=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_6 |storemode=property |title=Neural Models for StanceCat Shared Task at IberEval 2017 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_6.pdf |volume=Vol-1881 |authors=Luca Ambrosini,Giancarlo Nicolò |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sepln/AmbrosiniN17a }} ==Neural Models for StanceCat Shared Task at IberEval 2017== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1881/StanceCat2017_paper_6.pdf
Neural models for StanceCat shared task at IberEval 2017

                              Luca Ambrosini1 and Giancarlo Nicolò2
                         Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
                                   Univesitat Politècnica De València

      Abstract. This paper describes our participation in the Stance and Gender Detection in
      Tweets on Catalan Independence (StanceCat) task at IberEval 2017. Our approach was
      focused on neural models, firstly using classical and specific model from state of the art,
      then we introduce a new topology of convolutional network for text classification.

1   Introduction
The raising of social networks as worldwide means of communication and expression, is gaining lot
of interest from company and academia, due to the huge availability of daily contents published
by users. Focusing on academia perspective, especially in the Natural Language Processing field,
the contents available in form of written text are really useful for the study of specific open
problems, where the stance detection related to political events is an example, and the Stance
and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence (StanceCat) task at IberEval 2017 is
a concrete application.
    In StanceCat, the principal aim is to automatically detect if the text’s author is in favor of,
against, or neutral towards the Catalan Independence. Moreover, as a secondary aim, participants
are asked to infer the author’s gender.
    To tackle the described problem we built a stance&gender detection system mainly decom-
posed in two modules: text pre-processing and classification model. During the system’s tuning
process, different design choices were explored trying to find the best modules’ combination and
from their anlysis some interesting insight can be drawn.
    In the following sections we firstly describe the StanceCat task (Section 2), then we illustrate
the module’s design of developed stance&gender detection system (Section 3), after that, an
evaluation of the tuning process for submitted systems is analysed (Section 4), finally, conclusion
over the whole work are outlined (Section 5).

2   Task definition
The StanceCat shared task aim was to detect the author’s gender and stance with respect to the
target independence of Catalonia in tweets written in Spanish and Catalan, where participants
are allowed to detect both stance and gender or only stance [1].
   Participants had access to a labelled corpus of 4319 tweets for each language. We analysed it
and find the following statistical informations presented in tables 1 and 2.

3   Systems description
In this section we describe the stance&gender detection systems. Organizing the system by
modules, it can be divided in two blocks: text pre-preprocessing (Section 3.1) and classification
model (Section 3.2).
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

                          Table 1. Statistical analysis of tweets’ label from given corpus.

                                           Label Favor Neutral Against Total
                                           ES       335    2538      1446     4319
                                           CA      2648    1540      131      4319

                   Table 2. Statistical analysis of given corpus’ tweets regarding words length.

                                             Tweets Average Deviation Max
                                             ES           14         3        23
                                             CA           13         4        20

   3.1     Text pre-processing

   Regarding the text pre-preprocessing, has to be mentioned that the corpus under observation can
   not be treated as proper written language, because computer-mediated communication (CMC) is
   highly informal, affecting diamesic3 variation with creation of new items supposed to pertain lex-
   icon and graphematic domains [7,8]. Therefore, our pre-processing follows two approaches: classic
   and microblogging related. As classic aproach we used stemming (i.e., ST), stopwords (i.e., SW)
   and punctuation removal (i.e., PR). For microblogging approach we focus our attention over the
   following items: (i) mentions (i.e., MT), (ii) smiley (i.e., SM), (iii) emoji (i.e., EM), (iv) hashtags
   (i.e., HT), (v) numbers (i.e., NUM), (vi) URL (i.e., URL) (vii) and Tweeter reserve-word as RT
   and FAV (i.e., RW). For each of these items we leave the possibility to be removed or substituted
   by constant string. In relation to above approaches we implement them using the following tools:
   (i) NLTK [4] and (ii) Preprocessor4 .

   3.2     Classification models

   Following, we describe the neural models used for the classification module. Before introducing
   the models we describe the specific text representation used as input layer Section 3.2 (i.e.,

   Text representation To represent the text we used word embeddings as described by [5],
   where words are represented as vectors of real number with fixed dimension |v|. In this way a
   whole sentence s, with length |s| its number of word, is represented as a sentence-matrix M of
   dimension |M | = |s| × |v|. |M | has to be fixed a priori, therefore |s| and |v| have to be estimated.
   |v| was fixed to 300 following [5]. |s| was estimated analyzing table 2, in details we decided to fix
   it as the sum of average length plus the standard deviation (i.e. |s| = 17 for both language), with
   this choice input sentences longer than |s| are truncated, while shorter ones are padded with null
   vectors (i.e., a vector of all zeros).
       Choosing words as elements to be mapped by the embedding function, raise some challenge
   over the function estimation related to data availability. In our case the available corpus is very
   small and estimated embeddings could lead to low performance. To solve this problem, we decided
      The variation in a language across medium of communication (e.g. Spanish over the phone versus
      Spanish over email)
      Preprocessor    is   a   preprocessing  library  for  tweet     data   written    in  Python,

      Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

to used a pre-trained embeddings estimated over Wikipedia using a particular approach called
fastText [5].

