=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1975/paper10 |storemode=property |title=Applicability of Automatically Generated Thesauri to Text Classification in Specific Domains |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1975/paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-1975 |authors=Ksenia Lagutina,Ivan Shchitov,Nadezhda Lagutina,Ilya Paramonov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aist/LagutinaSLP17 }} ==Applicability of Automatically Generated Thesauri to Text Classification in Specific Domains== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1975/paper10.pdf
      Applicability of Automatically Generated
      Thesauri to Text Classification in Specific

     Ksenia Lagutina, Ivan Shchitov, Nadezhda Lagutina, Ilya Paramonov

                     P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University,
                    Sovetskaya Str. 14, 150003, Yaroslavl, Russia
                  lagutinakv@mail.ru, ivan.shchitov@e-werest.org,
                 lagutinans@gmail.com, ilya.paramonov@fruct.org

      Abstract. The paper is devoted to comparison of the quality of text
      classification with the use of manually and automatically generated the-
      sauri. For this purpose, the authors applied the BM25 algorithm with
      word features based on thesaurus’s relations between terms. The experi-
      ments, conducted with text corpora from three specific domains (medicine,
      economics, and sport), showed that using an automatically generated
      thesaurus provides nearly the same classification quality as the manually
      created one. These results make the authors’ approach promising for text
      classification in many specific domains where no thesaurus is available,
      as it allows to avoid consumption of high amount of resources for manual
      thesaurus creation.

      Keywords: text classification, specialized thesaurus, BM25, automatic
      thesaurus generation.

1   Introduction
Automated topical text classification aims to order unstructured corpora and
assigns raw texts to pre-defined main topics. The most popular classification
algorithms are developed and studied primarily for processing news, reviews,
and spam [1,5]. These texts mostly contain common words, so their classification
does not depend on a domain.
     Conversely, domain-specific texts usually have non-trivial structure, many
terms, and other peculiar properties that complicate text mining. One of the way
to simplify processing and extract semantic information is the thesaurus use. A
specialized thesaurus contains almost all domain’s terms and reflects semantic
relations between them [2]. Studies show that embedding a thesaurus into text
processing algorithms increases classification quality significantly [4,11].
     However, construction of high-quality thesauri that can be used for text min-
ing, requires much expert’s time, therefore the number of thesauri in open access
is limited. An alternative for human-made thesauri is automatically created ones.
They are less popular in text classification than both manually created special-
ized thesauri and general purpose thesauri. Also, the difference between results
achieved using thesauri of different types is rarely investigated in text mining
    The goal of the authors’ research was to compare efficiency of manually and
automatically generated specialized thesauri in application to the topical text
classification. Each thesaurus was used in conjunction with BM25 algorithm to
take into account relations between classes and words from texts. The experi-
ments revealed potential of both types of thesauri in use. Moreover, this com-
parison allowed to figure out whether the automatically created thesauri can be
used in domains that do not have a thesaurus yet.
    The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 overviews the state-of-the-art in
text classification with thesauri. Section 3 explains the main steps of the classifi-
cation method and details of the thesaurus embedding. Section 4 describes text
corpora and the evaluation procedure used in experiments. Section 5 provides
numerical results of experiments and explains them. The conclusion summarizes
the paper, shortly describes key results and discusses future research.

2   Related work

Almost all existing algorithms that classify texts by topics have the same main

 1. Extraction of keyword candidates from texts.
 2. Computation of statistical and linguistic features of the candidates.
 3. Ranking candidates using different functions and machine learning algo-
 4. Choice of candidates with the best scores as text classes.

    A thesaurus can be embedded into such algorithms in several ways. The
first one is to extend the candidate list by thesaurus terms related to keywords
from the initial set. This approach is implemented in the GENIE system [4].
It classifies news texts using a geographical names dictionary and Eurowordnet
thesaurus. Experiments showed that such an approach allows to increase preci-
sion and recall by 20 % comparing with the same algorithm without a thesaurus.
Another example is the method that combines the thesaurus with character-level
ConvNets [13]. Testing on news, reviews, DBPedia, and Yahoo Answers corpora
showed that using the WordNet thesaurus decreases the number of errors by
8–15 %.
    An important feature of such methods is the usage of a general purpose
thesaurus. It fits well for news, reviews, and other texts with common words,
but may work worse with documents from a concrete domain containing many
specific terms [10].
    The second way to use the thesaurus is to compute additional features for
candidates. Nagaraj et al. [9] proposed a method that finds semantic relations
between words in WordNet or Wikipedia and counts their number for each word.
The best results was shown on 20NewsGroup and Classic3 subsets, about 85–
95 %; F-measure for the business Reuters-21578 corpus was lower, from 60 to
90 % depending on the training set size.
     The system of review classification [3] divides reviews into two groups: posi-
tive and negative. The solution of this task requires sentiment analysis, so Bolle-
gala et al. automatically created a specialized thesaurus with terms that express
human emotions and opinions. The classification algorithm computes the num-
ber of thesaurus relations for each keyword in the text and adds this score to
the feature vector. As a result, accuracy raised from 60–70 % to 70–80 %. Such
high scores were reached because the thesaurus was built for a specific domain
taking into account its features and peculiarities.
     Summarily, the usage of a thesaurus allows to improve quality of text clas-
sification, and results are better if the thesaurus contains information about
semantic relations between the words from the texts’ domain. For text classi-
fication both manually and automatically generated thesauri can be used, but
comparison of the classification quality reachable with the use of these two classes
of thesauri is not properly presented in modern research.

