=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1975/paper27 |storemode=property |title=A Method for Describing and Recognizing Fragments of Visual Scenes on the Basis of Descriptors Trajectories Analyzing in the Feature Space |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1975/paper27.pdf |volume=Vol-1975 |authors=Mikhail Petrushan,Mikhail Kopeliovich,Aik Kurdoglyan,Anatoly Samarin |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aist/PetrushanKKS17 }} ==A Method for Describing and Recognizing Fragments of Visual Scenes on the Basis of Descriptors Trajectories Analyzing in the Feature Space== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1975/paper27.pdf
   A Method for Describing and Recognizing
Fragments of Visual Scenes Based on Analysis of
  Descriptors Trajectories in the Feature Space

    Mikhail V. Petrushan, Mikhail V. Kopeliovich, Aik V. Kurdoglyan, and
                            Anatoly I. Samarin

                Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia,

      Abstract. We consider the problem of feature description of the ob-
      ject in video image. Classical approaches to the problem are oriented on
      synthesis and optimization of object descriptors. We propose alternative
      approach to object description based on the analysis of trajectory of its
      descriptor in the feature space when the object moves relatively to ob-
      server. The approach was evaluated on the facial recognition problem,
      where it provides high accuracy.

      Keywords: Feature Space, Descriptor Trajectory, Motion Analysis

1   Introduction
The problem that we address herein is the problem of distinctive description
of objects images. We consider one typical case: visual system observes two
objects (not necessarily at the same time) that are placed in its field of view.
Images of the objects are described by some n-dimensional descriptor that can be
treated as a point in n-dimensional feature space. When motion of these objects
occurs relative to visual system, descriptors positions change in feature space.
The simple case of 2-dimensional descriptors motion in {f 1, f 2} feature space
that is caused by motion of objects in real world is shown in Fig. 1. Displacements
of object in real world relative to the visual system generate the trajectory of
descriptor’s displacements in feature space. For different objects, the common
scenario is such that some points of their descriptor’s trajectories could be close
to each other and even trajectories could have intersections (Fig. 1).
    Such trajectories closeness or intersection means that in particular conditions
different objects can not be distinguished by comparing their descriptors since
they are equal or very close to each other in feature space. An illustration of such
phenomena is shown in Fig. 2. When observing cylinder and cone from particular
direction of view their images look equal meaning that their descriptors are equal
as well.
    One possible way to eliminate uncertainty is to perform active observing
procedure when visual system moves relative to the object and descriptors begin
moving along different trajectories in feature space. Certain regularities and
Fig. 1. Possible descriptors trajectories in 2-dimensional feature space {f 1, f 2}. First
trajectory is drawn in black, second – in gray. Trajectories intersections are marked
with spots

Fig. 2. An example of visual uncertainty. Two different objects look equal (b) from
particular direction of view (a)

attributes of descriptor’s trajectory can be used as a new high-level descriptor
that we propose to use to enhance object recognition in a case of active observing.
In order to distinguish between object descriptor and new proposed descriptor
that encodes the trajectory of object descriptor in feature space, further we refer
to the object descriptor as to the first-order descriptor, and to the trajectory
descriptor as to the second-order descriptor. In this paper, we evaluate efficiency
of proposed approach on the task of facial images recognition. We consider this
work as a proof of concept. We describe a new approach and do not focus on
quantitative comparison of the proposed approach and existing analogues.

