=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1882/paper14 |storemode=property |title=Practical Verification of Hierarchical Artifact Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1882/paper14.pdf |volume=Vol-1882 |authors=Yuliang Li |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vldb/Li17 }} ==Practical Verification of Hierarchical Artifact Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1882/paper14.pdf
       Practical Verification of Hierarchical Artifact Systems

                                                        Yuliang Li
                                       Co-Advised by Alin Deutsch and Victor Vianu
                                                                 UC San Diego
                                                               La Jolla, California

ABSTRACT                                                                   identify practically relevant classes of artifact systems and
Data-driven workflows, of which IBM’s Business Artifacts                   properties for which fully automatic verification is possible.
are a prime exponent, have been successfully deployed in                   This is an ambitious goal, since artifacts are infinite-state
practice, adopted in industrial standards, and have spawned                systems due to the presence of unbounded data. Along this
a rich body of research in academia, focused primarily on                  line, decidability and complexity results were shown for dif-
static analysis. The present research bridges the gap be-                  ferent versions of the verification problem with various ex-
tween the theory and practice of artifact verification by                  pressiveness of the artifact models, as reviewed in the next
studying the implementation of a full-fledged and efficient                section.
artifact verifier for a variant of the Hierarchical Artifact Sys-             The project described in this paper bridges the gap be-
tem (HAS) model presented in [9]. With a family of special-                tween the theory and practice of artifact verification by pro-
ized optimizations to the classic Karp-Miller algorithm, our               viding the first implementation of a full-fledged and efficient
verifier performs >10x faster than a nontrivial Spin-based                 artifact verifier. The artifact model we use is a variant of
baseline on real-world workflows and is scalable to large syn-             the Hierarchical Artifact System (HAS) model of [9], which
thetic workflows.                                                          captures core elements of IBM’s GSM model. Rather than
                                                                           building on top of an existing program verification tool such
                                                                           as Spin, which we have shown to have strong limitations,
1.    INTRODUCTION                                                         we implemented our verifier from scratch. The implemen-
   The past decade has witnessed the evolution of work-                    tation is based on the classic Karp-Miller algorithm [16],
flow specification frameworks from the traditional process-                with a family of specialized optimizations to boost perfor-
centric approach towards data-awareness. Process-centric                   mance. The experimental results show that our verifier per-
formalisms focus on control flow while under-specifying the                forms an order of magnitude faster compared to a baseline
underlying data and its manipulations by the process tasks,                implementation using Spin [10] on specifications based on
often abstracting them away completely. In contrast, data-                 real-world BPMN workflows [2], and scales well on large
aware formalisms treat data as first-class citizens. A notable             synthetic workflows. To the best of our knowledge, our arti-
exponent of this class is IBM’s business artifact model pio-               fact verifier is the first implementation with full support of
neered in [14], successfully deployed in practice [3, 5, 18]               unbounded data.
and adopted in industrial standards.
   In a nutshell, business artifacts (or simply “artifacts”)
model key business-relevant entities, which are updated by a               2.    BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK
set of services that implement business process tasks, spec-                  [8, 6] studied the verification problem for a bare-bones
ified declaratively by pre-and-post conditions. A collection               variant of artifact systems, in which each artifact consists
of artifacts and services is called an artifact system. IBM                of a flat tuple of evolving values and the services are spec-
has developed several variants of artifacts, of which the most             ified by simple pre-and-post conditions on the artifact and
recent is Guard-Stage-Milestone (GSM) [7, 11]. The GSM                     database. The verification problem was to check statically
approach provides rich structuring mechanisms for services,                whether all runs of an artifact system satisfy desirable prop-
including parallelism, concurrency and hierarchy, and has                  erties expressed in LTL-FO, an extension of linear-time tem-
been incorporated in the OMG standard for Case Manage-                     poral logic where propositions are interpreted as existential
ment Model and Notation (CMMN) [15, 12].                                   first-order logic sentences on the database and current arti-
   Artifact systems deployed in industrial settings typically              fact tuple. In order to deal with the resulting infinite-state
specify complex workflows prone to costly bugs, whence the                 system, a symbolic approach was developed in [8] to allow
need for verification of critical properties. Over the past few            a reduction to finite-state model checking and yielding a
years, the verification problem for artifact systems was in-               pspace verification algorithm for the simplest variant of the
tensively studied. Rather than relying on general-purpose                  model (no database dependencies and uninterpreted data
software verification tools suffering from well-known limi-                domain). In [6] the approach was extended to allow for
tations, the focus of the research community has been to                   database dependencies and numeric data testable by arith-
                                                                           metic constraints.