3     Method of text classification using automatically
      generated thesaurus

3.1   Thesaurus creation

The main goal of the authors’ research was to examine how well text classification
can be performed with the use of automatically created specialized thesauri. Such
thesauri were generated from several domain-specific corpora with the use of the
algorithm from the authors’ previous work [7]. It includes the following steps of
text processing:

 1. Term extraction using TextRank algorithm.
 2. Construction of different semantic relations (associations, hyponym—hypernyms,
    and synonyms) with the use of the combination of statistical and semantic
 3. Isolated term removal.

    This approach provides a thesaurus with the large number of semantic rela-
tions between terms. Comparison with the existing thesaurus showed that au-
tomatically constructed one has quite good recall and very high precision for
    The main advantage of the algorithm is that it processes data fully automat-
ically and does not require any expert’s work, so the thesaurus can be quickly
constructed for any domain. Moreover, according to the authors’ previous re-
sults, such a thesaurus usually has enough terms and relations of quite good
quality. Therefore, it can provide additional information for methods that solve
text mining problems.
3.2   Text classification
After construction the specialized thesauri were applied to the text classification
    In the authors’ experiment text classification is performed by the existing
existing unsupervised classification algorithm BM25 [6] modified to use the the-
saurus. This algorithm takes as an input a corpora, where texts are not assigned
with topics, a list of classes, and an automatically constructed thesaurus from
the previous section. It contains the following steps:

 1. Extract all words from texts and compute their frequency.
 2. For each class create the list of related thesaurus terms.
 3. Rank the text-class pairs using the terms frequency and the BM25 algorithm.

    Firstly, the algorithm extracts individual words from texts, builds the in-
verted index for each text document, and calculate word frequency.
    Secondly, the thesaurus is browsed for the closest related terms of the follow-
ing classes: synonyms, hyponyms, and hyperonyms of the first order. Associations
are not included because they often link terms that can indicate different topic,
for example “blood clot” and “heart”. On the contrary, synonyms, hyponyms, and
hyperonyms obviously reflect semantic relations between words from a common
topic, so they can help to juxtapose texts with their classes better.
    Finally, the BM25 algorithm is applied to the text-class pairs for ranking each
document by the query terms. This algorithm is a popular approach for many
text mining and information retrieval tasks, including text classification [12].
Also it does not require any additional parameters and training with treated
samples, so it can be easily extended by a thesaurus. These features make the
algorithm suitable for the authors’ research.

4     Evaluation procedure and used text corpora
In the classification experiments the authors used three text corpora from dif-
ferent domains:
 – PubMed text corpus (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/download/pubmed_
   medline.html). It has 63 classes and 1000 medical articles with 154 850
 – Reuters text corpus (http://www.daviddlewis.com/resources/testcollections/
   reuters21578/). It has 15 classes and 1534 articles from economics domain
   with 294 813 words.
 – BBCSport text corpus (http://mlg.ucd.ie/datasets/bbc.html). It has 5
   classes and 737 texts about sport with 253 667 words.
   Thesauri were generated automatically based on the chosen corpora. To
compare the classification quality when using automatically and manually gen-
erated thesaurus the authors used the well-known MeSH thesaurus (https:
//www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html) and STW thesaurus (http://zbw.
eu/stw/version/latest/about.en.html) for medical and economics domains
    The tool for extracting keywords from a text corpus is based on the Topical
PageRank keyword extraction algorithm [8]. It was implemented by the authors
in Python programming language. The tool takes a file with a text corpus as
an input parameter, reads all of texts, extracts keywords, and writes them to
separate files.
    The text classification algorithm is also implemented as a tool in Python. It
contains three modules: parser, query processor, ranking function. The parser
module reads and parses files with a list of classes and a set of texts to create
the data structures for further calculations. The query processor takes each class
from the list and scores the documents based on the class terms using the ranking
function. The ranking function is an implementation of the BM25 algorithm.
    Algorithm’s outcomes were compared with results of manual classification
that are provided with each corpus. For evaluation the authors chose most pop-
ular quality measures: micro-average precision, recall, F-measure, and accuracy.
The precision is the fraction of documents actually belonging to given classes
among all documents that the algorithm assigned to classes. The recall is the
fraction of documents found by the algorithm that are belong to given classes
among all documents of classes. The F-measure is the harmonic mean of the
precision and recall. The accuracy is the fraction of the retrieved documents for
which the classifier made a correct decision.

