=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1882/paper13 |storemode=property |title=Symmetric and Asymmetric Aggregate Function in Massively Parallel Computing |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1882/paper13.pdf |volume=Vol-1882 |authors=Chao Zhang |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vldb/Zhang17 }} ==Symmetric and Asymmetric Aggregate Function in Massively Parallel Computing== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1882/paper13.pdf
          Symmetric and Asymmetric Aggregate Function in
                   Massively Parallel Computing

                                               ZHANG Chao
                      Supervised by Prof. Farouk Toumani, Prof. Emmanuel GANGLER
                                      LIMOS, Université Clermont Auvergne, Aubière, France
                                                 {zhangch, ftoumani}@isima.fr

ABSTRACT                                                                     When an arbitrary aggregation function is decomposable,
Applications of aggregation for information summary have                  how to decompose it and when a decomposition is ’efficient’
great meanings in various fields. In big data era, processing             is a hard nut to crack. Previous works identify interesting
aggregate function in parallel is drawing researchers’ atten-             properties for decomposing aggregation. A very relevant
tion. The aim of our work is to propose a generic framework               classification of aggregation functions, introduced in [11], is
enabling to map an arbitrary aggregation into a generic al-               based on the size of sub-aggregation (i.e., partial aggrega-
gorithm and identify when it can be efficiently executed on               tion). This classification distinguishes between distributive
modern large-scale data-processing systems. We describe                   and algebraic aggregation having sub-aggregation with fixed
our preliminary results regarding classes of symmetric and                sizes, and holistic functions where there is no constant bound
asymmetric aggregation that can be mapped, in a system-                   on the storage size of sub-aggregation. Some algebraic prop-
atic way, into efficient MapReduce-style algorithms.                      erties, such as associativity and commutativity, are identi-
                                                                          fied as sufficient conditions for decomposing aggregation [17,
                                                                          3]. Compared to these works, our work provides a generic
1.    INTRODUCTION                                                        framework to identify the decomposability of any symmetric
   The ability to summarize information is drawing increas-               aggregation and generate generic algorithms to process it in
ing attention for information analysis [11, 6]. Simultane-                parallel. Moreover, all but few researches in the literature
ously, under the progress of data explosive growth process-               consider symmetric functions. Asymmetric aggregation is
ing aggregate function has to experience a transition to                  inherently non-commutative functions and this makes their
massively distributed and parallel platforms, e.g. Hadoop                 processing in parallel and distributed environment far from
MapReduce, Spark, Flink etc. Therefore aggregation func-                  being easy. In [16], a symbolic parallel engine (SYMPLE) is
tion requires a decomposition approach in order to execute                proposed in order to automatically parallelize User Defined
in parallel due to its inherent property of taking several val-           Aggregations (UDAs) that are not necessarily commutative.
ues as input and generating a single value based on certain               Although interesting, the proposed framework lacks guaran-
criteria. Decomposable aggregation function can be pro-                   tees for efficiency and accuracy in the sense that it is up to
cessed in a way that computing partial aggregation and then               users to encode a function as SYMPLE UDA. Moreover,
merging them at last to obtain final results.                             symbolic execution may have path explosion problem.
   Decomposition of aggregation function is a long-standing                  My research focuses on designing generic framework that
research problem due to its benefits in various fields. In                enables to map symmetric and asymmetric aggregation func-
distributed computing platforms, decomposability of aggre-                tions into efficient massively parallel algorithms. To achieve
gate function can push aggregation before shuffle phase [17,              this goal, we firstly identify a computation model, and an
3]. This is usually called initial reduce, with which the                 associated cost model to design and evaluate parallel algo-
size of data transmission on a network can be substantially               rithms. We consider MapReduce-style (M R) framework and
reduced. For wireless sensor network, the need to reduce                  use the M RC [12] cost model to define ’efficient’ M R algo-
data transmission is more necessary because of limitation of              rithms. We rest on the notion of well-formed aggregation [4]
power supply [15]. In online analytical processing (OLAP),                as a canonical form to write symmetric aggregation and pro-
decomposability of aggregate function enables aggregation                 vide a simple and systematic way to map well-formed aggre-
across multi-dimensions, such that aggregate queries can be               gation function α into an MR algorithm, noted by M R(α).
executed on pre-computation results instead of base data to               Moreover, we provide reducible properties to identify when
accelerate query answering [8]. An important point of query               the generated M R(α) is efficient (when M R(α) is an M RC
optimization in relational databases is to reduce table size              algorithm). Then we extend our framework to a class of
for join [10], and decomposable aggregation brings interests              asymmetric aggregation function, position-based aggrega-
[4].                                                                      tion, and propose extractable property to have generic M RC
                                                                          algorithms. Our main results are Theorem 1 and Theorem
                                                                          2, of which proofs are provided in an extended report[2].