                                                                              In our previous work [9], we made significant progress on
Proceedings of the VLDB 2017 PhD Workshop, August 28, 2017. Mu-
nich, Germany. Copyright (c) 2017 for this paper by its authors. Copying   several fronts. We introduced the HAS model, a much richer
permitted for private and academic purposes.                               and more realistic model abstracting the core elements of
the GSM model. The model features task hierarchy, con-                                       T1: ProcessOrders
currency, and richer artifact data (including updatable arti-
fact relations). In more detail, a HAS consists of a database
and a hierarchy (rooted tree) of tasks. Each task has as-                    T2: TakeOrder    T3: CheckCredit    T4: ShipItem
sociated to it local evolving data consisting of a tuple of
                                                                                   Figure 1: Tasks Hierarchy
artifact variables and an updatable artifact relation. It also         The task has 3 internal services: Initialize, StoreOrder
has an associated set of services. Each application of a ser-       and RetrieveOrder. Intuitively, Initialize creates a new order
vice is guarded by a pre-condition on the database and lo-          with cust id = item id = null. When RetrieveOrder is
cal data and causes an update of the data, specified by a           called, an order is non-deterministically chosen and removed
post-condition (constraining the next artifact tuple) and an        from ORDERS for processing, and (cust id, item id, status)
insertion or retrieval of a tuple from the artifact relation.       is set to be the chosen tuple. When StoreOrder is called,
In addition, a task may invoke a child task with a tuple of         the current order (cust id, item id, status) is inserted into
input parameters, and receive back a result if the child task       ORDERS. The latter two services are specified as follows (the
completes. To express properties of HAS we introduce hi-            specification consists of a pre-condition, a post-condition,
erarchical LTL-FO (HLTL-FO), which is similar to LTL-FO             and an update to the ORDERS artifact relation):
but adapted to the hierarchy. The main results of [9] es-
tablish the complexity of checking HLTL-FO properties for           StoreOrder :
various classes of HAS, highlighting the impact of various          Pre: cust id 6= null∧item id 6= null∧status 6= “Failed”
features on verification.                                           Post: cust id = null ∧ item id = null ∧ status = “Init”
                                                                    Update: {+ORDERS(cust id, item id, status)}
3.   MODEL AND EXAMPLE                                              RetrieveOrder :
   The artifact model used in our implementation is a variant       Pre: cust id = null ∧ item id = null // Post: True
of the HAS model of [9] denoted HAS*, which differs from            Update: {−ORDERS(cust id, item id, status)}
the HAS model used in [9] in two respects. On one hand,
it restricts HAS by disallowing arithmetic in service pre-          TakeOrder: When this task is called, the customer enters
and-post conditions, and requires the underlying database           the information of the order (cust id and item id) and the
schema to use an acyclic set of foreign keys, as in the widely      status of the order is initialized to “OrderPlaced”. The
used Star (or Snowflake) schemas [17]. On the other hand,           task contains cust id, record and status as variables and
HAS* extends HAS by allowing an arbitrary number of ar-             all are return variables to the parent task. There are two
tifact relations in each task, arbitrary variable propagation,      services called EnterCustomer and EnterItem, that allow
and more flexible interactions between tasks. As shown by           the customer to enter her and the item’s information. The
our real-life examples, HAS* is powerful enough to model a          CUSTOMERS and ITEMS tables are queried to obtain the cus-
wide variety of business processes, and so is a good vehicle        tomer ID and item ID. These two services can be called
for studying the implementation of a verifier. Moreover, de-        multiple times to allow the customer to modify previously
spite the extensions, the complexity of verifying HLTL-FO           entered data. The task’s termination condition is cust id 6=
properties of HAS* can be shown to remain expspace, by              null ∧ item id 6= null, at which time its variables are re-
adapting the techniques of [9].                                     turned to its parent task ProcessOrders.
   We illustrate the HAS* model with a simplified example           CheckCredit: This task checks the financial record of a
of order fulfillment business process based on a real-world         customer and decides whether the supplier will go ahead
BPMN workflow. The workflow allows customers to place               with the sale. It is called when status = “OrderPlaced”.
orders and suppliers to process the orders. It has the follow-      It has artifact variables cust id (input variable), record
ing database schema:                                                and status. When the credit record is good, status is set
• CUSTOMERS(id, name, address, record)                              to “Passed”, and otherwise to “Failed”. After status is
   ITEMS(id, item name, price, in stock)                            set, the task terminates and returns status to the parent
   CREDIT RECORD(id, status)                                        task. The task has a single service Check performing the
   In the schema, the id’s are key attributes, and record is a      credit check.
foreign key referencing CREDIT RECORD. The CUSTOMERS ta-            Check :
ble contains basic customer information and CREDIT RECORD           Pre: true // Post:
provides each customer’s credit rating. The ITEMS table con-         ∃n∃a CUSTOMERS(cust id, n, a, record)∧
tains information on all the items. The artifact system has 4
                                                                     (CREDIT RECORD(record, “Good”) → status = “Passed”)∧
tasks: T1 :ProcessOrders, T2 :TakeOrder, T3 :CheckCredit
                                                                     (¬CREDIT RECORD(record, “Good”) → status = “Failed”)
and T4 :ShipItem, which form the hierarchy in Figure 1.
