Integration of SMT-LIB Support into Maple Stephen A. Forrest Maplesoft Europe Ltd., Cambridge, UK Abstract. The SC2 project arose out of the recognition that the Sym- bolic Computation and Satisfiability Checking communities mutually benefit from the sharing of results and techniques. An SMT solver can profit from the inclusion of computer algebra techniques in its theory solver, while a computer algebra system can profit from dispatching SAT or SMT queries which arise as sub-problems during computation to a dedicated external solver; many existing implementations of both of these may be found. Here we describe on-going work in the second cate- gory: an API in Maple for dispatching computations to, and processing results from, an SMT solver supporting the SMT-LIB 2 format. 1 Introduction 1.1 SC2 , Maple, and SMT-LIB The SC2 project [1] was established with a mandate to promote the establish- ment of bridges between the Symbolic Computation and Satisfiability Checking communities in the form of common platforms and roadmaps. Applying this prin- ciple to the software tools themselves, it is well understood that SMT solvers can benefit substantially from incorporating computer algebra techniques such as symbolic simplification or quantifier elimination in their theory solvers. [2] This approach is realized in the implementation of several SMT solvers, such as veriT [3] and SMT-RAT [4]. The opposite task of incorporating SAT or SMT solving techniques into a computer algebra system also has significant prior art. One such example from the computer algebra system Redlog is the integration of learning strategies from CDCL-based SMT solving into real quantifier elimination [5]. We describe here a interface between Maple[6] and an arbitrary SMT solver implementing the SMT-LIB 2.0 [7] format. Maple is a computer algebra system originally developed by members of the Symbolic Computation Group in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. Since 1988, it has been developed and commercially distributed by Maplesoft (formally Waterloo Maple Inc.), a company based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, with ongoing contribu- tions from affiliated research centres. The core Maple language is implemented in a kernel written in C++ and much of the computational library is written in the Maple language, though the system does employ external libraries such as LAPACK and the GNU Multiprecision Library (GMP) for special-purpose computations. The SMT-LIB 2.0 standard defines a language for writing terms and formulas in a sorted version of first-order logic, specifying background theories and logics, and interacting with SMT solvers in order to impose and retract assertions and inquire about their satisfiability. 1.2 SMT-like Queries in Maple Consistent with Maple’s roots as a computer algebra system, its solvers (such as solve, dsolve, int) generally seek to provide the user with a general solution to a posed problem which is both compact and useful. Further transformation or simplification of such solutions using simplifiers based on heuristic methods [8] is often necessary. Nevertheless the approach of posing queries as questions about satisfiability or requests for a satisfying witness is not unknown in Maple, and its core routines make regular use of satisfiability queries in the course of symbolic simplification. The existing general-purpose commands in Maple for querying universal and existential properties about a given expression are named is and coulditbe respectively. [9] The is command accepts an expression p and asks if p evaluates to the value true for every possible assignment of values to the symbols in p. The coulditbe command accepts identical syntax but asks if there is any assignment of values to the symbols in p which could cause p to evaluate to true. Both is and coulditbe return results in ternary logic: true, false, or FAIL. Both also make use of the “assume facility”, which is a system for associating Boolean properties with symbolic variables. This provides limits on the range of possible assignments considered by is and coulditbe and is roughly analo- gous to a type declaration. For example, the expression is(x^2>=0) evaluates to false because there are many possible values of x which do not evaluate to nonnegative real numbers: it may be a symbol with no numeric value, an expression √ of arbitrary size containing such a symbol, or simply the imaginary unit −1. By contrast, the expression is(x^2>=0) assuming x::real returns true because the