Convolutional Neural Network. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are considered state
of the art in many text classification problem. Therefore, we decide to use them in a simple
architecture composed by a convolutional layer, followed by a Global Max Pooling layer and two
dense layers.

Dilated KIM. This model is our new topology of CNN. It can be seen as an extension of Kim’s
model [2] using the dilation ideas from computer graphics field [14].
     The original Kim’s model is a particular CNN where the convolutional layer has multiple filter
widths and feature maps. The complete architecture is illustrated in Figure 1, here the input
layer (i.e., sentence-matrix) is processed in a convolutional layer of multiple filters with different
width, each of these results are fed into Max Pooling layers and finally the concatenation of them
(previously flatten to be dimensional coherent) is projected into a dense layer. Our extension is
to use a dilated filters in combination with normal ones, the intuition is that normal filter capture
adjacent words features, while dilated one are able to capture relations between non adjacent
words. This behaviour can’t be achieved by the original Kim’s model, because, even though the
filters size can be changed, they will capture only features from adjacent words.
     Regarding the architectural references in [2], the filter’s number |f | and their dimension (k, d),
where k is the kernel size and d the dilation’s unit, was optimized leading to the following results:
|f | = 5, f1 = (2 × |v|, 0), f2 = (2 × |v|, 3), f3 = (3 × |v|, 1), f4 = (5 × |v|, 1), f5 = (7 × |v|, 1).

Recurrent neural network. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional LSTM are
types of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) aiming at capture dynamic temporal behaviour. This
behaviour suggest us to use them for the stance detection, in particular we use straightforward ar-
chitectures made of an embedded input layer followed by an LSTM layer of 128 units, terminated
by a dense layer for both normal and bidirectional models.

4     Evaluation

In this section we are going to illustrate the evaluation of developed systems regarding the
modules design reported in section 3. First we illustrate the metric proposed by organizers for
system’s evaluation (Section 4.1), then we outline empirical results produced by a 10-fold cross
validation over the given data set (Section 4.2), finally we report our performance at the shared
task (Section 4.3).

4.1    Metrics
System evaluation metrics were given by the organizers and reported here in the following equa-
tions (1) to (6). Their choice was to use an F1−macro measure for stance detection, due to class
unbalance, while a categorical accuracy for the gender detection.

                                                                         F1−macro (F avor) + F1−macro (Against)
                               P        P
                                   TP + TN                  Stance =
    Gender = accuracy =                               (1)                                   2
                                     sample                                                              (2)

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

   Fig. 1. [9] Illustration of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for sentence classification

                                                                                             1 X
                                 1 X                                        precision =          P r(yl , ŷl )         (5)
            F1−macro (L) =           F1 (yl , ŷl )       (3)                               |L|
                                |L|                                                             l∈L

                          precision · recall                                               1 X
               F1 = 2 ·                                   (4)                  recall =        R(yl , ŷl )             (6)
                          precision + recall                                              |L|

   where L is the set of classes, yl is the set of correct label and ŷl is the set of predicted labels.

   4.2     Fine tuning process

   Following, we describe the fine tuning process of our proposed model over possible combinations
   of pre-processing (Table 3), then we compare Kim’s model against our extension (Table 4) and
   finally report the improvement over the use of a data augmentation technique (Table 5). For
   brevity of information only the evaluation of Dilated Kim’s model over Spanish stance detection
   is reported, in details, the results are calculated from averaging three runs of a 10-fold cross
   validation over the complete data set. Nevertheless, the results obtained after the fine tuning
   process for all the models are reported in section 4.3, where their development performances are
   compared against the ones obtained in the StanceCat task.
       Notations used in Table 3 refer to the one introduced in Section 3.1, where the listing of a
   notation means its use for the reported result. Regarding the tweet specific pre-processing, all

     Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

the items have been substituted, with the exception for URL and RW that have been removed.
We report the contribution of each analysed pre-processing alone.

Table 3. Pre-processing fine tuning for the Dilated Kim’s model from a three run of 10-fold cross
validation over the development set. Results are in terms of average F1−macro score. The processing
technique that brought a model’s improvement has its result in bold.

                             Nothing     ST     SW URL RW MT HT NUM EM                           SM
             Dilated Kim 0.606 0.615 0.590 0.585 0.578 0.610 0.543 0.570 0.564 0.585

   From the analysis of Table 3 some relative observation can be made:
 – Most of common used preprocessing decrease model’s performance, meaning that their in-
   formation can be directly exploited by the model
 – Only stemming and mention removals brought small improvements, therefore they will be
   used as best tuning for our proposed model.