5   Results

The results of experiments achieved with the use of the text corpora described
in the previous section are contained in Table 1 and Table 2.
    Table 1 displays results in absolute values. The first column of the table
contains the name of text corpora, the second one—the type of used thesauri.
“Auto” means the automatically generated thesaurus based on the text corpus.
The third and fourth columns display the number of texts in the corpus and the
number of predefined classes. For example, texts from the PubMed corpus are
classified by the following classes: toxicity, pharmacology, immunology, surgery,
et al. The fifth and sixth columns display the number of text-class pairs found
using the algorithm described in Section 3.2 and correct correspondence between
texts and classes given in advance correspondingly.
    These results show that the automatically generated thesaurus allows to find
more text-class pairs compared to the manually constructed one. Comparing the
original number of text-class pairs (the last column of Table 1) with the others,
we can see the following trend. The algorithm with manual thesaurus leaves
some texts unclassified or juxtaposes texts with smaller number of classes than
it should be. On the contrary, the generated thesaurus provides too many pairs
for PubMed and Reuters corpora, but for the BBCSport corpus this number is
close to the original.
Table 1. Classification quality of the algorithm with manually and automatically gen-
erated thesauri in the absolute values

                                Total number of        Number of texts classified
  Corpus         Thesaurus
                                texts   classes        automatically   manually
  PubMed            Auto        1000      63               5057          3146
  PubMed            MeSH        1000      63               1392          3146
  Reuters           Auto        1543      15               4158          1835
  Reuters           STW         1543      15               1545          1835
  BBCSport          Auto         737        5               877            737

    Table 2 displays results in relative values. The results show that the experi-
ments with the automatically generated thesauri have greater recall and smaller
precision than the experiments with the thesauri constructed manually. It hap-
pens because the algorithm with the generated thesaurus finds too many texts
for classes. From one hand, it allows to find more right answers. From the other
hand, it provides a singnificant number of redundant text-class pairs. This ten-
dency is particularly takes part for the Reuters corpus. However, the experiment
with the BBCSport corpus shows that the generated thesaurus can provide quite
high precision for some texts (about 40 % against 33 and 12.5 % for the other

Table 2. Classification quality of the algorithm with manually and automatically gen-
erated thesauri in the relative values

  Corpus          Thesaurus      Precision    Recall     F-measure      Accuracy
  PubMed            Auto           12.5        20.1        15.4           89.0
  PubMed           MeSH            26.0        11.5        15.9           93.9
  Reuters           Auto           32.9        74.6        45.7           85.9
  Reuters           STW            55.8        47.0        51.0           92.8
  BBCSport          Auto           39.9        47.5        43.4           75.2

   The F-measure and accuracy differ slightly for algorithms with both the-
saurus types, so the difference between them is not essential.
   Summarily, the results allow to conclude that the automatically created the-
saurus can be successfully applied to the classification task. Meanwhile, the ap-
proach with the automatically generated thesaurus has the following advantages.
    Firstly, it is suitable for different domains. Experiments for medicine and
economics domains were conducted with the same parameters of thesaurus con-
struction and embedding and the results showed the same trend for all measures.
Therefore, we can expect similar classification quality for other domains.
   Secondly, the thesaurus construction goes fully automatically and does not
require the expert’s labour and parameters adjustment. So the thesaurus can be
created and applied easily for any corpus.
   Nevertheless, generated thesauri do not provide enough high precision and
accuracy of results in some cases, therefore the research of their use should be

6   Conclusion and future research

In this paper the authors compared quality of text classification when using
manually and automatically created thesauri. The experiments showed that us-
ing manual thesauri provides higher precision and accuracy, but automatical
ones allow to find more right classes and generally are not significantly behind.
    The algorithm was used for two different domains with both thesaurus kinds
and the result’s trend was the same. So classification of corpora from other
domains would probably have the similar quality.
    The results of the research allows to assert that the automatically generated
thesaurus is unconditionally applicable for text classification. The authors exper-
imented with the sport news text corpus, where there is no specialized thesaurus,
and got quite high measures about 40–70 %.
    The future research concerns varying of thesaurus properties and classifica-
tion algorithm’s parameters.
    The important thesaurus features are semantic relations. When thesauri are
applied to information retrieval and text mining, the least used relations are
associations. They are dissimilar and often have different semantics. So, the
associations can be classified into several subtypes that can be differently used
in text classification. This can be important for the case when the algorithm
with an automatically generated thesaurus provides low precision, because it
processes a large number of thesaurus’ relations and extracts too many false
positive text-class pairs. Probably, discrimination of the relations would allow
to eliminate redundant text classes.
    The algorithm’s parameters are weights of words in the scoring function.
During the text analysis step the algorithm calculates features for classes and
keywords taking into account thesaurus’s relations between them. The signifi-
cance of various relations can be differentiated depending on the domain. If the
scoring function would assign different weights for different relations, the algo-
rithm would classify texts using the particular domain’s features that can lead
it to make smaller number of mistakes.
    Summarily, the further investigation should find out types of thesaurus rela-
tions that reflect links between classes and texts better for a particular domain.
It would allows to vary parameters of the classification algorithm and classify
texts more precisely.
Acknowledgements. The research was supported by the grant of the President
of Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists (project MK-

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