2    Related Works

Different works on analysis of object motion are mainly aimed at recognition of
motion type or action [1,2] and rarely at recognition of object itself. Different
image-domain or "optical flow"-domain descriptors are used to encode motion in
images [3,4]. Dalal et al. [5] proposed the motion boundary histograms (MBH )
descriptor that encodes the relative motion between pixels. It is based on com-
puting derivatives separately for the horizontal and vertical components of the
optical flow. Another descriptor used for motion encoding is HOF [6] – his-
tograms of quantized optical flow orientations that encodes local distribution of
optical flow. Trajectory shape descriptor [1] is also used to encode local motion
patterns in images. Motion trajectory is described by a sequence of displace-
ment vectors. The resulting vector is normalized by the sum of displacement
vector magnitudes. In contrast to these image-domain descriptors, we propose
features-domain descriptor that encodes trajectory of object descriptor’s motion
in feature space.
    An approach similar to our was developed by Favorskaya [7]. She proposed
to recognize dynamic patterns by applying descriptors trajectories analysis in
the feature space. The problem is solved by constructing a predictive filter for
each pattern, which could indicate the future state of the dynamical object, bas-
ing on some part of its previous states. The decision depends on comparison of
predicted and real descriptor in the (t + 1)-th observation. Thus, the dynam-
ical pattern recognition problem is reduced to the filter constructing problem,
which predicts trajectory behavior in a multidimensional space. Methods, based
on such formulation of the problem of dynamical patterns recognition are called
"the methods of learning predicating filters". However, in spite of conceptual
closeness between the method of M. N. Favorskaya and our approach, there is
principal difference: we don’t offer to use trajectory analysis for descriptor pre-
diction (and further comparison of observed and predicted results). Instead of
this, we directly describe the trajectory or its characteristics by new higher order
descriptor – trajectory descriptor, and during classification we compare these tra-
jectory descriptors, that characterize not the static view of the describing object,
but the dynamics of its descriptor in feature space.

3    Methods

We used two first-order descriptors in the study: Simple Descriptor (SD) and
Gradient Descriptor (GD). SD is a vector of intensity values of image pixels in a
local vicinity of the describing point. In particular, intensities of all pixels in rows
of rectangular area (R × R pixels) around central pixel of facial area in image are
aligned into one n-elements row (n = R2 ). R was chosen equal to face width. In
order to reduce computational complexity and to make trajectory visualization
possible we project n-dimensional descriptor to 2-dimensional feature space by
Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
    The next type of first-order descriptor we’ve experimented with is a Gra-
dient Descriptor [8]. It describes local spatial distribution of orientations of
over-threshold gradients. In particular, intensity gradients Gradx , Grady (in
horizontal and vertical directions) in a given point are calculated by applying
Sobel operator. Then magnitude and orientation of gradient are calculated:
                             M agn = Grad2x + Grad2y ;                                (1)
                             Orient = arctan         .                          (2)
     Orientation angle is quantized by 16. After that, descriptor’s values D(i, j),
i, j = 1..16 can be computed as a number of gradients in i-th sector (16 sectors
total) of descriptor’s window (Fig. 3) such that their quantized orientation are
equal to j and magnitude is higher than a chosen threshold T . In this work,
threshold was chosen as a 10% of maximal gradient magnitude over the image.
The center of descriptor’s window was placed at the center of the face in image,
it’s diameter was equal to face width. Facial area could be found by applying
Viola-Jones method [9].

       Fig. 3. An example of positioning of GradientDescriptor input window

    Further processing involves projection of descriptor onto 2 principal compo-
nents in the same way as for SD.
    We studied three second-order descriptors of trajectory: Angles Histogram
(AH ), Transitions Histogram (TH ), and Probabilistic Map (PM ).
    We define AH as follows. Relative motion of observation system and the ob-
ject causes changes in the object’s descriptor and in its projection onto principal
components. This change of the descriptor projection forms the displacement
vector, which is directed at the certain angle (α and β in Fig. 4) to the first
principal component (X axis in Fig. 4) – to eigenvector of the descriptors co-
variance matrix, which corresponds to maximal eigenvalue. Histogram of such
angles is the first considered trajectory descriptor. All possible angles from 0◦ to
360◦ are quantized by 100. The i-th element of such histogram represents pro-
portion of the angles in the whole trajectory, which belong to the i-th quantum.
    The second considered trajectory descriptor is a Transitions Histogram, which
is defined as matrix TH of dimension 360 × 360. The matrix element value
T H[α, β] represents proportion of the angels α followed by angles β in the whole
trajectory (see Fig. 4). α, β are the consequent angles, rounded up to integer
values, between displacement vectors in trajectory and first principal compo-
nent. After processing all adjacent segments of the trajectory, the matrix TH is
smoothed by Gaussian filter in window 51 (sigma is equal 8.5). Then all matrix
elements are transformed in the follow manner: the minimal element value of TH
is subtracted from all its elements, and then elements are divided by difference
between the values of maximal and minimal elements of the matrix TH. Such
transformation maps the elements values onto the range [0, 1]. Resulting matrix
is treated as a trajectory descriptor.

