=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1975/paper19 |storemode=property |title=Bank Licenses Revocation Modeling |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1975/paper19.pdf |volume=Vol-1975 |authors=Jaroslav Bologov,Konstantin Kotik,Alexander Andreev,Alexey Kozionov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aist/BologovKAK17 }} ==Bank Licenses Revocation Modeling== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1975/paper19.pdf
             Bank Licenses Revocation Modeling

Jaroslav Bologov, Konstantin Kotik, Alexander Andreev, and Alexey Kozionov

      Deloitte Analytics Institute, ZAO Deloitte & Touche CIS, Moscow, Russia

        Abstract. This paper is devoted to developing the models of losing
        bank licenses by Russian banks. The factors of the models are drawn
        from banks’ financial statements and macroeconomic reports. The algo-
        rithms proposed are capable to estimate both the probability and the
        exact time of license revocation. In order to do so multiple choice prob-
        lem is formulated with the target variable represented the probabilities of
        revocation within a certain time period after the forecast date. The mod-
        eling was conducted using logistic regression model, ensemble of decision
        trees, gradient boosting and artificial neural network.
        The results of this study have useful implications both in government or-
        ganizations and in private companies. The regulators can adjust manage-
        able macroeconomic indicators to control the intensity of bank licenses
        revocation. Companies can use estimated probabilities in solving funds
        distribution problems.

        Keywords: Bank licenses revocation · Russian banks · Probability of
        default · Multi-target classification

1     Introduction
Currently Russian banking sector is becoming more concentrated. Table 1 il-
lustrates the dynamic of a Herfindahl-Hirschman index calculated using the
amounts of loans granted1 .
    This process is supported by numerous cases of bank licenses revocations.
Eighty-seven licenses were revoked in 2014, ninety-three—in 2015 and one hundred—
in 20162 . That corresponds to an average frequency of two bank licenses revoked
per week. In these circumstances the identification of the reasons, which lead
to license revocation, and estimation of the revocation probabilities for Russian
banks become problems of high importance.
    The results of solving these problems may be used by the regulators in find-
ing out candidates for revocation and in adjusting macroeconomic indicators
they can manage in order to control the intensity of revocation process. On the
other hand, banks provide deposit services for many commercial organizations
and individuals, so license revocation leads to credit loss for them. Thus, solid
probability estimates of this kind of risk plays an essential role in providing
sustainability of their operating activities.
    Data is provided by http://www.banki.ru/.
    Data is provided by http://kuap.ru/revoke/.
      Table 1. Mean Herfindahl-Hirschman index value of Russian banking sector

           Year  2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
          HHI, % 11.0 11.9 11.4 11.5 12.6 12.2 13.4 13.9 14.4

    Due to its high relevance license revocation modeling (that is often called
"banks’ defaults modeling") had become a subject of many researches, the most
notable of which are [1], [2], and [3]. First two papers are devoted to determining
the factors which drive the revocation process. The purpose of the last one is
to get accurate estimates of revocation probabilities that is quite similar to
this paper goals. Current research extends approaches proposed in these articles
aiming to increase the predictive performance of models.
    Another goal is to show that data from public sources can be used to obtain
solid revocation probabilities estimates.

2     Data acquisition and preprocessing
The dataset used in modeling covers a period from February, 2011 to March,
2017 containing 18812 monthly observations, which correspond to 746 distinct
banks. Each observation contains set of financial indicators values of a given
bank as of given period of time including capital adequacy ratio (also known
as N1), instant liquidity ratio (N2), current liquidity ratio (N3), credit and de-
posit portfolios amounts, assets and equity volumes, ratings issued by Moody’s,
Standard & Poors, Fitch and Expert RA agencies, and set of macroeconomic
indicators values, which are identical for all observations corresponding to the
same period of time.
    Set of banks’ financial indicators was obtained by combining the data from
two sources: website "banki.ru"3 and the "CreditOrgInfo" web-service provided
by Central Bank of Russia4 .
    Banks’ financial data contains many missing values. In particular, it is an
acute problem for N1, N2 and N3 features. So if one decided to remove all the
observations with missing values from the dataset one would end up with few
percents of the initial number of observations left. This makes clear that the
problem of missing values must be handled. In this research linear interpolation
is used for filling these values, as it is a generally accepted robust method of
time series preprocessing.

