Deep Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence@Ibereval 2017 Vinayakumar R1? , Sachin Kumar S1 , Premjith B1 , Prabaharan P2 and Soman K P1 1 Center for Computational Engineering and Networking,Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India {vinayakumarr77} 2 Center for Cyber Security Systems and Networks, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India Abstract. This paper discusses deepyCybErNet submission methodol- ogy to the task on Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence@Ibereval 2017. The goal of the task is to detect the stance and gender of the user in tweets on the subject ”independence of Catalo- nia”. Tweets are available in two languages: Spanish and Catalan. In task 1 and 2, the system has to determine whether the tweet is in favor of, against or neutral to the tweets on the subject pertaining to the task in Spanish and Catalan languages respectively. In task 3 and 4, the system has to decide whether the person who tweets is a male or female. We sub- mitted three systems for this task a Bag-of-Words (BOW) representation for tweets with logistic regression classifier, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based approach, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) based ap- proach and gated recurrent based approach. These methods are highly language independent and can be used for the declarations of stance of tweets and identifying the gender of twitter user in any language. These methods have performed better in detecting stance and gender in tweets of Catalan language than in those of Spanish. Keywords: Sentimental analysis, Bag-of-words embedding, Deep learning: Re- current neural network (RNN), Long short-term memory (LSTM), Gated recur- rent unit 1 Introduction Stance and gender detection in tweets is the task of automatically determining the polarity of the tweets and the gender of the twitter user who posted this par- ticular message. In stance detection, the system has to detect whether this tweet is in favor of, against or neutral towards a proposition such as ”independence of Catalonia”. The internet has given people a plenty of platforms to express their views on different subjects like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. So people use these ? Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) media to share their perspective on various topics in the society. So analyzing these twitter information is very much helpful in understanding the opinion of people and it also helps the respective officials to take up necessary action. How- ever, determining the stance and gender of texts which are phrased in figurative languages like tweets are very difficult for machines to unfold. Human can easily understand the underlying meaning of such expressions but, for a machine to unravel the meaning of rhetorical expressions such as sarcasm, irony, metaphor, analogy [14], it requires much additional information. Many methods have been devised for automatically determining the stance and gender of microblog posts such as tweets. G. Zarella and A. Marsh [14] em- ployed a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based method for classifying stance of tweets where word2vec skipgram method was used to represent features. In [3], I. Augenstein used a bag-of-words autoencoder for extracting features and classification was performed using logistic regression. I. Augenstein [2] used Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) with bidirectional embedding for stance detection. W. Wei et. al [13] used a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the effective detection of stance in tweets. Mohammad [11] uses Support Vector Machine (SVM) and n-gram based method to detect the stance in tweets. A. Mislove et. al [10], C. Fink [6] introduced various measures for detecting the gender of the user who tweets. Our method uses both Bag-of-Words (BoW) and a BoW-based recurrent embedding system for analyzing the stance in tweets. In first case, BOW is used to obtain the feature representation for the tweets and classification is done using logistic regression. We also employed an RNN based method and LSTM based method for mining the stance of tweets. These methods are language independent. So irrespective of the language, we can use these approaches for finding the stance of micro blogging posts. 2 Task description The main objective of Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Inde- pendence@Ibereval 2017 is to detect the stance and gender of people who tweets based on the topic ”independence of Catalonia” [12]. The aim of this task can be divided into two. 1. Predict the stance of a given message. i.e., given message, the system has to predict whether the message is in favor of, against or neutral to the subject ”independence of Catalonia”. 2. Predict the gender of the user who tweets on the subject ”independence of Catalonia”. Tweets are given in two languages Spanish and Catalan. The system should be able to analyze tweets in these two languages and to detect the stance and gender of the tweet. Data for this task are tweets on the topic ”independence of Catalonia” during the regional election in September 2015. 223 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Table 1. Statistics of tweets Shared task Number of tweets in Training Number of tweets in Testing Task 1 and Task 2-Spanish 4319 1081 Task 1 and Task 2- Catalan 4319 1081 3 Methodology This section discusses the mechanism adopted for Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan and Spanish Independence@Ibereval 2017. We have used two methods for stance and gender in Twitter messages; (1) Bag-of-words (BoW) embedding (2) recurrent neural network based word embedding. 3.1 Bag-of-words based system for Analysis of Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets We set embedding size to 128 and word length to 40. Each word in tweet is mapped in to 128 dimensional vectors. Task 1 and task 2 has 4319 training samples. Thus, we formed a matrix of shape 4319X40. Each word is replaced in the resultant matrix of shape 4319X40 with their word embedding. This forms an input tensor of shape 4319X40X128. Finally, using the max-pooling approach, we converted an input tensor in to matrix of shape 4319X128 by fixing 40 as maximum value for word length. This matrix is passed to logistic regression classifier and using argmax the prime stance and gender is selected. 