Proceedings of the VLDB 2017 PhD Workshop, August 28, 2017. Munich,       2.   M RC ALGORITHM
Copyright (C) 2017 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for     Several research works concentrate on the complexity of
private and academic purposes.                                            parallel algorithms. M U D[7] algorithm was proposed to
                                                                  Table 1: M R(α): a generic MR aggregation algo-
                                                                                       P operation
                                                                               mapper    ⊕,dj ∈Xi F (dj )
                                                                               reducer   T ( ⊕,i oi )

                                                                  on the associative and commutative property of ⊕: pro-
                                                                  cessing F and ⊕ at mapper, ⊕ and T at reducer. Table
                                                                  1 depicts the corresponding generic MapReduce(MR) algo-
Figure 1:     MapReduce flowchart with MRC con-                   rithm(the case of one key and trivially extending to any
straints                                                          number of keys), noted by M R(α), where mapper inputP is
                                                                  a submultiset Xi of X and mapper output is oi , and ⊕ is
                                                                  the concatenation of ⊕.
transform symmetric streaming algorithms to parallel algo-           However, the obtained M R(α) are not necessarily an effi-
rithms with nice bounds in terms of communication and             cient MapReduce algorithm. We identify when M R(α) is a
space complexity, but without any bound on time complex-          M RC algorithm using reducibility property.
ity. This disqualifies M U D as a possible candidate cost
model to be used in our context. M RC[12] is another popu-           Definition 1. A symmetric aggregation function α defined
lar model that has been used to evaluate whether a MapeRe-        on domain I is reducible if the well-formed aggregation (F, ⊕
duce algorithm is efficient. The constraints enforced by          , T ) of α satisfies
M RC w.r.t. total input data size can be summarized as                        ∀di , dj ∈ I : |F (di ) ⊕ F (dj )|= O(1).
following: sublinear number of total computing nodes, sub-
linear space for any mapper or reducer, polynomial time for          With this reducible property, we provide a theorem iden-
any mapper or reducer, and logarithm round number. We             tifying when M R(α) of a symmetric aggregation is a M RC
illustrate these constraints besides round number in a sim-       algorithm.
plified MapReduce flowchart in figure 1 where  > 0.
   Hence, the M RC model considers necessary parameters              Theorem 1. Let α be a symmetric well-formed aggrega-
for parallel computing, communication time, computation           tion and M R(α) be the generic algorithm for α, then M R(α)
space and computing time, and makes more realistic as-            is an MRC algorithm if and only if α is reducible.
sumptions. A MapReduce algorithm satisfying these con-            3.2    Deriving MRC Algorithm from Algebraic
straints is considered as an efficient parallel algorithm and
will be called hereafter an M RC algorithm.
                                                                    In this section, we investigate several symmetric aggre-
                                                                  gation properties satisfying Theorem 1. If an aggregation
3.    SYMMETRIC AGGREGATION WITH M RC                             α is in one of the following classes, then α has an M RC(α)
   Let I be a doamin, an n-ary aggregation α is a function[9]:    algorithm illustrated in table 1.
I n → I. α is symmetric or commutative[9] if α(X) =                 An aggregate function α is associative [9] if for multi-
α(σ(X)) for any X ∈ I and any permutation σ, where                set X = X1 ∪ X2 , α(X) = α (α(X1 ), α(X2 )) . Associative
σ(X) = (xσ(1) , ..., xσ(n) ). Symmetric aggregation result does   and symmetric aggregation function can be transformed
not depend on the order of input data, therefore input is         in well-formed aggregation (F, ⊕, T ) as following,
considered as a multiset. In this section, we define a generic
framework to map symmetric aggregation into an M RC al-                             F = α, , ⊕ = α, T = id                   (1)
gorithm.                                                          where id denotes identity function. α is reducible because
                                                                  it is an aggregation. Therefore M R(α) of associative and
3.1    A Generic Form for Symmetric Aggrega-                      symmetric aggregation α is an M RC algorithm.
       tion                                                          An aggregation α is distributive [11] if there exists a com-
  To define our generic aggregation framework, we rest on         bining function C such that α(X, Y ) = C(α(X), α(Y )). Dis-
the notion of well-formed aggregation [4]. A symmetric ag-        tributive and symmetric aggregation can be rewritten in
gregation α defined on a multiset X = {d1 , . . . , dn } can be   well-formed aggregation (F, ⊕, T ) as following,
written in well-formed aggregation as following:
                                                                                    F = α, ⊕ = C, T = id.                    (2)
              α(X) = T (F (d1 ) ⊕ . . . ⊕ F (dn )),
                                                                  Similarly, α is reducible and corresponding M R(α) is an
where F is translating function(tuple at a time), ⊕ is a com-     M RC algorithm.