   Intuitively, the root task ProcessOrders serves as a global         Note that in a service we can also specify a set of propa-
coordinator which manages a pool of orders and the child            gated variables whose values stay unchanged when the ser-
tasks TakeOrder, CheckCredit and ShipItem implement                 vice is applied. In Check, only cust id is a propagated vari-
the 3 processing stages of an order. At each point in a run,        able and others will be assigned new values.
ProcessOrders nondeterministically picks an order from              ShipItem: This task checks whether the desired item is in
its pool, triggers one processing stage, and places it back         stock by looking up the item id in the ITEMS table to see
into the pool upon completion.                                      whether the in stock attribute equals “Yes”. If so, the item
ProcessOrders: The task has the artifact variables: cust id,        is shipped to the customer (status is set to “Shipped”) oth-
item id, status which store basic information of an order.          erwise the order fails (status is set to “Failed”). This task
It also has an artifact relation ORDERS(cust id, item id, status)   is specified similarly to CheckCredit (details omitted).
storing the orders to be processed.                                    Properties of HAS* can be specified in LTL-FO. In the
 above workflow, we can specify a temporal property saying         As shown in Section 5, the performance of the verifier is
 “If an order is taken and the ordered item is out of stock,       significantly improved.
 then the item must be restocked before it is shipped.” It can     Data Structure Support When the above optimization is
 be written in LTL-FO as:                                          applied, a frequent operation during the search is to find sub-
 ∀i G(EnterItem ∧ item id = i ∧ instock = “No”) →                  states and superstates of a given candidate state in the cur-
    (¬(ShipItem ∧ item id = i) U (Restock ∧ item id = i))          rent set of reached symbolic states. This operation becomes
                                                                   the performance bottleneck when there is a large number
                                                                   of reached states. We accelerate the superstate and sub-
 4.    VERIFIER IMPLEMENTATION                                     state queries with a Trie index and an Inverted-Lists index,
   Although decidability of verification was shown in [9], a       respectively.
 naive implementation of the expspace algorithm outlined           Static Analysis The verifier statically analyzes and sim-
 there would be wholly impractical. Instead, our implemen-         plifies the input workflow with a preprocessing step. We
 tation brings to bear a battery of optimization techniques        notice that in real workflows, some contraints in the spec-
 crucial to performance. This approach of [9] is based on de-      ification can never be violated in a symbolic run, and thus
 veloping a symbolic representation of the runs of a HAS*.         can be removed. For example, for a constraint x = y in
 In the representation, each snapshot is summarized by:            the specification, where x, y are variables, if x 6= y does not
 (i) the isomorphism type of the artifact variables, describing    appear anywhere in the specification and is not implied by
     symbolically the structure of the portion of the database     other constraints, then x = y can be safely removed from the
     reachable from the variables by navigating foreign keys       specification without affecting the result of the verification
(ii) for each artifact relation and isomorphism type, the num-     algorithm.
     ber of tuples in the relation that share that isomorphism
     type                                                          5.    EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
                                                                      We evaluated the performance of our verifier using both
 The heart of the proof in [9] is showing that it is sufficient
                                                                   real-world and synthetic artifact specifications.
 to verify symbolic runs rather than actual runs. Observe
 that because of (ii), the symbolic representation is not finite   The Real Set As the artifact approach is still new to
 state. Indeed, (ii) requires maintaining a set of counters,       the industry, real-world processes available for evaluation
 which can grow unboundedly. Therefore, the verification           are limited. We therefore built an artifact system bench-
 algorithm relies on a reduction to state reachability in Vector   mark specific to business processes, by rewriting the more
 Addition Systems with States (VASS) [4]. A VASS is a              widely available process-centric BPMN workflows as HAS*
 finite-state machine augmented with positive counters that        specifications. There are numerous sources of BPMN work-
 can be incremented and decremented (but not tested for            flows, including the official BPMN website [2], that provides
 zero). This is essentially equivalent to a Petri Net.             36 workflows of non-trivial size. To rewrite these workflows
    A direct implementation of the above algorithm is im-          into the HAS*, we manually added the database schema,
 practical because the resulting VASS can have exponentially       artifact variables/relations, and services for updating the
 many states and counters in the input size, and state-of-the-     data. Among the 36 real-world BPMN workflows collected
 art VASS tools can only handle a small number of coun-            from the official BPMN website bpmn.org, our model is suf-
 ters (<100) [1]. To mitigate the inefficiency, our implemen-      ficiently expressive to specify 32 of them in HAS* and can
 tation never generates the whole VASS but instead lazily          thus be used for performance evaluation. The remaining
 computes the symbolic representations on-the-fly. Thus, it        ones cannot be expressed in HAS* because they involve com-
 only generates reachable symbolic states, whose number is         puting aggregate functions or updating the artifact relations
 usually much smaller. In addition, isomorphism types in           in ways that are not supported in the current model. We
 the symbolic representation are replaced by partial isomor-       will consider these features in our future work.