Target variable definition
The key aspect of proposed algorithms that allows for the revocation period
estimating is the target variable. It was defined in a following way. For the
banks which license were revoked during the modeling period observations were
 – with the class "4", if the difference in months between the revocation date
   and the observation date is not greater than 3,
 – with the class "3", if the difference in months between the revocation date
   and the observation date is in the interval (3, 6],
 – with the class "2", if the difference in months between the revocation date
   and the observation date is in the interval (6, 12],
 – with the class "1", if the difference in months between the revocation date
   and the observation date is in the interval (12, 24],
 – with the class "0", if the difference in months between the revocation date
   and the observation date is greater than 24.

For the banks which licenses were not revoked during the modeling period ob-
servations were labeled only with marks "0" when class "0" condition (the last
of specified above) was met. Observations for which the condition was not met
were deleted from the set, because in that case it is not known whether license
would be revoked in 24 months or not.
    Splitting all the observations into 5 classes is one of the many ways how banks’
licenses revocation modeling may be turned into multi-target classification prob-
lem. The decision on how many classes a sample should be divided into has to
come from the specific problem that is needed to be solved. For example, if one
need to estimate short-term, mid-term and long-term risk then 3-class problem
would be probably the most suitable kind of classification model with the time
intervals in class assignment conditions determined by what one considers to be
long, short and mid terms. General pattern of changing quantity of classes is that
the more classes are in the model, the less accurate probability estimates this
model produces. So, one may balance between high resolution of time intervals
provided by large number of classes and high precision of revocation predictions
on the other hand.
    One may use two approaches to determine the revocation date. The first one
is to look at the date stamp of the last observation that corresponds to a certain
bank. If the value of this date is equal to the maximum date in entire data
set then it means that license of this certain bank was not revoked during the
modeling period. Otherwise, the date of revocation may be determined as the
next period after the date stamp. The second approach is to follow press-releases
issued by Central Bank of Russia, which contain information about revocation
date and the reasons of revocation itself.
    Both approaches have their advantages and weaknesses. Latter does not take
into account that license revocation may occur several month after the bank is
declared insolvent. During this period bank in being run by interim managers
(usually appointed by Deposit Insurance Agency) who put bank’s operations
on hold and generally do not publish regular financial reports. In that case
date stamp comparison method will treat insolvency declaration date as the
revocation date, and this is the right way for economic reasons because from
this date onwards bank becomes nonfunctional. On the other hand, the former
method confuses merge and acquisition processes (which are always accompanied
by purchased bank’s license revocation) with the real cases of banks’ defaults
which are the subject of this paper.
    For the purpose of modeling the second approach was chosen because M&A
cases are more frequent than divergence between revocation and insolvency dec-
laration dates in the dataset.
    Counts of target class labels are shown in the Table 2.

                           Table 2. Class labels distribution

 Class label        "0"            "1"           "2"            "3"       "4"
 Frequency         14496          1834           1183           639       660

    The distribution of class labels is biased towards the "early" classes, which
correspond to long periods until the revocation. It is an implication of the fact
that most of the banks represented in the data set did not lose their licenses
during the modeling period, and corresponding observations were labeled with
class "0" or removed from the dataset according to the rules described earlier. For
each of other banks only 3 observations were labeled with the classes "4" and "3",
6 and 12 observations were labeled with the classes "2" and "1" respectively5 ,
the rest were labeled with "0".
    Adjusting for this bias and other preprocessing methods are discussed in the
following subsection.