3.2 Recurrent neural network (RNN) based system for Analysis of Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets Recurrent neural network is an appropriate deep learning architecture for se- quence data modeling. This has achieved intriguing results in various tasks in the field of natural language processing [8]. It typically looks same as feed for- ward networks (FFN), additionally contains self-recurrent connection in units [5]. This cyclic loop carries out information from one time-step to another. As a result, RNN are able to learn the temporal patterns, value at current time-step is estimated based on the past and present states. Generally, RNN takes input as xt ∈ Rq and hit−1 ∈ Rp of arbitrary length to compute succeeding hidden state vector hti by using the following formulae recursively. ht = f (Wxh Xt + Whh ht−1 + b) (1) ot = sf (Woh ht + bot ) (2) Where f is the nonlinear activation function, particularly logistic sigmoid func- tion (σσ) applied on element wise, hi0 is usually initialized to 0 at time-step t0 and Wx h ∈ Rpxq , Wh ∈ Rpx and b ∈ Rm are arguments of affine transformation. Here ot is the output at time step t. 224 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) We implemented a system based on RNN for stance and gender detection and run all experiments of them in GPU enabled Tensorflow [1]. Using the previously discussed mechanism such as bag-of-words embedding, we formed an input tensor of shape 4319X40X128. Each tweet embedding 40X128 is reduced to 128 dimension embedding vectors. This embedding vector are given to RNN layer to obtain optimal feature representations and followed by logistic regression and argmax function for classification. 3.3 Long short-term memory (LSTM) based system for Analysis of opinion and the figurative language on Twitter tweets RNN has vanishing and exploding gradient issue. To alleviate and to learn the long-term dependencies [7] introduced long short-term memory (LSTM). LSTM has a memory block instead of a simple RNN unit. A memory block contains one or more memory cell with a pair of adaptive multiplicative gates such as input and output gate. A memory block stores an information and updates them across time-steps based on the input and output gates. Input and output gate controls the input and output flow of information to a memory cell. Additionally, it is has a built-in value as 1 for Constant Error Carousel (CEC). This value will be activated when in the absence of value from the outside the signal. The newly proposed architecture has performed well in learning long-range temporal dependencies in various artificial intelligence (AI) tasks [9]. Generally, at each time step an LSTM network considers the following 3 inputs; xt , ht−1 , ct−1 and outputs ht , ct through the following below equations. it = σ (Wi Xt + Ui ht−1 + Vi mt−1 + bi ) (3) ft = σ (Wf Xt + Uf ht−1 + Vf mt−1 + bf ) (4) ot = σ (Wo Xt + Uo ht−1 + Vo mt−1 + bo ) (5) mt = tanh (Wm Xt + Um ht−1 + bm ) (6) mt = fti mt−1 + it m (7) ht = ot tanh (mt ) (8) where Xt is the input at time step t, σ is sigmoid non-linear activation function, tanh is hyperbolic tangent non-linear activation function, denotes element- wise multiplication. Concretely, at t = 0 hidden and memory cell state vectors such as h0 and c0 are initialized to 0. We developed LSTM based system for stance and gender detection by re- placing RNN layer with LSTM. 3.4 Gated recurrent unit (GRU) based system for Analysis of opinion and the figurative language on Twitter tweets As from the above formulae, we can say that LSTM has complex set of processing units. As a result, this needs more training time. Further the research on LSTM, 225 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) [4] introduced Gated recurrent unit (GRU). GRU has less number of units in compared to LSTM, computationally efficient. The mathematical formulae of GRU is given below,  i ft = σ Wxi−f + Whi−f ht−1 + bi−f (9) ft = σ (Wxf Xt + Whf ht−1 + bf ) (10) mt = tanh (Wxm Xt + Whm (f r ht−1 ) + bm ) (11) ht = f ht−1 + (1 − f ) m (12) Where 9 represents Update gate, 10 is for Forget or reset gate, 11 shows the equation for Current memory and 12 gives the equation for Updated memory. Formulae shows, unlike LSTM memory cell with a list of gates (input, output and forget), GRU only consist of gates (update and forget) that are collectively involve in balancing the interior flow of information of the unit. In GRU, input gate (i) and forget gate (f ) are combined and formed a new gating units called update gate (i f ) that mainly focus on to balance the state between the previous activation (m) and the candidate activation (f ) without peephole connections and output activations. The forget gate resets the previous state (m). GRU networks looks simpler than LSTM with required only less computations. 4 Experiment and Results We trained all experiments of various deep learning architectures using Tensor- flow [1]. Cross-validation performance To select the optimal parameters for tweet length and embedding size, 5-fold cross-validation is done on the given training samples of Catalan and Spanish for stance and gender detection. 10-fold cross- validation accuracy across varied tweet length and embedding size for stance detection in Catalan language is displayed in Figure 1. 10-fold cross-validation accuracy across varied tweet length and embedding size for gender detection in Spanish language is displayed in Figure 2. 4.1 Evaluation results We have submitted 3 runs for each task; run1 is based on RNN mechanism, run2 is based on LSTM mechanism and run3 is based on GRU mechanism. The detailed evaluation results has been given by the Independence@Ibereval 2017 organizing committee are displayed in Table 2. The scores we obtained for task 1 are 0.285, 0.304 and 0.307 in detecting stance and 0.477, 0.490 and 0.501 in detecting gender for Spanish language. The scores we obtained for task 1 are 0.360, 0.379 and 0.326 in detecting stance and 0.465, 0.483 and 0.486 in detecting gender for Spanish language. 226 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Fig. 1. 10-fold cross validation with Tweet length [10-70] and embedding size [64,128] for stance detection in Spanish language Fig. 2. 10-fold cross validation with Tweet length [10-70] and embedding size [64,128] for gender detection in Catalan language 227 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017) Table 2. Macro F-score for all tasks Accuracy Shared task RNN LSTM GRU Spanish - Stance 0.2849 0.3042 0.3066 Spanish - Gender 0.4764 0.4903 0.5014 Catalan - Stance 0.3603 0.379 0.3257 Catalan - Gender 0.4653 0.4829 0.4857 5 Conclusion This working note has presented a language independent method for the In- dependence@Ibereval 2017 shared tasks such as stance and gender in Twitter messages written in Catalan and Spanish using BoWs and embedding of RNN, LSTM and GRU. The presented supervised learning method has not relied on any resources; semantic resources such as dictionaries and ontologies or com- putational linguistics or feature engineering mechanisms for stance and gender detection in twitter tweets. Due to the less training corpus, the efficacy of RNN in stance and gender detection trails the classical BoWs approach. 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