target which in this paper is independence of Catalonia. For
example, consider the following sentence: “Recent studies have shown that global
warming is in fact real ”. We can say that this sentence’s author is most likely
to be in favor of the concept ‘global warming’.
    There have been several experiments [2],[10] in the field of sentiment analysis
and opinion mining on social media text. Opinion mining can provide a lot of
information about the texts that are present in social media and benefits a lot
of other tasks such as information retrieval, text summarization, etc.
    On the other hand gender detection is the task of inferring the gender of
author from the content of the tweet. Gender detection has many applications
in the field of marketing and advertising and thus there have been a lot of
studies [3],[4],[6],[11] on gender detection in social media text. Twitter profiles
don’t provide a field for person’s gender which makes the task of identifying
author’s gender from the tweet much more important.
    In this paper we present a system for stance and gender detection in tweets.
Our system uses character and word level features and Support Vector Machines
with radial basis function kernel for classification.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           2     Dataset and Evaluation

           The organizers provided training and test dataset which consisted of 4319 tweets
           and 1081 tweets respectively, for both Spanish and Catalan. All the tweets in the
           training dataset are annotated with stance (‘FAVOR’ or ‘AGAINST’ or ‘NONE’)
           and gender (‘FEMALE’ or ‘MALE’).
               Stance detection systems are evaluated using macro-average of F-score (FA-
           VOR) and F-score (AGAINST) i.e.

                                     (F scoreF AV OR + F scoreAGAIN ST )/2

                On the other hand gender detection systems are evaluated using accuracy
           i.e. number of tweets for which the gender is predicted correctly per hundred

           3     System Framework

           3.1     Pre-processing

           Initially tweets are tokenized in a way such that hashtags, URLs and mentions
           are preserved. Then URLs, mentions and stopwords are removed from the tweets.
               It can be observed from the tweets present in the training and test datasets
           that almost all the hashtags are written in camel case format. Therefore, ‘#’ is
           removed from the hashtags and all the words are extracted from the hashtag.
           And then each word is considered as a separate token.
               All the tokens in Spanish are then stemmed using Snowballstemmer imple-
           mented in NLTK.

           3.2     Features

           We extracted various features from the given tweets to train our machine learning
           model. We list and describe these features below.

           Character N-grams Character n-grams feature refers to presence or absence of
           contiguous sequence of n characters. It can be seen from previous work [2],[3],[4]
           that character level features have a significant effect on stance and gender de-
               We extract character n-grams for all values of n between 1 and 3. Including
           all the n-grams increases the size of feature vector enormously. Therefore, we
           consider only those n-grams in our feature vector which occur at least 10 times
           in the training dataset. This reduces the size of feature vector significantly and
           also removes noisy n-grams.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           Word N-grams Word n-grams feature refer to presence or absence of contigu-
           ous sequence of n words or tokens. Word n-grams have proven to be important
           features for stance and gender detection in previous studies [5],[6]. We extract
           word n-grams for all values of n between 1 and 5. We include only those n-grams
           in our feature vector which occur at least 10 times in the training dataset.

           Stance and Gender Indicative Tokens This feature refers to presence or ab-
           sence of stance and gender indicative tokens. We use a variation of the approach
           to find stance indicative hashtags [2] and extract stance and gender indicative
           tokens. We calculate a score for each token for both stance and gender where
           score is defined as :
                                                                           f req(token, stance label)
               Scorestance (token) = maxstance label∈Stance−Set
                                                                                  f req(token)

                                                                           f req(token, gender label)
              Scoregender (token) = maxgender label∈Gender−Set
                                                                                  f req(token)

           where Stance-Set = {FAVOR, AGAINST, NEUTRAL}, Gender-Set = {MALE,
               We consider only those tokens as features for stance indication which have
           a score ≥ 0.6 and occur at least five times in the training dataset. For gender
           indication we consider only those tokens which have a score ≥ 0.7 and occur at
           least twice in the training dataset. The threshold value for scores and number
           of occurrences has been decided after empirical fine tuning.

           3.3     Feature Selection
           Previous studies [4],[7] have shown that feature selection algorithms improve
           efficiency and accuracy of classification systems. We use chi square feature se-
           lection algorithm which uses chi-squared statistic to evaluate individual feature
           with respect to each class. This algorithm was run for both stance and gender
           detection in order to extract the best features and reduce the feature vector size.

           3.4     Classification approach
           Support Vector Machines have been used many times previously [2],[8],[9] for
           stance and gender detection and has proven to be a very effective classification
           technique for the same.
               After pre-processing the dataset and extracting all the desired features, we
           use scikit-learn Support Vector Machine implementation with a radial basis func-
           tion kernel for classification. We also perform 10-fold cross validation on the
           provided training dataset to develop the system. 10-fold cross validation is run
           for each of the individual features separately to observe the effect of each feature
           on classification.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


           3.5     Results

           Our system achieves a macro-average of F-score(FAVOR) and F-score(AGAINST)
           of 0.46 for stance detection in both Spanish and Catalan and an accuracy of
           64.85% and 44.59% for gender detection in Spanish and Catalan respectively for
           the given test dataset.
               Table 1. shows the accuracy in percentage achieved for stance and gender
           detection for Spanish tweets while Table 2. shows the accuracy in percentage
           achieved for stance and gender detection in Catalan tweets considering one fea-
           ture at a time and also considering all the features together. These are the results
           achieved in 10-fold cross validation on training dataset.

           Table 1. Feature-wise accuracy (in %) for stance and gender detection in Spanish

                                                             Stance Detection          Gender Detection
                        Character N-grams                           74.94                     69.18
                          Word N-grams                              74.03                     63.38
               Stance and gender indicative tokens                  75.40                     63.43
                            All features                            75.81                     69.83

           Table 2. Feature-wise accuracy (in %) for stance and gender detection in Catalan

                                                             Stance Detection          Gender Detection
                        Character N-grams                           81.16                     73.64
                          Word N-grams                              79.48                     69.60
               Stance and gender indicative tokens                  80.64                     71.34
                            All features                            81.53                     75.38

           4     Conclusion and Future Work

           In this paper, we presented our approach for stance and gender detection for
           tweets in both Spanish and Catalan using character and word level features and
           Support Vector Machine technique for classification. It can also be observed from
           the results of 10-fold cross validation on training dataset that character n-grams
           have a significant effect on classification.

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)


                Our system has a lot of room for improvement and future work will include
           extracting more features such as POS-tags and word embeddings and using
           several other supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms for clas-

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