Data deskewing and augmentation

To make class distribution more uniform a dropout procedure was performed
on observations with class "0", i. e. a certain fraction of these observations was
randomly removed from the dataset. As the result of this procedure new dataset
is formed with less skewed classes depending on the specified fraction.
    As the dataset contains more than 18 thousands observations and list of pre-
dictive indicators (both banks’ financial indicators and macroeconomic features)
includes several dozens of factors, it is possible to extend the number of fea-
tures without fear of deteriorating the quality of model parameters estimates.
Thus, the further prepossessing was a data augmentation. New features repre-
senting pair-wise ratios of financial indicators and increments of macro-factors
were added to predictors set in order to improve the quality of models predic-

    The number of labeled observations is determined by the length of classes’ time
3     Models and evaluation

Problem definition

The problem of predicting banks’ failures was set in the following way. Probabil-
ity of license revocation is calculated as a result of preforming the multi-target
classification with the target variable representing the class label and predictors
representing banks’ financial indicators and macroeconomic factors. Thus, the
main step in accomplishing this problem is developing of algorithm that could
transform historical values of predictors into actual class labels.
    In order to test algorithm’s predictions, the data was randomly split into
train and validation sets6 . Former was used in fitting the models, latter—in
evaluating its outcomes. The result of model fitting is a matrix of probabilities
with the number of rows equals to the number of observations in validation set
and the number of columns equals to the number of class labels.
    The probability of observation belonging to class "4" is interpreted as the
probability of license revocation within 3 month after the observation date. Sim-
ilarly, class "3", "2" and "1" probabilities are interpreted as the probability of
license revocation within the intervals from 3 to 6, from 6 to 12 and from 12 to 24
months respectively. Class "0" probability corresponds to the revocation date in
the interval from 24 to basically infinity and may be regarded as a probability of
non-revocation or one minus probability of default. Observations are considered
to belong to the class with the highest probability value in a row.
    Modeling was performed using four types of classification methods: logis-
tic regression, random forest, gradient boosting and feed-forward artificial neu-
ral network. Predictions quality of models was evaluation by calculation of F1
scores for each class label based on the "one-vs-all" approach. All these models
have exogenous parameters that were optimized by grid search. The quality of
predictions is measured by testing the model on validation set with the best
combination of it’s exogenous parameters.

Validation results

In Table 3 below the results of models validation are shown. It contains the
values of F1 score calculated for predictions of models that use augmented data.
    Table 3 clearly shows the difference in predictions quality between linear
logistic regression model and non-linear techniques. Logistic regression in widely
used in predicting banks’ solvency as its output can be easily interpreted in
terms of factors’ influence on bank financial performance and in terms of factors’
relative importances. However, the predictive score of this model is quite low, and
using it for testing hypothesis concerning factors and predictors means putting
oneself at risk of making conclusions which are based on unreliable results.
    All the observations belonging to a certain bank must be either in train or in val-
    idation set. If these observation appeared both in train and validation sets then
    validation procedure will overestimate the quality of models predictions.
     Table 3. F1 validation scores of predictions of models with augmented data

 Method Dropout Class "0" Class "1" Class "2" Class "3" Class "4" Average
Log. Reg.   0     0.891      0.01     0.288     0.018     0.157    0.273
           0.2    0.891     0.012     0.286     0.016     0.152    0.271
           0.4    0.890     0.012     0.288     0.017     0.152    0.272
           0.6    0.792     0.072     0.326     0.017     0.162    0.274
           0.8    0.692     0.163     0.348     0.019     0.179    0.280
Rand. For.  0     0.959     0.677     0.602     0.438     0.528    0.641
           0.2    0.961     0.695     0.610     0.447     0.536    0.650
           0.4    0.963     0.710     0.611     0.443     0.536    0.653
           0.6    0.964     0.717     0.620     0.464     0.552    0.663
           0.8    0.951     0.667     0.613     0.465     0.554    0.650
Gr. Boost.  0     0.965     0.735     0.623     0.409     0.564    0.659
           0.2    0.961     0.752     0.640     0.441     0.574    0.674
           0.4    0.951     0.757     0.646     0.433     0.575    0.672
           0.6    0.942     0.778     0.653     0.436     0.586    0.679
           0.8    0.912     0.799     0.669     0.447     0.594    0.684
Neur. Net.  0     0.911     0.722     0.519     0.398     0.535    0.617
           0.2    0.962     0.684     0.702     0.531     0.555    0.687
           0.4    0.931     0.647     0.610     0.384     0.645    0.643
           0.6    0.898     0.716     0.638     0.458     0.492    0.641
           0.8    0.898     0.812     0.691     0.515     0.628    0.709