range of possible values of x is limited to those corresponding to real numbers. An illustrative example can be found with the Maple command product. In the evaluation of the expression product(f(n),n=a..b), the system seeks Qb to compute a symbolic formula for the product n=a f (n). As one can verify by inspecting the source code with showstat(product), the implementation of product computes a set of roots of f (n) and, if neither a nor b is infinite, checks whether there exists a root r such that r is an integer and a ≤ r ≤ b. If so, it returns zero as the result of the product. (Similar logic is applied if either of a or b is infinite.) This is an example of what is essentially an SMT instance appearing as a sub- problem in the course of symbolic computation. Many examples of such queries may be found in the Maple library; a common pattern is to pose an is query (that is, verify that a specified condition holds universally) as a precondition to applying a certain transformation. Description is coulditbe Queries with result true 2335 3582 Queries with result false 19020 1519 Queries with result FAIL 2730 670 Queries including addition 9849 2022 Queries including multiplication 17097 3106 Queries including equations (=), inequations (6=), and inequalities (<, ≤) 11333 4439 Queries including integer exponents ≥ 2 7965 875 Queries including complex arithmetic 6215 389 Queries with Boolean structure (¬, ∧, ∨) 564 168 Total distinct queries 24085 5771 Table 1. Distinct is and coulditbe queries encountered in a full library test run As evidence of the ubiquity of such queries, Table 1 summarizes the distinct invocations of is and coulditbe encountered during a complete run through Maplesoft’s internal test suite for the Maple library performed on 26 July 2017. This includes both instances in which the test case explicitly calls is/coulditbe and instances in which is/coulditbe are invoked by other library functions such as product, as shown previously. In total, 24085 distinct is and 5771 distinct coulditbe queries were issued during the course of the test run. The inputs vary considerably in size and in the complexity of the underlying theory, and for both is and coulditbe approxi- mately 11% of queries cannot be decided (i.e. return FAIL rather than true or false). A complete list of queries encountered may be viewed at It is probable that a significant subset of these queries are expressible in the SMT-LIB 2 format. Explicitly dispatching such queries from Maple to an external SMT solver could offer performance improvements and permit a broader class of queries to be decided (i.e. return answers other than FAIL) than is possible with analogous existing tools in Maple. More generally, the scope of these queries serves to provide evidence that posing existential questions about the satisfiability of problems over the integers and real numbers in the style of SMT is, in fact, a natural activity when doing computer algebra. 2 Challenges The Maple language is loosely-typed and permits identifiers which have not been previously defined to be freely used in algebraic expressions, with the under- standing that such identifiers represent symbolic indeterminates. Maple there- fore places no requirements on the user to provide an advance declaration of the mathematical domain associated with or theory underlying the input expression. Maple does possess a facility with which additional properties about symbols may be specified using the commands assume or assuming. In general however the effective interpretation of symbols is imposed by the particular command being invoked: for example, coeffs(x^ 2+3,x) interprets x as a transcendental element while evalc((x+I)^ 2) interprets x as a real number. This overall flexibility presents a significant obstacle to translating an arbi- trary algebraic expression from Maple to SMT-LIB: we must either oblige a user to specify the SMT-LIB logic underlying the expression and the type of each symbol explicitly, or attempt to detect them. 3 Results We present a work-in-progress Maple package, SMTLIB, designed to facilitate interaction with an SMT solver supporting the SMT-LIB standard. This package offers three commands: ToString, Satisfiable, and Satisfy. The first of these, ToString, accepts a Maple expression and returns a string output containing an SMT-LIB 2.0 script. By default, this simply asserts the truth of the expression corresponding to the Maple input and requests a satisfia- bility check (i.e. (check-sat)). It does not explicitly invoke an