Fig. 4. An example of consequent displacement vectors in descriptor trajectory in fea-
ture space. X axis corresponds to the direction of the first principal component

    The third variant of the trajectory descriptor is a transition probability
map (PM ) from certain area of the feature space at a certain angle. It is defined
as follows. For particular observing object, area in 2-dimensional feature space,
which include all possible projections of object description onto 2 principal com-
ponents, is divided into regular grid 100 × 100. Every three adjacent points of
descriptor trajectory in feature space constitute an angle, which is quantized by
8 (from 0◦ to 360◦ by step of 45◦ ). Descriptor’s element P M [i, j, α] represents
proportion of the quantized transition angles α in the whole trajectory appeared
in the cell [i, j] of the regular grid. For each angle α, the part of probabilistic
map P Mi,j corresponding to α is processed by Gaussian smoothing in window
11 (sigma is equal to 1.8).

    All considered second-order descriptors (trajectory descriptors) describe sta-
tistical regularities in trajectories of first-order descriptors in feature space during
continuous observation of moving object (relatively to observer). The trajectory
descriptors proximity is defined as Euclidean distance between them. Classifica-
tion rule that determines if trajectories descriptors belong to the same class or
separate is based on the threshold value of their proximity: if the distance is less
than the threshold value, then they are treated as the same class objects, else –
to different classes.
Fig. 5. An example of frames obtained from one video session of VidTIMIT
dataset and the descriptor trajectory obtained for the session (in the space of
two principal components PC 1 and PC 2 ). Black points correspond to values of
the projections of first-order descriptor. Head positions and corresponding areas
in the feature space are marked by letters A-E

4   Experiments and Results
We have evaluated our approach of descriptor trajectory analysis applying it to
the facial recognition problem on VidTIMIT dataset [10]. We have used a part of
the dataset that consists of video of 43 volunteers (19 female and 24 male). The
video were recorded in 3 sessions, with delays of 6-7 days between sessions. The
hairstyle and clothing usually varied between sessions. Additionally, the zoom
factor of the camera was randomly perturbed after each recording. Each person
performed multidirectional head rotation in each session. The actions sequence
consists of the person moving their head to the left, right, back to the frontal
position, up, then down and finally return to frontal position (Fig. 5). In each
record, face is located within the same square area; therefore, we calculated
frame descriptors using the area of 384 × 384 pixels size that was cropped from
the central part of frame.

    Firstly, we obtained first-order descriptors for each frame of the dataset video.
After that, we calculated PCA-basis in the descriptors feature space and pro-
jected first-order descriptors onto two principal components with highest vari-
ances (Fig. 5). Finally, for each recording session we obtained trajectory descrip-
tors of three types. That is, with given type of trajectory descriptor, there are
43 persons and 3 trajectory descriptors corresponding to each one (because of 3
sessions for a person).

    To evaluate the efficiency of trajectory descriptor, we built a binary classifier
that estimates Euclidean distance between objects and compares it to a given
threshold. For a threshold, we calculated true positive and true negative rate by
the following algorithm: for each trajectory descriptor considered, we calculate
the reference descriptor for the person by averaging another two descriptors cor-
responding to the person. If the distance between the considered descriptor and
the reference descriptor is below the threshold then the comparison is counted
as true positive, otherwise it is counted as false negative. Then we compare the
reference descriptor to the each of the trajectory descriptors corresponding to
others persons: if the distance is below the threshold, then the comparison is
counted as false positive and otherwise as true negative.

Fig. 6. ROC curves calculated for Simple Descriptor (a) and Gradient Descriptor (b)
   Varying the classification threshold, we constructed ROC (receiver operating
characteristic) curve and calculated the area under the curve. Fig. 6 illustrates
ROC curves for each frame descriptor and trajectory descriptor. The values of
area under the ROC curves are shown in Table 1.

                    Table 1. Calculated areas under ROC curve

                                             AH TH PM
                         Simple Descriptor 0.99 0.88 0.94
                         Gradient Descriptor 0.97 0.96 0.89

5   Conclusion
The alternative approach to object classification problem was proposed. The
approach is based on analyzing trajectory of the object descriptor obtained from
video image. Three types of trajectory descriptors were evaluated in application
to facial recognition problem. Angles Histogram that represents distribution of
displacement vectors angles in feature space was shown to be the most effective
among considered trajectory descriptors in terms of maximal area under ROC

Acknowledgments. The reported study was funded by RFBR according to
the research project 16-31-00384.

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