 phism types, which store only the subset of constraints on the    The Synthetic Set The second benchmark we used for
 variables imposed by the current run, leaving the rest un-        evaluation is a set of randomly generated HAS specifications.
 specified. This representation is not only more compact, but      All components of each specification, including DB schema,
 also results in an exponentially smaller search space. Then       task hierarchy and services, are generated fully at random
 our verifier performs the (repeated) state reachability search    of a certain size. The ones with empty search space due to
 using the classic Karp-Miller algorithm [16] with three spe-      unsatisfiable conditions are removed from the benchmark.
 cialized optimizations to further accelerate the search. We       Table 1 shows some statistics of the benchmarks.
 discuss these next.
                                                                    Dataset    Size #Relations #Tasks #Variables #Services
 State Pruning The classic Karp-Miler algorithm is well-
 known to be inefficient and pruning is a standard way to            Real     32         3.563       3.219       20.63        11.59
 improve its performance [16]. We introduce a new pruning          Synthetic 120           5           5          75           75
 technique which can be viewed as a generalization of the
                                                                        Table 1: Statistics of the Two Sets of Workflows
 strategies in [16]. The high-level idea is that when a new
 state I is found, if there exists a reached state I 0 such that   Baseline and Setup We compare our verifier with a sim-
 all states reachable from I are also reachable from I 0 , then    pler implementation built on top of Spin, a widely used soft-
 we can stop exploring I immediately. In this case, we call I 0    ware verification tool [10]. Building such a verifier is by itself
 a superstate of I and I a substate. Similarly, if there exists    a challenging task since Spin is incapable of handling data
 a reached state I 0 which is a substate of I, then we can         of unbounded size, present in the HAS* model. We man-
 prune I 0 and its successors. Compared to [16], our pruning       aged to build a Spin-based verifier supporting a restricted
 is more aggresive, resulting in a much smaller search space.      version of out model, without updatable artifact relations.
As the read-only database can still have unbounded size and                                                           SP                 SA        DSS
domain, the verifier requires a set of nontrivial translations                                                Mean         Trim.     Mean Trim. Mean Trim.
and optimizations. The details will be discussed in a sepa-
                                                                                                 Real    2943.58x 55.31x 1.80x 1.66x 1.90x 1.24x
rate paper.
                                                                                               Synthetic 494.57x 180.82x 17.92x 0.92x 1.45x 1.27x
   We implemented both verifiers in C++ with Spin version
6.4.6 for the Spin-based verifier. All experiments were per-                                    Table 3: Mean and Trimmed Mean (5%) of Speedups
formed on a Linux server with a quad-core Intel i7-2600 CPU                                    speedups of each optimization in both datasets. We also
and 16G memory. For each workflow in each dataset, we ran                                      present the trimmed averages of the speedups (i.e. removing
our verifiers to test a randomly generated liveness property.                                  the top/bottom 5% speedups before averaging) which is less
The time limit of each run was set to 10 minutes. For fair                                     sensitive to extreme values.
comparison, since the Spin-based verifier (Spin-Opt) cannot                                       Table 3 shows that the effect of state pruning is the most
handle artifact relations, we ran both the full Karp-Miller-                                   significant in both sets of workflows, with an average (trimmed)
based verifier (KM), and the Karp-Miller-based verifier with                                   speedup of 55x and 180x in the real and synthetic set, re-
artifact relations ignored (KM-NoSet).                                                         spectively. The static analysis optimization is more effective
Performance Table 2 shows the results on both sets of                                          in the real set (1.6x improvement) but its effect in the syn-
workflows. The Spin-based verifier achieves acceptable per-                                    thetic set is less obvious. It creates a small amount (8%)
formance on the real set with an average elapsed time of few                                   of overhead in most cases, but significantly improves the
seconds and only 1 timeout instance. However, it failed on                                     running time of a single instance, resulting in the huge gap
most runs (109/120) in the synthetic set of workflows. On                                      between the normal average speedup and the trimmed av-
the other hand, both KM and KM-NoSet achieve average                                           erage speedup. Finally, the data-structure support provides
running times below 1 second and with no timeout on the                                        a consistent ∼1.2x average speedup in both datasets.
real set, and the average running time is in seconds on the                                    Acknowledgement This work was supported in part by
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