SMT solver, but merely returns the input which would be sent to one if Satisfiable or Satisfy were invoked. The SMT-LIB logic may be explicitly specified or inferred. In the following example, we ask about the satifiability of x2 +1 = 0 while instructing ToString to use the SMT-LIB logic QF LRA (quantifier-free linear real arithmetic), implicitly forcing the variable x to be real. (Note that the input line is preceded by > and output lines follow afterwards.) > SMTLIB:-ToString( x^2+1=0, logic="QF_LRA" ); "(set-logic QF_LRA) (declare-fun x () Real) (assert (= (+ (* x x) 1) 0)) (check-sat) (exit)" In the event that the logic is not specified, ToString will attempt to choose the “smallest” SMT-LIB logic in which the input can be represented, according to the partial order on SMT-LIB logics described in [10]. That is it will choose a logic which is sufficient to represent the input expression, and which will be a sub-logic of any logic in which the input can be represented. If we repeat the previous command while leaving the logic unspecified, ToString defaults to using the logic QF NIA (quantifier-free nonlinear integer arithmetic) because that is the minimal logic in which both the integer addition and the square term can be represented. > SMTLIB:-ToString( x^2+1=0 ); "(set-logic QF_NIA) (declare-fun x () Int) (assert (= (+ (* x x) 1) 0)) (check-sat) (exit)" The Satisfiable and Satisfy commands simply generate SMT-LIB scripts (which request a satisfiability check and a satisfying witness, respectively) and dispatch the query to an SMT solver. By specifying the path to the executable for the SMT solver, an arbitrary SMT-LIB compliant solver may be used, though the default implementation uses Z3 [11]. The output of the SMT solver is parsed and returned as a corresponding Maple object: a Boolean result (for Satisfiable) or either a satisfying assignment or the value NULL. The following examples first confirm that a satisfying assignment exists and then returns a satisfying assignment for the equation w3 +x3 = y 3 +z 3 in positive integers where w 6= y, w 6= z: > SMTLIB:-Satisfiable( {w^3+x^3=y^3+z^3, w>0,x>0,y>0,z>0,w<>y,w<>z}, logic="QF_NIA"); true > SMTLIB:-Satisfy( {w^3+x^3=y^3+z^3, w>0,x>0,y>0,z>0,w<>y,w<>z}, logic="QF_NIA"); {w = 10, x = 9, y = 12, z = 1} 4 Conclusion The SMTLIB Maple package presents a concrete example of a computer algebra system effectively harnessing the power of an SMT solver. The fact that its interface is sufficiently generic to be uncoupled from any particular SMT solver stands as testimony to the benefit of the widespread adoption of the SMT-LIB standard by implementors of SMT solvers. This implementation nevertheless currently leaves a considerable portion of the functionality defined in the SMT-LIB 2 standard unexploited, including def- inition of new theories and use of the command language for interacting with assertions via stack push/pop operations. 5 Future Work The inclusion of the SMTLIB package in Maple provides a facility for users explicitly interested in interacting with an SMT solver. In future, we aim to examine the utility of using as a general-purpose tool for solving SMT instances which arise during evaluation of symbolic expressions. An important factor in this assessment will be whether this implementation offers better performance and meaningful answers (not FAIL) for a larger class of such queries than existing tools in Maple. We also hope to find ways of meaningfully incorporating other parts of the SMT-LIB 2 specification into the Maple interface. At present, in the case of un- satisfiability users of the interface must accept a mere false or NULL; they would benefit from access to concrete evidence of unsatisfiability (e.g. an unsatisfiable core). The interface would also benefit from the addition of support for other ex- isting SMT-LIB types, including – Uninterpreted functions (QF UF and logics which extend it) – Arrays – Bit vectors – Floating-point arithmetic References 1. E. Ábrahám, J. Abbott, B. Becker, A.M. Bigatti, M. Brain, B. Buchberger, A. Cimatti, J.H. Davenport M. England, P. Fontaine, S. Forrest, A. Griggio, D. Kroen- ing, W.M. Seiler, and T. Sturm. SC2 : Satisfiability Checking Meets Symbolic Com- putation. In: M. Kohlhase, M. Johansson, B. Miller, L. de Moura, F. Tompa, eds., Intelligent Computer Mathematics (Proceedings of CICM 2016), pp. 28-43, (Lec- ture Notes in Computer Science, 9791). Springer International Publishing, 2016. 2. Erika Ábrahám. 2015. 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