mutative and associative binary operation, and T is termi-           Another kind of aggregate function having the same be-
nating function. For instance, average can be easily trans-       havior as symmetric and distributive aggregation is com-
formed into well-formed aggregation: F (d) = (d, 1), (d, k) ⊕     mutative semigroup aggregate function [5]. An aggre-
                                                d                 gation α is in this class if there exists
(d0 , k0 ) = (d + d0 , k + k0 ) and T ((d, n)) = . In fact, any                                       N a commutative semi-
                                                n                 group (H, ⊗), such that α(X) =         xi ∈X α(xi ). The corre-
symmetric aggregation can be rewritten into well-formed ag-
                                                                  sponding well-formed aggregation (F, ⊕, T ) is illustrated as
gregation with a flexible choice of ⊕, e.g ⊕ = ∪.
  Well-formed aggregation provides a generic plan for pro-
cessing aggregate function in distributed architecture based                        F = α, ⊕ = ⊗, T = id.                    (3)
It is clearly that α is reducible and M R(α) is an M RC                Asymmetric well-formed aggregation can rewrite any asym-
algorithm.                                                          metric aggregation α, and with the associative property of
   A more general property than commutative semi-group               ⊕, α also has a generic MR algorithm M R(α): processing
aggregation is symmetric and preassociative aggregate func-          F o and ⊕ at mapper, ⊕ and T at reducer. Similar to the
tion. An aggregation α is preassociative [13] if it satis-           behavior of symmetric well-formed aggregation, reducible
fies α(Y ) = α(Y 0 ) =⇒ α(XY Z) = α(XY 0 Z). Accord-                 property is needed to ensure M RC constraints. The re-
ing to [13], some symmetric and preassociative(unarily               ducible property for asymmetric well-formed aggregation is
quasi-range-idempotent and continuous)    Paggregation  func-
                                             n                             ∀xi , xi+1 ∈ X̄ : |F o (X̄, xi ) ⊕ F o (X̄, xi+1 )|= O(1).
tions can be constructed as α(X) = ψ         i=1 ϕ(xi ) , n ≥ 1,
where ψ and ϕ are continuous  Pand strictly monotonic func-          However, in order to have a correct generic M RC algo-
tion. For instance, α(X) = n    i=1 2 · xi , where ψ = id and        rithm for asymmetric aggregation, reducible property is not
ϕ(xi ) = 2·xi . The well-formed aggregation (F, ⊕, T ) for this      enough, because asymmetric function considers data order
kind of preassociative aggregation is illustrated as following       such that operations for combining mapper outputs are more
                    F = ϕ, ⊕ = +, T = ψ.                      (4)    than ⊕. We illustrate this problem and identify properties
                                                                     to have correct MRC algorithm for a class of asymmetric
The corresponding M R(α) is also an M RC algorithm.                 well-formed aggregation in the following.
   An aggregate function α is barycentrically associative [14]
if it satisfies α(XY Z) = α(Xα(Y )|Y | Z), where |Y | denotes        4.2     Position-based Aggregation with M RC
the number of elements contained in multiset Y and α(Y )|Y |            We deal with a kind of asymmetric aggregation α called
denotes |Y | occurrences of α(Y ). A well-known class of sym-        position-based aggregation, for which F o is F o (X̄, xi ) =
metric and barycentrically associative aggregationis quasi-        h(i) f (xi ), where h() and f () are unary functions, and
                                   −1    1 Pn                           is a binary operation. The corresponding          asymmetric
arithmetic mean : α(X) = f                       f (xi ) , n ≥ 1,
                                         n i=1
                                                                     well-formed framework is α(X̄) = T ( ⊕,xi ∈X̄ h(i) f (xi )),
where f is an unary function and f is a quasi-inverse of f .
                                                                     where ⊕ is the concatenation of ⊕.