    The differences between non-linear models are far less significant presumably
due to the fact that these methods did the best what can be done with this
data (although it is hard to say for neural network as it’s configuration may
vary a lot even if restricted only to dense feed-forward layers). Overall (average)
scores of these models are in range [0.65, 0.709] with the individual scores of
classes—between 0.384 and 0.965. These results allow us to conclude that a
solid predictive model can be build using only banks’ public financial reports—
without any insiders’ information—and public macroeconomic data.
    An interesting property of the proposed algorithm of target variable definition
is that mean absolute error (MAE) metric can be used for evaluating the quality
of estimates due to class orderliness. If the value of this metric is low, it indicates
that even when model misclassifies an observation the predicted class is next to
actual one, i.e. predicted time of revocation is close to actual revocation date.
    Table 4 shows the values of MAE metric for different methods of classification.
The exact formula of the metrics is
                                      1                 X
                   M AE = PN                                         |yi − ŷi |   (1)
                                i=1 I(yi 6= ŷi )       i=1
                                                    I(yi 6=ŷi )=1

where N is the total number of observations, y is actual class number, ŷ is pre-
dicted class number. Metric is designed to evaluate the mean difference between
actual and predicted class numbers over the misclassified observations.
                Table 4. MAE values over misclassified observations

       Method         Log. Reg                     Rand. For.
       Dropuot 0   0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8          0    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
        MAE 1.767 1.735 1.701 1.687 1.608 1.525 1.521 1.508 1.517 1.503
       Method         Gr. Boost                    Neur. Net.
       Dropuot 0   0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8          0    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
        MAE 1.539 1.520 1.511 1.502 1.460 1.605 1.512 1.582 1.565 1.500

    According to the results in the Table 4 non-linear methods of classification
give more accurate estimates of revocation date than logistic regression. The
best MAE scores are in proximity of 1.5, which corresponds to relatively small
mistakes in revocation date predictions.
    The general pattern of dropout influence is that the bigger its value is, the
more accurate predictions are produced by models. Models overfit the most nu-
merous class and underfit the others—less numerous—when one uses unbalanced
dataset. The dropout procedure helps to reduce this overfitting and, despite the
fact that scores of class "0" decrease, the average score increases due to more
accurate fitting of the others classes.

4   Conclusion
In this paper a new approach to bank licenses revocation modeling was intro-
duced. Proposed method of target variable definition allows to estimate proba-
bility of revocation and revocation date by setting a multi-target classification
problem. The results of the modeling confirm the possibility of predicting li-
censes revocations (which may also considered as banks’ defaults) by using the
data from public sources only and advanced non-linear classification techniques.
    In the course of the study, it was found that banks’ financial indicators data
is fairly incomplete and contains a considerable amount of missing values. In
order to get representative and consistent dataset one has to use interpolation
methods, which can fill the blanks. Most of resulting observations correspond to
"normal" situation when banks do not have any visible problems with solvency.
This leads to class imbalance with "normal" class heavily outnumbering the
others. It was shown that correction for this skew helps to improve the quality
of revocation probabilities estimates.
    Banks’ defaults modeling is usually held using logistic regression classifier.
However, validation scores of models based on this routine are low compared
to more sophisticated methods like random forest, gradient boosting and feed-
forward neural networks. Although, it is easier to conduct factor analysis with
logistic classification as one can get coefficients estimates with p-values and it
is more difficult to perform this kind of analysis using advanced classifiers but
these difficulties are not fundamental and resolved through the development of
custom algorithm. Once it is done there are no reasons not to use, say, random
forest as standard algorithm of banks’ defaults prediction.
    The results of modeling described in this paper can be interesting for De-
posit Insurance Agency whose responsibility is to provide payments to bankrupt
bank’s depositors, as well as for Central Bank of Russia which controls Rus-
sian bank sector. Commercial companies can benefit from conducting analogous
research in order to solve funds distribution problem.

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