Table 4. Comparison of Kim’s and Dilated Kim respect their best pre-processing tuning for
stance&gender detection task. Results are averaged after three run of 10-fold cross validation over the
development set in terms of averaged F1−macro score.

                                              Stance                          Gender
                                       ES              CA               ES               CA
                Kim         0.624(±0.017) 0.630(±0.022) 0.634(±0.011) 0.655(±0.017)
                Dilated Kim 0.658(±0.039) 0.659(±0.028) 0.652(±0.013) 0.715(±0.015)

   From the analysis of Table 4 we can outline a significant performance’s improvement of our
proposed model respect the original Kim’s model.
   Due to the fact that our development data set has few samples, to train our models we decided
to apply a data augmentation technique that didn’t rely over external data rather exploit the
word embedding text representation. In details, we applied Gaussian noise to word embeddings
and after every convolutional layers, and, to further improve performances, we take advantage of
batch normalization. Best results were archived with additive zero centered noise, with a standard
deviation of 0.2. Regarding the batch normalization layers, default keras parameters were used.
Results of this technique respect the Dilated Kim’s model are reported in table 5.

Table 5. Data augmentation study for Dilated Kim’s model over the Spanish stance detection develop-
ment dataset. Results are averaged after three run of 10-fold cross validation over the development set
in terms of averaged F1−macro score.

                       System          Nothing         Gaussian noise Batch normalization
                   Dilated Kim 0.658 (± 0.039) 0.664 (± 0.043)             0.675 (± 0.049)

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

   4.3     Competition results

   For the system’s submission, participants were allowed to send more than a model till a maximum
   of 5 possible runs, therefore in tables 6 and 7 we report our best performing systems (tuned
   following the process in section 4.2) for the StanceCat shared task.
       Unfortunately, due to a submission error caught only after the official results were published,
   we didn’t manage to be properly evaluated (in tables 6 and 7 the submitted models with name
   in parentheses and asterisk), therefore after the closing we asked organizers to evaluate some of
   our model to see how they would had performed (the models with test results in bold).

   Table 6. Comparison of the best tuning model for the stance detection respect development and test
   set. The reported ranking refers to the absolute position over all submissions.

                                                     Development                            Test
                    System                                                            ES            CA
                                                ES                  CA
                                                                                 Score Ranking Score Ranking
            LSTM (attoppe.1)*      0.443(±0.012)  0.489(±0.012) 0.1906                    31/31    0.271    31/31
          Bi-LSTM (attoppe.2)      0.564(±0.035)  0.566(±0.035) 0.410                     17/31    0.386    20/31
             CNN (attoppe.3)*      0.539(±0.030)  0.566(±0.030) 0.2074                    30/31    0.331    24/31
             Kim (attoppe.4)*      0.625(±0.019)  0.602(±0.019) 0.2426                    29/31    0.291    30/31
         Dilated Kim (attoppe.5)* 0.675 (±0.049) 0.635 (±0.049) 0.2466                    27/31    0.312    26/31

   Table 7. Comparison of the best tuning model for the gender detection respect development and test
   set. The reported ranking refers to the absolute position over all submissions.

                                                     Development                             Test
                    System                                                            ES            CA
                                                ES                  CA
                                                                                 Score Ranking Score Ranking
             LSTM (attoppe.1)*     0.579(±0.010)  0.648(±0.008)   -                       22/21  -   18/17
           Bi-LSTM (attoppe.2)*    0.679(±0.025)  0.766(±0.028)   -                       22/21  -   18/17
              CNN (attoppe.3)     0.756 (±0.027) 0.810 (±0.022) 0.736                     1/21 0.457 4/17
              Kim (attoppe.4)*     0.608(±0.017)  0.715(±0.014)   -                       22/21  -   18/17
          Dilated Kim (attoppe.5)* 0.649(±0.029)  0.745(±0.039)   -                       22/21  -   18/17

       In table 6 (stance detection results), we see that our proposed Dilated Kim’s model outper-
   formed both recurrent and convolutional models, giving us insight for future developments.
       In table 7 (gender detection results), the best performance is achieved by a simple convolu-
   tional neural network, that from the test evaluation should had achieved the best result in the
   Spanish gender detection task.

   5     Conclusions

   In this paper we have presented our participation in the Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets
   on Catalan Independence (StanceCat) task at IberEval2017. Five distinct neural models were
   explored, in combination with different types of preprocessing. From the fine tuning process we

      Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)

derived that most of well know pre-processing technique are strongly model dependent, mean-
ing that the preprocessing pipeline has to be optimized depending on the classifier. Finally,
our proposal of a dilation technique for NLP task, the Dilated Kim’s model, seems to increase
performances of CNN base classifiers.

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