With different choices of f , α can be different kinds of mean          Let X̄ be an ordered sequence X̄ = S¯1 ◦...◦ S¯m , where S̄l is
functions, e.g arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, harmonic             a subsequence of X̄, l ∈ {1, ..., m} and ◦ is the concatenation
mean etc. It is trivial to rewrite this kind of aggregation into     of subsequence, and i be the holistic position of xi in X̄ and
well-formed aggregation (F, ⊕, T ) and the M R(α) is also an         j be the relative position of xj in subsequence S̄l . Then
M RC algorithm,                                                      P      o
                                            Pn                          ⊕ F (X̄, xi ) of α on any subsequence Sl is
                                         −1         f (xi )
        F = (f, 1), ⊕ = (+, +), T = f ( i=1                 ). (5)
                                                                               X                      X
                                                  n                                   F o (X̄, xi ) =      h(j + k) f (xi ),
                                                                              ⊕,xi ∈S¯l               ⊕,xj ∈S¯l
   Many commonly used aggregation function is symmet-                where j + k (j + k = i) is the holistic position of the jth
ric(commutative) such that the order of input data can be            element xj in S̄l . In order to process α in parallel on these
ignored, while asymmetric aggregation considers the order.           subsequences, the first requirement is to have l, which means
Two common asymmetric cases could be weighted aggre-                 in distributed and parallel computing data set is split into
gation and cumulative aggregation, where aggregated result           ordered chunks and chunk indexes can be stored. It can be
will be changed if data order is changed, e.g. WMA(weighted          trivially implemented in Hadoop[16]. Secondly, k is needed,
moving average) and EMA(exponential moving average)[1],              the number of elements before S̄l . Sequential distributing
which are used to highlight trends.                                  subsequence count values then starting aggregation is costly
                                                                     due to too many times P  of data transferring on network. If k
4.1    A Generic Form for Asymmetric Aggre-                          can be extracted out of ⊕,xj ∈S¯l h(j +k) f (xi ), then α can
       gation                                                        be processed without distributing counts because operations
   In contrast to symmetric aggregation, asymmetric func-            relating to count can be pushed to reducer. We identify
tion is impossible to rewrite into well-formed aggregation,          conditions to extract k which we call extractable property.
because translating function F is a tuple at a time function
and ⊕ is commutative and hence both of them are insensitive             Lemma 1. Given an ordered sequence X̄, a position-based
to the order. For this reason, we propose an extended form           asymmetric well-formed aggregation α defined in (F o , ⊕, T )
based on well-formed aggregation which is more suitable for          and F o (X̄, xi ) = h(i) f (xi ) for any xi ∈ X̄, where h()
asymmetric aggregation.                                              and f () are unary functions, is extractable if there exists
                                                                     a binary operation ⊗ making h() satisfy h(i + k) = h(i) ⊗
  Definition 2. An asymmetric aggregation α defined on               h(k + c) with a constant c, and ⊕, ⊗ and      satisfy one of
an ordered sequence X̄ is an asymmetric well-formed aggre-           the following conditions,
gation if α can be rewritten as following,
          α(X̄) = T (F o (X̄, x1 ) ⊕ ... ⊕ F o (X̄, xn )),    (6)       • ⊗,       and ⊕ are same,

where F o is order-influenced translating function, ⊕ is a              • ⊗ and           are same and they are distributive over ⊕,
commutative and associative binary operation, and T is ter-
minating function.                                                      • ⊗ is distributive over         which is same as ⊕.
  For instance, α(X̄) = xi ∈X̄ (1 − z)i−1 xi [14] with a con-
                                                                       The behavior of h() is similar to group homomorphism
stant z can be rewritten as F o (X̄, xi ) = (1 − z)i−1 xi , ⊕ =      however they are not exactly same, and our intention is to
+, T = id, where i is the position of xi in the sequence X̄.         extract k instead of preserving exact operations.
   Theorem 2. Let α be a position-based well-formed ag-                    framework to mainstream parallel computing platforms (e.g.
gregation and M R(α) be the generic algorithm for α, then                  Apache Spark). Moreover, we also plan to extend our frame-
M R(α) is an MRC algorithm if α is reducible and extractable.              work to cover additional classes of asymmetric aggregations.
                                                                           Finally, we plan to investigate how to generalize our ap-
   Extractable property of position-based aggregation α al-                proach to nested aggregation functions (i.e., functions de-
lows previous subsequences count value ’k’ to be extracted                 fined as a complex composition of aggregation functions).
out P
    of mapper operation,          then
                                   P α can be correctly processed
           o        P
by    ⊕  F    or  (    ⊕ f (x i ),   ⊕ h(i)) at mapper phase. To           6.   REFERENCES
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